New Profile Posts

  1. Gypsy
    Gypsy Hsing
    I hope your sociology reading goes by in a flash...I'm sure the authors of psychology and sociology texts mean well, but the way they wirte leaves me sweating from trying to decipher some (most?) sentences. I still haven't managed to block out those memories yet...It will be nice to see you back on the boards once it's all over.
  2. Joculator
    Joculator Gypsy
    Today's "New Camera Day" - Yay!
  3. Hsing
    Hsing Joculator
    LOL... I certainly will, but not before I've worked my way through these 30 pages of sociology reading material...
  4. Joculator
    Joculator Hsing
    Yay! I'm the first one to post and it feels more personal than on the open forums.
    Now all we have to do is convince you to try the chat rooms :wink:

    Go on, be a devil :biggrin:
  5. Joculator
    You are! :tongue:
  6. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator
    I wish someone else would post on here. It looks like i'm hogging the place!
  7. Joculator
    Joculator Katcal
    "If you ever come across the sea from Ireland...." as the song goes. Bring your kite and we can have a competition. New picture in my Odd Bits gallery.
  8. DiscFlat
    DiscFlat Wraythe
    Welcome to the board!
  9. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator
    Thanks for the chat and Happy Birthday!

    May you and that 20 year old* have a great time!

    *bottle of malt whisky
  10. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator
    I have just realised where I had heard of Durham before. It's the non-original version, located in Australia. I only know this because my fathet told me that when in need a while back, Japan imported some wheat for noodles from Durham, AU. Apparently they liked the noodles made from Durham wheat so much they continued to import!

    Disclaimer-I have in no way tried to find out if this is actually the case.
  11. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator
    Gypsy woz 'ere

    4 a gD ThYme caLL 555-CoQ*-JOC

    *coenzyme Q
  12. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator

    Lucky you...I only got requests from bands wanting to up their fan numbers, or spam. My Myspace is still up there...somewhere. I think I check it once a year - or less. Unfortunately, I got sucked in, and am a member on lots of online sites, mainly to keep in touch with family and friends. It's a shame they get clogged up with SO much crap. The crap generally outweighs the usefulness, I find.

    I get the urge to just write good old fashioned LETTERS now and then. But then I check facebook and whoop, that's half a day gone.
  13. Joculator
    Joculator Gypsy
    Let's be thankful this is not like Myspace. Within 48 hours of putting up a profile (long since removed) I had over 800 requests from people, between the ages of 10 and 15, asking to be my friend. What is that all about? Some kind of competition for a day in Disneyland?
  14. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator
    Thanks for adding me. I must admit, I was beginning to feel a bit down what with the 'You have no friends' allegation. What cheek! I'm sure I had a friend a moment ago...must have put it down somewhere...
  15. Gypsy
    Gypsy TheJackal

    Just a short reminder - Could you please send me your guesses for the true definition of yex and who wrote each fake one? Thanks.

    Also - How is it you have most of the high scores on the games here? No fair! ^_^
  16. Gypsy
    Oh Goodie! I made Senior Member....and I didn't even notice when it happened.
  17. Gypsy
    Gypsy Joculator
    I think I jumped the gun then...apologies. I'm like the mother in law who comments on the dusty mantel when the daughter in law is seconds away with a cloth in hand.

    ....that makes you...the daughter in law?
  18. Joculator
    Joculator Gypsy
    Link to Pinhead album is now working. I wuz fixing it when you passed through...sorry!
  19. TamyraMcG
    TamyraMcG Garner
    I just had to do that friend thing, hope you don't mind
  20. Gypsy
    teechanikky | Nikky Barrett | Travel Blog

    To read about my travels and general rantings, go there.
  21. Gypsy
    Well since nobody else has left a message, I shall have to write myself one, in order to stave off boredom and feel rather special.

    Hi Gypsy, Great page....your 0.05 posts a day are really something.
    :surprised: Have a nice day!

    (...ok, so it's not my imagination. I really have gone insane).