My best game in the world.Cast each Discworld book as a movie anyone else plays it,because casting on the sky tv films catastrophic(Bad).
Hi Thought I should warn you that there appears to be a lot of Spam threads started in the Boardanian Roleplay Group part of the Forum. JAK
Scrouffles is the name of my new cat who was dumped when she was just 5 months old. I'm a female so my age will never be given, don't even guess, it hurts to much I live in France in the Limousin area. I think that's aboit it isn't it, I can always add more. xxx
I've looked everywhere for an answer to this question: Are there any differences between the stage adaptation of the novel and the regular edition?
I am an automobile technician, and have worked on cars for 18 years. I really like researching things on the internet and finding great products and great deals.
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Hi guys, Emily here, I just joined this site, thought I might check it out. Hmmm a little about me, well, I there is not much to say really, I live in the US, currently in college on the west coast. Ummm, I really love surfing the internet, and all things tech. Love my Macbook and ipod selection. I am keen to learn about how to make money online. Even though I am studying business, I love the idea of being able to work from my macbook and not have to find a job in 2 years. Anyway, feel free to drop me a message.
We are almost neighbors in comparison to the farflung Boardanians. I have a dream that we can somehow manage a midwest unseencon someday. I managed to attend CONvergence in the Twin Cities so I think it is possible for me to make a plan and actually travel a modest distance from time to time. Maybe some day. Take it easy and stay warm- Tamyra
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At my age you have to live as much life as possible. Even if it means having to miss sleeping. It's too much fun. Now... where did I put my roller blades?
Thanks! I posted some this morning in my albums. You get up really early... I only got up at 11.30 ^_^
Nice to see a new member getting into the flow of things from the start. Looking forward to seeing more of the artwork. :cool:
Welcome to! Action AllStars™ is a flash based, sports-themed virtual world designed for sports fans, ages six to 14-years-old. Along with our partners,, the National Basketball Association (NBA), and Major League Baseball, Advanced Media (MLBAM), we strive to provide a Free, Fun, and Safe entertainment experience where users of all ages can meet new friends, chat about their favorite players and teams, decorate their very own Home Turf, participate in a variety of sports challenges based on real-world contests, and compete against buddies in one of the many exciting games. for free registration click on the banner below [IMG]
Computers, (I have now retired from theatre for health reasons - I seem to have acquired a heart problem, and a habit of breaking bones (my own, not other peoples')) and of course The Marthter - sorry - Sir PTerry.
Of course I am, the one and only MinaBird! That's me! :) Woot for using Jockles! Yay woot! :D Oh and I found a stamp, so post is on its way. :) WooOoooOooOOoOoooot! um yes... so now what?
Howdy Mina :D you are the Mina I know... right? Just thought I'd check! many huggles Jock :D (note that I used your name for me as my screen name ;) )
Welcome to this board....I joined this one just before I fell off the planet....but have found a group of great people here too. It seems a lot of members are currently in hibernation, but don't let that deter you. I'm glad you jumped over here as well. Gypsy
hi... I'm from that other message board... looking on the Mad Libs thread that you posted I was browsing through the old thread and saw that loads of the old members had migrated here, so I thought I'd check it out. :D
Hiya all. I'm from the other forum ( which I think a load of you left on account of the lack of moderation and general degeneracy. Well, the good news is that the forum over there is now brilliant, and I have met loads of lovely people there, some of whom I have later gone on to visit in real life and they are all lovely.
For the games, just click on the Games tab at the top of the page. They are all individually wrapped. You just need to click on a game to play it.
Going to the shops, she says.... Will only be about an hour, she says... So much life... Not enough time!
Onlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonline.....and when i NEED you to send me some info...Offline. Murphy's law, let me tell you. Perhaps you've decided to keep vaguely regular hours? :D
Ahhhh... the saxophony. 'An ill wind nobody blows any good!' Good choice for the others, though :tongue: