Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Congratulations to Lipi and KK! The lovebug strikes yet again. You look very happy together in that photo. Long may it last! :)

    Hmm, in other news, on friday night i was struck down by some hideous stomach bug/food poisoning thing. But after throwing up 6 times and spending an entire day suffering feverish sweats and entire body aches and pains, i seem to have pretty much recovered now. Just achey stomach muscles and general weakness that's probably to do with lack of food.

    And i always thought 24 hour bugs were invented for the sole purpose of skiving a day off work when hungover. Even though now it appears they do exist, they're not supposed to strike at the weekend! Grr! >shakes fist feebly<

    Also, i have to give in now and ask how to get the smileys back.

  2. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Thank you all for the good wishes. It's nice to feel the support.

    Tamyra... dating guys you find through online sites (matchmaking ones, not the board, ofcourse) can be tricky, I've done my share and gave up on it last year. I do know quite a few friends of mine, who found a nice partner in this way, though. good luck.
    Delphine, I hope you get better soon. I alwas had the luck of getting sick durig weekends or holidays... never missed any school because of it (damn).
    I'm guessing Mal went ahead with the surgery, since he hasn't posted anything. I hope it went well... someday I intend to get it too. Someday when I have enough money and courage to let someone toy with my eyes.
  3. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    When you click on Reply, do you have a panel of emoticons to the right of the Reply window? If you click on one of these, the code will be automatically pasted into your post. Alternatively, you can type in the code once you know it. Here are codes for some of them (take out the spaces, of course):

    : smile : :smile:
    : wink : :wink:
    : sad : :sad:

    Hope you feel better soon!
  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I have no such panel when i try to reply. I will have investigate why... Or i could just blame Doors.

    In good news the problem I was having with the person complaining about me has been solved and the uni is happy that I acted correctly. Which is a great relief and means that others don't think I'm a terrible person too...
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    In your User CP (link, top left) in the options bit, you can choose what kind of editor you want...
  6. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Exactly. Under Edit Options, scroll down until you get to Miscellaneous Options, under which you will find Message Editor Interface. Yours is probably set to Basic. There are two more options, both increasingly advanced and both of which will give you a smiley panel. (The Quick Reply box remains set to the Basic option.)

    Spiky, I'm really glad to hear that issue resolved itself. Why are there so many time-wasting nutters in the world?
  7. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Well I went through with the laser eye surgery, my eyes are now bionic, and we're on the train heading back to York. It was by far the most terrifying, yet pretty much painless, thing I have ever done - I felt like I'd been abducted by extra terrestrials and was having some kind of optical probing. Is was very unusual, especially as I was able to smell my eyes melting.

    Anyway, my eyesight is perfect now and I just have to try and not get an infection for the next week or so. It's very strange being this way after I spent all my life as blind as an Arctic Shrew. I still do little things like making sure the plug is in the wash basin so I can't accidentally flush my contact lenses down the plughole, thinking that I'm still wearing them.
  8. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I have been thinking of getting surgery too, although I can't have the laser thing. I'd love to be able to wake up in the morning and "see" right away. Or go surfing and actually see the other surfers faces.
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    What, you can't wear your glasses and look at a webcam at the same time ?

    Oh. The other kind of surfing.

    Edit : congrats Mal, must be a great but strange feeling, I can't even imagine trying to put contact lenses in my eyes, let alone having laser surgery, squeamish me... thankfully I don't yet need either glasses or lenses...
  10. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Well done, Mal! :smile: Good for you!

    That is a really bizarre idea. Like Katcal, I'm far too squeamish to use contact lenses (I have to stick to old-fashioned specs), and I don't know if I'd be brave enough to undergo laser surgery.
  11. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Thanks for the concise smiley tutorial, Grace. I do not have the little panel of smileys in my reply screen, but seeing as I only really use one, it doesn't really matter :smile:


    I don't know anything about laser eye surgery, so i'm impressed at how quickly you get perfect vision after the operation. It must be excellent. I used to wear contacts, but they fucked up one of my eyes, so I stopped. The melting eyes description is a bit gory, what did they smell like? I would guess at... melty vaseline. Or like a jellyfish. I'm not sure why though.
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    If you get a bone from a butcher (or find one in a field) and get a metalwork file and use it on the bone for a minute or two, the smell produced is very similar to burning eyes.
  13. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    My mom was sitting up and getting ready to watch Jeopardy!tm when I called her after work. She had her knee replaced today so she sounded like crap and said she felt like crap and is in an ICU room, but she should be much better tomorrow. Mal isn't the only bionic one. thanks for the description of the smell, by the way. I sort of had that idea since I have had a certain amount of dental work done.

    I also thought contacts would be horrid to put in but I managed just fine with them, I still have a couple of pairs of the disposable ones on hand for when I feel festive( I haven't felt that festive in a while) or if my glasses break. I used to wear the real flexible ones that can stay in your eyes for a week or so but I would shred them so easily, I had a little vial with about $400 worth of unusable contacts and then I gave up my vanity and went back to glasses. I'm so old now that the investment in laser surgery wouldn't be cancelled out by not having to buy glasses, so I think I'll be keeping my eyes unmelted. I'm happy for you though, Mal. It would be so nice not to have to identify where my glasses are by the sound they make when I knock them off the nightstand.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Way hay hay! :pirate::lol:

    Thanks Grace. I can now go on a frenzy of smiley abuse :tongue:

    I can see but too much reading gives me a headache... No where near severe enough to laser my eyeballs with a file rubbing bone smell (thats an image that will be hard to forget).
  15. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Well done with going through with the surgery Mal, I can imagine it took a lot of courage to let someone point a laser at your eye...
    I'm just happy I have 20/20 vision and good genes so I can be glasses-less for a good 20-30 more years...hopefully.

    Anyway I'm in the middle of exams...with is never fun. I just waffled my way through a malay oral exam and all I could think of saying was saya suka roti (I like bread) and that there were banyak orang di restoran (lots of people int he restaurant). Me thinks it didn't go so well. :shock:
  16. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    How on earth do you know this?
  17. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I've made knife handles, cloak pins and other stuff from bones before.
  18. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Congrats on the new eyes, Mal :)!

    <---puts "get laser eye surgery" on a to-do list
  19. missy

    missy New Member

    Hi again all

    Tonnes of news.

    I had two cysts removed yesterday. Looks like they were the reason i can't have children. They were cut away with key hole surgery which i watched cos it was only a local. I feel like ive been ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Dave and Mom wont let me do anything so i'm in bed with the lappy and i'm fed up. Dave is having to do everything, bless him. cook, clean and look after me. Poor thing.

    My next news is ive finally decided to go bankrupt. The IVA isn't working out for me, partly because i don't earn enough and partly because i begrudge paying for debts that paid for things i'm not allowed to have because my shit of an ex wont give them back to me. This big step means i can finally get divorced, alot earlier than expected. Its gonna be hard work but i will have an end to my old life finally and will be alot happier (yes that is possible) in my new life with Dave. He makes me the happiest person alive when i'm with him but i can't help thinking i have unfinished business.

    Well for at least the next 2 weeks i will be keeping an eye on this place while i'm off work. I will also try and keep a bit more active after. I know Dave regrets meeting me sometimes as his time with you all has suffered, perhaps if we can both make the effort he will feel happier.
  20. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Wendy, that's a big decision. Well done on making it! I hope this gets you clear of your past. And I hope you feel better soon - I don't know if I could watch my own surgery!

    I have news, too. Last weekend, I put my first student in for an exam. I've been absolutely terrified about it, even though she's an 8-year-old doing Step One Speech & Drama, which is very basic. I've just received the results - she got 93/100, which earns her a Distinction. Hooray! I'm not a terrible teacher after all!
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wendy, that's 2 big pieces of news, hope everything turns out well for both those things... And we'll all be happy to see you around more ;)

    Grace, way ta go duuude !
  22. missy

    missy New Member

    awww Grace, Thats great news. A distinction shows you must be exactly what a bad teacher isn't. Well done honey.

    Thanks for both of your kindness too. Ive been asleep so to wake up to such nice words was lovely.
  23. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Missy the first bit is good news. Cysts are a bugger AND they can hurt like hell so you're well rid of them. I hope the second thing works out and it can finally be rapped up.

    Congrats Grace on drilling in the proper use of the english language one kid at a time. Seriously though, well done on a great result!
  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ooooh, I got a birthday podication on the Geoff Show, woohoo !! And it's a whole show about Terry Pratchett and Hogfather, that is sooooo cool !

    Doors, I know, you hate me, but let me just say that I have written in a whole letter on paper and sent it off to request a podication for you, and they never did it. I still got a badge though. I guess they just don't like you.
  25. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Aww. That's the nicest thing anyones ever done for me!

    By way of thanks, I shall stop hating you, and merely dislike you instead!
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Aww. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me!

    No wait, it isn't. Oh well, you are only you after all, can't expect too much. :lol:
  27. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well I have news, the Judge signed our divorce papers!! I'm a free woman for the first time in 20 years. I was on my way to my sister's Friday or I would have posted it then.

    We went together to Great Aunt Flo's funeral in Benson,MN. We got to see a few relatives and sat with 4 ladies who had taken care of A.Flo in her nursing home. They seemed to have been genuinely fond of her and her enthusiasm to participate in life. She was the second in the family to reach 100.

    I was especially glad I went because my mom is still laid up. She is getting her staples out in a day or so and will be coming home soon. Dad told me he had a bad day, he worries me, but I know there is only a short time to have him anymore and the thing I need to do is enjoy him while we have him.
  28. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Yay for being single!

    My news is not nearly so momentous. I seem to have acquired a cat. My boyfriend is a sucker for cats and one turned up in our yard skinny and shaking while he was feeding the birds. Now it doesn't seem to want to leave and seems to live on our front porch. Its not a good looking cat and its very twitchy with a tendency to nip the hand thats patting it but we'd feel bad about taking it to get put down now, so it seems we have a cat.
  29. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    It looks like you've been adopted spiky:biggrin: . No more freedom to just pop off when you want to.

    Congrats on being single again Tamyra.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey Tamyra, that's one good job done !

    Spiky, lucky you, be good with your new cat.

    I have just got back from a magical weekend, a lengthy recap and many photos will follow.
  31. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    One exam and class over with. Yay! We got an A because the teacher gave us a question last week, we discussed it as a class today and then she drew one person's name out of a bucket to answer the question and determine the exam grade for the entire class. Computer exam tonight and then that class is finished. Only chemistry and western civilization left. I graduate on Saturday, but I have to decide where to transfer to by tomorrow. Michigan Tech or University of Hawaii. Snow or the ocean. Expensive or even more expensive. 400 miles away or 4,000. This is difficult, I don't like it.
  32. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    That's difficult. Try not to let fear influence your choice though, Hawaii - go for whichever one you think you will get the most out of, Hawaii not just for the academic side, which you should think about a lot, but for the life Hawaii experience you'll gain from living there. Hawaii:smile:
  33. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    nearly choked on my kebab, reading your reply there mal.

    g'luck Faerie.
  34. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Tamyra, congratulations! I expect by now you're getting over the difficulty of making the choice and getting on to being happy. :smile:

    Spiky, it's funny how that happens! The last cat in our family adopted us in a similar way. They seem to make a habit of it.

    Faerie, good luck with the last exams. I know where I'd choose, but the subliminal messages should do the work without me saying. (LOL, Mal.)
  35. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    No exam in computers tonight, the teacher decided to let us stop at chapter 10 and I already had that finished so I was only there for 15 minutes.
    Hawaii would be my first choice (the subliminal messages were working) except Tech seems to be more on top of things. They've sent me all kinds of stuff and I just recieved the same letter twice from Hawaii.
  36. Nester

    Nester New Member

    A friend of mine just transferred to Hawaii last year and now says she's never moving back. It's a whole different culture and she went native. About everything you can expect, lots of parties,tourists, beautiful beaches, wonderful weather, but strangely I guess pineapples are insanely expensive.

    And then there's Michigan....

    There it is.

    Good luck :)
  37. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    How do you cope with heat and humidity Faerie?. If well, then Hawaii sounds the ideal place.

    I have a cold. It went from a slightly sore throat when I woke up, to a streaming nose by midmorning:sad: . Hopefully if it continues at this rate then it will be gone by tomorrow.
  38. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Colds suck. You have my sympathy, Jackie. I'd make you a Lemsip if I were there.
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    LOL Grace I just saw your new Sig "The Garner who cares" :biggrin: Says it all eh !

    Jackie, hang in there, colds suck, but just remember they don't last forever, although when you're in the middle of them, it feels like it.
  40. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    :biggrin: I think you're the first to notice, Kat. The sig, that is.
  41. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Get better, Jackie - lots of pampering in the meantime :)

    Faerie, good luck deciding... and I'm not surprised that Michigan tech is more on top of things... look what they have to compete with!
  42. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I just found out that another student who I coached for her exam got a Distinction. Woot!
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, Grace for President !!!
  44. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Yay Grace. Superteacher!:biggrin:

    The cold is progressing. It's not going to be a quick one:sad: and torrorrow my car's in for it's MOT.

    Plus, I missed the earthquake last Saturday because I was at my parents at the wrong end of Kent. If I'd been at home I might have felt a rumble. (I'm not close enough to have suffered any damage.)
  45. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Know what you mean, Jaccairn :). I was actually THERE for two earthquakes - each time in a place where they practically never happen, - and managed to sleep through both! Couldn't believe my parents didn't bother to wake me :)p!
  46. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I've been to Hawaii before and I like their weather. Rainbows every 10 minutes it seemed but I've chosen Tech. It's closer and they seem more with it when it comes to processing my applicaiton and the information they have available on their website.

    One more exam to go, graduation, and then I'm done for the year. Woo!

    I was supposed to call the court house today to see if I have to report for jury duty but my mom took the letter and left it at work. She's going to call early tomorrow morning but I hope I don't have to get up early and go tomorrow or any other day this month I have to call in.
  47. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    You're crazy!
  48. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Hey Faerie - I hope you enjoy Tech! To be honest I think I would have choosen Hawaii - always wanted to learn hula dancing!

    I am going to see Tony Robinson tonight in Belfast - I'm really looking forward to it

    The theatre guide says:

    ...Using his most famous character as a reference point, Tony Robinson presents an amusing, revisionist view of history that champions the little guy. Neatly comparing Baldrick's downtrodden experience to that of his own father, an intelligent man excluded from further education by his class, this is a passionate socialist polemic made palatable by Robinson's droll delivery. Through Agincourt and the Somme, to his own experiences as a skiving schoolboy, via Blackadder and the archaeology show, Time Team, Robinson brings home the message that your ancestors suffered in ways you can scarcely imagine....

    If there's a Q and A session I will try and pluck up the courage to ask him if he has any plans to act in any future TP stories!

    N.B Asking a question in front of a large group of people will take a lot of courage so I'll let you know how I get on.
  49. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Sounds great, Perdita! Try to remember as much as you can to relay to us!
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow. I love Tony Robinson, I didn't know he still did live shows, although I guess it's logical, I just hadn't thought about it before... Have a great time ;)
  51. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm jealous Perdita, I would like to go to the Tony Robinson thing!
  52. missy

    missy New Member

    Hell yeah. I love Blackadder.

    Have you seen his show on the worst jobs in history? it's hilarious.

    You must tell us how it went Perdita.
  53. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    weeeell, i have a new adress. my camera is broken, and that's a shame because there are so many untaken pics around. a lot has happened.

    and my daughter has just fallen asleep on my arm, which is sweet, but also why i can't use capitals right now.
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    In the last week (bearing in mind I just changed jobs because of a similar call) two companies have called me to offer me jobs. I'm going to an interview on Wednesday for one of them. I'm mad.

    I must say that although it is of course flattering and ego-boosting to get this much attention, it's kind of scary the way head-hunters do their job, and I always feel like a bit of a judas when they start saying things like "what would you be asking for to quit your current job and come work for my client ?". But then hey, they're not asking me to betray anyone really. Are they ?
  55. missy

    missy New Member

    Blimey Kat, well done. To get yourself noticed like that is a huge thing.

    You don't owe these people anything hun. They need you. Just don't burn your bridges.

    Good luck babe.
  56. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Wow! Good for you, Kat, it's great to see someone getting the recognition they deserve. I don't think it's betrayal - I bet anyone else in your firm would do the same thing. And since they were prepared to do it to someone else, they can hardly be surprised if it's done to them.
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooooh I'm a babe !!!! **shakes her booty**

    That is actually very true, I must say. Thanks Grace ;)
  58. missy

    missy New Member

    ***Watches Booty and cries at the thought of not being a babe myself...oh the pain***

    Good luck hun
  59. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    So I've been laid off at my job. Which is nice. Friday will be my last day.

    I got a new job working downtown. Which is nice. Monday will be my first day.

    I think god thought I had a bit much to handle without having to go through the lay-off-look-for-a-job stress.

    So yeah, wooo.

    Edit to say that this means I will not be online as much. Not that I've really been super involved here for a while. But at least for the first couple of week I'm going to be quite slammed.
  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh well, Om, that sounds like it's going quite smoothly there, hope it works out fine and your new job is better than the old one ;)

    Wendy, don't cry, you know you're just as much a babe as I am, babe ;)
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