Jingo Explained

Discussion in 'THE WATCH BOOKS' started by pfft, May 9, 2007.

  1. pfft

    pfft New Member

    Hi, can someone explain a few things to me about the book "Jingo". Just a few questions about the plot. Firstly, who killed Ossie Brunt? Or did he just fall out of the tower? (If so, why was the clove there?) Was the dog that ran past Vimes when he found Ossie's body supposed to be Angua, or one of 71 hours hunting dogs? What was the point of Snowy Slopes' note book? Who set fire to the Klatchian embassy, Ahmed? Who was the man in the bar that paid the thief to change the money in Ossie Brunts' flat? Why change the money? What the heck was going on with Vimes' Dis-organizer? And finally, why does Vimes laugh near the end when Vetinari tells him that Prince Cadram has gone on a long visit (at speed) to the country "Klatchistan"?

    Sorry if this all makes me sound a bit "fick" but a nice recap would be nice from anyone who knows some answers. I could just re-read but i'm in the middle of "The last continent" at the mo.
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Usually, when I have that many questions, I re-read, it's easier than working out the questions that arise from the answers to those questions.
  3. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Damn you! Now I've got to re-read cos I want to know the answers.
  4. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    With that many questions, I would re-read. It all makes sense once you know what's going on.
  5. pfft

    pfft New Member

    Sorry, Stercus, Stercus. I know I should just re-read, but I would in fact be re-re-reading, and still have these remaining questions after the second attempt! As much as i LOVE the Discworld novels, I couldn't face going back a THIRD time knowing that I might STILL have the same questions. (I WOULD LOSE THE WILL TO LIVE!!) Maybe some are just plot threads left "blowing in the wind", and I'm just looking for things that aren't there!? This is the ONLY book where I've ever had to ask!!!

    But without going back it just occurred to me that maybe it WAS one of "71 hours" hunting dogs that I presume was after "Snowy Slopes", and the reason the clove was by "Ossie's" body (I'm guessing the tower just collapsed, and this is how Ossie died) was because "71 hour" had gotten there first, and had simply dropped the clove? That might have answered 1 question!
    Only another 50 or so to go! This book has been a real pain in the ass for me!!!

    'What did he die of doctor?'
    'He died of DEATH!!'
  6. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Well, Pfft, it's been a while now since I've read that book, so I'd like to re-read myself before answering your questions. Garner and I have just started a read-through of the entire series, starting with COM, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few months unless someone else gets here first!
  7. pfft

    pfft New Member

    Hey, can someone tell me how I can change my user name? Someone else I know is using this name on another web-site. I don't want y'all to think I'm two different people! Thanks!
  8. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Another website? In that case, don't be bothered, I guess almost all our nicks we use are being used on diefferent websites by different people.

    Grace, you re-read everything?
    When? If I join, we could start a discussion now and then. Fill the mini-forums and such.
  9. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I've put these questions in order. To make it easier

    1) Firstly, who killed Ossie Brunt? Or did he just fall out of the tower? (If so, why was the clove there?)
    2) Was the dog that ran past Vimes when he found Ossie's body supposed to be Angua, or one of 71 hours hunting dogs?
    3) What was the point of Snowy Slopes' note book?
    4)Who set fire to the Klatchian embassy, Ahmed?
    5))Who was the man in the bar that paid the thief to change the money in Ossie Brunts' flat? Why change the money?
    6))What the heck was going on with Vimes' Dis-organizer?
    7))And finally, why does Vimes laugh near the end when Vetinari tells him that Prince Cadram has gone on a long visit (at speed) to the country "Klatchistan"?

    I haven't read the book in ages, so this is all from memory so it's mighht not be super accurate.

    1) I think he just fell. Probably there was a smell of gloves because Ahemed was investaging the area.
    2) Angua.
    3) The notebook was a delibrate clue leaft by Ahmed. It was something to make Vimes know that something was amiss and get him involved.
    4) Ahmed, He needed a diversion to get the prince out.
    5) I can remember this bit I'm afraid. The money was changed from ankh money to klatchen as an over the top obivous clue to indicate Klatch was involved in the assassination attempt- same with sand in the floor boards.
    6) At a certain book the book, Vimes was debating following the chase to klatch or staying behind. It was a point where the future splits into two alternate future. Vimes managed to pick up the disorganiser from the "other" future. So while he was in Klatch he was getting to hear what would have happened if he stayed behind.
    7) Ahmed said that he was also going to be in that area. Vimes laughed because he knows Ahmed will find him and deliver his own brand of justice.

    This is as right as I can remember it. A lot of the questions you asked are explained quite clearly in the text. It could be that you are rushing through the books and missing bits. You should slow down maybe?
  10. pfft

    pfft New Member

    Thanks Rincewind! You've proven to me that maybe I'm not as slow as I thought I was! I was off work when I read this book (Twice!!), and you're right! I did kind of fly through this one both times!
    These are the questions I pretty much already knew, but just wanted clarifying:

    1) Ossie fell because the Barbican was unstable, and was subsequently flattened by fallen masonry! (Vimes says something about him being able to walk between barn doors without having to open them, I think).
    2) I pretty much always thought it was Angua! (I guess she was chasing Ahmed then).
    3) Yep. Once again I got the overall tone of this one. (Nice to be made clear about it though. Thanks).
    4) Again, I thought this too. I just wondered if it was him personally, or he had help. (Looking too much into this one, I think).
    6) Yes, I understood about the two Vimes' picking up the wrong dis-organizers. I just wondered why this whole "trousers of time" thing happened at all? (Maybe I wasn't clear enough with this question).

    Okay, the ones you really helped me with. (Not that you didn't help me with the other's, of course. As I said, I just needed some clarity).

    5) To be honest, I don't think it is ever explained who the man in the bar, or the thief were! (I think they were just "Shadow characters"). The only real reference to them I remember is when Ahmed says something like- "Yes, you can always find someone in a bar who'll do anything for the right amount of money"- or something like this.
    7) Thanks for this one most of all. A bit annoyed at myself for missing this. (TWICE!!).

    By the way, fair play! You must have one hell of a memory man!!

    "I don't need a frontal lobotomy! I need a bottle in front 'o me!"
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I've just read the book loads I think...generally I can remember my own name...is it Alan or maybe susan?

    It dis-organiser thing, I think pterry wanted to show what would of happened if Vimes had done the sensible thing, rather than the Vimes thing.
  12. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Garner and I are halfway through COM. We're starting a re-read of the entire series, from the beginning.

    Regarding the Trousers of Time, that's one of those Discworld phenomenons that Pterry has explored repeatedly, and it crops up a lot at a certain point in the series. A bit like Narrativium and that sort of thing.
  13. mr_scrub

    mr_scrub New Member

    You lack ambition. I've re-re-re-re-read all of the Dicworld novels I own (which includes Jingo) and if I don't get something I'll bloody well read it again.
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Bah, I rerererere-read them even if I feel I got everything the last time, because I know there is always more to discover...
  15. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Heh. I've read some of them too many times to count and some only two or three. My least read is TLC, which I believe I've read only once.
  16. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    The only one I haven't re-read more than twice (at least) is MR. Which i couldn't get through i second time.
  17. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    I have to say the same as mr_scrub,I reread all the books constantly.But in my case it's because I seem to have amnesia and each time I read a DW book,it feels like I'm reading it for the first time,even my favorite books.

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