People, new and old, please introduce yourselves

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Mynona, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. Hi

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I've just re-read Men At Arms (again) and it just seemed to fit.
    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    24, middle-of-nowhere UK
    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I fell in love with a friend's Death On A Motorbike figure/model so she loaned me some of the books and I was hooked.
    6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    'Simple is not the same as stupid'
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Interchangeable_Emma. :smile:
  3. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Welcome Interchangeable.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome to the boards, Interchangeable_Emma
  5. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hi, Emma! Welcome to the boards! :smile:
  6. SusanDeath

    SusanDeath New Member

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    Yes, I’m rather in shock about that myself. There must be a Susan(space)Death or a Susan_Death floating around here someplace, that’s the only explanation my poor brain can cope with... As for why I happened to be obsessing over this particular character at the moment—having just seen the Hogfather short series is mostly to blame, though she is cool :)
    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    I most likely would not have chosen a female user name if I were male, but then again you never know.
    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    I’m a teenager—but only for two more days!—and I’m based somewhere in the Midwest.
    • 4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    Well, I liked the Hogfather movie... and I should know, shouldn’t I? :D
    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    It’s my parents’ fault. Try as I might to deny it, the weirdness runs in the family.
    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Um, um... 8) Wouldn’t you like to know?
  7. Petronus Piledriver

    Petronus Piledriver New Member

    Welcome fellow newbit! Come on down to the Mended Drum for a banananana and a be- (err, that's right, you're still a teenager :redface: ) I mean, a refreshing fruit beverage! :biggrin:
  8. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Hello new folks. I hope you have as much fun here as I do
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hello new people... Wow, so many newbies at once, you're going to have to fight to make the coffee ! :D
  10. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Ah, fresh blood. Velcome.
  11. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards, Susan! :smile:
  12. sunrise43

    sunrise43 New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    It's my name, sort of (& use to be my age)

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)

    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    47, California, US

    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    I wish, but, no I don't believe anything could come close to the display in my mind!

    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    Science Fiction Book Club

    6) what's your personal quote of the day
    Don't have one, sorry
  13. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Welcome Sunrise. :smile:
  14. legspin

    legspin New Member

    I've been hanging around for awhile without really saying anything so....

    1) What formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    Another great wish of mine would be to be able to impart this to a cricket ball on a regular and consistent basis.

    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.).
    Last time I looked, male.

    3) What age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Late 30's, Rep. of Ire.

    4) Do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. I have a loaded rifle and I'm not afraid to use it.)
    Not until they can cast the Librarian properly

    5) Who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    Cousins in Birmingham (responsible for so much more than just this)

    6) What's your personal quote of the day?
    'What can possibly be wrong with a drug that make teenage boys drive slowly'
    PJ O'Rourke commenting on cannabis
  15. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    I thought I was being watched, They said I was paranoid but I reckon it was you. Thanks for finally coming out in the open. :lol:

    Welcome to the Board.
  16. sunrise43

    sunrise43 New Member

    thanks for the welcome. Also, I have found my quote:
    "Do deformed rabbit, It's my favorite"
  17. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome, Sunrise and Legspin! :smile:

    I made the mistake of reading this while drinking tea.
  18. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    1.Oh,I take unimaginative beyond the line,it's my name.
    2.I'm 100% female
    3.I'm 32 and I live in sunny Iceland
    4.No_Or,yes....or.....why not talk about casting?Is it a sensitive subject?
    5.I was just in the library and saw all the Pratchett books and the beautiful Josh Kirby covers and I was hooked after reading the back of few of them.I THINK it was Hogfather that I read first rather than Interesting Times,it's so long ago.

    "I meant," said Iplsore bitterly, "what is there in this world that makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE."
  19. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Welcome to the board Sunna.
  20. Tam81

    Tam81 New Member

    1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname? My name is Tammy n i was born in 1981
    2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.) Female
    3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into? i'm almost 26 & i love in the UK near coventry
    4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.) yeah i think so i dont think it should be some american block buster thou... it needs to be about the story not the effects
    5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett? My dad reads them, he kept bangin on about them lol. When i was 16 i picked up mort n that was it hooked
    6) what's your personal quote of the day? being a grown up is overrated
  21. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Really. :lol:
  22. Tam81

    Tam81 New Member

    I also can't type :redface: bugger.... if your that intrested in correctin my bad typin n bad spellin gramma n stuff, go have a look at me myspace:razz:
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Sunna, your name mean "Sun" doesn't it? And hello Tam81 too. :smile:
  24. Tam81

    Tam81 New Member

    Alrite Maljonic :smile:
  25. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards, Sunna!
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome all new people !

    Wow, Sunna, an Icelander !! ég elka Island ! (I think... my 15 word Icelandic vocabulary is somewhat rusty !)
  27. Tam81

    Tam81 New Member

    i can just about manage english......:wink:
  28. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Sorry, I used to do proof reading and now I spot things out of habit. I don't point them out anymore unless they're slightly humourous.
  29. Tam81

    Tam81 New Member

    its cool, i dont mind..... it was pretty funny.... if only it was true :cool:
  30. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Ok,thanks for the welcomes.
    Katcal..I love your icelandic!Now,just put s in front of the k in elka and you do have "to love".I'm impressed!
    And Maljonic...yes,it means the Sun,and I'm very dark haired and not at all sunny looking,my parents obviously hadn't taken a look at the kid before they decided on a name:)
    Now,have you guys been here long?On the board? I tried to join one 2 years ago,but there was NEVER any activity there,so I wimped out. This seems pretty active though.
  31. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    And thank you Buzzfloyd
  32. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    This message board will be 2 years old in August*. Some of us had been posting for a number years on a different board, a scary amount of years actually, but decided we'd had enough of the place, set this site up and and moved here instead.

    *Actually it is two years old this month, but the full moving in ceremony with marching band didn't take place until 18th August 2005.
  33. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Cool.What I like about this one also is the fact that it seems to include so many different nationalities,the one I was on before was mainly one,i.e British(which are lovely people,by the way)
  34. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    hello Sunna and Tam81, this is a very nice board and I hope you both get to have a lot of fun here, Tam, I'm on myspace too, and Sunna, Tamyra Mcg is or was my real name at least part of it, I'll be changing it officially as soon as I go to the social security office.
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Believe it or not, that was a typo :lol: I'm so talented I can do typos in loads of languages :rolleyes:
  36. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Kat, I'm impressed by your talent!

    Sunna, yes, this board sees plenty of regular activity. As Mal says, we have been active as a community for years - with the oldest members having been around for about seven years, I think. We moved here so we could run the site properly, getting rid of trolls and spam and so on. And we have representation from all kinds of countries, which is great.
  37. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Can I ask how come you know icelandic?It's quite rare.
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I had an Icelandic penfriend when I was younger, my best friend and I were both (and are still, although we've rather lost touch) mad about Iceland, he got to go there, I never have yet... Also, it runs in the family, my Dad is a big Iceland fan, and my Grandfather once decided to translate the Edda from their original version, just for fun. Yes, my family is weird, I know. How I turned out so normal, I don't know.

    Shut up Garner.
  39. Alfonz

    Alfonz New Member

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname? name from the Pyramids book
    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.) male
    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into? U.S.A Old Enough
    • 4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.) It just has to be true, it has to
    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett? my brothe read the books and lent them to me
    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day? if it ain't broke don't fix it
  40. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Welcome to the boards Alfonz, now I want to re read Pyramids again.
  41. Woodchopper545

    Woodchopper545 New Member

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    I was chopping a lot of firewood for my house in the Colorado mountains before I went off to Iraq and needed a new email name so that has become my log on name for everything.
    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Older than I look and am from Colorado USA
    • 4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck?
    I think they'd have to go a long way to make a good movie, though I do like the Harry Potter series and consider them to be done very well.
    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    I attended a production of Mort while I was in Saudi Arabia for awhile and have read every book that I could get my hands on ever since.
    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Living good is the best revenge.

    Edited to add the question Mal suggested[/quote]
  42. Shregor

    Shregor New Member

    reply to Mynona introduction thread

  43. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Woodchopper545 and Shregor. :smile:
  44. Shregor

    Shregor New Member

    Hello Maljonic

    Hello Maljonic,

    thank's for the welcome. I'm looking forward to posting my own threads.
  45. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Hi Alfonz, Woodchopper and Shregor. Welcome to the Board. Hope you enjoy yourselves (or yourselfs according to another thread).
  46. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards, Alfonz, Woodchopper and Shregor! :smile:
  47. Grace

    Grace New Member


    • My real name is Grace, not a particularly creative board name but straight forward & I have a firm hand shake.
    • I am female, & have gotten used to it.
    • I currently live in the eastern part of the United States in West Virginia.
    • I have enjoyed the productions I have seen. Though I would have tweeked a few things here & there. But yes I have confidence that a good movie could be produced.
    • I am a nerd & hang out in the library. After a while you get to know the librarian's & they recomend books they think you might like. I will never forget the day I took home Equal Rites.
    • "The museum is closed, stop crying your a grown man."
  48. bazstar

    bazstar New Member

    • 1) what formed the motivational impetus for your chosen screenname?
    Its the name i use for all online access. ME as a star casue thats what i am.

    • 2) Are you male or female? (Asking because there has been quite of lot of confusion over this, on and off.)
    MAle, yes definately . I think.......

    • 3) what age catagory and geographic location do you fall into?
    Old, but not too old but yet not too young, but not young???!!!!! Somewhere in the UK!!!!

    • 4) do you have good faith that a discworld movie COULD be done well enough not to suck? (note, this in no way shape or form asks about casting choices you'd like to see. i have a loaded rifle and i'm not afraid to use it.)
    With the technology today there is no reason why not and i would love to see both The coloue of Magic and Sourcery on the big screen ( as well as all the others of course).

    • 5) who or how were you turned on to discworld/pratchett?
    A friend gave me a copy of the Death Trilogy once and i got hooked!!!

    • 6) what's your personal quote of the day?
    Why not?

    Edited to add the question Mal suggested
  49. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Oh my goodness, this is going to be confusing! Hi, Grace, I'm... Grace! People will have to start calling me Buzz again, I suppose.

    Hi, Bazstar! You've got a nasty attack of the Christines going on there.

    Welcome to both of you! :smile:
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yikes !! They're multiplying !! :biggrin:

    Welcome Grace and Bazstar !
  51. katalina42

    katalina42 New Member

    a new big wee hag

    Well, not so wee anymore. But I'm Asian so am still quite small, and often still get carded haha.

    1) katalina is the Spanish version of my name, and 42 because it's the meaning of life, of course!

    2) Female

    3) I'm 28 years old and am currently living in Sydney, but I come from the Philippines.

    4) Hmmm. Tough question. Only if the actors and directors are Pratchett fans themselves and understand the language and the way Pratchett plays with it to comment on our world.

    5) I've always been curious but never knew where to start. My friend told me to begin with Wee Free Men. I loved it. But what totally got me was the discovery of Death when we took up Hogfather for our Comedy in Children's lit class. Brilliant! Yes, I love my class.

    6) My name is Iñigo Montoya. You have killed my father. Prepare to die.
  52. Serenityscape

    Serenityscape New Member

    Hello everyone!

    -My screenname is just a combination of two things I'm a fan of, the movie Serenity and the show Farscape. (My actual aol screenname adds a 42 on the end for the same reason as katalina said just above me.) My real name is Mike though, I'm not worried about letting that out.

    -I'm male, always have been. But hey, if you call me a girl's name, I could answer. Without getting upset even!! Just don't make a habit of it. :biggrin:

    -Iiiii am 23, soon to be 24 and live in Northwest Georgia.

    -I have full faith that in the right hands a Discworld movie could (and should) be made. And none of this loose adaptation crap that barely resembles the source.

    -I discovered both The Discworld and Terry Pratchett through the Douglas Adams Continuum. A couple of years ago everyone would be talking about how they were reading this Pratchett or that Pratchett and I got hooked in. I started off slow and picked up 3 books I think (I don't remember which ones though). Fairly quickly I had a shelf full of Terry's books, complete with two copies of Moving Pictures because I forgot I had already picked it up.

    -My personal quote of the day...hmmm, my sig is good. "Like a balloon and something bad happens."

    I'll stop rambling on for now, it just passed 2am and I should start considering that crazy little thing called sleep. Cheers!
  53. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hello Serenity Farscape Mike. :)
  54. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hi, Katalina and Mike! Welcome to the boards. :smile:
  55. paisleymushroom

    paisleymushroom New Member

    1. Chose the screen name to differentiate it from other usernames I have cocooned myself in over the years. I like paisley patterns, and I like mushrooms. I would like to see a paisley mushroom (preferably without having ingested any dodgy ones first).

    2. Female. Definitely. I think. Probably.

    3. Drifting inexorably towards middle age, but remaining resolutely teenage in my head. I live in the UK, but reside elsewhere (usually when at work).

    4. Hmm. Don't know about that one. After various other disappointments I think I would rather play the films in my head, making my own (mis)interpretations.

    5.Got The Light Fantastic out of the library 20?? odd years ago, went back via The Colour of Magic and continued to the present day as each new one was published. I will admit to a bit of a surfeit a few years ago and stopped reading, but have since picked up the habit again.

    6. "Nothing wrong with dog's milk. Full of goodness, full of vitamins, full of marrowbone jelly. "
  56. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Hi Katalina, Hi Mike, Hi Paisley. Welcome one and all.

    I think you and Plaid should get together Paisley. You two should clash nicely. :eek:
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome Paisley, strangely enough, Paisley Button was a character I invented for one of our games here on the board, so I can only approve the choice of names !
  58. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi paisleymushroom. :smile:
  59. hollyclara

    hollyclara New Member

    Holly Clara is my name.
    I am a 30 year old woman living in the southern US.
    I do not want movies made because it is impossible that the could be made correctly.
    My sister who had only read a couple of the books suggested I pick one up. I was hooked.
    "Real children don't go hoppity-skip unless they are on drugs." Susan in Hogfather.

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