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Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Thanks guys.

    Rinso I don't want you to spoil the filth face so don't cry, also the loss of liquid might just lower your body mass to below critical limits.

    Sorry to hear about your problems Grace. I'm sure money problems are something we can all relate to. I hope it all sorts itself out, the sooner the better.

    As for Rinso being a changeling, I think that pictures proves that. It also proves he was carrying a bit more weight back then.
  2. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Some local animal has been leaving me unpleasant presents in the garden. Normally I make a face and go fetch a trowel, muttering under my breath. Recently it's been leaving other things starting with an old bone last week and today, a freshly dead baby rabbit!

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to discourage it - bearing in mind that I've never seen it as it only seems to be around when I'm at work; I don't posess a firearms licence and shooting arrows at anything alive is illegal here.
  3. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Childhood obcessity is on the up and up.
  4. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::hugs Grace::

    ...does Rinso being a changeling mean that sprites have been following him around all his life, trying to claim him back? (Not to encourage needless PARANOIA or anything)

    ... Jaccairn, what if the presents have been left by some deranged human, as opposed to an animal? (Not to encourage needless PARANOIA or anything)
  5. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Thankyou Mowgli I've been trying not to think of that :smile:.

    The garden is surrounded by houses and there are other people around in the other houses during the day and my neighbours don't seem the type. It is possibly an urban fox and it occurs at night and I don't notice because I don't check the garden in the morning - though it must be overfed if it's wasting food like this.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey, Mowgli, what's that strange giant looming figure behind you ? (Not to encourage needless PARANOIA or anything)

    Oh, no, sorry, I just saw Kenny's post up there...

    You can tell it's Friday, can't you...
  7. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    John Travolta? Where????

    edited upon closer examination ;-)
  8. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I would have guessed it was a cat, since it's killing things and not eating them. Not sure what you can try to get rid of it, though. Isn't there something that cats hate the smell of?
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Orange oil and orange peelings, supposedly. If that were true - I never tried it out - it would have the advantage that you don't have to plant anything. Some cats hate coffee grounds, whereas plants don't mind if you put some into their beds. again, nothing you'd have to buy, even if you hate oranges and coffee, someone else could "donate" the stuff.
  10. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Can I ask something?What exactly does "a jammy bastard" mean?
  11. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    A "jammy" person is someone who is lucky, and usually undeserving of that luck. A "jammy bastard" is especially undeserving.
  12. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Thanks! I got called that in the Duty Free shop at Stanstead,dunno why.
  13. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I did ask for the orange peel from someone at work, I may have to look out for anyone else eating an orange and ask for it. I'm not desperate enough to search through the bin!
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Do you have one of these fruit stores or stands nearby where they sell freshly pressed orange juice? Maybe you could ask them for a days worth of orange peel?
  15. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Unfortunately no. Of course I can always try eating oranges myself.
  16. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Well, that explains it! The cat is really your fairy godmother in disguise, and the whole leaving-animals' bit is a clever ploy to get you to eat more vitamin C. The half-eaten animals are not really dead, they're just magicked into looking dead for a few days, after which they'll get up and go away, job done!
  17. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I was running around barefoot Saturday night and jumped on the driveway. I landed on the edge of the driveway right on the arch of my foot. Now I have a bad stone bruise and it hurts like heck to walk on it, but at least I don't think I broke anything.

    The reason I was barefoot was because I had just changed clothes in the driveway at a party and didn't feel like putting my shoes on. The reason I was running around is because a friend had made me a couple of drinks. And then a couple more. Then they left and I made me one more. Then I really wished I hadn't woken up that morning.
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Doors is going to hate me. Again.

    My 10th mention on the Geoff Show. I'm just so famous.

    Also I have just been offered a well-paid job in Brussels working for the European Comission, so fingers crossed eh !
  19. missy

    missy New Member

    Go Kat. I don't know what the european whojamawhatsit is but i have everything crossed for you. More money and more job satisfaction are always good things to have......

    Well done.
  20. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Nice one, Kat! Good luck!

    Nate, you are a wally!
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey, don't knock Wallys, my grandfather was a Wally.
  22. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Congrats Kat! Does that mean you'll have to move?

    If you have to move to Brussels I'm looking forward to calling you sprouty instead of frenchie :)
  23. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Some exciting and highly original news: my exams are over. Huzzah!
  24. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

  25. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Congratulations, CJ! I hope the results are as you hope them to be.

    Yesterday, we were in the neighbouring town, we both had several appointments there and took my daughter along. Afterwards, we went to a Chinese corner restaurant, seeing it had gotten pretty late and we'd arrive at home by nighttime. After we'd eaten and were on our way, my daughter commented as following. "Mama, that was a great noodeling." I felt very noodled indeed, and had a public laughing fit. (I guess it sounds a lot more funny in German...) She was so embarrassed by me that she blushed and tried to pull her pullover over my face to hide me from public view.
  26. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I hope we can come to Germany in August - I'd love to meet your daughter, Hsing!
  27. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, that would be great! i think you would like each other...
    You both have a knack for precision in language... Pity you won't be able to chat, yet.

    A propos "I think" and "precision" and ("more daughter related anecdotes")...
    Daughter: "Mama, I miss my friend Carmen so much! Can we visit her?"
    Me: "I hope so. We can pay her a visit in August, I think."
    She raises an eyebrow at me, and asks -rather coolly, by the way: "Do you think or do you know?" Then she shakes her head at me.

    A day later in the mall. We meet the wife of a friend. She and my daughter talk about the piano nearby - when it isn't being played by an actual pianist, they tuck a giant teddy bear in an evening suit in front of it.
    Friend: "Ooooh, look at it, a giant bear at the piano!"
    Daughter: "Yes, a really big teddy bear."
    Friend: "Aand... do you think it can play? He?"
    Daughter, in a patient, matter of fact way: "It is a Teddy bear. Teddy bears can not play the piano. They are just plush toys."
    Me: :biggrin: Conclusion: Three year olds are not per se stupid.
  28. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    So, I have been informed by the Israeli military that I will become part of the Air Force upon my return to the service. All in all, I'm feeling quite good with this.

    Of course, should I land in a position completely unrelated to my engineering degree I won't be feeling well at all. But, for a change, I'm allowing myself some careful optimism.

    Just a little.
  29. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Watch out for the air-cows.
  30. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Never taunt a geek with an M16.
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hsing, I think Pterry must have known your daughter when he visited the future and then went back in time to write about Tiffany Aching or Susan...
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I leave very Sunday morning for my very quick round trip to Italy.

    This means I'll be missing from the board for about a week and will expect progress on the movie upon my return.

    The bugger is that I have to teach the same day as arriving back in the country after flying for 28 hours. Bugger!
  33. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Sounds like one of my professors! :)

    And I wish I got to make quick trips to Italy too :( Have fun Spiky!
  34. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Yikes! Good luck!

    Roman, don't go getting yourself killed, OK?
  35. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Or at the very least, a geek in control of a bomber plane.

    When are you Air Force-bound, Roman?

    Spikey, good luck on your trip/teaching day. Hopefully, the 28 hour flight will give you an excuse to go thoroughly medieval on any student who annoys you.

    Hsing, your daughter sounds awesome :)!
  36. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Roman will have his own plane?
    Does that mean he could attend Germancon?
    Or would that cause internernational crisis?
    But honestly...

    I second that.
    Stay away from trouble, that is what airborne vehicles shouls be used for...
  37. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hsing, the one track mind personified :biggrin:
  38. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Will do, and thanks.

    26th of August, if I remember correctly. Give or take a couple of days. I'll check for certain once I finish my exams for this (final!) semester of mine.


    Incidentally, the saddest part of this is that I'll finally have money for plane tickets. But there's no chance of me using said plane tickets, as there won't be a chance of me receiving permission to leave for abroad *and* getting enough leave to use said permission.
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, unless you guys go along with the original plan to invade Germany, of course...
  40. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Bah, it was a stupid plan anyway. Look how many records we had to fake to cover up its failure.
  41. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I see I have a whole lot to catch up on, I'm just going to say that CONvergence ROCKED!!!! and I wish you could all come there next year for the 10th anniversary. I'll tell you about it and try to show some pictures, I didn't take half enough of them, but I do have some. I even earned a t-shirt for volunteering and learned to make espresso and cappucino, etc. 2700+guests and an all volunteer convention, I had a blast.
  42. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Glad to hear it went well, Tamyra!
  43. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Its been over a week and I still am so happy that I went, is the website and there are links to tons of pictures of this years convention. I even found one that has me talking to my friend Rusty for almost the first time. Things are looking up for me in that department, too.
    He said I am welcome to call him! I'm pressed for time again but I'll be back to recount some con stories and a Connor story or two.
  44. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Ugh, way too much has happened since I last posted. I hate how life got busy all of a sudden. It's not supposed to do that!!


    School: Finally done with my summer class. Stupid Astronomy that just makes no sense at all to me! Luckily, thanks to open book online exams and extra credit I managed to get a 92, which is an A-. Tell you what though, I earned it! Looking forward to getting back on campus in a little over a month. I'll have my own dorm room, inexpensive food, and a severe lack of parental annoyance. Hooray!
    Work: I suddenly had stuff to do in the library! We got our labelmaker back, so now we are re-barcoding the books so it is easier for us to check them out to people. It's hard work -- Engineering books could be used to kill small animals and children they are so huge.
    Home: My family accidentally didn't book me a ticket for the family vacation -- they thought I had to work, when I could have easily gotten a week off, so I spent the last week at home alone with no one for company but the cat, who spent most of his time sulking and mowing for my sister. Spent a lot of time with my boyfriend though, and that was refreshing.
    Health: Still seeing a therapist. She's lovely really, so I don't mind.I see her once or twice a week, and sometimes I have nothing to say, and other times I have way too much to say. Either way, she doesn't mind listening, so it all works out.
    Creative Stuff: Am developing a new novel, which is excellent since I haven't worked on one in a long time. However, I'm focusing most of my efforts on working on the webcomic that my boyfriend Evan and I are collaborating on. We hope to launch it on Comicgenesis next week, so I'll keep you all posted. We're going to need a lot of support to get it off the ground, and it's my first attempt at drawing a comic, so I'm really excited.

    Now that things have calmed down I hope to post more regularly. There will be a period where I will be getting a new computer -- A Dell, no more Mac for me! Huzzah! -- but other than that, no other forseeable difficulties with getting the internet.

    Wow this is long...
  45. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Sounds like you're keeping busy, Hex! I look forward to seeing the comic when it goes up.
  46. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I'm back!

    Verona was great the trip home was hell... When i have a chance I'll write up my trip home in a thread entitled "Don't talk to me about Ryan Air"...

    Anyways teaching went OK but I was so tired that I got home had dinner and proceeded to sleep from 8pm to 3.30pm the next day. So I've been pretty out of it and it meant I didn't sleep properly last night. When i say not properly, I mean i didn't sleep at all. Jet lag is a killer.

    Anyway, just dropping in to say Hi and will catch up all that I've missed once my biorhythms settle into something approaching an Australian time zone.
  47. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Glad you had a good holiday, Spiky!
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah, finaly a holiday thread I get to join in with :lol:
  49. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Thio time the reason for posting less is: I've switched to dvorak. This is hell.
  50. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Im Back

    Hi all

    I hope you all missed me. well im glad to say i now have a little bit of time to do a quick post from work. well i havent been on recently because i have been so bissy with my job serch. well as you can probably see from the above statment i have finaly got on. its s good job for 18 moths and i can get a lift in with my mum.

    Spiky your trip home sounded unplesent.

    hope everyone is well and i will try to post more but my work may start to rule my life.

    hope to speek soon
  51. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I own my own house (technically I'm actually the proud owner of my own large mortgage, but I'm not complaining) and my big brother is now my tennant :) heh heh heh

    It only took (to be sung to The 12 Days of Christmas*)

    13 or so months...

    7 incompetent bank personel

    5 fights with brother

    4 nervous breakdowns (exaggerated)

    3 types of medication

    2 hospital stays (blood pressure does like to spike just when you are going to doctors to refill your prescription)

    1 near stroke

    And a paaartridge in a pear treee!

    *(In brackets is not meant to be sung unless you have an amazing lung capacity. Try it, I dare you)
  52. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    mazekin i know what its like to bild your own home. me and my fokes have only lived in the house we bilt for a little over 2 years but it took us 3 years to bild it.

    other news from my front is that my boyfriend thinks Pterry looks like Santa. is he weird or do other people think like this to?

    i got away from work early yesterday (yay) even though it was only my second week i loved being able to leve early because i can get an earler bus therefore get home early.

    it the big celebration of my local town this week so me and my mates are going for a night out. my best friend realy needs it as she has had a baby recently and she acturly split from the farther but now the farther is issuing deth threts to her so she needs a night without her little boy and a night with her friends. the lucky thing is that she gets to save money on the babysiter as she still lives with her mum and dad.

    will try to post more

  53. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Welcome back, Mazekin and Peapod! :smile:

    Last night I went to a hair salon, and the very nice 20-year-old stylist asked me what I do for a living. I told her I work for a company that builds planetariums. She give me a bright smile: "Planetariums? What are those?"

    I figured I'll treat my coworkers to this story, when one of the guys one-upped me. Apparently, he ordered some food to be brought to our workplace, and had the following encounter with the delivery guy:

    Delivery Guy: "So, what do you make here, anyway?"
    Wes: "We build planetariums"
    DG (totally horrified) "You mean... like DEAD PEOPLE?"
    Wes: (thinking the guy had misheard him) "No, no... pla-ne-tariums"
    DG (totally relieved) "Ahhhh... like, for fish!"

  54. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    when anyone doesn't understand, just say "you know those 'lazer pink floyd' concert things with all the stars on the celing?"
  55. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Mowgli - alter ego - The Undertaker :)
    Ignorance is shocking. E.g.,
    At work:
    Neighbour 1: Kids are quite shameless nowadays. Did you hear the case of the 15 year old girl in Noida who made a video of herself doing disgusting stuff to her boyfriend? The parents must be so ashamed knowing all the neighbours have seen it. I guess thats why they moved to Australia.
    Me (a bit disgusted at this conversation, but unable to keep quiet): She is 15, stupid and horny. Why were other people looking at it anyway? Its child pornography.
    Neighbour 2: Is just watching child pornography also illegal? I didn't make the video!

  56. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    that sounds so like where i live. well i got a new boyfriend and hes stayed over acouple of times but the thing is the nabour who spreds news like wild fire hasnt said a thing. this is rare. now my village is tiny so everyone knows whats going on and if said naighbour hasant said anything that means she doesnt care which is quite hard to think about.

    work is killing me. im home alone this weekend and i cant get anywhare as we have no public transport and i have n forms of transport my self. i also have a tone of washing to do :( but i do like my job.

    well hope every thing is ok with every one. ;)
  57. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I almost agreed... then I remembered that the hair salon girl was TWENTY... i.e., probably has no idea who Pink Floyd is! Gaaaaaaaa... I feel old!!!!

    (my apologies to all the under-twenty people here, who have a VERY good idea of both Pink Floyd and planetariums)

    Sampanna, thanks for the new nickname! Your neighbor does sound slightly, um, creepy. Didn't anyone wonder how "all the neighbors" got a hold of that video in the first place?

    Peapod, I know how you feel :tongue: The best remedy for being home alone for the weekend with lots of chores to do is, um, not to do them. I'm currently working on it as I type!
  58. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Hehehe Mowgli and Sampanna, both of those stories made me chuckle... :) I'm 26, own all albums by Planetarium and have visited a Pink Floyd several times.

    I've been pretty occupied lately, working full days and spending most of my free time with Petra so I haven't taken the time to keep myself updated on the latest Boardania. Hope you all've been good!

    Next friday I head off to Slovenia for a week. I'm scheduled to meet the family and friends for the first time. Due to my notorious skill of stepping on people's toes I'm a bit nervous, but I'm planning to bring lots of bribes which I hope will keep me out of jail. Seriously though, I'm very exited to meet them all. :smile:

    On August the 24:th me, my parents and my brother fly to California for a two week holiday, celebrating my mom's 50:th birthday. We'll be renting a car and driving around, as far as I've understood the rough plan will be San Fransisco->Los Angeles->Las Vegas->Grand Canyon->San Diego.
  59. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    A road trip!
    That is a lot of travelling for this summer, though. *envies*
  60. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    When I read Petra, I first thought city of stone. I think something is wrong with me!
    Happy traveling KK - I'm sure you'll do fine. The trick to meeting the family and friends is talk less, smile a lot and *never* say anything about the three bodies in the freezer.
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