Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Hi Everybody!!

    How's life on the board?

    I've been good, just working hard and staying out of trouble (kind of, but sometimes it's hard when you have a 20 year old boyfriend)

    Elf & I are still together and doing well, which is good because after all that initial roller coaster ride it's nice to have a bit of a stable relationship, whatever that is.

    Work is going well, I've just gotten comfortable enough now to start checking in with the board, so hopefully, you'll see me 'round a bit more.

    I missed all you guys, hope everything is going well. Any good gossip?
  2. Nester

    Nester New Member

    Five minutes ago the police knocked at our door to inform me that one of my roommates was standing in the middle of the street doing a mime impersonation and they had him in the squadcar, but whenever they asked him a question he only responds with a high pitched squeal. I was given the choice to take care of him or let them take him to de-tox....

    I wonder who's going to bail him out in the morning..... :)

    I've finally decided to try and grow up a bit and get my own apartment. I start moving in this weekend. No more roommates, no more parties, god I look forward to boredom.
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Ah but you'll miss those crazy flat mate stories.

    I've had the police turn up for two flat mates (different incidences)...

    1. After a 12 hour night shift the police turn up at the door 2 hours after I got to bed wanting to interview me about my roommate who'd applied to join the force. SO I tried to give intelligible answers to what kind of person she was.

    2. Police break down the door to a flat mates bedroom because when we thought he'd gone to his family's he'd actually been in his room on a bender and his family thought he was dead. Turns out he was just drugged up to the eyeballs and incapable of moving.

    Ah those were the days. Although the mime artist still wins.
  4. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I move into the dorms at school on the 25th. I've never lived anywhere but with my family and definitely not with a stranger for a roommate so a new school, supposedly-harder-because-its-a-university classes 6 days a week, and the 8 hour drive home doesn't bother me as much as living with a stranger does.

    Summer is almost over for me:sad:. A friend and I went to the beach today and we might go to again next week and I'm going to a Loon's baseball game tomorrow, well it's 2am so today. That's it, then school starts and my only free day will be Sunday.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It will be odd at first, and a lot of the people will act as if they're still in high school for a while, but once you get settled in it should be great.
  6. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    but be on the look out for any vikings seen reading a biography of salvadore Dali
  7. Hex

    Hex New Member

    6 days a week? Good lord, where are you going to school?!

    I wish you the best of luck. Living with a stranger isn't so bad, you get used to it. I was lucky with my first roommate last year, she was a really nice girl. But she didn't end up being my best friend, we just sorta coexisted for a bit, then went our separate ways. Some people end up being best friends, others end up worst enemies. Just hope for someone you can stand to live with for nine months. Again, wish you the best of luck.

    I move back into the dorms on the 23rd. I cannot wait to get that going, to get back to the daily grind of classes and work and living away from my parents. It's been a really dull summer, and I'm ready to get back to the interesting!

    In other news, I went to the Omaha zoo today. There were penguins. I wanted to steal them. Yay Penguins!
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Okay, who told you about that? :smile:
  9. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    you did
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    yay penguins !
  11. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I've been to that zoo and the penguins were cool! I think I liked them as much as anything, they seemed like they were putting on a show especially for us. See what I can do!
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Æthelberht! Hoisted by my own persistence of memory.
  13. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Michigan Tech and if you're in the College of Engineering they make your schedule for you so I had no choice.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Damn those scheduling people... Hell my uni can't even timetable the classes never lone timetable for the students too. Their brains would melt and everyone one would be scheduled to sit in the smallest room at the same time... kind of like clowns in a small car.

    Anyway, good luck with uni. I've shared a room with strangers before and by and large they have been largely normal and OK to live with. It tends to be the completely sane ones that drive you bonkers, cos under all that saneness theres usually some manic depressive, compulsive liar with princess syndrome lurking. If your room-mate turns up and says that they talk to trees and believe that the world is flat you'll probably live happily together.

    I have no news. The house is being built, barring a minor glitch in the electrical layout its fine. The wedding is organised and as long as the dress i bought off ebay shows up and fits then all will be well.
  15. Hex

    Hex New Member

    *Hugs* I'm sorry.
    Wow, makes last year look like a walk in the park in comparison!

    I've been having some trouble lately with my boyfriend's housemate, who's been stirring up drama for one reason or another... it's a long story, but he's basically being an asshole and a terrible excuse for a friend...

    I hope to resolve it soon, since it's not a good week to be going through drama I'm scheduled for an esophagram tomorrow morning because I'm having trouble swallowing, I have to finish packing to move into the dorms on Thursday, and classes start in a week.

    It's just hideously stressful and driving me nuts. I'm trying to avoid stupid drama and think more positively about things this year, but this is making it hard... gah.

    On a pleasant note I managed to make blueberry pie today, and it tasted really good. Hooray! My first attempt at pie is a success!
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **skips all the stress and bad stuff and goes straight for the important bit**

    Yay pie !!! :D
  17. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I've spent the weekend working at V festival. It was hard work but loads of fun. I seen loads of bands- The foo Fighters, Mark Ronson, Kasbian and The Killers. The Killers where absolutely amazing!

    We had our own bus right by the stage- which at one point we had to abandon becuase of the vollys of bottles the crowd where throwing. I had a pass which meant I could go anywhere. And the best bit...access to free booze!!

    Huzzah for my media lifestyle!

    Also, I note with distinct saddness that here is no birthday thread for me and Kenny...without one where can people celebraite our greatness! WHERE!
  18. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I've spent the weekend working at V festival. It was hard work but loads of fun. I seen loads of bands- The foo Fighters, Mark Ronson, Kasbian and The Killers. The Killers where absolutely amazing!

    We had our own bus right by the stage- which at one point we had to abandon becuase of the vollys of bottles the crowd where throwing. I had a pass which meant I could go anywhere. And the best bit...access to free booze!!

    Huzzah for my media lifestyle!

    Also, I note with distinct saddness that here is no birthday thread for me and Kenny...without one where can people celebraite our greatness! WHERE!
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I know this is stating the obvious but... you do know we all hate you, right ?

    Rinso at V, that's just so unfair...
  20. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Except me,I haven't known Rinso long enough to hate him.Give me time:)
  21. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I met Surge From Kasabien at a cashpoint in Leicester where the band come from. me and a friend were talking about how all the scene kids now-a-days claim to love Greenday even though they think they only have one album. He turned to us and agreed saying noone remembers Dookie and called me a "Top Lad"... I didn't know who it was at the time.

    I was a Warden at GlastonBudget not long ago. Its a tribute Festival and only a slight ripoff of Glastonbury but it was good fun. We got no Freeze alchohol though :(
  22. Hex

    Hex New Member

    That is so true. I went to see Green Day in concert back when I was in London (Feb of I want to say 2004) and it made me laugh that my friend and I were singing along to all the oldest songs from Dookie and even older albums, and half the audience were these little teens who looked all confused when those songs played and only sang along when songs from American Idiot were on.
    We mocked them.
    It was awesome.

    I move back into the dorms tomorrow. My room looks like a bomb went off in it... It's going to be hell to sort it all out... but it will eventually get done... somehow...
  23. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    I have three days of freedom left. Just three days, then my life changes drastically for the next six years.

    Oh, and I seem to have finished my degree, though I don't know yet when I'm supposed to come and close it. Some technical knowledge seems to have gotten into my head as well. I can write a great big network simulation program. Gosh.
  24. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Congrats on getting your degree, Roman and good luck finding interesting stuff to do during the next 3 days :smile: ... You WILL have internet access afterwards, right?
  25. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    I bought a new mobile to make sure I have internet access 24/7 (6, really, but that's due to my choices).

    The Roman Crap Mobile Internet Service just did an upgrade! :-D
  26. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I leave for the dorms tomorrow. We took my sister to her dorms today so I got to see what the move in process is like. Her dorm is so much nicer than mine; they have a mini kitchen, a bathroom, a telephone and it's twice the size of my dorm and both are made for two people. I don't have a kitchen or a bathroom, and I have to bring my own phone. On the plus side I don't have to clean a kitchen or a bathroom and I don't have to buy food and dishes. I also start school a week after she does and my holiday breaks are usually a few days longer than hers are.

    I twisted my knee or did something to it today. I was walking around a desk in my basement and felt my knee sort of slide out of place and as I fell it went back into place, but I knocked a bunch of stuff off the desk. It still hurts a little and I don't think I'll be walking long distances today, but it's not swollen, I have it wrapped, and most of my packing is done so I can rest for a bit.
  27. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Well on Thursday I got to get out of the office and where my normal non-work cloths. Why? Well one of the courses that run at the place I work (its funded by the jobcentre plus) has away days and this away day needed a first aider to go along. Lucky me I got my first aid not to long back when I was on that course to be exact (one reason I found my job) well it wasn’t just those people on that one course the Princes Trust team came along too. That meant I could spend all day with my better half. Yay. Well when we got to where we were going and to say the least me and my other half got split into the 2 different teams and so let the games begin. In Archery he won, in clay pigeon shooting he won, but in Quad bikes I won. And over my entire team beet his by 20 points go my team. But I'm all stiff and my shoulders are killing me.

    I got some good news on my Learndirect award I’m on the shortlist. Yay.

    I hope next week is as good as this one was.
  28. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Sounds like you had a great time, Peapod. :)

    In my news, I have eight hours of freedom left. I think I've finally realized the importance of tomorrow, as I'm very nervous and excited.

    Six years...
  29. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Good luck, Roman.
  30. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Thanks, CJ!
  31. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Roman,My nephew Mike is about halfway through his six year hitch in the Us Air Force, to tell you the truth it doesn't seem like it has been that long to me but then I'm ancient. He is actually living a life in the service and has bought a house and convinced a pretty young woman to share it with him. I don't know how restrained your life will be compared to his, but I bet you won't be totally deprived of personal space or time. You must have had good reasons for this choice and I am proud of you serving your country. I wish I had had the guts to do it when I was a young woman. I know it would have been good for me if I'd been able to do it, but I was too scared. You be careful and try to find your way to living the life you want, I'm praying for you.
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Same here Roman, good luck and I hope you find what you want in your new life...
  33. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Good luck Roman, I look forward to hearing about your travailles and adventures. :smile:
  34. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Thanks, guys, this means a lot to me.
  35. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::group hug for Roman!! :: :smile:
  36. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

  37. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Well I got some good news today. We keep chickens at home and we got 2 new girls recently (waiting for them to come into lay) and one of our old girls had gone broody (trying to hatch eggs when they weren’t fertile) well we tried every thing par dunking her. She even tried to hatch out ice blocks. Well our friends up the road keep hens and cockerels and she brought some eggs down this was a couple of weeks ago. This morning our 3 reaming chickens where really making a fuss of the extra wing (where we had put the broody hen and her eggs in a carry box and a run) well we came home to day to stop our other old girl from pulling out feathers (its what they do to establish the pecking order) well we had just put the bumper bit on her and my dad saw a broken egg. Well we moved the run to get in and we heard some cheeping well when chips (the broody hen) moved we saw a little chick so now we have a baby hen or cockerel.
  38. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Congratulations to Chips, I hope mother and baby are doing well. chickens are pretty good things to have around. maybe someday I'll have some again.
  39. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Roman, even though it doesn't surprise me. I hope you will choose another career once your service is over.

    Stay safe and sane, congratulations for your degree!
  40. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    We all make our own choices in life, KK, and face whatever consequences that come as a result. I'm not a pacifist, as you know, and you know my views on pacifsm, but you made that choice, man, completely wrong and unrealistic though it may seem to me.
  41. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Also, thanks. My future career though, depends on how my service goes.
  42. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Well we have another wee chicken can't wait to see how many we get. She still has 4 eggs left. They are really cute. Oh and I got the chickens mixed up Toast is the broody hen and Chips is the one with the bumper bit.

    Well I’m going on holiday on Saturday so I won’t be on for a week and we wont see the chicks for all that week. Well I’m glad there’s 2 at least I hope they are both hens.

    Good luck to Roman my brothers in the TA and my cousin is in the US army.

    Well I may be in my local paper about my award just over a week to go until the awards day.
  43. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Update: Got offered an even better job last week in the Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General in the Civil Service.

    Starts on 50% more than PwC & all the other "Big 4" firms. They totally fix entry level wages. They all pay the same so that they don't start having to fight for the best graduates based on pay.

    DElighted with my new offer. Apart from the extra money, I'll have flexi-time & way less overtime to do :)
  44. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Speaking of jobs, interviews have been pouring in rather than raining over the last fortnight. Reg has had 5 in the last 5 days, and I have had 3 with another one tomorrow. Two of the companies are both very interesting and interested in me, and if I have to choose, it's going to be really close. One is in a town near Toulouse, which would mean moving, but the houses there are so much cheaper we could aford to buy something quite nice. The other is a work-from home job, which would be neat and probably a lot more easy-going. Both are young companies on their way up, both have interestind innovating products, and so far, they both offer similar salary and benefits... Gee I hate being popular. I'm so not used to it.
  45. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Speaking of Toulouse, I heard the worst joke today about their 4-0 loss to Liverpool last night:

    Did you hear about Toulouse? They went to Anfield last night, not to win but to lose!

    Terrible, I know!
  46. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Heh, yeah, 4-0 is a pretty normal score for Toulouse, the football club is probably one of the best-named clubs ever, they're pretty lame. Good job the rugby team is one of the best, it kind of makes up for that.

    On the job front, one of the companies wants me to start on monday, and I'd be working from home, so, yeah, I guess that kind of made the choice for me.
  47. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Hooray for me! I got a pay rise this week! I've never been at a job long enough before to get one. It's nice to know that I'm getting more money to do the same amount of work!

    In fact I've done slightly less work today, thus making my pay even more effient.
  48. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Glad to hear everyone's career is on the up and up. Mine is on its usual holding pattern. However, this is my last lecture before a two week break which is fabulous.

    It also means there's only just over a week till the wedding. Am starting to slowly freak out...
  49. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Well I've moved into my dorm at school. This whole week is full of orientation meetings and activities and classes start Tuesday. Last night was Vegas Night in my hall and played poker with monopoly money. I even won a couple times even though I have no idea how to play poker. Today they made a banana split that was about 150ft long. Tomorrow there is a dance I think and one of these nights there is a giant campus wide capture the flag game. My roommate is nice and her boyfriend has a house here so she said she won't be spending a whole lot of time here so I get the room to myself alot. Living in the dorm isn't so bad except I'm not used to living next to a major highway so I need to get used to the very loud semi trucks running down the road all night and the soccer games that go on across the street until 1 or 2am, even in the rain.
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hang in there spiky, weddings take ages to plan and are over in a few hours, don't freak out too much, make the most of your time together and those special moments, remember it's about you two, not anyone else.
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I am torn between the fascinating thought of a roleplayer with his own air plane, and the thought that for the next six years we'll start to worry as soon as you go offscreen for more than a week. Hm.
    Which means you have a moral debt towards us to stay around, right?
  52. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Heh, I only get to *watch* planes, not fly them.:-D

    And don't worry too much, I'm not in a combat unit, so my risk factor really isn't high. Or at least, I don't see it as high.

    But thanks, Hsing.
  53. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Are you sure? I thought people just sort of busied themselves around you and you just kind of show up on the day looking fairly smart, or is that just a guy's perspective? :)
  54. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Faerie- your pretty lucky having a room mate thats away so much. It means you'll manage to find some peace and quiet.

    Thats what I'm lacking at the moment. I also moved into dorms...well its a boarding house on my school campus. It's 4 people to a room which makes it increadibly crowded especially when 2 of your room mates are very loud and gossipy and have lots of visitors!

    At any rate it's only a year and then I graduate!
  55. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well that happens either if you are rich and pay someone to do the organising for you, or if you have a busy-body (or genuinely helpful - but this is rarer) family/mother-in-law who wants to do everything for you. Or you actually want a simple down-beat wedding, which is actually quite a good option, looking back on things...
    Also, yes I guess it does tend to be rather a male point of view whatever the kind of wedding :lol:
  56. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I second Katcal on that one :smile: Our wedding is turning to be fairly do-it-yourself, so my job during the big event will be to LOOK like I had nothing to do with the preparations! (Which reminds me, I still have to make favors, print out the guest-book pages - don't ask! - and buy fabric to make the canopy. Thankfully, I'm getting help with the actual sewing part , since I can barely hold a needle! :tongue:)

    Spiky, I dont' know if this helps, but these are the words of encouragement that my Dad gave me: "Just remember, that it's only a few hours of deep embarrassment, and then you're married!"
  57. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That pretty much describes it. Especially when the in laws hate you and your father picked the wrong band.
  58. missy

    missy New Member

    Back from Wadfest!

    Thought it was going to be awful on Friday. I didn't want to go as i was fed up and by the time we got there it was dark. Bloody police had shut the road we needed to use so we had to use the back roads! Grrr.

    Tent up, we sat in it for a couple of hours and not wanting to intrude (latecomers shouldn't barge in where they don't know anyone) we went to bed. Loo break at 2 am and up at 7ish we were shattered. Saturday got underway really well. 1 breakfast cob/roll later and we decided to go into the merchants marquee to see what stuff was for sale. To my surprise we picked up a load of cool stuff. 2 prints for framing at home, a tea towel to match one of the prints, a game of Thud, a box set of the Johnny books (i don't own these yet so this was good as they were only £3 for the set) 2 Gargoyles, a dragon fridge magnet and picture frame, a pair of sythe earings in silver and a pair of teef (teeth) earings made from the actual teef used in the filming of the Hogfather. Dave got a Detritus T shirt (my choice as this years T wasn't as nice as last years) and a blow up of the front cover from Mort.

    Saturday afternoon included hit the penguin, Archery (we both had a go along with Leather Monkey) and Dodgeball.

    Sunday morning, we got up at 7 again, had breakfast, sat with the dog and knackered him out playing ball then to finish we watched the Luggage race. This was the best part of the weekend. To see kids in boxes, not being able to see where they are going with their parents shouting "LEFT, NO LEFT, THE OTHER LEFT" was hilarious. We will be going next year and hopefully staying until the end. The auction was after the luggage race but i said we should leave before this as i didn't want us getting in debt for something. I will however be saving ready for next year as the auction stuff is soooo cool.

    I would really recomend the weekend to anyone. We had a laugh with the kids, got made to feel welcome and above all the dog was allowed to go too which made the weekend so much better for me.
  59. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Missy that sounds like an awesome weekend. I looked into maybe trying to get work to send me but it wasn't going to happen. So maybe another year when i just happen to be in the UK at the right time...

    As to the wedding, its not so much freaking out about having lots to organise its starting to freak out about being married at all...oh the commitment of it all. The only thing I have to worry about the wedding now is the weather, the forecast keeps changing between sunny and warm to rainy and cold. The meteorology people know I'm getting married and have decided to mess with my head by changing the forecast every 5 minutes... Damn them to hell!!
  60. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I am now staying at my uncle's house, since the landlady wanted the house cleared out ASAP. Between being on duty at the hospital and disassembling a household I didn't have much room in my head other than stress. Hopefully, when I go back home I will have time to relax.

    Not that it will be easy. For various bureaucratic reasons that have nothing to do with me and/or common sense, I won't be able to process all my paperwork till after the September 16nth elections.

    My uncle's computer has, for some unfathomable reason, no access to Gmail. If you have sent me emails the past couple of days, I am not ignoring you.
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