
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by missy, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. missy

    missy New Member

    I have been addicted to a programme on National Geo wild over the last month or so, watching at least an hour of this per day.

    The programme is Monkey Business.

    I have watched how this American couple have rescued a load of primates from around the world and i don't mean just filling out paperwork. This pair set up sting opperations in Britain, have gone abroad on every rescue mission and have been there at every single rescue to make sure all goes well and the animals are well looked after on the return journey. These monkeys and apes have been used and abused in ways you can't imagine. From beach photographers knocking out teeth so they don't nip the public to stupid councils in England approving licences without knowing how the animals should be kept.

    This couple is amazing and i heard today that the guy i have alot of admiration and respect for, Jim, has died. He died on the 17th of March. His wife will be carrying on the rescues and looking after their extended primate family. I am heartbroken. Its always the good that go too soon.

    I have decided to adopt a Chimp for a year as a Christmas prezzie for myself and Dave is going to adopt an Orangutan. At £30 per year, it doesn't seem too much when you look at what these poor things have to put up with before they are rescued.

    These people, all of the helpers but especially Jim (bless him) and Alison are saints.

    Please look at the website ( Monkeyworld Ape Rescue Centre ) I dare you not to fall in love with them.
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, they certainly look like they have been doing one hell of a job there ! As you say, the best are always the first to go...
  3. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    The program following the park has been on for many years and has been good for the park and the animals within. In the early nineties, the show Challenge Anneka went there and built one of the enclosures.

    The news of Jims passing was very sad, but I'm sure Alison and Jeremy and co will do an outstanding job of keeping his memory and his dream alive.

    Since the time of Jims passing, my work and money situation has been up in the air. But I also have vowed that when I'm sorted I will be sponsoring an Orangutan. As I'm sure many others will now do and have done already after seeing this remarkable program.
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Where is my monkey!?
  5. missy

    missy New Member

    If you adopted one, you wouldn't need to ask that as he would be living with the rest of your family in Monkey world......
  6. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I'm permanently contaminated - the heading automatically brought Rinso to mind. Though I suppose we could put up Rinso for adoption ..

    Good people these. Wish there were more of them in the world (and I don't mean Rinso).
  7. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    It was tried. No one wanted him.

    Sadly, no one else would even consider Ba's suggested alternative.

    Soylent Kibble Puppy Chow is an idea whose time has come, dammit!
  8. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Those are Chimps. Not Monkeys. I don't like Chimps becuase once I seen a show on Channel 5 that was called "Why Chimps kill?"* and Chimps kill monkeys (and other chimps and babies). Althought the Chimp-Monkey battles where interesting Monkeys are more jumpy but the chimps have the strenght.

    * It never explained why they did kill in the end, but that's channel five for you.
  9. missy

    missy New Member

    Honey, look at the website. They have Monkeys too. The cute jumpy sort that you can also adopt and fall in love with. Some of them have been really badly treated too. The poor cute little things with the really long and funny tails! (have i persuaded you yet) Just go and have a look. Chose the Monkeys to look at instead of the Apes.
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Aaahhhh!! They have squrriel monkeys! i want one, i want one!

    how does whole adoption thing work? i can't see anything on the website.

    note: i've been look at the website with my eyes closed and just randomly clicking. I may not me the best way to use the internet but by god, it's *my* way.
  11. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Try, Primate Adoptions in the Gift Shop.
  12. missy

    missy New Member

    See Rinso, I knew there would be someone....ehem....something out there for you. You could adopt, marry, have babies!

    On a more serious note, its the best £30 i will spend this year, i hope you enjoy helping who ever you chose!

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