Planning ahead ;)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Saccharissa, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Saccharissa:how are you [smile]
    Electric Man:eek:k, but busy at work not too busy to chat though [wink]
    Saccharissa:I am no longer busy at work
    Electric Man:heheh
    it's alright for some!
    Saccharissa:yeah, unemployment becomes me [tongue]
    Electric Man:you can be a lady of leisure
    what's the pension scheme like?
    Electric Man:whatever you find down the back of the sofa
  2. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Heh, welcome back to the world of the free, Saccharissa. I'm starting to miss it.
  3. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Slacker! Go volunteer at the Red Cross or something!
  4. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Maybe now Avgi will have time to read Ravelwoods.
  5. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Maybe Ba would like to remind people where Ravelwoods can be read?
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Nah Avgi's going to become a recluse and an expert on pedigree earth worms...
  7. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    At ravelwoodsnovel (currently set to friends-only), or else by asking him to send them the manuscript by e-mail.
  8. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Regarding work:

    Sacharissa: yo
    Tephlon: Yo yourself
    Tephlon: How is your holiday going?

    Sacharissa: quiet
    Sacharissa: how's you?
    Tephlon: Me is working and going clinically insane from the mess that is CSS
    Sacharissa: what is CSS?
    Tephlon: Or, to be more exact, the mess of Wordpress and CSS.
    Tephlon: CSS = Cascading Style sheets. A way of making sites pretty without editing the content
    Sacharissa: mate, I have just the thing for you
    Sacharissa: read "the devil wears Prada"
    Tephlon: Heh
    Sacharissa: made me feel better about work
    Tephlon: HAHAHA
    Sacharissa: at least noone was giving me shit for wearing sport shoes
    Sacharissa: and my chiefs weren't sending me on coffee runs every couple of seconds
    Tephlon: The fashion world, right?
    Tephlon: The book, not what you do for a "living"
    Tephlon: ;-)

    Sacharissa: I may clean up shit, stick catheters up people's private parts and use staplers on guts, but at least I'm not working in a fashion magazine
    Tephlon: Heh
    Tephlon: I may need to quote that... :)

    Sacharissa: go ahead
    Sacharissa: I am thinking about posting it on my lj page
    Tephlon: Well then, go ahead
    Sacharissa: I have neglected it a lot of late
    Sacharissa: even my God is complaining
    Sacharissa: and that little monkey Chris is going to steal my job as a High Priestess
    Tephlon: We have whiney gods, don't we?
    Tephlon: :)
    Tephlon: *dons lightning proof hat*

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