Mean Kitty

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  2. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I like that cat! If buying my current 1st floor apartment doesn't come off, and I then find a ground floor place with garden access, I will be looking for Greebo! I had a little trick with William (my avatar) when he seemed to be off his food and I thought he might be having trouble with his teeth - if I tickled his stomach, he would bite me, proving that his teeth were OK!
  3. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Funny stuff. That song describes my cat very well.
  4. Cyan

    Cyan Guest

    My cat's not like that at all. I assure you. She's such an angel, really, please let go of my hand, pretty please kitty cat, you're the best, so sweet...
  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    We've been planning to get a cat for many months now, but I kind of shy back from it as long as we have not yet found reliable friends close by who would take care of the cat when we visit -for example- my parents for a few days. However, I'm collecting material. I'll forward this one to my husband and see if that changes his mind...

    There was a "Mean Kitty - Episode one" as a kind of spin off of this clip, it was quite funny too...
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    That was just like the time I actually had my cat in that state, I was torn between thinking "oh poor cat, he's so lost and doesn't understand what's happening to him" and almost wetting myself from laughing because although it's sad it is SO funny :biggrin:

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