The Ultimate Guide To Terry Pratchett's Written Works:

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    The Ultimate Guide To Terry Pratchett's Written Works:

    Total Known So Far: 270

    A: The Discworld Novels: (41)
    1. The Colour Of Magic (1983)
    (Note: Also released (A) in a Compact edition (1995); (B) as a Graphic Novel (1991 - see Section D);
    (C) in an Illustrated Anniversary edition (2008 - see Section D); (D) as an Illustrated Screenplay (2008 - see Section I))
    2. The Light Fantastic (1986)
    (Note: Also released (A) in a Compact edition (1995); (B) as a Graphic Novel (1993 - see Section D);
    (C) in an Illustrated Anniversary edition (2008 - see Section D))
    3. Equal Rites (1987)
    (Note: Novel was also released in a Compact edition)
    4. Mort (1987)
    (Note: Also released (A) in a Compact edition (1995); (B) as a Graphic Novel (1994 - see Section))
    5. Sourcery (1988)
    6. Wyrd Sisters (1988)
    7. Pyramids (1989)
    8. Guards! Guards! (1989)
    (Note: Also released as a Graphic Novel - see Section D)
    9. Eric (1990)(with Josh Kirby)
    (Note: Also released in an Illustrated edition (2010 - see Section D))
    10. Moving Pictures (1990)
    11. Reaper Man (1991)
    12. Witches Abroad (1991)
    13. Small Gods (1992)
    (Note: Also released as a Graphic Novel - see Section D)
    14. Lords And Ladies (1992)
    15. Men At Arms (1993)
    16. Soul Music (1994)
    17. Interesting Times (1994)
    18. Maskerade (1995)
    19. Feet Of Clay (1996)
    20. Hogfather (1996)
    21. Jingo (1997)
    22. The Last Continent (1998)
    23. Carpe Jugulum (1998)
    24. The Fifth Elephant (1999)
    25. The Truth (2000)
    26. Thief Of Time (2001)
    27. The Last Hero (2001)(with Paul Kidby)
    (Note: Illustrated novel - see Section D)
    28. The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents (2001)
    ("Children's" Book Based On Discworld)
    29. Night Watch (2002)
    30. The Wee Free Men (2003)
    ("Children's" Book Based On Discworld. The first book in Tiffany Aching series)
    (Note: Also released in Illustrated edition (2008 - see Section D))
    31. Monstrous Regiment (2003)
    32. A Hat Full Of Sky (2004)
    ("Children's" Book Based On Discworld. The second book in Tiffany Aching series)
    33. Going Postal (2004)
    34. Thud! (2005)
    35. Wintersmith (2006)
    ("Children's" Book Based On Discworld. The third book in Tiffany Aching series)
    36. Making Money (2007)
    37. Unseen Academicals (2009)
    38. I Shall Wear Midnight (2010)
    ("Children's" Book Based On Discworld)
    39. Snuff (2011)
    40. Raising Steam (2013)
    41. The Shepherd's Crown (2015)
    ("Children's" Book Based On Discworld. The fourth and final book in Tiffany Aching series)

    B. Discworld Omnibus Editions: (8)
    1. The Witches Trilogy (1994)
    (contains: Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad)
    2. Death Trilogy (1998)
    (contains: Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music)
    3. The First Discworld Novels (1999)
    (contains: The Colour Of Magic, The Light Fantastic)
    4. City Watch Trilogy (1999)
    (contains: Guards! Guards!, Men At Arms, Feet Of Clay)
    5. The Gods Trilogy (2000)
    (contains: Pyramids, Small Gods, Hogfather)
    6. The Rincewind Trilogy (2001)
    (contains: Sourcery, Eric, Interesting Times)
    7. The Bromeliad Trilogy (1998)
    (contains: Truckers, Diggers, Wings)
    8. The Johnny Maxwell Trilogy (1999)
    (contains: Only You Can Save Mankind, Johnny And The Dead, Johnny And The Bomb)

    C: Discworld Related Books: (19)
    1. The Pratchett Portfolio (1996)
    (illustrated by Paul Kidby)
    2. The Discworld Companion (1994)
    (with Stephen Briggs)
    3. The Discworld Companion-Updated (1997)
    (with Stephen Briggs)
    4. The New Discworld Companion (2002)
    (with Stephen Briggs)
    5. Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook (2001)
    (with Stephen Briggs, Tina Hannan and Paul Kidby)
    6. The Science Of The Discworld I (1999)
    (with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen)
    7. The Science Of The Discworld I- Updated
    (with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen)
    8. The Science Of The Discworld II- The Globe (2002)
    (with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen)
    9. The Science Of The Discworld III: Darwin's Watch (2005)
    (with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen)
    10. Art of Discworld (2005)
    (illustrated by Paul Kidby)
    11. The Unseen University Cut Out Book (2006)
    (by Bernard Pearson)
    12. The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld (2009)
    (with Stephen Briggs)
    13. The Folklore of Discworld (2009)
    (with Jacqueline Simpson)
    14. The Compleat Ankh-Morpork (2012)
    15. Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion . . . So Far (2012)
    16. The Science of the Discworld IV: Judgement Day (2013)
    17. The Folklore of Discworld: Legends, Myths, and Customs from the Discworld with Helpful Hints from Planet Earth (2014)
    (Note: This appears to only have been released in the US. It is an updated on the 2009 edition, with references up to and including the 40th Discworld novel, Raising Steam)
    18. Mrs. Bradshaw's Handbook
    19. Terry Pratchett's Discworld Colouring Book (2016)
    (Note: Also released as a special Artists Edition)

    D: Graphic / Illustrated Novels: (10)
    1. The Colour Of Magic: The Graphic Novel (1991)
    (Note: This was originally issued in 4 separate parts in 1991; In one part in 1992; Released in hardback in 2008)
    (illustrated by Stephen Ross)
    2. The Light Fantastic: The Graphic Novel (1992)
    (Note: This was originally issued in 4 separate parts in 1992; Released in hardback in 2008)
    (illustrated by Stephen Ross)
    3. Mort: A Discworld Big Comic (1994)
    (illustrated by Graham Higgins)
    4. Guards! Guards! (2000)
    (illustrated by Graham Higgins)
    5. Eric (1990)
    (Note: The original Hardback (1990) & Paperback A4 sized 1st Editions are illustrated, as well as the 2010 smaller sized version)
    (illustrated by Josh Kirby)
    6.The Last Hero (2001)
    (Note: The original Hardback (2001) & Paperback 1st Editions are illustrated in A4 size, and later in a smaller sized version)
    (illustrated by Paul Kidby)
    7. The Colour of Magic & The Light Fantastic: Anniversary Edition (2008)
    (Note: An illustrated 25th anniversary edition released in 2008)
    (illustrated by Stephen Player)
    8. The Illustrated Wee Free Men (2008)
    (Note: Released in 2008, with some revised wording & new material)
    (illustrated by Stephen Player)
    9. The Illustrated Carpet People (2009)
    (illustrated by Terry Pratchett)
    10. Small Gods: A Discworld Graphic Novel (2016)

    E: Maps: (5)
    1. The Streets Of Ankh-Morpork (1993)
    (with Stephen Briggs)
    2. The Discworld Mapp (1995)
    (with Stephen Briggs)
    3. A Tourist Guide To Lancre (1998)
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    4. Death’s Domain (1999)
    (with Paul Kidby)
    5. The Compleat Discworld Atlas (2015)
    (with Discworld Emporium)

    F: Diaries / Almanaks: (12)
    1. 1998: The Discworld’s Unseen University
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    2. 1999: The Discworld’s Ankh-Morpork City Watch
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    3. 2000: The Discworld Assassin’s Guild
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    4. 2001: The Discworld Fools’ Guild
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    5. 2002: The Discworld Thieves’ Guild
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    6. 2003: The Discworld (Reformed) Vampyres’
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    7. 2005: The Discworld Almanak for the Common Year 2005
    (with Bernard Pearson)
    8. 2007: The Ankh-Morpork Post Office Handbook: Discworld Diary 2007
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    9. 2008: Lu-Tse's Yearbook Of Enlightenment 2008
    (with Stephen Briggs and Paul Kidby)
    10. 2015: We R Igors: First and Last Aid
    (with The Discworld Emporium)
    11. 2016: A Practical Guide for the Modern Witch
    (with The Discworld Emporium)
    12. 2017: The Terry Pratchett Diary

    G: Books for Younger Readers: (9)
    1. Truckers (1989)
    (Part 1 of The Bromeliad Trilogy)
    2. Diggers (1990)
    (Part 2 of The Bromeliad Trilogy)
    3. Wings (1990)
    (Part 3 of The Bromeliad Trilogy)
    4. Only You Can Save Mankind (1992)
    (Part 1 of The Johnny Maxwell Trilogy)
    5. Only You Can Save Mankind (2005 US Edition)
    (Note: The 2005 US edition had an introduction by the author. The novel itself contains some minor changes to better suit the US culture)
    6. Johnny And The Dead (1993)
    (Part 2 of The Johnny Maxwell Trilogy)
    7. Johnny And The Bomb (1996)
    (Part 3 of The Johnny Maxwell Trilogy)
    8. Where's My Cow? (2005)
    (Discworld related, this is a 14 page book for young children illustrated by Melvyn Grant. It coincided with the release of the novel Thud!)
    9. The World of Poo (2012)
    (Discworld related, this is a 128 page illustrated book for young children)

    H: Non-Discworld Related Books: (14)
    1. The Carpet People (1971)
    (Note: 1971 original version)
    2. The Carpet People (1992)
    (Note: 1992 revised version. Also released in Illustrated edition (2009 - see Section D))
    3. The Dark Side Of The Sun (1976)
    4. Strata (1981)
    5. Good Omens (1990)
    (Note: Also released in a 25th Anniversary Edition (2003) with new intro by authors - see Section L)
    (co-written with Neil Gaiman)
    6. The Unadulterated Cat (1989)
    (with illustrations by Gray Jolliffe)
    7. Nation (2008)
    8. Dodger (2012)
    9. The Long Earth (2012)
    10. The Long Earth 2: The Long War (2013)
    11. Jack Dodger's Guide to London (2013)
    12. The Long Earth 3: The Long Mars (2014)
    13. The Long Earth 4: The Long Utopia (2015)
    14. The Long Earth 5: The Long Cosmos (2016)

    I: Play Texts / Musicals: (27)
    1. Mort
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    2. Wyrd Sisters
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    3. Wyrd Sisters: The Illustrated Screenplay
    4. Guards! Guards!
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    5. Men At Arms
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    6. Soul Music: The Illustrated Screenplay
    7. Interesting Times
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    8. Maskerade
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    9. Carpe Jugulum
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    10. Johnny And The Dead
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    11. The Truth
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    12. The Fifth Elephant
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    13. The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    14. Lords And Ladies
    (play text adapted by Irana Brown)
    15. Night Watch
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    16. Monstrous Regiment
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    17. Going Postal
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    18. Jingo
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    19. Hogfather: The Illustrated Screenplay
    (with Vadim Jean; illustrated by Stephen Player)
    20. The Colour of Magic: The Illustrated Screenplay (2008)
    (with Vadim Jean; illustrated by Stephen Player)
    21. Nation
    (play text adapted by Mark Ravenhill)
    (Note: Two versions released. 1)Play prior to its first performance at the National Theatre, London, published by Corgi, and 2) an edition for
    schools, published by Heinemann in their New Windmills series, publishing the revised version and with additional material for schools)
    22. The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents: a terrifyingly terrific musical
    (musical adapted by Matthew Holmes)
    23. Johnny and the Bomb: A Time-tickingly Tremendous Musical
    (musical adapted by Matthew Holmes)
    24. Making Money
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    25. Dodger (2014)
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    26. The Rince Cycle (2015)
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    27. All the Discworld's a Stage: 'Unseen Academicals', 'Feet of Clay' and 'The Rince Cycle'
    (play text adapted by Stephen Briggs)
    'Only You Can Save Mankind' was also adapted into a musical. You can obtain a copy of the cd but a musical text was never published.

    J. Short Stories / Poems: (37)
    1. A Collegiate Casting-Out Of Devilish Devices (2005)
    (Discworld short story, appeared in the May 13th, 2005 issue of The Times 'Higher Education Supplement')
    2. Death and What Comes Next (2004)
    (Discworld related story)
    3. Final Reward (1988)
    4. FTB / The Megabyte Drive to Believe in Santa Claus
    (Note: FTB stands for 'Fluffy Teddy Bear'!)
    5. History in the Faking
    6. Ode To Multiple Universes
    7. Hollywood Chickens (1990)
    8. Incubust (1988)
    9. Medical Notes (2002)
    (story, sort of)
    10. Night Dweller
    11. Once and Future
    12. Once More * with footnotes
    (collection of Short Stories & Articles)
    (contains from this category (J) numbers: 2-4, 7-9, 11, 13-20, 22)
    (contains from category (L) numbers: 1, 4, 6-9, 17, 20)
    (contains from category (M) numbers: 1-19, 21)
    (see this link for all that's included: Nesfa )
    13. The Ankh-Morpork National Anthem (1999)
    (Discworld story, sort of)
    14. The Hades Business (1963)
    15. The Sea and Little Fishes (1998)
    (Discworld related story)
    16. The Secret Book of the Dead (1991)
    17. Theatre of Cruelty (1993)
    (Discworld related story)
    18. Thud -- A Historical Perspective (2002)
    (story, sort of)
    19. Troll Bridge (1992)
    (Discworld related story)
    20. Turntables of the Night (1989)
    21. Twenty Pence With Envelope and Seasonal Greeting (1987)
    22. #ifdefDEBUG + "WORLD/ENOUGH" + "TIME" (1990)
    23. A Few Words from Lord Havelock Vetinari (2002)
    24. Minutes of the Meeting to Form the Proposed Ankh-Morpork Federation of Scouts (2007)
    25. The Ankh-Morpork Football Association Hall of Fame playing cards (2009)
    26. Solution (1964)
    27. The Picture (1965)
    28. The Prince and the Partridge (1968)
    29. Rincemangle, the Gnome of Even Moor (1973)
    30. Kindly Breathe in Short, Think Pants (1976)
    31. The Glastonbury Tales (1977)
    32. There's No Fool Like an Old Fool Found in an English Queue (1978)
    33. Coo, They've Give Me the Bind (1978)
    34. The High Meggae (1986)
    35. A Blink of the Screen: Collected Short Fiction (2012)
    (collection of Short Stories & Articles)
    (contains from this category (J) numbers: 1-3, 7-9, 11, 13-34)
    (contains from category (M) number: 15)
    36. Dragons at Crumbling Castle (2014)
    (Discworld related, this is a illustrated book of short stories for younger readers)
    37. The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner: And Other Stories (2016)

    K. Quiz Books: (2)
    1. The Unseen University Challenge (1996)
    (compiled by David Langford)
    2. The Wyrdest Link (2002)
    (compiled by David Langford)

    L: Contributions / Introductions / Forewords: (31)
    1. Intro to: "The Leaky Establishment" (2001)
    (by David Langford)
    2. Intro to: "The Evolution Man" (1989)
    (by Roy Lewis)
    3. Intro to: "The Arts of Falconrie and Hawking"
    (by Dave Hodges)
    4. Foreword to: "The Definitive Illustrated Guide to Fantasy" / Intro to: "The Ultimate Encyclopaedia of Fantasy"
    (general editor: David Pringle)
    5. Foreword to: "Batman: Joker's Revenge"
    6. "Brewer's Boy" Intro to: "Brewer's Dictionary Of Phrase And Fable [Millennium, 16th edition]"
    (this edition revised by Adrian Room)
    7. Intro to: "The Unseen University Challenge"
    (compiled by David Langford)
    8. Intro to: "The Wyrdest Link"
    (compiled by David Langford)
    9. Intro to: "Once More * with footnotes"
    (edited by Priscilla Olson & Sheila M. Perry)
    10. Foreword to: "Creative Web Writing"
    (by Jane Dorner)
    11. Review of: The House On The Borderland from "Horror: 100 Best Books"
    (by Stephen Jones & Kim Newman)
    12. Intro to: "The Josh Kirby Poster Book"
    (by Josh Kirby)
    13. 'What Is In This Title?', Introduction to: "Dreams and Doorways"
    (by Monica Porter)
    14. Intro to: "Terry Pratchett's From The Discworld CD"
    (booklet accompanying David Greenslade's music of Discworld)
    15. Foreword to: "Discworld instruction Manual"
    (computer game by Psygnosis)
    16. 'Roundhead Wood, Forty Green' / 'Forty Green, Near Penn'
    (contribution to 'Playground Memories', 1996)
    (by Nick Gammage)
    17. 'Pratchett On Writing', contribution to: "The Faces of Fantasy"
    (photographer: Patti Perret & editor: James Frenkel)
    18. 'My Favourite Book', contribution to: "My Favourite Book, Celebrities' Childhood Choice"
    (compiled by William Watt)
    19. 'An Appreciation Of Sharpe', contribution to: "Sharpe's Trafalgar"
    (by Bernard Cornwell)
    20. 'Cult Classic', contribution to: "Meditations on Middle Earth" (2001)
    (edited by Karen Haber)
    21. Introduction to ‘The Gnarly Man’ by L. Sprage De Camp, published in "My Favourite Fantasy Story"
    (edited by Martin H.Greenberg)
    22. Foreword to 'Salisbury in Detail'
    (Collection of photographs published in Oct 2008)
    23. (1).pdf]Foreword to 'My Name is not Dementia: People with Dementia discuss Quality of Life Indicators'
    (published in April 2010 by the Alzheimer’s Society)
    24. Foreword to 'Elves: Nasty or Nice?'
    (Treatise by Jacqueline Wilson published in conjunction with the 2010 Discworld Convention)
    25. Introduction to 'Good Omens - 25th Anniversary Edition' (2003)
    (This version contains a new introduction from both authors)
    26. Guest entry on the Alzheimer's Research UK's Dementia Blog entitled: what's the point of it all? (Sep 2013)
    27. Foreword to 'Assisted Dying: Who Makes The Final Decision?' (2014)
    28. Contribution to Discworld Convention 2014 folio entitled 'A Little Advice for Life' (2014)
    29. How to be a Professional Boxer (2005)
    (foreword to Writers' & Artists' Yearbook 2006)
    30. Advice to Booksellers
    (July 1999)
    31. Conventional Wisdom
    (introduction to the Third Australian Convention programme book, April 2011)

    M. Articles / Speeches: (80)
    1. High Tech, Why Tech?
    (article in magazine "The Electronic Author, Summer 1993 Issue")
    2. Imaginary Worlds, Real Stories
    (speech from October 1st, 2000 for the National Folklore Society)
    3. Let There be Dragons (1993)
    (speech June 11th, 1993 given at the Booksellers Association Conference dinner)
    4. Magic Kingdoms / Fantasy Kingdoms
    (article from July 4th, 1999 in newspaper "The Sunday Times; New Review")
    5. Neil Gaiman: Amazing Master Conjurer (2002)
    (article in program book of Boskone 39, February 15-17th, 2002)
    6. No Worries
    (article from June 1998 in "SFX" magazine)
    7. The Orangutans are Dying. Sorry Son, The Humans Need All Our Trees
    (article from February 20th, 2000 in newspaper "The Mail On Sunday")
    8. Paperback Writer
    (article from December 6th, 2003 in "The Guardian" newspaper)
    9. Roots of Fantasy (1989)
    (article in "The Roots of Fantasy: Myth, Folklore & Archetype", program book of World Fantasy Convention 1989)
    10. Sheer Delight: Tribute to Bob Shaw (1996)
    (article from 1st April, 1996 in magazine "SFX")
    11. Thought Progress (1989)
    (article from May 1989 in magazine "20/20")
    12. Whose Fantasy Are You? (1991)
    (article from 17th September, 1991 in magazine "WH Smith Bookcase")
    13. A Word About Hats (2001)
    (article in Sunday Telegraph Review, July 8th, 2001)
    14. 2001: The Vision and the Reality (2000)
    (article from December 24th, 2000 in newspaper "The Sunday Times")
    15. And Mind the Monoliths (1978)
    (article from April 3rd, 1978 in newspaper "Bath & West Evening Chronicle")
    16. The Big Store (2002)
    (article in Bob Eaton's stage adaptation of Truckers, March 2002)
    17. The Choice Word (2000)
    (contribution for The Word, London's Festival of Literature, 2000)
    18. Doctor Who? (2001)
    (speech for honorary degree, University of Portsmouth, 2001)
    19. Elves Were Bastards (1992)
    (article in Hillcon programme book, November 1992)
    20. Why Gandalf Never Married
    (speech given at Novacon 15, 1985)
    21. Alien Christmas
    (Beccon 1987 After-Dinner Speech from August 1987)
    22. On Science Fiction in Schools
    (article from 21st September, 1963 in magazine "Vector (Journal of the BSFA) 21")
    23. The Unconventional Cavalier. An Assessment of Colin Kapp
    (article from September, 1963 in magazine "Zenith, Issue 6")
    24. The Picture
    (article from 11th May, 1965 in magazine "Technical Cygnet, Wycombe High School Technical Magazine, Issue 1")
    25. When Gerrards Cross Was The 'Brighton Of Bucks'
    (article from 29th January, 1969 in newspaper "Bucks Free Press")
    26. Three Popes To Go Before We Know If Malachy Was Right
    (article from 29th January, 1969 in newspaper "Bucks Free Press", written under the pseudonym 'Marcus')
    27. After Thirty-Six Long Years The Burmese Still Remember Him
    (article from 27th May, 1970 in newspaper "Bucks Free Press", written under the pseudonym 'Marcus')
    28. Where Particle Sheep Safely Wave (1990)
    (article from 5th May, 1990 in magazine "New Scientist")
    29. Joint Account (1992)
    (article from 1992 in magazine "WH Smith Junior Bookcase, Heatwave Edition")
    30. My Best Teacher (1994)
    (article from 16th September, 1994 in T"ES2, Times Educational Supplement")
    31. My Soundtrack For A Cathedral (1995)
    (article from 28th May, 1995 in newspaper "The Mail On Sunday")
    32. My New Year Resolution (1996)
    (article from 31st December, 1996 in newspaper "The Express")
    33. On Excellence in Schools (1997)
    (article from July 1997 in "Education: What It Means To You"; Dept of Education)
    34. My Kind Of Day
    (article in magazine "Radio Times, Issue for 10-16th May 1997")
    35. The Meaning Of My Christmas
    (article from December 24th, 1997 in newspaper "Western Daily Press, Bristol")
    36. Lord Of The Rings
    (article from August 8th, 1999 in newspaper "The Sunday Times; Culture Section")
    37. Wyrd Ideas
    (article from Autumn, 1999 in "The Author; CX; 3; Autumn Issue)
    38. I Only Read The Brodies Notes
    (article from December, 1999 in "Later; December Issue")
    39. Author Pays Tribute To Former BFP Editor 47. Arthur
    (article from February 16th, 2001 in newspaper "Bucks Free Press")
    40. Plunder Woman
    (article from November 7th, 1998 in newspaper "The Express; Weekend: Arts")
    41. A Word From Terry, On Being 21
    (article in programme book of the 2004 Discworld Convention, August 2004)
    42. Tales Of Wonder And Porn (2004)
    (article in program book of Noreascon 4: The 62nd World Science Fiction Convention, September 2004)
    43. It Keeps My Head Together
    (article from July 8th, 2001 in "The Sunday Telegraph; Review")
    44. A Word From Terry Pratchett (About Truckers)
    (In program book of Bob Eaton’s adaptation of Truckers. The play toured in 2002)
    45. Straight from the Heart, Via the Groin
    (Terry's 2004 speech at Noreascon, WorldCon)
    46. Keep it Real - Notes from a successful fantasy author
    (The 2007 edition of The Writers' and Artists' Yearbook contains an article by Terry (pp. 231-232) giving advice on how to write science fiction)
    47. I Create Gods All The Time - Now I Think One Might Exist
    (article in Daily Mail, June 21st, 2008)
    48. I'm disgusted...I can get Viagra on the NHS, but nothing for my Alzheimer's
    (article in News of the World, August 17th, 2008)
    49. Terry Pratchett : Speech to the Tory Party Conference
    (September 29th, 2008)
    50. I'm slipping away a bit at a time... and all I can do is watch it happen (2008)
    (article in Daily Mail, October 7th, 2008)
    51. Speak its name to kill dementia (2008)
    (letter in The Times, October 7th, 2008)
    52. Palliative Care: Thoughts following the death of Sir Edward Downes and his wife (2009)
    (letter in The Times, July 16th, 2009)
    53. Point me to heaven when the final chapter comes (2009)
    (article in Mail on Sunday, Aug 2nd, 2009)
    54. When the time comes I'll sit on my lawn, brandy in hand and Thomas Tallis on my iPod. And then I'll shake hands with Death (2010)
    (article in Daily Mail, Feb 3rd, 2010)
    55. The Tale of Joshua Easement (2010)
    (article in The Times, Mar 16th, 2010)
    56. Signing books was nearly the death of me (2012)
    (article in The Guardian, Nov 24th, 2012)
    57. A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-Fiction (2014)
    (collection of Writings & Articles)
    (contains from category (L) numbers: 1,2,6,16,20,29-31,)
    (contains from this category (M) numbers: 3-9,11-14,16-22,33,35,37,41,42,45,46,48,50,53,60-80)
    58. Doctor Who was a safe option for Saturday teatime (2013)
    (article in The Guardian, Nov 2nd, 2013)
    59. PM broke dementia promise (2013)
    (article in The Sunday Times, Dec 1st, 2013)
    60. Palmtop (1993)
    (article in Independent, July 9th, 1993)
    61. Kevins (1993)
    (article from The Author, Winter 1993)
    62. Carnegie Medal Award Speech (2001)
    (speech from July 12th, 2002)
    63. Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Speech (2009)
    (speech for book 'Nation', from October 2nd, 2009)
    64. Watching 'Nation' (2009)
    (article in Daily Telegraph from December 16th, 2009)
    65. A Star Pupil (2011)
    (article in Celebrating 60 Years: Holtspur School, 2011)
    66. On Granny Pratchett (2004)
    (article in Age Concern, 2004)
    h from December 16th, 2009)
    67. Writer's Choice (2004)
    (article in Waterstone's Books Quarterly, 12, 2004)
    68. The King and I (1970)
    (article in Western Daily Press, December 24th, 1970)
    69. Honey , these bees had a heart of gold (1976)
    (article in West Evening Chronicle, April 24th, 1976)
    70. That sounds fungi, it must be the dawn chorus (1976)
    (article in Bath and West Evening Chronicle, 2 October 1976)
    71. The God Moment (2008)
    (article in Mail on Sunday, 22 June 2008)
    72. A Genuine Absent-minded Professor (2010)
    (speech for Inaugural Professorial Lecture in Trinity College, Dublin, 4 November 2010)
    73. Saturdays (2011)
    (article in Radio Times, 12 November 2011)
    74. Taxworld (2009)
    (letter in The Times, 23 May 2009)
    75. Shaking Hands with Death (2010)
    (the Richard Dimbleby lecture, 1 February 2010. Also released as a stand alone book in 2015 with a new introduction by Rob Wilkins)
    76. At last we have real compassion in assisted-dying guidelines (2010)
    (article in the Times, 26 February 2010)
    77. Assisted-Dying: It's time the government gave us the right to end our lives (2011)
    (article in New Humanist, July/August 2011)
    78. Death Knocked and We Let Him in (2011)
    (article in Sunday Times, 12 June 2011)
    79. Week in the Death of Terry Pratchett (2011)
    (article in Independent, 18 June 2011)
    80. Terry Pratchett's Wild Unattached Footnotes to Life (1990)
    (article for Charity magazine, 1 July 1990)

    Forthcoming Items To Look Out For: (4)
    1. Small Gods: A Discworld Graphic Novel (Release date: 28 July 2016)
    2. Terry Pratchett's Discworld Colouring Book (Release date: 13 August 2016)
    3. The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner: And Other Stories (Release date: 25 August 2016)
    4. 2017: The Terry Pratchett Diary (Release date: 13 October 2016)



    1. Other Useful Links:
    Colin Smythe's Checklist
    (Recently updated by Terry's agent, this is as good a list as you can hope for.)

    Children's Circle by Terry Pratchett
    (New website aiming to publish all of PTerry' stories from Bucks Free Press)

    For a Guide to Pratchett's Novels Adapted for TV see here

    2. Only Written hard copy pieces are counted; not audio books, special publications by book clubs, blogs, etc.

    3. Hopefully the links shown above will still be active, but this cannot always be guaranteed.

    4. Section M: 'Articles And Speeches' gives the first printing of each item, and there may be subsequent publications which are not mentioned here.

    Disclaimer: It is assumed that all websites linked on this page have permission to show any material under copyright & we take no responsibility if this is not the case.
  2. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Okay folks, first up: I love this new board!! :lol: All these new features are great.

    Then I thought to myself something was missing. So I added the Ultimate Guide to give a more homely feel to this new, crakingly good board. We should have moved ages ago!
  3. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Indeed we should have, Jackal ol'e pal.

    Anyways, anyone else feel that this guide should become an official part of the boards? Because I feel the guide deserves a section of its very own around here somewhere.

    That or it should be stickied.
  4. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    I've made this sticky for now.



  5. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    nice list!
  6. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Cheers, I've been at it for quite a while now (since October 2002 in fact!). I love the features I can now play around with to make the page fancier, such as different font sizes and colours
  7. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    yah, this new forum allows a lot of new stuff, I think the move was worthwhile.
  8. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I've got all the links up and running now. :eek: I'm deadly slow when it comes to URL stuff but got there eventually!
  9. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    :shock: I didn't know that "Only You Can Save Mankind" had been made into a musical, and is currently finishing its run at the Edinburgh Fringe.

    The show is reviewed here
  10. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    After thinking about it, I've transferred the 3 "children's books based on Discworld" (Amazing Maurice, Wee Free Men, Hat Full of Sky) into the main Discworld section of this list.

    Terry himself says they are part of the main series, so I feel they shouldn't be shown here in the children's books section anymore.
  11. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    I'm thinking of getting someone "Once More* *With Footnotes" for Christmas, so I checked the fount of all knowledge (thanks Jackal!) and noticed that the link to the contents doesn't work (for me) anymore. I guessed NESFA had moved it, and indeed they have. It's now here -

    Once More* With Footnotes
  12. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Okay, I fixed the link I have up. It had a stray letter or two in the address. Cheers for noticing
  13. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    that is the best list of Pratchett's works i have ever seen! Thanks a lot! I only lack 6 or 7 from the novels list
  14. Bonsai

    Bonsai New Member

    Brilliant list i think youve got most of it covered, all you need now is the variations of each book produced, i.e The colour of magic is in 14 different variations/formats, call them what you will :D
  15. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba just noticed a typo. Jackal left off the R in Stephen Briggs's name by the New Discworld Companion.
  16. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Fixed the typo; also spent an hour or so putting up links to websites containing more information on other authors / contributors, such as Kidby, Kirby, Higgins, Briggs, Cohen & Stewart.

    Edit: Arse, just remembered I left out Langford. Put it in now, as well as a link for Dave Hodges (aka Hodgesaaargh)

    Also, if anyone has a link to someone on the list who doesn't have a link yet, let me know.
  17. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    argh...I can't find the almanaks and the maps anywhere...the only map there is in Slovenia that I found is Death's domain but it costs about 4 times more than any DW book so I can't really afford it...I don't suppose anyone on this forum is from somewhere near Slovenia? And I know I shouldn't be saying this but I even checked the internet for those almanaks and maps and I can't even find them there...I've read 99% of the books now though (I still haven't found the money to buy strata, good omens and the unadulterated cat)...I've even bought about 6 or 7 (others I got from the library) but I stoped that now 'couse every book I buy, someone sees and borrows it...of course I never see it again or if by a small chance I do get it back it's after 2 years and 30 people have read it...not a good thing to happen to a paperback...
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ever tried Amazon ? They're very reliable as my experience goes, and they deliver abroad...
  19. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    well as weird as this might sound, I don't have a credit card that they would accept and paypal's too much trouble for a man as lazy as me...thanks for the thought though...
  20. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Lipi is Slovenian.
  21. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    really? who's/where's lipi? the world is too small I'm telling you:)
  22. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Lipi is a Slovenian, she lives in Slovenia. (-:

    Are we supposed to be posting here?
  23. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    well I figured that, but why doesn't she reply/post anything? :)

    and yes, why shouldn't we be posting here...noone else's not really spam, it's more like cabbage:)=
  24. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Just added in a new section which I thought would be useful:

    O. Forthcoming Items To Look Out For: (6)
    1. The Ankh-Morpork Post Office Handbook: Discworld Diary 2007
    2. Wintersmith
    3. The Unseen University Cut Out Book
    4. Hogfather: The Illustrated Screenplay
    5. Making Money
    6. I Shall Wear Midnight
  25. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Since we have now had the spin-off books "Nanny Ogg's Cookbook" and "Where's My Cow", I am waiting for the next spin-off - "The Way of Mrs Cosmopolite" - Robert Heinlein (or his publishers) put out "The Notebooks of Lazarus Long" as a separate publication from its original source "Time Enough For Love", so there is a precedent.
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nah, you have to be worthy to learn The Way, you can't just buy it in a bookshop ! Why not yeti-foot umbrella stands while you're at it ?
  27. inwig

    inwig New Member

    Thanks for the list, great work compiling it.

    I would suggest that the disclaimer pertaining to content of other sites go somewhere a little more prominent.

    The window I had open yesterday definitely wasn't the sort of fantasy I associate with TP. :oops:

    That's why they accuse me of being Granny not Nanny.

  28. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Which link?

    If I'm interpreting what you said accurately, then 'that' sort of thing shouldn't be linked anywhere on this site.
  29. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Actually, Inwig, you do realise that your name is displayed next to every post you make, don't you?
  30. inwig

    inwig New Member

    True Orrdos, I've also noted as I frantically race through the catch up reading of a newbit that there has sometimes been confusion when posts have originated off shared machines etc.

    I prefer to be clear about it being me what dunnit. Blame in on me mam :roll: she always said I should clearly own up to what I've done even when it wasn't me what dunnit.
  31. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Ah, so who else posts from your machine on here?

    Anyway, back to the naughty link. I can't find it, could you tell me where it is or has someone removed it already?
  32. inwig

    inwig New Member

    Nobody uses this machine apart from me for now. I am not always lucky enough to be in an place where I can get connected though and might have to use other's units. I also haven't passed on this link to family or friends I have corrupted to the ways of the Disc yet. I tend to be particular about that sort of thing. Few of them have my well developed attitudes of tolerance or my don't-dish-it-if-you-can't-take-it ways.

    Now back to the subject at hand - Notes part 5: the Short Story link looked like a nudist activism group were advertising their wares there last night when I hit it. I didn't hang around to admire the art, but purged my system of the biscuit crumbs (cookies for the less lateral), and PM'd.

    They were different ads when I looked again this afternoon.
  33. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I've made 2 new editions to the Articles / Speeches section:

    45. Worldcon Guest of Honor speech
    (Terry's 2005 speech, published by ISFiC Press in "Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches" (pp. 282-95), edited by Mike Resnick and Joe Siclari)
    46. Keep it Real
    (The 2007 edition of The Writers' and Artists' Yearbook contains an article by Terry (pp. 231-22) giving advice on how to write science fiction)

    Also, the 2007 post office diary is now available, with the Wintersmith novel coming out in a week or so :)
  34. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I know Mal is still working away with the upgrade, so no need to panic, but the list on page 1 of this thread is messed up!

    And random words are in red for some reason!
  35. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Jackal, code in the first post (and, indeed the rest of the thread) is now fixed. I have had to remove all size tags, as they work differently on this board, and they would have caused the writing to be page-stretchingly huge. It's taken me over an hour just to take out the errant stuff, so I'd appreciate it if you could modify text size yourself wherever you want to change it! Thanks.
  36. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Thanks a lot for the effort mate :)
  37. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Your link to the short stories at the bottom goes to a spanish (or possibly portuguese) site.

    (I don't know either language well enough to recognise properly)
  38. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Well spotted. The website seems to have changed its link. My guess, from what I thought I saw & not being a speaker of that language, is that you now have to register to view that page.

    So I'll take down the link.
  39. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    I have heard of a possible future release and some good news. I'll cut and paste the whole paragraph from the discworld monthly newsletter.

    So it looks like the next film may have been decided.
  40. Miss_Majere

    Miss_Majere New Member

    Oh my!
    That's alot of work!
    Thank you!
  41. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I've updated the Guide.

    New editions to the list are the forthcoming 2008 diary, Lu-Tse's Yearbook Of Enlightenment 2008 (Release date: August 30th, 2007),
    and The Illustrated Wee Free Men (Release date: November 1st, 2007)

    I have also re-ordered the sections so that all Discworld related areas are together
  42. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I just got an email off Harper Collins, as I'm on their mailing list for Pratchett info, and it said that Making Money is out today!

    I thought it wasn't out until the 24th? Then again, I have noted many times in the past that most of PTerry's books go out on the shelves days before their actual supposed release date.

    So keep an eye out in your local store; it may be in now :)
  43. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

  44. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I am told that Making Money will be available on the 24th - Waterstones here in Brussels have 45 copies on order - and one of them is reserved for me!!
  45. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    In the past I have gone to my local Waterstones & asked for their release date. They just check the official date on the computer. Then you randomly spot it on the shelves a few days early!

    Perhaps some stores put all their new releases out on certain days each week & don't really care if it's technically a bit early. Off course, the Harry Potter books were the exception here
  46. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I got a phone call from Waterstones here in Brussels yesterday at about 6 pm to say my pre-ordered copy was in - I got there by half past six and picked it up - and I am now about half way through it.
  47. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Making Money is officially out now, as should be The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld
  48. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    The Illustrated Wee Free Men came out today according to Amazon.

    Forthcoming Items To Look Out For: (5)
    1. Discworld Companion (Release date: Novermber 8th, 2007)
    2. The Colour of Magic: The Illustrated Screenplay (Release date: March 8th, 2008)
    2. Nation (Release date: unknown)
    3. I Shall Wear Midnight (Release date: unknown)
    4. Raising Taxes (Release date: unknown)
    5. The Folklore of Discworld (Release date: unknown)
  49. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Discworld Companion, the 3rd revised edition (the 4th in all) comes out tomorrow. One wonders how many more of these will be published!

    Terry has now reached the 200 mark for published works.
  50. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Eh, did The Illustrated Wee Free Men not come out Nov 1th, 2007?

    Said so on Amazon.couk last year, but just noticed now that this date is changed to October 6th, 2008 (a whole 11 months later than they originally said).

    Is it another case of Amazon just making up dates so people will pre-order & they can have your money faster? I really hate when they do that.
  51. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Did the Discworld Companion, the 3rd revised edition, come out last year at all? Haven't seen it in shops or online since.

    I don't think it exists! Another Amazon 'made up' book I fear...
  52. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Just heard there's an illustrated version of Carpet People coming out soon.

    Pratchett himself has done the illustrations himself, just like he did for the original edition, so should be interesting!
  53. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Unseen Academicals is out now.

    As is the Illustrated Carpet People. Having seen this book in the shop, it is not what I would call an illustrated novel. It is not illustrated throughout. Instead, 8-10 coloured illustrations have simply been placed in the middle of the book!
  54. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    It's great to see this is still being updated - thanks, TheJackal!:)

    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    Is "I Shall Wear Midnight" the next book out?

    Or is it "Raising Taxes"?

    Either way, when is it out?
  56. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I've updated the main page.

    Forthcoming Items To Look Out For: (4)
    1. I Shall Wear Midnight (Release date: September 2nd, 2010)

    - Now fully finished & gone to publisher

    2. Snuff (Release date: unknown)

    -Next Discworld novel, based largely around Vimes

    3. Raising Taxes (Release date: unknown)

    - On backburner at present it seems

    4. Playtext: Making Money (Release date: unknown)

    - Not sure this was ever published!
  57. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Nice one, I'd forgotten what a great list you've made. Just had another look, awesome. :)
  58. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    List updated with one new article & a foreword, along with the recent publication of I Shall Wear Midnight.

    I also hear there will be another short stories compilation but no date yet or decision on what will be included in it.
  59. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Belated thanks Mal!

    Tweaked it a small bit again today. Can't wait for the new collection of Pratchett's writings.

    It's supposed to be along the lines of Once more with footnotes, containing short stories, speeches, articles, etc but much larger. Think I read about it on Colin Smythe's website.

    Hopefully it won't be a rushed job & as assumingly there won't be as much copyright issues, will contain hard to get titles, such as the only 2 short stories which have eluded me: Night Dweller and History in the Faking.

    I know for example Night Dweller, PTerry's 2nd ever short story, published in his teens, has never been republished.
  60. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    The list should be up to date. I have a look every so often.

    The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents: a terrifyingly terrific muscial was Released August 15th, 2011.

    Suppose I'll get it as I'm a completionist but getting a bit annoyed with so many spin offs lately to be honest!

    Forthcoming Items To Look Out For:

    1. Snuff (Release date: October 13th, 2011)

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