
Discussion in 'THE WIZARD BOOKS' started by Tronmkiheda, Dec 6, 2007.

  1. Tronmkiheda

    Tronmkiheda New Member

    Dear users!

    I am Czech, therefore I read Pratchett´s books in Czech. Now I read The Colour of Magic in English. I do not understand one thing. Please, help! Twoflower tries to explain Rincewind his job. He talks about inn-sewer-ants polly-sea. That is clear - insurance policy. But later on he talks about "reflected-sounds-of-underground-spirits". I guess, this should work the same way as inn-sewer-ants - just words replaced with another ones, that sound almost the same. But I can neither figure out what those original words should be, nor I can find an explanation on the Internet. Does anybody of you know?
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hello Tronmkiheda.

    It is supposed to be echo-gnomics (economics).
    You can find plenty of information about the books and all the puns and cultural references here : The Annotated Pratchett File v9.0 - Index
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    oh my... thanks for the explanation (and the Annotated Pratchett link, to be filed away for later time-wasting) :smile:! Yeah, I would have also never associated "gnomes" with "spirits" - last I heard, gnomes were perfectly corporeal creatures, same as the dwarves!
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, same here, but the Pterry writes in mysterious ways...
  5. Tronmkiheda

    Tronmkiheda New Member

    Many thanks!

    Many thanks for your quick answer. It is all clear now. I was confused by inn-sewer-ants. I believed that I had to search just words with similar sound. I did not look for hidden meanings.
  6. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    They're underground spirits because in classical mythology there were different spirits for each of the elements (eg air - sylphs), and the earth spirits were gnomes.
  7. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Yeah, I know, immature much, but your original spelling of "spirits" made me snort outloud in the middle of workplace, Buzzfloyd! :lol:

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