Okay,I hesitantly start this new thread now: The theme for this one is: JOY Entries in by: 24th of December THE RULES: Rules * - Photographs must be taken by you - no nicking them off the Web - Photos must be taken specifically for the contest - get out there and get snapping! - One picture per person. - No excessive digital manipulation (i.e. adding a more dramatic sky from another photo to your picture). Playing with levels, saturation etc is ok though. - Equipment: Anything goes as long as the results can be seen from here. - Voting takes place when the contest closes. - The winner of the contest gets to choose the next subject. - Late entries will not be included in the voting.
Pity, My mum has a friend called Joy, but she lives in Florida, so a bit hard to take a picture of her. And also that would mean putting up with her for at least a few minutes. So nope. I'll just have to go look for some normal joy instead.
When I saw the title, a photo I took a few years back came to mind. If I can find it, I will share - just for the joy of it. Not as my entry. Now where can I find a bit of joy in this most stressful of seasons.... Self portrait is out, as I'm as miserable as sin gone wrong at the moment! Can anyone provide an idiots guide to posting pictures? Never done it before... not very IT minded (i.e. file format, size etc).
You can upload photos to your album on this site, Rewr, but I'd better let Mal or someone give details, as I don't know too much about it. Otherwise, there are sites like photobucket and flickr that host photos.
I'd like those instructions too, I have a few photos that I would like to share in an album here but I keep getting a message that I'm not allowed to post to an album, I must be doing something wrong.
Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing is the place I use for hosting photos, their upload system has much improved and is now quite simple, and more importantly, you don't get flooded by pop-ups and adverts. Create an account, and once done, follow the upload photos instructions. Once your pictures are online, simply right click on the photo, copy the address of the pic and paste it in your post here using the "Insert Image" button. Be careful, in some formats, the flickr picture addresses add a "?v=0" bit after the ".jpg" file extension, this extra bit must be removed before posting.
Thanks, I should be able to figure out Flickr again, I've got pictures in a couple of other photosharing sites too, maybe I'll try those too. But I still don't know why I can't put stuff in the album here.
JOY!??* At Christmas? Call me Mr scrooge...but! *Sorry could be the tablets! Okay. I'll give it my best shot. (with a camera - not a rifle)
Ah but have you noticed the closing date Joculator, You can't use pics of people opening their underwear and cheap perfume on Christmas day. So you need to find Joy during the time of Christmas shopping. I'm not sure it's possible.
Well you go to http://www.terrypratchett.uk/octarine/ and click "Upload file", and then browse to the image on your computer. That's about it really.
Well it seems to have worked.... Not sure when this was taken - it was found in amongst old family photos and slides. May even be older than me! Think it may be my Grandad (mayherestinpeace) who took this. Inspiration has also struck (I will tell all with my entry), but need to find batteries... TVM for all your help.
Its amazing how many people don't notice it! Q: What is it? A: VW hub cap. Q: How do you know? A: If you look here.... Oh...
My camera's not working!:sad: Went to take my picture - and nothing. The lights had went out! No little green light, and no little red light. Tried changing the batteries and everything. (Well everything I could think of). I've taken the pic with my mobile phone - hopefully it won't be blurred, as the buttons are quite stiff, and I found it a bit difficult keeping the damn thing still when pressing the button. Just need to find the right cable now- think its in the spare room, or could be in the cupboard under the stairs, or the usefull things drawer, or.... Tis tragic news - I've got two Christmas night outs next week. No annual festive drunken poses.
Here's mine... It was tough choosing, I had a couple of nice ones, I'll post the others later in the random pics thread...
Hey that is a great photo Katcal. I have good news and bad news... Bad news I cannot find the right cable for my phone. Good news camera is now working - rechargeable batteries were too old, and the ones I tired were cheap and nasty - now have named brand in camera. So bad news is original photo is not accessible. Good news I have taken a photo, it shows what gives me joy. Bit corny I know, but all I could come up with at short notice... and I did want to take part. Contained within Pages... Joy I would like to say that not all books are here. Couldn't carry all... Probably would have been easier to take a pic of my bookcases. Will try to do better, (some of your 'doodles' are better than my photos! How can you call those bits of art doodles?). Looking forward to all your masterpieces. Rewr.
Since the photos have been slow coming in,I suggest(and you may disagree)that the deadline be pushed back until Dec.30th. I hope it's just christmas craziness that is preventing you from entering the comp. I also suggest that we try to limit the pics of people opening christmas presents as that is too easy a shot in my opinion.Again,totally up for discussion.I have one already,NOT taken with a present in the persons hands.What do you think? I hate for my one and only comp to fall flat on its face
Yeah, I think people are just too busy running around trying to get everything christmassed, I agree with both suggestions, if a pic is one of someone opening a present, it has to be a GOOD pic...
Hope it's not too late: I had to wait to get back to a computer that read my memory card. Anyway here's my entry:
Well,I'm fairly new here but don't we just have to vote on those 3 pics and leave it at that? I'm sorry my first comp was a flop but hey.So do I start a voting thread or ???Please advise
Sorry I missed this one, my own fault really and that Christmas bloke who invented Jesus. It is a good subject.
If you fancy an extra entry, then I have a picture I can add... I understand if that's not allowed being as it's about a month past the deadline.
I blame Rinso. I thought it was his job to keep these things going! This was a busy month, but I'm still interested in the competition, even though I never enter. Make a voting thread, Sunna!