Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Great - I love my laptop - no more sitting at the desk. Instead sitting in my favourite chair, actually online, drink and cigs on one side phone on the other, and facing TV. Oh and chocolate at hand too!

    Almost had a catastrophe - misplaced my cigs!

    Bit stressed at the moment - for over a week I haven't been sleeping to well - day to night night to day thing. However - silver lining time! I was wide awake and bushy tailed at 2am when mum phoned to let me know that my granmother is in hospital. Heh - there's a reason for everything!

    She had a fall at the nursing home - how I do not know, she's bed/chair bound. Anyway they sent her to A&E in case she had broken any bones, when they discovered that her heart was beating rather slow. They wouldn't move her onto a ward until her pulse was stronger, they didn't think she would survive the transfer. She didn't get placed on a ward till 6am. She is now resting comfortably, but she did not react well to the medication.

    The ironic thing is if she did not have the fall, she would probably have passed away in her sleep. My granmother is very frail (she's 94 this year), and we are not expecting her to be with us much longer. There is a non-resuscitation order at the nursing home, but in A&E they had to do what they did.

    urrgh - I dislike hospitals.:sad: (not for what A&E did, but just in general).

    While I do not want to lose my granmother, I do not want her to suffer - I want what's best for her. I wonder what made her fall - is she hanging on for something? Minds going off at tangents here, and Cheerful Charlie is more concerned about having to cancel visiting friends. Mum said dad didn't realize how things are - yeah right! All main members of family phoned in middle of the night, duh. Get a grip.

    Anyhoo I'll be hanging round like a wet noodle for most of the day - visiting hours are only in the evening. I'll probably freshen the spare bedroom - just in case. Check the freezers stocked up - if not cook and stock up. Try and keep busy and mind occupied. I'd better get started...
  2. Max

    Max New Member

    Hi REWR, I hope your grandma is comfortable and returns to her normal soon. I say her normal as everyones is different. Mine is grumping about work and putting red socks in with white washing. As it happens so frequently it has now become the "norm" in our house, that and me burning dinner, I never quite produce anything worth freezing! so well done you for the fine thought, even if it doesn't turn into action.

    Take Care
    Keep Smiling
  3. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Thanks Max

    Happy to report that my granmother is 'comfortable'. Nothing broken - just old!

    We got in to see her this evening, and she seemed her usual self - 'Drink'! 'Sit up'! She has trouble speaking due to previous strokes, so it seems as tho she's shouting! (A milder version of Jack from Father Ted)! From what the nurses told us she is returning to 'normal' perhaps a bit frailer, but that is only to be expected.

    My fine thought - pasta! mince, veg, tin of chopped tomatos etc - easy.

    Not easy - expecting some family members down tomorrow, and one I already want to slap due to her stupidity and selfishness. Just the norm after her phone call!:wink:
  4. redneck

    redneck New Member

    So, I got home from work pretty late Friday afternoon (worked in the sleet and snow). I had been meaning to phone a friend of mine that has recently moved back to the area, and as I always thought she was cute, then I figured I had nothing to lose if I gave her a call. Still haven't heard back from that.

    That was at around 7:20. At 7:30 I went to watch a staged reading that some friends of mine were in. It was titled The Exonerated. After the show I was looking around and the director hollers at me, "Don't leave until you've talked to me!" So I give him an affirmative and then talk to the cast. Come to find out, Dan's (the director), wife works with a girl that they would be a good match for me. I'm pretty sure I don't know this girl and from what he told me, she doesn't even know me either.

    I know that I've promised to never go on a blind date again, but this is a little different. I trust Director Dan and his wife's judgment. They know me pretty well and I'm sure they've filled the poor girl in on me. "He's kinda wierd." He talks a lot." "He doesn't mind making a fool of himself." He doesn't shut up." "He's clueless when it comes to women." ..... You know, the usual stuff.

    Anyway, just telling y'all because I had to tell somebody. I don't really want to tell a lot of my friends around here until afterwards, so that if I want to try to forget the whole evening then I won't have anyone else bringing it up to my attention. Here's hoping for the best. I'll have more news either Friday or Saturday. *fingers crossed*
  5. mazekin

    mazekin Member


    No news other than that, but the sun is shining and there is blue sky and I can't see a single cloud and its been raining since before Christmas and its sunny and pretty and yes, I do know I am rambling, but...sun sun sun sun sun....

    Ok, and it is still cold, but I can live with that :smile:
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    See, Ireland knows I'm coming.
  7. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I second Mazekin's post except it's been raining or snowing here since I came up for the start of the school year in August.
  8. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Good luck on your date, Redneck! Hope it turns out the way you want it.

    Sun's been shining here too today, been a great Sunday.

    Tomorrow I'm flying to Coventry, looks like I'll be there more or less all February and March. Anyone got any tips on what to do while there (other than work)? "There", in this case, being a pretty broad term, I'm open to spend a bit of time in the weekends travelling if there's good stuff to see.
  9. missy

    missy New Member

    LOL you are going to my home town, you couldn't hurt my ex while you are there could you? Oh well it was worth asking i spose.

    I would go see the Cathedral, it's really nice. I would also travel to Birmingham and visit Dudley zoo and castle. The bull ring and flea markets if you want to pick up some great gifts.

    I wouldn't bother much with the city centre unless you are desperate. Theres nothing there really and its just like a huge concrete grey jungle.... If you are there for that long, look out for the travelling fair on Hersal Common, near Eastern Green, (number 10 or 11 bus will get you there from the bus station at Pool Meadow) There are some really cool old aircraft from the war at the old Bagington airport, not sure how to get to that though. As you are into bikes i would also recomend the National Motorcycle Museum on the A45 going towards Birmingham. Again if you go to the bus station at Pool Meadow they will have a timetable of busses for that area. I think its the 900 but don't hold me to that.

    Hope you enjoy yourself. Apart from visiting my Mom i daredn't go back there. Not that its a nice place but hey you like where you know best i spose.
  10. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Not quite shiny shinning here, but it's dry :smile:

    Good luck on your date Redneck. Brave of you going on a blind date - I don't think anyone could pay me enough these days!

    Enjoy Coventry KK - I've never been, but have heard it's nice.

    Hows the plans for your flit (move) going Katcal? Keep the good weather going for us, eh?

    Quick update on my Granmother - she's doing fine. Unfortunately I won't be able to visit her this evening as there are too many folk going. Kinda don't mind as she was on good form last night, tonight she'll probably be crabbit!:D (bad tempered).

    My neighbour is due home from hospital tomorrow -:smile: she has been coming on fine, although her daughter has a few issues with the hospital. Rehab side of things are great - it has a good reputation for that, however the manner of the staff are a bit to be desired - basically they're down right rude and ignorant too often! They told my neighbours daughter that the Dr had nothing more to say to her.:shock:

    However at least she's getting home - she's been champing at the bit for quite a while.

    On the whole good news all round.
  11. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Glad to hear your grandma is doing better, Rewr! :)

    Missy, thanks for the advices, I've also heard that the city centre is a bit depressing, but I'll try to check out the museums you mentioned, gotta be great for photography (if they'll let me, of course).

    Do you know of any nice villages (with hotel or inns) close enough to commute? I suspect I'll grow rather tired of the Hilton and/or Ramada if I'm staying two months. Perhaps there's somewhere with a bit more of a countryside feel to it?
  12. randywine

    randywine Member

    KaptenK - If I never have to visit Coventry again in my life I may just be happy - I don't want to be mean to whomever may be from there but the city center is an awful, awful place. When I was there it felt like the place was a collision of every differing (and ultimately counter-productive) 'urban renewal' program since the forties. In saying that though, I may be visually impaired because the city centers that I am used to are quite nice with the crappy bits being on the outskirts.
    The Cathedrals (old and modern) are nice though...I look forward to reading what you think of the place.

    Redneck - Good luck on your date man (He says relieved, but saddened, that all of that is behind him...)*

    Rewr - There's nothing like a Crabbit Granny (nurses, in my experience, say that you're doing OK if you're biting the heads off your visitors).:smile:

    I am off to Manchester for a Job Interview on Tuesday - It looks like I may be forced to work away from home (and Mrs R. and Bonnie) again but, hey-ho, such is life and all that. It's better that eating my shoes. Again.



    *"...that all of that..." Bloody hell, crap sentences R us.
  13. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Good luck with the interview!

    Re shoes - stock up on ketchup - just don't nick Bonnie's dinner!
  14. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Coventry has an ugly centre because the old centre was flattened by bombs in WWII. I understand it's still a very interesting place to be with a lot that's worth visiting. Most English towns with hideous town centres are places that were rebuilt after being bombed.

    Nate, good luck with the date. Let us know how it goes.

    Randywine, good luck with the interview.
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm currently sitting cross-legged in the middle of my now almost empty living room. Things are feeling weirder and weirder, and I shed the first tears the other day, which considering how long we have been working on this and my usual soppiness, is amazing. I'll be leaving a lot of people I love behind, that's not going to be easy, but I knew it wouldn't. Day after tomorrow... Gulp.
  16. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::hugs Katcal:: Hope Reg follows you soon, so that you can enjoy the new-ness together! :smile:
  17. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Thinking of you Katcal, and second mowglis thoughts.
  18. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Holy cow, a lot's been happening since I last checked in, for me too. Tim has been here a couple of weeks, he did a drastic restore on this computer, it works but I'm having trouble getting back my regular email and all my picture files are gone. I think I have most of them on a photosharing service so I hope I can get most of them back, and I still have everything on my camera yet, I just wasn't thinking.
    We went last night to pick up a new dog, she is about a year and a half old 1/2 Boston terrier, 1/4 chihuahua, 1/4 pug, small brown/black brindle with white markings like a Boston. She is very mellow , even a little timid but she loves Tim to pieces and so far everyone has been pretty well behaved. Mimi is hopefully the last addition to the family for a while, well maybe there is a fish coming yet.
    Tonight is choir practice, the Park Rapids Classic Chorale, I'm going to find out for sure if I'm a second soprano or a first alto tonight, we have some lovely music and we are supposed to be getting practice cd's today. I'm also hoping to hear how James did with his publisher, his editor wants him gone and he may just be leaving. I hope it won't come to that right away but I know he has to do what is right for him. Got to dash, I hope all grandmas are healthy, mine gets to return to her assisted living home tomorrow after her hip surgery just after the New year.
  19. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Tamyra, your correction made me chuckle, and then it made me think...

    1/3 + 1/4 +1/4 = 4/12 + 3/12 + 3/12 = 10/12

    So, instead of having a little bit of extra Terrier (as I predicted), your dog would be 1/6th of a chihuahua short!

    (I'm glad she's all there :smile:)

    And I'm also glad I remembered how to do fractions, since it's been, oh, twenty years or so!!!
  20. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Well, Coventry city centre IS a bit on the concrete side, but having been warned about it, it's not as bad as I thought. :)
  21. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Good luck, Kat!
  22. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    fractions - what are they!

    Hello pup! Where'd I put that biscuit...

    Every one I talk to just now seems to be getting dogs/have dog stories - I'm envious - cant have one:sad:.

    Good to hear from you Tamyra...
  23. randywine

    randywine Member

    Wanna see picture of dog ...

    Rubbish interview yesterday ... never mind though I have another in Edinburgh on Friday so fingers crossed ...

  24. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Oh good idea...
    Oh fingers crossed here too! & much closer to home.

    Good luck R
  25. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    This has been a crazy week.

    Gran got the catarrhact operation on Monday. It's not going as well as it should, we'll see the doctor again Monday next.

    Monday night I also got a call from the hospital that had postponed the telephone interview I had scheduled for Friday and I was told to stand by the phone on Tuesday morning. An hour later than the appointment time I got a call from the Medical staffing department and was told that after reconsidering my resume the consultants don't think I have enough experience for the post.

    Today I was mostly sleeping, as I got a touch of stomach flu.

    At least on Sunday I went dancing with my friends and I don't regret the pulled muscle.
  26. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Sorry to hear it, Avgi. :( Fingers crossed for your gran. ::hugs::
  27. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Thats a bummer Avgi. Stoopid consultants.

    Pulled muscles are a reasonable side-effect of dancing and are to be expected... This is why any night out should be well planned in advance and one of those cool / heat packs included in the hand bag.

    Dave and I are having a housewarming this weekend. The preparation has nearly killed me as we wanted to get the front garden starter / finished beforehand and we only started on Monday. I'm currently so sore that I don't think I could raise a glass in celebration neverlone make the tonne of salad required for the event... Will be spending the day doing as little as possible.
  28. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Oh Saccharissa - hope things work out for your gran. Sorry to hear about the interview too.

    Enjoy your house warming Spiky.
  29. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'll try to get a picure of Meemers( Mimi doesn't work for Tim) soon.
    Tonight I learned that James is resigning from his job and may be going as far as S. Korea for work. I want him to stay but that is just selfish of me, I'm sure he'll find better out there then we can give him in Park Rapids, but who really knows what will happen.
    I also found out a friend was murdered Tuesday, she was a lovely smart funny woman and now her little girls are without a mommy. I'd been thinking about her lately and now she's gone. Life can throw you for a loop any time.
    I invited a bunch of Unseen Message boarders to my Facebook friends list, If I missed you you can find me there as me, Tamyra DeWandeler. If I kill you on the Oregon trail I'll write something nice on your tombstone. I ended up with 5 live trailmates on my first trip.
  30. missy

    missy New Member

    I havent been on for a while (apart from the Coventry bit) so i have alot of news.

    I am officially getting divorced (Solicitor has part payment and the papers have been served) The tosser has a girlfriend (don't even go there) I am being made redundant and Dave has bought a new suit.....

    I have no job, 4 weeks paid notice and 3 weeks redundancy pay. I have applied for shed loads of jobs (i mean tonnes and tonnes, 17 last weekend alone) I'm desperate. I feel awful cos Dave is being so supportive and in my heart of hearts i know its not my fault but i can't help feeling guilty for the pain and worry i am causing him.

    I got a letter from my solicitor at the weekend. It seems the silly cow he moved in with isn't happy that the solicitor has found him as she called my solicitor up to tell her. Stupid (she must be to fall for him, i know i was) bitch didn't understand how we found her! selling our old home and using her address for correspondance wasn't his best idea! At least in 11 months i will be free from him. Totally free. I can't wait. I just hope i have a job by then.

    We do have a new addition to the family. Her name is Jessica (Jessie for short) She is a Heinz 57 and we haven't got the foggiest what she might be but she is soooooo lovely. Charlie is getting to grips with not being the only dog in our lives but at least they play and get on well. Dave has had a bit of a culture shock (3 walks a day is a bitch) but as soon as i lose some weight i can start to go with him too and then it won't be so lonely for him. She is giving us so much happiness at the moment, she really helps bring me out of my low times. She has this thing about licking Daves ears, in a sneaky way....She will sit behind him on the seat (he sits on the floor, likes to be at doggie level, its a Dave thing) and sneakilly, very slowly leans forward when hes not expecting it and slobbers all over his neck and ears. Its hillarious!

    Well i might be on a bit more now i'm going to be at home for a while job hunting, hope you don't mind me randomly inputting. I feel a bit like an outsider since i haven't been on much.

  31. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Meemers it is then Tamyra!:smile:

    Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, you're so right life certainly throw you for a loop!

    Have to remember that saying, its more polite than mine.:wink:

    Oh another with a new mutt! As Randywine demanded of Tamyra, and I seconded - 'Picture Please' Missy. Both doggies please...

    I'm now is severe 'want one' mode!

    Missy good luck with the job hunting. I was talking to a friend the other day, who is also out of work - but didn't want to apply for jobseekers allowance. (She got me on a roll, and promised to deal with it first thing the next day - probably to shut me up). I hope you have been down to the jobcentre and done the necessary? (and applied for any and all benefits).

    Well my news - back to work again! I was off for a week on holiday, back a day and a half then sent home - ill. However back to normal (well normal for me). And that's it really... boring I know but felt I'd share:smile:.
  32. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Missy, here's to getting rid of that waste of space in the eyes of the law. Let me know when the paperwork gets finalised and I'll throw a party to end all parties. Best of luck with the job hunt and congratulations on the new doggie!
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    So I'm here, and have more or less found a place to live for the next month, and after that, away to the sea side !! I saw the house and just fell in love, it's gorgeous, the village is gorgeous, the landlords are lovely, and they're knocking 100€ off the rent, so go...
  34. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Missy, maybe it turns out well and you're in a new job, soon, away from mobbing colleagues and all, so you can look back at it thinking "Good thing that happened." Good luck, anyway.
    Congratulations to every step further away from your lunatic ex. And to the new housemate. :)
  35. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Thats great if only my bank would do that with the mortgage...

    Thge housewarming went well but the BBQ was so over catered that Dave and I will be eating salad for at least a week. We even had a few people over last night to help put a dent in the meat and salad situation so I can reclaim my fridge. Unfortunately this barely made a dent in the towering masses of food populating the far corners of my chilled space.

    SO if anyone is close by feel free to stop by for lunch, you can even have a salad doggy bag to take away.
  36. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I'll come if you pay for the flights and provide tranquilizers so I can sleep the whole way over. I don't do well on long flights...learned my lesson the hard way!

    Ok, the only news I have is that I am having a really hard time sleeping right now, and it is driving me Crazy!..uh crazier.

    Oh, and I bought new shoes. They are pretty.

    And my best friend is selling her house and moving to the next town. That really sucks. Just because her stupid partner will have a closer drive to work. I mean, she's been my best friend for the best part of twenty years and now I can't just drop in for a cup of tea and a chat! Rats!
  37. missy

    missy New Member

    Thanks for your wishes must have done some good, all of you thinking of me. I have had 3 interviews today and have 2 tomorrow. One looks in the bag although it is a little further than i wanted to go, other than that it looks like such a cool place to work. I have the perfect job to be interviewed for tomorrow though, "cos i'm worth it" yep thats right, Loreal....same business park Dave works on and an extra £2.5k a year! please god let me get it! it's no weekend working and i wouldn't need a second car.

    I haven't heard anything from my solicitor yet so i must assume all is going well and he isn't disputing it..... It'll be just my luck for him to try and stop it all though, knowing what an arse he can be.

    I lost 6.6lbs (3 kilo's) on my diet last week. I decided to back on it last week. I'm a comfort eater that was just getting out of control. Anything bad happens and i reach for the fatty foods and cakes....well not any more.n I'm tougher than that.
    Thanks again all....please keep up the good luck. I'm relying on you.

  38. Tiffany

    Tiffany New Member

    Good luck with your interviews missy, hope you get the job you want! fingers crossed for you for the solicitor stuff too, hope it all works out. And i'm so jealous with your diet, all mine seems to be doing is making me crave chocolate :sad: back to the gym i think, i hate going but its the only thing that seems to work :sigh: :smile:
  39. redneck

    redneck New Member

    In my news, the date went well. She was fun, cute, and very friendly. All we wound up doing was just sitting in the restaurant and talking. Found out quite a bit about her and she found out some things about me, such as, I don't know how to go about asking about a second date other than saying, "Hey, you want to have a second date?"

    Her great-grandfather ran away from home, changed his name, and joined the circus! How can you not ask someone with that kind of heritage out for a second date? I'm going to call her tomorrow and try to set up something for Saturday.
  40. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Red are you following the 36 hour rule? According to Seinfeld you can't call a girl until after 36 hours after the first date to ask for the second date... Too soon and you look to keen, before 24 hours is stalkerish, and too late and she may give up on you and make other plans...

    Otherwise, glad to hear it went well. And yes a runaway carny in the family is pretty cool.
  41. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Red, considering how long ago you told us about it, it must had been the mother of all blind dates :eek:

    My grandmother is doing better. She can see better but she will have to keep on taking three different eye drops at varying times for two more weeks at least. It's a drag for all of us because we wake her up in the night at least twice (10 and 12, sometimes 9), which is tiring for her, and sometimes she doesn't put the handset back on its hook properly so we go to her house in the middle of the night, almost every other day, and it's tiring as well.

    Missy, fingers and toes crossed.
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hi all, just a quick sneaky post from the office as I still don't have internet working where I'm staying. Just to let you know that all is going fine and that by the end of Feb. we will have a fab house with loads of room for, maybe holding a Dublincon someday ? Rinso is invited, there is a garden shed. And I shall show him what Irish people are really like.
  43. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    Also, break a leg, Redneck! Break a leg, Missy! :smile:
  44. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    The usual good luck to all! Keep up the good work, Missy! I know how hard it is to lose weight(49pounds), but you can get there! Trust me!

    Dublincon - anytime, anywhere! Glad things are going good for you in the land of the Dubs, Kat.

    Red, just go for it!

    Just back from the Diabetic Medical Clinic and things are going good. Made the nurses jaw drop, though, which was kind of cool. She had just found out what my blood pressure had been when I was admitted to hospital a year ago this week :)sad:). 220 /110...erk...But I'm doing good now 111/84, and she was more than happy with my blood sugar count from the last 4 months, so big smiles all around. Except for the fact that I was waiting around for 5 hours just to have someone prick my finger and do a test I can do with my own machine...sigh, sometimes the Health Board bugs me...
  45. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Great to hear so many good things happening.

    Good luck to all for upcoming job interviews, diets, dates etc.

    Nothing much happening here - just work, work and more work. Oh and dentist tomorrow :sad:
  46. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Nope. Ain't gonna happen. She decided that she was too busy to date anyone right now. So... back to the drawing board. Fuck!
  47. missy

    missy New Member

    Congrats Mazekin, I know how hard it is to control your sugar. I was just over 15 when i came to Nottingham my average level is 7.8 now, that makes me normal! Yay

    Well all is good in Wendy land at the moment. I got one of the jobs i went for. I start on Monday. I have decided it is only a back up though as it is a bit far away. The two i went to see yesterday went really well. If i get offered either of them i will be taking them as they are alot closer to home, ergo less petrol and more time with Dave....

    Diet is not going great. Not cheating or anything, just not eating as haven't had time with all my interviews. Everyone knows you won't lose weight without eating! So back on it properly from today. Sugar level has been good for the first day in a week. I keep going too low as i have been trying to balance all the good stuff i eat compared to all the crap i was eating with the amount of insulin i have to take. God its hard.

    Kat, Dublincon sounds brilliant if we can be invited? i always wanted to go to ireland. Only problem would be the dogs but i'm sure my friend would be kind enough for a couple of days.
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well done you, Wendy, good going ! Of course you're invited, as is everyone who can make it, there are plenty of cheap flights out from UK and european airports, so as soon as we have the house and are moved in we can all fix a date and go a-roamin round the green countryside, if we can see it for the sheep, that is. Oh, that said, Doors isn't invited for obvious reasons involving sheep protection.
  49. randywine

    randywine Member

    Hi all and sundry...

    Red...sorry to hear about the KB...don't let it get you down dude.

    Congrats on moving Kat - sound like it's all working out great...

    Diet are shite aren't they? - I lost 3 stone on Atkins about 2 years ago then put it back on again in about 5 minutes when I started to eat bread and potatoes again. Since the start of December I have been walking 5 miles with Bonnie every second morning (I now do this with a 10 Kilo pack on and a kilo strapped to each wrist) and on the other mornings I have been jogging in stages (jog 150 steps and then walk 100 paces) for 2 .5 miles with only the wrist weights.I don't know how much weight I have dropped but I have lost 5 inches of my waist and my BP is normal again(it used to be 188/110) I'm hoping to get fit enough to play rugby again later in the year - but I don't diet - I love to eat and I'm lucky I'm not diabetic

    I had a great interview on Friday for a position that would be fantastic for me... I am now down to the last 2 candidates so I am going back in tomorrow for an informal to meet the guys I may be working with and do the whole 2nd impression thing.

    If nothing else It'll be a laugh...

  50. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    It's Winter Carnival at my school. I worked from midnight until 2am Wednesday night selling deep fried Twinkies, Snickers, and Milky Ways for the pep band. It was fun, but I was freezing by the time I got back inside after helping drunks pay for their food for 2 hours. I was invited to a couple parties (which I will not be attending)and was given a tip by one guy. Wednesday was the All Nighter when student groups finish up their month long snow statues or start on smaller one's that have to be finished by 8am. The rest of the Winter Carnival weekend includes a beard competition, hockey games, broomball games, tug-o-war, snow volleyball, sking races, a show by Colin Mochery and Brad Sherwood from Whose Line Is It Anyway, a Torchlight parade of skiers down the ski hill across the river from campus, fireworks, and a dance. Winter Carnival is an interesting weekend, yesterday I saw a fraternity run around outside in just winter hats, boots, and boxers.

    Pictures of the Statues:
    Amy Jeska's Photos - Winter Carnival 08 | Facebook
  51. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    OMG(s) - I think I've met someone!

    Tis totally unexpected to say the least, and I cant stop smiling :smile:

    We have yet to meet - just trying to co-ordinate diaries etc.

    Will my feet touch the ground again I wonder...
  52. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey Rewr, sounds good so far, good luck with that !
  53. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    The Colin Mochery and Brad Sherwood show was awesome and it was worth walking through the blizzard we're oing through to get there. Now Tech isn't known as a party school but we are known for being able to out drink almost every other college. This is Winter Carnival weekend however so the parties have been going everynight since Wednesday and even Colin and Brad commented on who else but Tech would shoot off fireworks in a blizzard.
  54. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I've had the day off so that the plumber could come and change the individual taps on the bath to a mixer unit with shower attached.

    Thanks to taps apparently being the original ones from when the house was built in the late 40's, inconvenient pipe arrangements and bits of lead connections, the plumber has, after two hours, managed to remove the cold water tap (which involved heating things with a blow torch).

    He can't reach the hot tap with the tools he has with him - the one he needs is in the other van. So he's had to cap off the one he's removed so the water could be turned back on (he had to turn it off at the main in the street as my stop-cock won't turn, which also turns off the water to three other houses in the street).

    So he's coming back tomorrow afternoon to hopefully finish it. I'll have to take the afternoon off also.

    It would probably been cheaper and easier just to have bought a new bath and had it installed! :sad:

    I did however get a lot of the garden cleared during the warm sunny afternoon.
  55. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Sorry to hear about that, jaccairn. I've found that I like threaded fittings much, much better than sweated ones.

    Good luck and congratulations, rewr.

    Found out I got a part in the musical, The Fantastics. The part is pretty small, from what I can tell, but it sounds very fun. I was going to play the mute, but after one of the other guys made a huge fuss about not getting the part he wanted, he quit. That left me with a little bit bigger part. The director described him, "He's the one that dies on cue. For several minutes." I'm very interested to find out more about it.
  56. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Great news on your big little part, Redneck.

    Things are moving on - I'm meeting him later on this month!
  57. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    I'm jealous. Colin Mochrie is an absolute genius.
  58. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    If he was fiddling with the stop-cock and it was inside the house, keep a good eye on it for a while. My off-valve (sorry, I can't bring myself to say stop-cock more than twice in one go without laughing - I'd never make a good plumber) was nearly 40 years old and it decided to spring a leak a little bit after we used it. I still have damp under my stairs, lost a good few coats, scarves and shoes and periodically, an odd looking mushroom keeps growing in my sitting room.

    And buying new baths is bloody expensive. Trust me on that. Plus, you have to get rid of the old one, its messy, ripped off tiles, holes...ripped carpets...memories...I'll never get rid of the memories....shudder...
  59. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well my new shiny bathroom better not get any of these problems until I'm good and dead...

    Anyway, the boy has gone off for another week for work reasons leaving me alone in the big new house with guests on the way and a lot of cleaning to be done. I would say that this was convenient timing on his part but i would just be being cynical... Note to self: Next time you build a house get a self-cleaning kitchen.
  60. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Old plumbing has loads of surprises in store :p
    So I choose not to mess with it at all in my rental apartments(I've moved a lot), not untill I own the place, then I might invest into fixing it properly.
    Good luck with it, jaccairn.

    Congratulations on the part, redneck. You'll get a chance to go out in style.. for a few minutes :)

    Well, I know I haven't been around at all in the last year, but I've been working my ass of earning my keep, getting experience in my field and also trying to study in the few spare hours. Of course, the lion share of my free time was spent on skype with Jonas (Kapten Karies), and I'm glad to say it's paid off. It's been over 10 months now and we're still together, regardless of the distance.
    Currently he's working in England, Coventry, for a few months and I'll be visiting him during the weekend between the 14th and 17th of March. If anyone would like to meet up with us during that time in Coventry, Birmingham or any other near-by town, we'd like to meet you. :)
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