I like doing these! New pictures heralds... NEW LOOKALIKES! Behold! Ivan Dracula [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/dracula_d.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] ******************** Kenny Herman Munster ******************** Ivan Anakin http://www.orrdos.com/anakin-thumb.jpg ******************** Garner [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/garnerdarwin.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] Darwin [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/charles-darwin.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] ******************** Kenny [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/london3.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] The Jackal [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/jackal.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] ******************** Rinso [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/rinsochild.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] A small child [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/childeating.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] ******************** Doors [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/chester7.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] Jaws [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/jaws.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] ******************** Ivan [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/ivan2.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41] Riff Raff [img:274a6f6d41]http://www.orrdos.com/riff_raff.jpg[/img:274a6f6d41]
*gasp* The Jackal and Kenny are lost twins... Wait... weren't there another pair of lost twins on the board? And one of them Kenny, too?
I particularly like the Kenny-Herman one, great ! And Rinso[b:56b72a0b20] is [/b:56b72a0b20]a small child, we all know that, I don't see what's funny...
The Ivan-Dracula one isn't that accurate. Ovam (oops, Ivan if I get my fingers on the right keys) has a much more sinister grin. And Hey! I recognise that place where Kenny is!! The picture can't be that new, unless people are forgetting to invite me out...
This is Brad the Wonder Llama This is Peter Sarsgaard, of the "Jarhead", "Kingsley" and "Boys Don't Cry" fame... Any questions? * edited for bad html
here's a lookalike: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/fortopic68.html with http://www.terrypratchett.uk/fortopic664.html :razz: with somethingclever Victimov8 with Bert (on the left)
A similarity which is SO UNCANNY it has been noted before. http://www.terrypratchett.uk/fortopic68-0-asc-15.html (scroll down)
Oooh, yeah... I had seen that, I just forgot it... Besides, you can't get enough of that pumpkin pic, can you
More you ask ? More it is !! We were in a pet shop and I thought of this one... Guinea pig (long haired) Rinso (bad haired) (I'm sure there's a better "Rinso's Bad hair day" pic out there, but searching hurts...)
Heh, the scruffy guinea pig resemblance is eerie. I never noticed the first one before. I like it. Who is Mika, though?
This one presents itself as somewhat in-editable... It would be a pity to just change all the Doppelgänger pics into links, so I thought I'd bump it and leave it to the author to change it.
I was watching Mythbuster on the Discovery channel and just couldn't shake the eerie feeling that Ba and Garner have a hidden love-child... Jamie Hyneman.
I was going to post a pic of my friend Rusty dressed as Jamie Hyneman but my photo is too big and I'm too tired to figure out how to shrink the size of the file. He accidentally dressed as Jamie at the Anime Detour Convention last month in the Cities(Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota) and was almost photographed to pieces. The pic is on my Facebook album, I'm Tamyra DeWandeler there, if you're interested.
Please, Ba couldn't grow a socially acceptable 'tache like that to save his life, and I'm allergic to berets.
Om you could try in the gallery section of the site... It needs to be small enough to fit but is a pretty easy way to do it and you can then post the link...
Ba is so proud of his stache that he knows where all the photos of it are. It was an impressive stache. As to Ba and Garner's lovechild: I don't see how either of them are cultured or wanky enough to produce a beret. ALthough theie individual wankiness my multiply exponentially in a child rather than being a normal addition of wankiness.
Probably not the best pic for comparison but the new Gladiator Cyclone kind of reminds me of Hsing...