Where'd everyone go?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, May 9, 2008.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Just checking. There just seems to be a distinct lack of posts over the last few days...

    Has everyone died in an apocalyptic event that I managed to miss? Should I be looking out for you all coming back as zombies to eat my braaaaiiiiiinnnnnnssss!?
  2. randywine

    randywine Member

    I'm still here ... I think.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !


    I'm around, also noting the lack of activity, but I didn't want to post too much myself, wouldn't want you guys to think I'm too talkative or something...:D :pirate:
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It sometimes gets like this I think, it always has. Even years back on the old board there used to be periods of inactivity, I think it has something to do with sunspots and Solar winds.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    And alien abductions...
  6. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Or maybe the fact that it's late spring :smile:
  7. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    It's also Friday & I just wanna leave work...
  8. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Personally, I was abducted by man-eating pixies last night and had to battle my way out of their pixie castle, dodging dragons and lions and tigers and bears. I ran into a strange man with the ability to make everything around him turn into cheese. I was then turned into cheese and had to go on a long quest to find the antidote to my strange and dangerous affliction before the cheese-eating monkeys found out what had happened and ate me...hang on, sorry, no, that was a dream.

    I think my brother's home from England and trying to monopolise all of the family's time...or is that the dream....:question:
  9. randywine

    randywine Member

    Hate it when that happens
  10. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    I'm... around.
  11. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Maze wins the prize for the most creative reason for being preoccupied...

    I just figured that having a thread to explain why you weren't posting would at least mean that something would be posted...

    Ah-ha! My convoluted logic strikes again!!
  12. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Life and several deadlines happened.
  13. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    It was really quite a terrifying experience...those monkeys are savage!
  14. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I wrote out this rant which will get me fired if my boss world read it.
    It's a gtalk exchange with Clay from which I have removed any references to Chinese food:

    Me: I work at a small marketing/design company. We, until 3 weeks ago had 5 designers (one of them the creative director, one a work placement and one of them more into the technical side of things, like flash programming).
    Now, about 5 weeks ago, we were told that the creative director was leaving. Slightly better pay, much better boss. (That last part was told us in confidence, obviously.)

    2 weeks ago, another of the designers quit, and then took a holiday.
    Our new creative director is more technically inclined, so he doesn't do any design work. (At least, so far I've only see him do HTML/CSS and Some light Javascript.)

    Which leaves the following persons in the design department: Me. an intern, who, god bless her, isn't much good yet, and a guy that would rather make things move around in Flash.

    Clay: this certainly explains why you haven't had much time for chatting lately

    Me: Also: 7 deadlines in 2 weeks, a conference last thursday to saturday (Great, but crappily timed) and (and this is the only good part so far) 2 freelance jobs (one of them for my old creative director)

    Yes, it would, wouldn't it... .-)

    Actually, the conference wasn't crappily timed, it's just that my boss and the account manager can't plan their way out of a wet paper bag if they had scissors.

    On top of that, my new creative director is 25 years old and has broken up with his girlfriend. He also doesn't seem to have any friends. I now screen my calls on Saturday and Sunday....

    Clay: jesus

    Me: In the last 2 weeks, he's worked 5 times 'till midnight at least. He has no life.

    In protest, this week, with deadlines being slightly less harsh, we all try to go home after 8 hours of work.

    Me: SO: I'm working on my site and i have ordered bussiness cards. Sending out CV's/Portfolios.

    Because on top of all of this, I get shit pay and the owner/boss is a moron who will drive this company into the ground within the year.

    His idea of good bussiness is to undercut all competitors. So we end up with a giant workload and just enough money to pay the workers.

    He also THINKS he's smart. He has all these little schemes to pay less taxes and shit like that.

    Bitter? Me?


    So yes, I hope that answers where I have gone. :)
  15. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Bugger Teph.

    While not as creative as Maze you win the I'm working for idiots and am suffering for the stupidity of others prize for being preoccupied.

    Sounds like my old marketing research job. And yes my solution was to get a new job too...

    Although I am curious about the Chinese food though.
  16. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I am still here, albeit sitting in a whole in the ground way too much time. I am glad Maze is back from her space trip, though, and bugger, Tephlon, indeed...

    Could you mail me your link? I'd like to know how such a page would look, I am still looking for something steady, and I'm interested in knowing what other people's portfolios look like... Or is that too personal? I'd be grateful for any kind of inspiration...
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Crikey, Teph, that sucks, especially because it sounds all too familiar. Sounds like me last year, and, again, the answer was "get out of there as soon as you can", you're worth more than that, you deserve a lot better conditions, and there are better companies out there, get looking now!
  18. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I want to see your site as well, Tephlon!
  19. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I'm struggling at the work front as well. We are trying to certify our product on a specific operating system. These are the sort of email exchanges I am going through:

    Me: We can't claim certification, we have tested only one type of configuration, on an older version of the operating system. We havent tested against the latest operating system which has features which will affect us. (This followed by examples and how they affect us)

    Manager (to QA): See what Sam says.

    QA: What does Sam say?

    Me: <as before>

    QA (to Release Manager): See what Sam says.

    Release Manager: What does Sam say?

    Me: <as before>

    Release Manager (to guy who provided environment for testing): See what Sam says.

    Guy who .. : What does Sam say?

    Me: <as before>

    Guy who .. (to Product Manager): See what Sam says.

    (and here we have a deviation!!)
    Product Manager: Version of what?! Operating system? Our product? Java?

    (Gah! why can't he just read the bloody email!!)
    Me: <as before>

    This hasn't ended yet, if I'm lucky, it will stop before it reaches the CEO.
  20. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Poor Sam.

    Unfortunatley my husband does the same thing with not reading emails and is known for sending out bloody stupid responses to emails that he didn't read in the first place only to be told to read the bloody email... Case in point invite emails are often answered with: I'm in. When? Where? and What time is it? WHich was all info provided in the invite. Sometimes it makes me want to strangle him cos its so embarassing.
  21. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Will put my site online ASAP. Though I just got word back that the first draft of one of my freelance jobs was "Not what they were looking for".

    Which is OK because it was done without any info besides the specs.

    2nd draft will be more visually impactive. (Gaah!)
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    You're not thinking of moving to Dublin are you Teph ? We're looking for webdudes currently...
  23. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member


    I'd like to state, for the record, that my contribution to that conversation was an extensive and highly philosophical lecture on Chinese food, to which Bauke responded with praise and amazement throughout. That is why I have virtually nothing of any significance to say in the edited, bowdlerized if you will, version of the conversation and it is NOT because I was busy stuffing my face with chow mein and watching The Prisoner with Grace.
  24. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Obviously Garner had much to say about chinese food etc.
    Also: Very philosophical.

    Kat: Not really, no. If I ever do, I'll contact you.

    I'm actually thinking of going for an artdirector job. SCARY; But I've
    about 13 years of experience by now.
  25. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Speaking of zombies,I've not been around because I staged an elaborate scheme to go to England and abduct Simon Pegg(because he's lovely and gorgeous,and GINGER) but I ran into trouble with his wife,so I had to ship her off to Svalbard in a cod container.So now I have SP in my closet and I make him dance for me in a white shirt with a red penmark on it. It's brought me lots of joy.
  26. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Sunna, let him go! He has to be able to make movies! Great Movies!
  27. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Sunna wins the busy due to obsessive fan behaviour award. Congratulations! There was a lot of competition in this field but you pulled through in the end with making Simon Pegg dance in a white shirt with red pen on it... Clearly a triumphant effort.
  28. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Simon Pegg, THAT's the guy what I forgotted the name of!

    And yes, please release him so he can make more movies or you will be robbing the world of one of its oh-so-rare famous gingers (and also acting talents)...
  29. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Gosh Spiky,I didn't even have a speech ready!
  30. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    When I helped James move I kept his Shaun of the dead shirt, There is a good picture of him wearing it, but I don't have it anymore. So here is a picture of him in Korea. It takes a lot of my time talking to him there in the future.

    Attached Files:

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