Police, protests, cults...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, May 20, 2008.

  1. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    ...and complete and utter lunacy: Teenager faces prosecution for calling Scientology 'cult' | UK news | guardian.co.uk

    I mostly browse through the Guardian for the headlines and the occassional Comment is Free article, but I just had to go and read that one, didn't I? Now all those Scientology conspiracy theories (and, well... taking what has actually been proven of them, just the plain old conspiracies) are going to the fore of my memory. Scientologists often active persue those who speak against them, but I never thought that the police would do it for them - in a manner that smells quite badly of insane PC policies.
  2. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I do think you hit the nail on the head there, Roman. Insanely PC is about the best way to put that I have ever heard.
  3. LadyBlurp

    LadyBlurp New Member

    OMW! that's ridiculous! Some people obviously have issues...
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think they had quite close ties with the police chief constable, or some other high ranking posts, when they we 'invited' to open their HQ in London. I bet someone high up spoke to someone else high up and...

    A lot of countries in Europe have disallowed Scientology its religion status on the grounds that it's more like a, dare I say it, "**lt" - so they aren't even permitted to have offices in many places.

    P.S. In my opinion it actually makes them look worse, they'd be better off just ignoring such protests as if they're above that sort of thing, like many proper religions would.
  5. LadyBlurp

    LadyBlurp New Member

    haha change the place of the *'s and it could mean something else... Scientology is a c**t not a religion... but don't quote me on that :p
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    People at work didn't believe me so I've had to email the link to the story...

    And if we're on it I feel that boardania might be a cult and that I've been indoctrinated into your evil ways. I'm going to wait outside for the Thetans to come and rescue me.
  7. LadyBlurp

    LadyBlurp New Member

    *worries for spikys safety* ;)
  8. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Sometimes the real world is better than any work of fiction.
  9. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    That's because the real world is a work of fiction, the human part of it is anyway as it's all made up from ideas people had at some point.
  10. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Ah this is getting very existential.

    So are there any original ideas? And who came up with the original set of ideas that we live our lives to, thus perpetuating the fiction?
  11. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Wow, Mal, you get quoted twice.

    Your sentence reminded of something Mark Twain once said. He said that fiction is always harder to write because fiction has to make sense in the end. Non-fiction often makes no sense at all, but that's ok because it doesn't have to.
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Of course there's original ideas, otherwise we'd still be larking about in trees like monkeys.

    Lots of people think up the ideas; though no one really knows where ideas come from in the first place sometimes, which sort of explains why people had to invent religions to explain these apparent thoughts from above.
  13. LadyBlurp

    LadyBlurp New Member

    erm... I don't know... I still enjoy larking about in trees...

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