Things learned today...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mazekin, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Did you get your hangover?
  2. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I think the term is 'hell yes!'. Most definately. I spent most of yesterday walking around the house with my eyes closed. It was a good night, though, and well worth it. Good times were had by all.:smile:
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Ice cream and vodka do indeed rock when blended together :smile: I was once a co-inventor of a mint-chocolate-chip-ice cream-and-Skyy concoction, which we called "The Labyrinth", because that's what we were watching at the time!

    Thing learned yesterday: the houses that we can afford in my currently-dream neighborhood are so small, that you can't fit more than 2 people inside a living room at once. And at least one of our friends is so big, that if he were to visit, I'd have to hang out in the kitchen.
  4. randywine

    randywine Member

    Starting a Limited company in Britain is really easy ... but there is a lot to learn if you actually want to get yourself paid. (see members news for the full rant):smile:

    Did mean to say this : Ice cream and Vodka! Yarg.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Today I learned never to trust people from HR.

    I also learned that sometimes, just sometimes, the people who really do deserve thanks and rewards for their hard work and skills actually get it. I like this company.
  6. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I don't, my broadband is crap...:razz: ...kidding...kinda...
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    It'll get better ;) kinda :D
  8. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    1. Sometimes people annoy me. Just general, every day people that I don't know.

    2. I can do nothing in this town without bumping into someone who knows at least one member of my family; For example, take the man doing the tiling in my house. I picked him out of a leaflet that comes around every week with things for sale/tradesmen/events that are happening around the town in it. All it was was a first name and a mobile number. I rang, I liked the quote, liked that he would only do it in the evenings so I got him to do it. First day in my house, he looks at me with his head cocked to the side and asks me if I'm David's sister. Which I am. Then tells me he works with my other brother. Goddamnit! Then it turns out that he is the brother-in-law of a neighbour I lived beside for 20 odd years.

    I then threatned him with Loretta's mom if he messed up. The look of fear on his face was priceless:smile:
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah, see, the tiling thing sorted itself out after all !

    Today I learned that falling asleep with a Rennie in your mouth is probably worse than having a dead hamster stapled to your tongue with rusty nails. And it probably tastes worse too.
  10. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Yup, the tiling is slowly being sorted...slowly...:smile:

    Would that be a day old dead hamster, or the more viscious and sloppy 3 week old dead hamster? It makes a difference!
  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I think a 3 week-old would be a mild version. 2 month-old more like. Probably one that died by drowning in stale cod-liver oil with added garlic.
  12. mazekin

    mazekin Member

  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Um.. What's a Rennie? (So that I will know to take one out of my mouth before going to sleep?)
  14. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Rennie is an indigestion & heartburn tablet. Yuck. I can't stand any of them. Gaviscon is the worst. The cure is as bad as the symptom.
  15. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Antibiotics and pain pills make a smoke taste like shit. I usually love the way my cigs taste, but today I've only smoked three and I didn't finish any of them.

    Also, getting strep for a birthday present sucks major ass. Getting pain killers for a late birthday present is pretty nice. For some reason I didn't have to pay for my doctor's visit this morning. That's nice as well.
  16. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    1. I need to get a wisdom tooth out. It's not news, but at least it's been confirmed by a Dental Surgeon. It is also growing straight into the bone. Joy.

    2. I have perfect teeth (aside from the wisdom tooth and 2 fillings - which is amazing, because 5 times out of 10 I forget to brush)

    3. I have lost some bone in my jaw due to infection :shock:

    4. I only have 1 wisdom jokes, please, I've heard them all from my family today!

    5. My orthadontist from when I was younger was a master at his work(dental surgeons words, not mine)

    6. I have to have an ECG to get my wisdom teeth out. Stupid health conditions.

    7. It's a small, small, small, small world. The anaesthesiologist that will be knocking me out happens to be my GP's wife.

    8. If you type the word small several times it looks wrong. You then have to open a word document and do a spell check to make sure you are doing it right.

    9. The guy that takes the x-rays in Barrington's Hospital is a laugh. I am completely blind without my glasses (can barely even read with the reading matter five centimeters in front of my nose) and he waved at me in a room about twice the size of my sitting room. Of course, I didn't see him so he shouted "Helooooooo" in a funny sort of way. So I stuck my tongue out at him while the DS fetched me my glasses. He started laughing at me. 30 minutes later when he was dropping the x-ray off, he stuck his head in front of mine and went 'well helooooo there missy'. Completely confused the bimbo secretary. That was fun.

    10. If a 1 year old headbuts the ground, they really, really cry. Really. Quite loudly. Screaming, in fact.

    11. Aside from a holiday in November, I have approximately 4 days left to play with for days off. And it's only frigging May! And with the ECG thing, I will only have 3 unless I ring in sick - and the chances of getting caught out with that are pretty high. I also have to take one for the stupid Diabetic Clinic so that's now down to 2. I am beginning to think I'll only get the statutary 2 days off for the X-mas holidays...bugger. I hate being in work for Christmas. It interferes with the whole 'lying in bed and forgetting about work' thing I usually have going on.
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I don't know which team won that big match last night, but I now know that my next door neighbour supports that team. I know because he was screaming "YEs, YeS, YEEEEEEEEEES" from 8 to 10:30 last night.
  18. mazekin

    mazekin Member


    I only know because my brother was jumping up and down punching at the air with joy. Possibly the only exercise he gets...

    Can I just point out that that reason is a lot better than the 'yes, yes, yeeeees!' that I get from my next-door neighbour's house. At 1.30 at night or 8 o'clock in the morning - before the kids she minds come calling. I think they also have a small chapel inside there...considering how many times 'God' is called out...hmmm...::walks away, looking slightly puzzled::
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    As I was half asleep at the time, I first wondered if his yelling was more of that kind, it did sound very plausible until the rest of the family joined in including their shrieky little kids, so unless they are a very sick family, it was the footy.
  20. LadyBlurp

    LadyBlurp New Member

    1. don't cross the road without looking left, right and left again.

    2. don't forget to look left again as ridiculous as it sounds it's apparently important.

    3 if you put a PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB sign on your door... people will disturb you. Even if it's just to ask you why they shouldn't.


    5. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME STUDY!!!!! seems to do the trick

    6. if you have afore mentioned sign on your door and people do happen to wander in they tend to be upset if you are writing things on the terry pratchett unseen message board...

  21. redneck

    redneck New Member

    When a limb has a lot of stress on it, it will move quickly toward a less stressed position when cut.

    If one's foot happens to be under a stressed limb the appendage will not be pleased with the outcome.

    My foot will not support half the weight of a tree.

    When a stressed limb slaps down on an appendage, it leaves it a nice multi-coloured mass of pain.

    It's hard to walk while trying to not use one's toes.
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooh that's gotta hurt :shock:
  23. LadyBlurp

    LadyBlurp New Member

  24. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    That sounds way worse then my run in with a ceiling fan.
  25. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

  26. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Take care! We've only got one Redneck and I'd hate to have to go looking for a replacement!
  27. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Yeah... plus, the way the economy's going, we might only be allowed one Redneck every two years :tongue:

    LadyBlurp, I hate to be Captain Obvious, but what happens if you lock your door?
  28. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Then people just annoy you by knocking incessantly. Locking your door only works for people going door to door and family members with no keys.
  29. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Don't worry (or worry, depending on your point of view), I'll be around for years to come. Could a knee surgery keep me from posting on here? No. Could getting my chest blasted by an overheated radiator keep me from posting on here? No! Could the flu, strep throat, and all manner of illnesses keep me from posting on here? NO! So I will not let a simple thing like crushing my foot stop me from posting here either!! Long live the redneck! Huzzah!

    *Breaking news: Redneck killed in gleeful burst of gunfire while celebrating some unknown occasion. This is the fourth redneck to have died while celebrating this month. An anonymous observer at all four fatalities reported that just prior to their deaths the deceased requested them to "hold their beer(s) and watch this." Mending news*
  30. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    South Park flash back in progress, hope you feel better.
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Never underestimate the power of the sun, even in Ireland.
  32. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    You had sun! No fair! I wanted sun today!

    1. Finally having Bathroom & kitchen tiled and looking nice and not like downtown Bazra is a really, really good feeling.

    2. Droping a bag of broken tiles on your foot is a really, really bad idea. It leads to cutting your toes. My bathroom is getting its revenge for all the crap I've put it through in the past few weeks.

    3. Never get a family member to install a shower.

    4. Cleaning newly installed tiles is really hard work and is very annoying.

    5. Pennys department store have some really nice v-necked t-shirts for 3 euro each. Bargin!

    Tomorrow I will probably be giving out about things I've learned while bringing a 11 month old to a petting zoo for the first time. I have a feeling yoghurt will be involved :lol:
  33. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    The space shuttle, when passing over your house, looks like a UFO. Saw it twice. Really cool.
  34. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    It WAS a UFO...
  35. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    It wasn't! Internet proved it!

    Todays lesson learned:

    Don't get cocky while driving, approach a roundabout at speed and suddenly realise that the rain has made the ground pretty slippy and you won't be able to stop in time, meaning you pull out straight in front of a cop car. They really don't like it.
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    For the past few days I have been doing a rather annoying course on the severe suckyness of the Irish postal services. In fact I believe I am coming close to fully comprehending the expression "going postal".
    Reforming the whole postal system of ankh-morpork is nothing compared to obtaining a registered letter addressed to you, in Ireland. And you only have 3 days to do it, the fact that the place where it is being held is a good hour's drive from you, only open during your working hours, and impossible to access by public transport. Oh, and I don't drive, I don't know any of my neighbours well enough to ask them to wait around all day for it, and they won't deliver it to another address unless it's in the same street. It's my new credit card for my French account so I also pay for them to send it, so if I don't pick up this letter they will send it back and I will have to pay again and I will still have to pick it up. So I'm on the bus for an hour, then I get a taxi if I can find one and same again back again. This will probably cost 20 to 30 euros in all. Woo hoo!
  37. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Katcal, at least you'll have a credit card to pay it with.

    Always remember, when life gives you lemons, kick life in the nuts. That'll teach it to give you anymore lemons, dammit.
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I may just use that one again...
  39. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I learned that drinking kriek lambic before bedtime gives me nightmares. However, it also allows me to say "No more Belgian beer before bedtime, Brad" :tongue:
  40. BlueOrca

    BlueOrca New Member

    Learned today:

    1. I really, really hate getting up early

    2. Putting nice things in my bathroom, making it look like a real bathroom, makes me happy.
  41. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Learned today: Gulp down the refreshments BEFORE the woman with the wound dressing presentation begins her slide show,as it will always and naturally,considering the subject,involve a lot of pics of gangere wounds,bedsores,sinus pili and so on
  42. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I hate interviews. Well I didn't just learn that today, but the feeling was reinforced today.
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Peggle is evil

    Bejewelled is evil

    Being given any addictive time-wasting game for free is evil.
    Being given it by your own company is just crazy.
    Being given one you can play on your mobile phone, and therefore end up wasting half an hour playing in the toilets because you're so addicted to it is just plain silly.
  44. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member

    Learned today:

    Computers hate me with a passion. :p

    Having a job can be excruciatingly boring if no one gives you any work.

    I like M, especially in the song Belleville Rendez-vous. Also Raphael's song Le Vent de l'Hiver is good. :D

    Weekends are the best thing since sliced cheese.

    Tigernuts taste good. (at least they do in a drink)
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    - People suck. Big time. Not people, I like people, but people, ach, they're the worst.

    - Apparently, reading a form, filling it in and giving it to someone before a given date is a major skill. Seriously, people should put it on their resumé.

    - Happily there are a few nice people who make up for the sucky people
  46. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    IgorMina, I was going to comment on your M experience (m'experience?), because the Belleville Randez-vous is one of Brad's and mine favorite YouTube videos...


    ..but then you mentioned tigernuts. How they taste good. Inna drink.

    All SORTS of visuals are bouncing through my head now! :tongue:
  47. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member

    Ummm... what about tigernuts? What sort of visuals?
    *Is very confused*

    But yes, I do love the Belleville Rendez-vous song, I just rediscovered it recently. And then I discovered his song Qui de nous deux? And then I discovered that I liked M as a singer in all songs! :D

    *wanders off wondering about tigernuts...*
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    M definitely rocks, even more so live, he has amazing amounts of energy... Unfortunately for most people here you won't get how great his songs are, even if you youtube them, because they're in French and the lyrics are as good as the music, if not more. But I guess even if you don't get the lyrics, the songs still rock, after all, the French listen to loads of songs in English and enjoy them despite the sometimes extremely dumb lyrics, so what the hell.
  49. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    1. I saw War of the Worlds for the first time today. (that's kind of a lie. I saw the end of it a few weeks ago. But technically I saw the whole thing tonight)

    2. Watching War of the Worlds with my wuss of a sister is a lot of fun.

    3. My sister is such a wuss. She's seen it several times and still hid behind the cushions for most of it.

    4. During the lightning bit in the movie (can't really be a spoiler) realising that your camera is in your bag next to you can lead to a really, really cunning plan.

    5. Setting off the flash on your camera during the lightning bit in War of the Worlds will scare the living sh*t out of my sister...and lead to an empty pizza box being hurled at you while she tries to stop having a heart attack :D:lol:


    6. Interviews are not fun.

    7. Having an understanding Team Leader in the interview with you is a real bonus. Especially when she answers one of the questions for you when she sees you have completely blanked out.

    6. Scaring the sh*t out of my sister is one of the most satisfying things in life. Almost makes up for her drama queen 'moments'.
  50. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    This might banish me from any sort of "adult" conversation in the future, but to me, "tigernuts" means "a tiger's nuts". As in, bits of a tiger that he'd be really loathe to part with, regardless of how good they taste in a drink! :tongue:

    Also, things learned yesterday - when Photoshopping the "red eyes" out of photos, try to remember what color your friends eyes are in real life...also, try to be consistent!
  51. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member


    It's probably me... I'm very slow at getting that sort of thing unless it is being spelt out very clearly to me. :redface:

    Learnt today: My sort-of-boss is either invisible, or scared of me, or possibly both.

    I also learnt how to design a whole new filing system, and write the computer program without any help or prior knowledge about computers.
    I feel like lieutenant Blouse. :D
  52. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learned today: life sucks.
  53. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::discovered via the joys of desktop voice recording::

    I thought I was a soprano. I was wrong. When I try to sing bass, I sound like a soprano. When I try to sing soprano, I sound like a mosquito on helium.

    P.S. ::hugs Katcal::
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks Mowgli :( Not feeling too great right now, one of my best mates lost her baby yesterday, she was six months pregnant... We had tickets to a food fair this evening, so we went, and although it kind of took our minds off it for a while, now we are on our way home we're back down in the dumps again. What sucks even more is that she's so far away (Geneva) so we won't even see her when we go back to Toulouse in a few weeks. All I want right now is to give her a massive hug and tell her things will be ok...
  55. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Kat, that seriously sucks. Big hug for you too. Not much else I can say, but I'm so sorry to hear that.
  56. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member

    Oh! That's terrible news. :(
    Have a hug Kat.
    I'll try to send comforting vibes round Geneva on your behalf when I'm there.
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks guys, nothing much anyone can say, really. She is at least physically fine after her time in hospital, no complications, so that's at least one positive thing. Life goes on I guess.
  58. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Well, over the last two days I’ve learned that wisdom teeth suck, even if you only have one. Stitches suck. Recovering from general anaesthetic sucks. When a nurse walks off with your glasses, it sucks because you might not get them back for another five hours because they leave you to recover on your own and don’t come near you other than to stick their head inside the cubicle to make sure you are still breathing and then walk off. Which also means if you need to go to the loo you had better have pretty good bladder control. Ummm…being on a drip sucks, as does the huge bruise you are left with.

    I love my parents even though they drive me crazy and make me watch things like Bargain Hunt, Cash in the Attic, Judge Judy and other really, really bad and annoying daytime TV shows. And Falcon Crest is as bad today as it was when it was being shown initially. At least, that’s what the guy in the bed next to me says…

    Also, it is a very, very small world. The guy in the bed next to me (and incidentally, sitting next to me in the waiting room) just happens to be the guy we bought our house from. Who also works with my brother Paul. I think everybody works with my brother Paul. After the last 2 months, that’s the conclusion I’ve come to.

    But on the bright side, painkillers are wonderful!

    And I’m still bone tired.

    And I’m off work until next Thursday!:D
  59. mazekin

    mazekin Member

  60. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday I learned that jellyfish are very strange things, and most probably of alien origin.

    Also, if you tread on one on the beach, you're gonna slip...

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