Things learned today...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mazekin, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I've learned that it's important to stretch before every wedding! :shock:
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I would also recommend doing some extensive work on facial muscles. I smiled so much for so long at our wedding that by mid afternoon I had cheek cramps and twitches.
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That's sweet. :smile:
    I had too much variety (or about-face?) - from "I am going to faint" to "grin" to "smile" to "hissy fit" to "drunk grin... All over workout.

    I learnt today that google is evil, and I want a new email adress.

    I learnt that cats which are miserable sometimes purr frantically, to "say" something like "I am a nice little cat, you won't hurt me, will you? HELP! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND!"
    Having small furry housemates operated sucks, but is sometimes necessary. There were complications, the cat's better now, but it would just be nice if my cat stopped tremblimg every time I have to pick her up...
    Yes, friends! Even my goddam pet is miserable! :p :(
  4. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Poor critter :frown: Would it help to wrap her in a towel, when you pick her up, Hsing?
  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I am afraid that would send her over the edge completely... I try to restrain her as least as possible. She feels strange enough with the things we had to put her into to keep her from gnawing the wound. The poor thing played dead and went all rigid when I was at the vet with her the last time. I think all I can do is take care she... well... gets taken care of (in the medical sense), gets her vitamins, and other than that, she'll probably sneak back on the sofa when all has calmed down and things are better. I'll occasionally bribe her with cat malt. To think she crawled under my jumper when she was unwell in the beginning... Now she avoids me... :sad: Liquorice Littlepaw loves me no more.

    I learnt today that after growing up with animals and being rather reasonable about them (unlike my parents), I am now fussing over a small cat without end...
    But rest assured, I did tell my daughter she still comes first. :razz:
  6. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Things i've learnt in this country

    1) How to complain in Japanese....i can now say i'm hungry/tired/sleepy/peeved

    2)How to drive on a two-way road that looks like a one way road - not to be sneezed at.

    3) Buses are scary (see point 2)

    4) Pedestrians (including grandmothers, cyclists, small animals and/or chidren, or animal-like children) are the root of all evil (see point 2 again).

    5) Bowing on the phone is not only acceptable, it's unavoidable.

    6) If you don't know what it is on your plate, you probably don't want to know.

    7) The rainy season rocks.

    8) Mixing beer and sake is probably not the best of ideas, seeing as it may make you walk around alone in the rain on a Friday night (walking like a man so not to be attacked by meek and fragile natives) in search of an ATM. On the plus side, you get lovely night photos of streets, shrines and the like.

    (On the negative side, you get soaked to the bone and end up making 20 origami butterflies)

    9) Warm sake on a wet evening is nummy. (not a typo, i like that word).

    10) Writing on this message board uses up precious break time and I have to go work now, bye bye.
  7. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    One more for the road...

    11) It is important to always wear clean socks (and have nice smelling feet) because you never know when you'll have to have your shoes off around other people. Gassing them all is generally considered to be in bad taste.
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wouldn't that be bad smell, rather.
  9. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Perhaps you're right.....unless it's that kind of smell you can almost taste....blergh.

    *Excuse me while I go wash my footsies*

    12) Have also learnt today that taking up Hip Hop dance classes after not dancing for 2 years causes extreme pain...and whingeing.
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yesterday I learned that the wee inhabitants of Northern Ireland have a wee habit of adding wee in front of every wee word possible. Litterally, buying something caused the following sentence: "Ah, ok, now can yah put yure wee pin in tha wee machine whahle ah get yeh ah wee bag tah put yer wee stuff in."

    From this sudden discovery sprang a couple of questions.
    - With all that wee-ing, could this be the part of Ireland that produced the seed of Rinso?
    - I wonder how they deal with the latest Nintendo console.
  11. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Today I learnt that setting my alarm for 6am is a BAD idea, because it will annoy me and cause me to smack it so hard it stops working and I wake up 20 minutes before i am supposed to be at work.

    I have also learnt that my aparment rocks as it's only 5 minutes from said workplace.
  12. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    But Rincewind isn't Irish.
    1 person likes this.
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    That, of course, was sarcasm.
  14. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Today I learned that no matter how hard you stare at a clock, you cannot make it move faster. It goes SLOWER....but not the opposite. Bizarre. (Bizzare?)
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Today I learned that some things are too evil for words. One of my current tasks is customising a media player for a webpage and the guy who provided the file has provided examples with videos from youtube to check it's working.

    So I checked. This is the video he used as an example. YouTube - David Hasselhoff Get In My Car
  16. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Ooh that's nasty.

    Then again, he annoys me sooo much i kind of have a soft spot for The Hoff-kinda like Croc shoes....and I own 2 pairs of those.
  17. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    1. I love my team in work. Even though I'm not leaving them they still got me a present!

    2. Sometimes work barbeques are a load of cr&p. But you do get to learn the gossip that's passed you by.

    3. Yes, I am still terrified that I'm not going to be able to do my new job.

    4. Typing while drunk is still easier when you do it with your eyes closed

    5. Something not so much learned, more remembered: Southern Comfort with diet seven up will really fu*k up your head.

    6. My bosses feet really, really smell
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learned today:
    - (reminder) families suck. In-law families even moreso.
    - Scotland actually exists. As does the Isle of Mann. Unless it was just an optical illusion brought on by condensation on the plane window and delerium brought on by the altitude an' all that... If one day I get any real proof of his existence, I may actually start believing in Doors.
    - Ireland is sunnier and warmer than the South of France.
    - Some priests are just utterly great people that totally make up for the few arseholes who litter the outskirts of priesthood. A priest who can slip pro-linux propaganda and quotes from Asterix into a wedding ceremony has every atom of my respect.
  19. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Today we had a Hawaii-themed luncheon, and I learned that the Hawaiian language only has 5 vowels (i,a,o,u and e), as well as 7 consonants (p, h, m, n, k, l and w).

    I thought of how many relatively common-place sounds are unreproduceable in Hawaiian and it blew my mind something fierce. Then I imagined a native Hawaiian trying to learn some consonant-overdosed language, such as Czech (where the word for "heart" is "srce"), and it blew whatever was left.
  20. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Or one of my favourite childhood clip's original name was "Krtek"... (The little Mole). Spell that, Hawaiians!
  21. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    YouTube - The Mole & the swallow (krtek & vlastovka)

    :lol: I never saw the clips, but I've read the Krtek books (translated into Russian) way back in the day!

    Oh, and I tried spelling out people's names, as they would sound in Hawaiian... "Inna" pretty much stayed the same, but "Bradley" became "Papali", and "Yvonne" would probably be either "Iwona" or "Ipona" :tongue: And Krtek would probably become "Kalakeka", since the "k" seems to be put to use any time there's a non-Hawaiian sound that needs replacing!
  22. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I learnt that deciding that you want to go to work with a hangover the next day, and working diligently to achieve that end, is a very bad idea.
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Things learned this weekend:
    - The 12th and 13th of July are bank holidays in Northern Ireland. It is therefore no use driving over and hour and a half to return a faulty printer to the shop you foolishly bought it from because that shop will be shut.
    - Once you have found aforesaid shop is shut and decide to pop into the centre of Belfast, remember to remove blue Dublin sweatshirt before wandering into the middle of the Orange Walks.
    - No matter how stupid it sounds, it IS possible to cut yourself with a banana.
  24. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I hate training. For anyone out there who has had to spend 3 weeks cooped up in a small room with no fresh air and very little to keep you occupied, I shouldn't have to explain why. For those that don't understand...just know that I'm crying on the inside from boredom. I could do this job with my eyes closed without going through 3 weeks of training. Sob.
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    geez, three weeks ! I usually like training because it's usually justg for a day and it makes a bit of a change, but 3 weeks, yikes !
  26. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't been the one to write half the proceedures we're learning, and been consulted on about a quarter of the rest. And been one of the first people to learn how to use both of our current computer systems - the training the 6 of us got for that one was "Just go in and play around with it for a while and tell us what it will and won't do, and then teach the rest of the department.":rolleyes: I also do testing and have been shadowing people doing my new job for the last 6 or so months...I'm going to shut up now because I could complain about this until the cows come home.

    It's actually pretty intensive if you are new. I've spotted two of the three newbies on several different recruitment sites on our breaks. Somehow, I don't think they are going to stay...
  27. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Not matter how much stuff I scrawl in my notebook, it will never take up more than half an A4 page in word - not without cheating font sizes that is....WHY?!
  28. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I can actually eat an entire meal (barring soup) with chopsticks!

    And Gypsy, hun, that's why font sizes were invented! And also big complicated words to replace easier ones.
  29. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Today, I discovered it's not safe to carry an unexploded cat downstairs just as some heavy handed idiot, in the shape of a meter reader, ignores the bell-push and tries to knock the door off its hinges. I spent over half an hour in front of a mirror repairing the damage where frightened pussy cat tried to claw and bite her way up my face and over my head and I still look like I've tried to shave with a cheese grater.
    The cat, of course, is unharmed.
    With any luck, it'll be months before the electric company discover the body!
    I guess its just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    If the current trend on this board remains constant you will soon be visited by an identical meter reader.
  31. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The current trend on this boa... ah. Now I got it, a mere second before Kat had to explain the joke away.
  32. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I hope not... we have two cats as well.

    Thanks for the sympathy Kat, gruesome picture in my album just for you.
  33. redneck

    redneck New Member

    If you work in the sun, wearing sunglasses, and forget your hat you wind up looking like an inverted panda.
  34. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Sounds like a photograph would be an ideal candidate to walk off with the prize in this months photographic competition... :D
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Meh, give other people good ideas why dontcha! :D

    You know Murphy's law? Guess what, it has struck again. Feck it.
  36. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That everything than can possibly go wrong, will go wrong - something like that? Why? Somwthing serious?
  37. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, that's the one. No, nothing "serious", just very annoying. A project we have been working on for months and were supposed to come in at 3am today to deploy didn't get the go-ahead decision from the big guys. This not only is very frustrating because we were all ready, but some other guy wasn't and his bit wasn't working, but also because now it will be deployed on Wednesday all through the night (10pm to 7am) and that messes up all my plans for the week, as my dad is coming to stay from Monday onwards and I'm going to be so tired I don't know if I'll be much fun...
  38. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I have 226 books.:shock: And that's not counting the doubles I bought because I couldn't find the one I already had because it was stuck underneath my bed and I couldn't find it. And I gave away a load last year...

    I have too many books.
  39. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Nonsense. You can't have too many books. Just not enough space!:smile:
  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I second that, I got rid of a lot of books before we moved, and I still have enough to overflow from the biggest bookcase I could get from Ikea...
  41. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I apologise. Let me rephrase; I have too many books to choose from. Better?:smile: Let's just say that after building 2 book cases yesterday, I spent hours rooting out all my books (suffering from many thoughts like "Hang on, why are there only 9 of these books? Where the hell is book 10...oh, hang on, it's Hardback...where the hell is the hardback?"
    Then today consisted of sitting in front of the bookcases thinking 'I'll read Eddings...Feist...Pierce....uh...crap. Dick Francis...Jeffrey Deaver...Eddings...Pratchett...Feist...Eddings...Pratchett...Eddings...Eddings, which of the Eddings...too many to choose from!' then my brain melted into a puddle of goo. It wasn't pretty.
  42. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Mazekin, wait until you have to MOVE! (we're gradually moving our stuff to the new place. For the lack of habitable space upstairs, it's currently stored in the basement. Well, the basement is now half-covered in books, and we barely made a dent in our bookshelves! :tongue:)
  43. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Believe me, I'm not moving anywhere for the forseable future! Nah, this bookcase thing was years in the planning...and put on the backburner for as long!
  44. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I want to be the first Head & Lung transplant recepiant. Darned head colds. Stupid chest infections.
  45. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    As long as they put your brain inside the new head... Otherwise, you never know whose brain you might end up with! :shock:
  46. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    At this stage, they can take my brain too. I can exist as a vegetable. A lot of the idiots I know do...
  47. randywine

    randywine Member

    Everything is interesting when you need to work...

    I am working form home and need to write short start up user guides for two different mobile applications - suddenly everything in my home is full of interest.


    Just though I would share that.

  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Completely agree with that...
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Some people are arseholes. Particularly the patrol service of the long-stay car park of Dublin Airport. Unfortunately for them we have a spare and know how to change a tyre on our own on returning from a long weekend away. Even in the pouring rain.

    Whichever people it is who are know for having 40 words for "rain", they assuredly must have a name for that specific type of rain that happens to you when you have to change a tyre, dressed only in light summer clothing. In Ireland they call it "bloody typical".

    There are good people in this world. Some of them happen to be mechanics that you come across by chance when searching for a closed tyre shop and who - although they should be closed and do not sell/fit tyres anyway - will spend a good 15 minutes blowing up and soaking your tyre and checking it for holes, diagnosing a case of "bastards letting down your tyre just so they can charge you for changing it", and send you off on your way again without accepting payment of any kind.
  50. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    THat's nice, otherwise crappy situation put aside... Now you know were in town you can take your car next time there is something wrong with it...
  51. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    See, you should have flown out of Shannon. In my day as a car park attendant at the wonderful Shannon Airport, I would at least have provided an umbrella. Mind you, I still would have stood in the booth and laughed...
    You are after dredging up memories of sitting in a freezing cold booth at six o'clock in the morning when the US flights came in, watching the poor souls in shorts and a t-shirt kicking at their cars because they had a flat tyre, or the battery was flat because they left on the lights for three weeks. Then the poor man would have to stand and get a tounge lashing from his wife, and then make the long and lonely trudge over to the booth to ask if we had jump leads or something like that. And then he'd have to stand and wait for the Airport Police to come along and give him a start, refusing to come in and stand in front of the heater, even though his legs were turning blue because his wife would kill him....`Aaaah, memories...wheelchair races...making confetti out of the tickets...counting money...going for a three hour walk in the sunshine 'counting spaces'...trying not to laugh at the woman who got change of a 50 pound note in 5p pieces from the pre-pay machine...realising that my swipe card let me out onto the runway...hiding in the duty free area with Mike for 4 hours because Tanya was annoying us...telling the idiot who parked there for 9 months that we weren't going to waive the fee and that he had to pay nearly 1000 pounds before we'd let his car out...aaaah, memories...happy memories:smile:
  52. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    If you go over your alotted amount of internet usage, they will cut you off for a week. Stupid O2...stupid internet...stupid interesting stuff...
  53. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hmmm. That shouldn't happen... How much did you go over your internet usage limit by? In fact, I'm not sure how you managed hat in the fiirst place, I haven't even gotten anywhere near mine... :surprised:
  54. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Transferring lots of video files is how most people go over the limit, which is kind of silly with video being what the internet is all about these days.
  55. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I was trying to find a decent copy of Series 1 of Eureka. Plus I have no life. Plus whenever I'm watching TV I hear or see things that I just have to look up. I'll be good this time. Probably.
  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wicked is an ok musical, but none of the songs are worth remembering.

    I loathe Ryanair. Seriously. I'm not flying with them again unless it is really really a last resort.

    I love my England. It is capable of producing both the best and the worst of humankind, the worst uncouth crass yobbos, and the most refined, posh, gilded aristocracy. It is the home of cucumber sandwiches and deep fried battered fish. It is a land of football hooligans and tea-sipping gents sitting in deckchairs in the park listening to a brass band playing on a band stand. It has spawned the best and the worst of television, music, and much much more... And I miss the damn place.
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, and also: it doesn't matter how famous people get, they are still just people. Some of them will be jerks no matter what, and others will still be really genuinely lovely people. And those that are lovely are well worth meeting.
  58. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member

    Chocolate milk with oats in it makes me really sleepy. As do grey skies... As a result I spent most of the day in bed.

    Ryanair to me is a necessary evil. I'm using them to fly back to Uni, I couldn't do it any other way. Although their luggage limits are completely and utterly crap. 15kg in the hold and no handluggage? How am I supposed to pack a years worth of life at uni in that?!? :(
  59. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I don't have to procrastinate. My life does it for me.

    Ryanair is evil, but less evil than Aerlingus in the grand scheme of things. Meh.
  60. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Just learned: My friend Marti is a little bit too attached to her doggies. And may be suing a vets for telling her the truth...after 2 hours of having a hysterical woman crying on my couch...god help the vet.

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