Unseen: The Movie - Behind the Scenes

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by chrisjordan, Mar 30, 2007.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    **takes bow**

    *funnels melted brain back into head through ear*

    That feels so much better...
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **prods Doors** Come onnnnnn !
  3. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    It's Doors. What did you expect?
  4. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Oh, crap, i didn't realise it was me.

    Bear with me!
  5. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    *watches bear maul Doors*

  6. plaid

    plaid New Member

    who's next?
  7. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

  8. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

  9. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    LOL, that is freaky.:)
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hu hu, I want one !! :)
  11. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Just in case anyone is losing track *cough*youknowwhoyouare*cough*, I've created this as a kind of summary of the story so far. Hope I haven't missed anything...
    • Zords: Sell lemonade, attack Om. Crush Ella.
    • Om: Asked the zords for directions, not forthcoming. Picked up hitchiker, escaped enraged zords. Reveals she's an alien vowed to destroy a god. Meets Floyd.
    • Ba: Smites someone. Decides to descend to earth. Was previously challenged by Garner to create a long-distance smiting machine
    • Kat: Is a double agent. Speaks to Fred (kept by Orrdos*) about protecting the gods for her own reasons.
    • Snailses: Ella dies, crushed by Ba's design. Doors* vows revenge.
    • Floyd: Keeps costume shop. Questioned by police about Garner. Takes Om into a back room.
    • Marcia: Is a kid working for Floyd/Om. Gets kidnapped.
    edit: *N.B. Fred's keeper is not the same as the snail. Probably
  12. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I don't know if that actually helps. I think I'm more confused than when i started... Oh well I've done my section so its no longer my problem to try and follow this twisted plot, except to enjoy the ride.
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Spiky, you do realise that when we get to the end of the list we all start again, don't you ?

    Actually, I had totally forgotten those snailses ! Thanks Ben.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well bugger. That means this is going to be the never ending movie and we'll be constantly waiting for the next installment to finally work out whats going on and being forever kept in suspense as each person adds a twist till its a twisty pretzel movie...

    i can't wait...
  15. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I've finally written something.
    I tried to tie together one of tweo plot lines*, and probably came up with as many new ones at the same time, but nothing no one couldn't finish off within a scene or two if you don't like it.

    *For example there being one with a Doors and one with an Orrdos.
  16. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Is that the end of the line now? I don't know how many people want to go round a second time, so shout if you do and we can make a new list.

    Just so you know, I've started writing the next few scenes. But as the plot has confused me cross-eyed, I've had to go through the whole story so far and figure out all the loose ends. If anybody else would find that summary useful, I can always post it.
  17. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    There's a plot?!

    I don't mind a second attempt. Don't tie up all the loose ends, save some for the rest of us and indeed, the end of the story, should there ever be one.

    P.S. Post the summary.
  18. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Actually, I didn't intend to tie up any of the loose ends, so there's plenty for everyone else.
  19. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    A Not Short Summary


    Om Kranti arrives in the desert in her Eldorado. She stops to ask two Power Rangers, who are selling lemonade, for directions. They freak out, zordify, and try to destroy her, all because she is dressed as an alien.


    Ba sits at a bank of television screens with a 'SMITE' remote in hand. He is dressed like David Hasselhoff in leather. He is stroking his rabbit, Kat. Ba decides that the functions of the remote are inadequate and that he wants to go physically to earth to enjoy a smiting spree.

    As Ba leaves, Kat is revealed to be a double agent as she communicates with an unknown person. She informs them that Ba is on his way, and to await for her signal.

    What is her signal?


    Om Kranti is still trying to escape the Missyzord. She picks up a hitchhiker along the way. He is dressed in combat pants, a camouflage t-shirt and a cap. As the Mizzyzord attacks, a disturbingly indifferent Om informs the hitchhiker that the tentacles of the suit are not her own. The Eldorado finally gets away, and Om takes off her suit’s headpiece. This causes the hitchhiker to scream.


    Ba enters a kitchen filled with cupboards and fridges, wearing an apron and something like tinfoil. He searches through his items until he finds a bottle. He pours its contents into a pan. The final ingredient is 'snail feet'.

    What is he making?

    He then tunes in to Davezord on a TV screen. He zooms in to the ground to see two snails, Doors and Ella.


    Ella is crushed. In her dying words, she reveals that she lost the keys to the safe.

    What safe?

    Doors vows vengeance. Ella is elevated off the ground by some unknown force.

    What's happening to her? Is this Ba's doing?


    Return to Om. She is revealed beneath her costume as...a tentacled alien. She informs the hitchhiker that she is here to save humanity 'from God'. The hitchhiker tries to escape, but Om does not let him.

    They drive into a cave. The darkness subsides and a large room filled with lights and consoles appears. Another alien, Spiky, greets Om and informs her that their spy (Kat) has warned them to await her signal.


    A shop is revealed selling alien costumes like Om’s. The shopkeeper, Buzz Floyd, is bespectacled and has no hair.

    An outrageously fat police officer enters and presents a photo of a man with a huge beard. He asks Miss Floyd whether she has seen him, as she has apparently been seen with him.

    Why is the officer after this man (revealed later as Garner)?

    A woman enters and asks what is going on. She has brought her daughter Marcia with her to buy some antennae. As she leaves, her daughter falls behind. A canvas bag is dropped over her head and she is taken away.

    Who is Marcia's mother?


    (Flashback reveals that Garner requested Ba to build the smiting machine.)


    Om, who has apparently left the cave, mow drives into some city and parks in a back alley. She has brought the hitchhiker with her. Om drags the hitchhiker through a door to meet Buzz Floyd.

    Floyd informs Om that Marcia (the little girl) was in the shop earlier in need of a new ‘communication device’. She also reveals that she knew the man in the officer’s photo: Garner. Om suspects that the zords were his minions.

    Floyd takes Om and the hitchhiker into the back room.


    Back at Ba’s (underground) lair, Kat the rabbit leaves the surveillance room (of scene TWO) and makes her way down a long hallway and into a room revealed only as a cage. Inside is Orrdos the Scotsman. Orrdos seems repulsed by Kay, referring to her as 'a creature so foul, so cruel,' etc. There is someone/something in the shadows behind Orrdos, who makes comments.

    Kat tells them that she is on their side. The creature behind Orrdos is revealed as Fred the elephant. Kat hands Fred the keys to the cage and when they ask why, she tells them that 'something big and tentacled is coming'.

    Kat: 'And let's just say I have my other reasons...'


    Little Marcia finds her captors taking her away. With her communication device (alien antennae) still on, she demands to know who they are. They are Electric Eel (Ben) and CJ McPirate (Chris). Marcia appears to know their real names, despite the fact that they do not give her them.

    How does she know who they are?

    Ba and Chris reveal themselves as Rangeologists, some weird religion somehow related to the Power Rangers. Marcia pretends to be a high-ranking Rangeologist and bemoans their incompetence. She asks where Garner is, and they tell her that he is in either the 'House of Death' or 'Flower Rooms' (they can't seem to agree). He is hiding from the aliens.

    The Rangeologists leave and Marcia contacts an unknown person, recommending the infiltration of these places. She then requests permission to change shape.

    Why had Ben and Chris kidnapped Marcia?

    The aliens and the police are after Garner. Floyd seems to be allied with Om and the aliens, yet she has been seen with Garner too. Why?


    Coffee shop. Two people are talking: a man (unnamed) and a woman (Hsing). Hsing appears to be distressed. 'I am in fucking trouble! And I really hate waiting!'

    Hsing had been tied to a rock in Greece for, seemingly, many years.

    She can teleport/'zap into existence', but the crowded world makes this difficult.

    She had to walk all the way from a ruined school to get to the coffee shop, and had scared the kids who were hanging around there.

    The man had received a text from Hsing explaining that she had been released to do a mission, but that she had messed it up. Apparently this was due to Hsing not having a description of the ‘young deities’ she doesn't know.

    If Hsing a servant of some god, who is it?

    Hsing explains that Orrdos was hard to track down because he had 'split his persona' (Doors the vengeful snail, Orrdos the hysterical Scotsman and Fred.)

    Hsing reports that she found Orrdos, the elephant and the snails. She played a role in getting Orrdos and Fred locked up in Ba's lair. While there, she saw and 'followed the white rabbit' (Kat) into Ba’s kitchen where she tried to put out his headfire thinking he needed help, and then had to flee because of her mistake.


    (A flashback reveals that she had put the snails in the desert, and then pondered what to do with them.)

    Who is the unnamed man?

    Timeline issues: when did all these events that Hsing describes take place?

    How did she find the snails?

    Why did she put them in the desert?

    How did she enter Ba's lair?

    Definite aliens: Om and Spiky

    Apparent aliens: Marcia

    Possible aliens: Floyd

    Kat appears to be allied with Floyd and also with Orrdos. Does that mean Orrdos is allied with the aliens and Floyd? Or is Kat stirring le shit?

    The aliens are after both Ba and Garner.

    Hsing appears to be after all the gods. Why?
  20. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    well I'm in.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    :surprised: As if I ever do that !

    Ok, I'm in for a second round...
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Three answers I had hoped were given by the text itself or were indicated- sorry, late night writing...

    Is Hsing a servant of some god? If so, who?
    Whoever wanted Orrdos complete and locked up and thought Hsing could track them down.

    She had to walk all the way from a school to get to the coffee shop, and had scared the kids.
    Does this mean she accidentally teleported into the school?
    not quite. I hoped the text made clear the school was run down, closed, and only some "kids" where in the building without good reason.

    When did she find 'the elephant'? Before Fred and Orrdos were imprisoned or after Kat let them go?
    Before that. That means she played a role in getting them locked up, and now they are seemingly free again. I assumed Kat's letting go of the scot and the elephant, which is indeed menat to be another "split" part or is assumed to be one, had taken place such a short time ago that Hsing, or those she served, didn't know yet. After all, we haven't even seen the scene where Ba himself, tenant of the lair, has noticed...

    PS: I am in for a second round, and vow this time I'll take less time for waiting and more time for writing.
  23. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Ah, sorry, Hsing, I must have read over it too quickly. I missed this:

    And this:

    I'll strike those two off the summary, although the other one is still a loose end until we know who that god is.
  24. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The summary is a great thing to start with.
    Well, all that open questions should give the next person something to look for while writing...:smile:
  25. plaid

    plaid New Member

    this is way interesting and i wish i had time for just one more round... but i'm leaving in a week and a half and i have too much to get ready.

    but you all better finish the thing, so i can read it in 2009.
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    My offer to send you stuff via snail mail still stands, as surely would a lot of people "on board".
  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wait... Ella has a job with the post office ? :shock: :lol:
    Sure plaid, I'm sure a lot of us would be willing to send you stuff through the post, to make our exile less harsh :wink:
  28. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I'm definitely up for another round. This is fun =)
  29. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member


  30. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Ben: Ah... sweet! An almost happy ending... *sniff*
  31. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Is it an ending?
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    No its not an ending. We still have get Garner.

    And Chris so much for killing me off mwahahahaha! Did you not know that us aliens are indestructible.

    So mines shorts and sweet and opens up the second part of the story --> Get garner!
  33. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Ben told me to tell the next person to do their bit. Katcal, you are the next person. Get to it!
  34. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Congratulations on a job well done.
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, yikes, sorry, didn't notice the new list... I'll get my thinking cap on !
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, that only took me a month, not bad going, considering the state of Pirates...

    Hsing ! your turn !
  37. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **pokes Hsing** come on, you're back, no excuses !
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    **feels poked**
    I have a total writers block. Give me a day or two for thinking. :redface:
  39. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **holding the poker** ok, considering I took a month without even asking, I'll let you have a day or two for being polite ;)
  40. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Out of sheer boredom: bump. Unless Hsing begs for a day's extension to her two-month thinking time, the responsibility now falls on the shoulders of that one we call Mynona.

    By the way, wary of how convoluted the plot of this one has become (and therefore how difficult it is to think of what to write next), I'd suggest that we consider the option of starting a new one, if anyone can face the effort. We can always keep the current one open alongside it. Just a thought.
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    just because a lot of oldies have returned I wondered if we could continue this one or start a new one... I was enjoying my part as a double-agent talking rabbit
  42. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Same suggestion as above - I reckon, if anyone else is interested, we start a new one.
  43. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I vote for a new one... Lets see if i can live longer this time.
  44. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I would be interested if nobody minds, but maybe put me near the end of the list so I can get a feel for people's characters. I have to catch on to some of the intricacies of board relationships that come through in the writings. Certain pairings of friends, gods, etc... A new one might be nice. i did read the old one - brilliant!
  45. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    There was actually a rule that was supposed to avoid the need for knowledge of board intricacies. I'll just quote the whole thing:

    That last one was ignored to a large extent, but I guess we're always going to get that if we base it on boardfolk in the first place. Maybe if you're going to include something like the Holy Tripod, or the fact that certain people are couples, or anything that can't clearly be inferred from what's written for the scene, a little exposition should be a requirement.

    In the last one, for example, at various points in the story it was just assumed that Ba, Garner and Orrdos were all gods, despite the latter starting out as a snail. It might have worked as a plot twist, but everything was too vague. I know about the Holy Tripod, but even I had a hard time following it. These things need fleshing out. I think another rule should be: don't assume every character is automatically their in-jokey board persona.
  46. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    What so you mean we could actually have a Rinso grammar nazi and a hero Doors? Far out man.

    Maybe this also gives me an opportunity to not be annoying... Meh.
  47. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Now replacing the bunny...

    Katcal the unexcitable giraffe.
  48. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Wow, a shorter necked version of John Major.
  49. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    You and your political similes, dirtying my thread!

    Edit: Or metaphors.

    Or observations.
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    And her catchphrase shall be Meh.
  51. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    But isn't your catchphrase already Meh?

    Hell the next one could about the board revolution against the tyranical rule of the Holy Tripod. Viva la Boardania!
  52. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I'm actually thinking that something that escapes the old jokes altogether would be a lot more interesting. It would at least give us more room to be creative.
  53. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    And Ba could be *Gypsy checks for thundersporks* a non-smiting, friendly individual?

    :smile: evilsmiley likes it
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    true... it will be hard I guess, but why not... Old jokes were new jokes once.
  55. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Perphaps it might be worth having a "Story Editor" or some such. Chris?- where before posting your section on the board he has a quick look and make sure the story stays roughly on track?

    Probably end up with a better story that way.
  56. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Muahahaha, the power.

    But on a less megalomaniacal note, I'm up for slightly tighter guidelines, but nothing that's going to suck the fun out of it. Just enough to keep it comprehensible, plot-wise.

    Edit: And Rinso has to promise to write an entry too.
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    And write it in less that 2 weeks.
  58. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    And stand on his head while he does it.
  59. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    And rubs his tummy with hand while typing with the other...
  60. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Whilst on fire.


    Oh Wait.
    1 person likes this.

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