Whooose a who?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Sunna, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Ok,so I want to get just a teeniest better idea of who are on this board. I hope you'll help me out. And I apologize in advance for any blunders.

    Kat=Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name???
    Rinso=Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry??Lurks a lot.Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year.Name??
    Garner=Hm...very senior Boarder.............
    ChrisJordan=...not a clue...
    Electric_Man=...a man?
    Gypsy=Lost her/his avatar...
    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student??
    Good to be getting on with.Anyone wanna help me? I hate not knowing anything about people.
  2. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Kat=Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong.
    Rinso=Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry??Lurks a lot.Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year.Name??
    Garner=Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god.
    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD.
    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England.
    ChrisJordan=...not a clue...
    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that).
    Gypsy=Lost her/his avatar...
    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student??
    Hsing=Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl.
    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby.

    That's all I could come up with off the top of my head and 2 AM.
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Kat=Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse.
    Rinso=Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry??Lurks a lot.Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year.Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard
    Garner=Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you couls lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either.
    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworls fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!!
    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her.
    KaptainKaries=Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite.
    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist.
    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor.
    Gypsy=Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here.
    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer.
    Hsing=Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again.
    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Kat=Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008...
    Rinso=Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry??Lurks a lot.Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year.Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both.
    Garner=Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce.
    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards.
    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her.
    KaptainKaries=Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around :D
    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account.
    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair.
    Gypsy=Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she...
    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer.
    Hsing=Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person.
    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...
    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession...

    You can also have a delve through the introduction thread, there are some fun answers in there...
  5. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    And yes I lost my old av, but found a new one even though the *sniff* Cadfael's Avatars website no longer operates...
  6. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I find the the profile section to be quite informative. That is, for the people who have taken the trouble to fill in the blanks. Sheesh, you begin to think most of the members are hardened criminals hiding from the FBI, the loosely named CIA, Interpol, MI5, MI6 or even The Readers' Digest.

    To be honest, I have my suspicions about some of the regular globetrotters on this board.

    But I'll keep that for a competition at a later date.:D
  7. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Damnit Joculator! How did you know they are looking for me? Did you see The List? I knew it! You've been sent to infiltrate us, haven't you? Come on, admit it! How many other people out there know that this site is actually an underground meeting place for...shite. I've said too much, haven't I...Gosh Darnit!

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Kat=Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008...
    Rinso=Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry??Lurks a lot.Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year.Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both.
    Garner=Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce.
    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards.
    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her.
    KaptainKaries=Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around :D
    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account.
    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair.
    Gypsy=Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she...
    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer.
    Hsing=Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person.
    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...
    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession...
    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken.
  8. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Just doing a little spacing to make it a little easier to follow.

  9. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008...

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry??Lurks a lot.Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year.Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around :D

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair.

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she...

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession...

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken.

    Joculator= (You got me Mazekin...) works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry.
  10. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Yeah, he's completely imaginary.

    And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester.
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around :D Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester.Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar.

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she...

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession...

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see.

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science.

    Added a few personalities.:)
  12. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around :D Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she...

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated).

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession...

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru.

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down. :razz:

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something.

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around?

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return.
  13. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'm leaving ChrisJordan's bold script in for now, because it's so fresh.

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around :D Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall.

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan. (Roughly.)

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?)

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least on sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down. :razz:

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past.
  14. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm leaving ChrisJordan's bold script in for now, because it's so fresh.

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall.

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?)

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least on sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past.
  15. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall.

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?)

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least on sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past.
  16. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    No worries, Spiky. I am a vaccuum of information, into which all kinds of random facts get pulled.

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester. Recently finished his first year at uni, studying English and falling flat on his face. Was once sick on Doors' arm, and has brought this up in every conversation with him since (the fact, not the sick). Has been portrayed as a pirate in more than one boardfic.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall.

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?)

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least one sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past. Eats small children.

    Bradthewonderllama: lives in Philadelphia. Is a medic in the US Army. He and mowgli are one of the many board couples, though they didn't meet here--Brad introduced mowgli to the old HC board.

    Mowgli: Born in Ukraine, but now American. Introduced the wonderllama to Pratchett.

    TamyraMcG: Lives in Minnesota. Moondance jams, according to her recent news.

    Jaccairn: another regular attender of 'cons. Is a chemical analyst who lives in Kent.
  17. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester. Recently finished his first year at uni, studying English and falling flat on his face. Was once sick on Doors' arm, and has brought this up in every conversation with him since (the fact, not the sick). Has been portrayed as a pirate in more than one boardfic.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall.

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community. Is probably one of the oldest (as in age) members of the board. Might have to fight for that honour with Pixel.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?) Also creator of the senseless webcomic "Ducks". Has a hate/hate relationship with his internet provider

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least one sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English. Sweden

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays. Official job: (Web)designer. Would like to be a webcomic artist and even convinced Ba to write for him. Put this on hiatus because of [-]being sold into slavery[/-] getting a busy job.

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors. Israeli

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf. Intermittent internet access. Mail yes, the board not so much.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past. Eats small children.

    Bradthewonderllama: lives in Philadelphia. Is a medic in the US Army. He and mowgli are one of the many board couples, though they didn't meet here--Brad introduced Mowgli to the old HC board.

    Mowgli: Born in Ukraine, but now American. Introduced the wonderllama to Pratchett.

    TamyraMcG: Lives in Minnesota. Moondance jams, according to her recent news.

    Jaccairn: another regular attender of 'cons. Is a chemical analyst who lives in Kent.

    Pixel: Not around much. Englishman? Lives in Belgium. Might have to share "oldest (as in age) member" honorific with Joculator.
  18. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester. Recently finished his first year at uni, studying English and falling flat on his face. Was once sick on Doors' arm, and has brought this up in every conversation with him since (the fact, not the sick). Has been portrayed as a pirate in more than one boardfic.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall.

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.Also deathly afraid of spiders. Rammstein fan (and MUSE),LOVES Tolkien and the Scottish,not a good combo with Doors.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community. Is probably one of the oldest (as in age) members of the board. Might have to fight for that honour with Pixel.

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?) Also creator of the senseless webcomic "Ducks". Has a hate/hate relationship with his internet provider

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least one sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English. Sweden

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays. Official job: (Web)designer. Would like to be a webcomic artist and even convinced Ba to write for him. Put this on hiatus because of being sold into slavery getting a busy job.

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors. Israeli

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf. Intermittent internet access. Mail yes, the board not so much.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past. Eats small children.

    Bradthewonderllama: lives in Philadelphia. Is a medic in the US Army. He and mowgli are one of the many board couples, though they didn't meet here--Brad introduced Mowgli to the old HC board.

    Mowgli: Born in Ukraine, but now American. Introduced the wonderllama to Pratchett.

    TamyraMcG: Lives in Minnesota. Moondance jams, according to her recent news.

    Jaccairn: another regular attender of 'cons. Is a chemical analyst who lives in Kent.

    Pixel: Not around much. Englishman? Lives in Belgium. Might have to share "oldest (as in age) member" honorific with Joculator.
  19. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Wow, she's a whole snowy country...
  20. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Marcia has a degree in political science! I knew she was cwever!
  21. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester. Recently finished his first year at uni, studying English and falling flat on his face. Was once sick on Doors' arm, and has brought this up in every conversation with him since (the fact, not the sick). Has been portrayed as a pirate in more than one boardfic.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.)

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall. Is suitably abashed at her long absence and will make sure it doesn't happen again. Moved from Australia to Japan this year and teaches english. Is slightly unstable, and quite enjoys it. Also believes spiders are the spawn of satan. Occasionally has trouble spelling the word 'occassionally'. Has 3 passports and therefore trouble answering the question 'where are you from?'

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.Also deathly afraid of spiders. Rammstein fan (and MUSE),LOVES Tolkien and the Scottish,not a good combo with Doors.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community. Is probably one of the oldest (as in age) members of the board. Might have to fight for that honour with Pixel. Is a musician and/or morris dancer?

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?) Also creator of the senseless webcomic "Ducks". Has a hate/hate relationship with his internet provider

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least one sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence. Has a brilliant dream archive on his other webpage.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English. Sweden

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays. Official job: (Web)designer. Would like to be a webcomic artist and even convinced Ba to write for him. Put this on hiatus because of being sold into slavery getting a busy job.

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors. Israeli

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf. Intermittent internet access. Mail yes, the board not so much.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past. (See The Plaid Identity and The New Plaid Identity -among others). Eats small children.

    Bradthewonderllama: lives in Philadelphia. Is a medic in the US Army. He and mowgli are one of the many board couples, though they didn't meet here--Brad introduced Mowgli to the old HC board.

    Mowgli: Born in Ukraine, but now American. Introduced the wonderllama to Pratchett.

    TamyraMcG: Lives in Minnesota. Moondance jams, according to her recent news.

    Jaccairn: another regular attender of 'cons. Is a chemical analyst who lives in Kent.

    Pixel: Not around much. Englishman? Lives in Belgium. Might have to share "oldest (as in age) member" honorific with Joculator.

    It was fun being an unknown quantity for a while...
  22. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook. Is attracted to video games like a moth to a flame - doesn't actually play 95% of what he buys, and until recently didn't finish the few games he actually started playing, either. Also likes D&D-style roleplaying.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester. Recently finished his first year at uni, studying English and falling flat on his face. Was once sick on Doors' arm, and has brought this up in every conversation with him since (the fact, not the sick). Has been portrayed as a pirate in more than one boardfic.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.) Has in fact progressed somewhat in his call-centre career.

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall. Is suitably abashed at her long absence and will make sure it doesn't happen again. Moved from Australia to Japan this year and teaches english. Is slightly unstable, and quite enjoys it. Also believes spiders are the spawn of satan. Occasionally has trouble spelling the word 'occassionally'. Has 3 passports and therefore trouble answering the question 'where are you from?'

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.Also deathly afraid of spiders. Rammstein fan (and MUSE),LOVES Tolkien and the Scottish,not a good combo with Doors.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community. Is probably one of the oldest (as in age) members of the board. Might have to fight for that honour with Pixel. Is a musician and/or morris dancer?

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?) Also creator of the senseless webcomic "Ducks". Has a hate/hate relationship with his internet provider

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board. Is currently studying Arabic.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least one sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence. Has a brilliant dream archive on his other webpage.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English. Sweden (as in, lives in). Likes horses. Is studying to become a teacher.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays. Official job: (Web)designer. Would like to be a webcomic artist and even convinced Ba to write for him. Put this on hiatus because of being sold into slavery getting a busy job.

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors. Israeli. Works as a Communication Systems Engineer - essentially ruling vast networks. Does not actually earn a living of any kind, a fact which will not change for the next two years of obligatory army service - but still receives food, clothes, internet, and the possibility of a bed, along with a small sum that can, at most, buy him a daily meal of schawarma. Will receive actual wages, along with niftier uniform, rank, and a few army-related perks, in two years' time. Is an avid gamer, roleplayer, and reader of many books.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf. Intermittent internet access. Mail yes, the board not so much.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past. (See The Plaid Identity and The New Plaid Identity -among others). Eats small children.

    Bradthewonderllama: lives in Philadelphia. Is a medic in the US Army. He and mowgli are one of the many board couples, though they didn't meet here--Brad introduced Mowgli to the old HC board. Is, in fact, a medic for the National Guard, and was stationed in Iraq for a time - currently back to civilian life.

    Mowgli: Born in Ukraine, but now American. Introduced the wonderllama to Pratchett.

    TamyraMcG: Lives in Minnesota. Moondance jams, according to her recent news.

    Jaccairn: another regular attender of 'cons. Is a chemical analyst who lives in Kent.

    Pixel: Not around much. Englishman? Lives in Belgium. Might have to share "oldest (as in age) member" honorific with Joculator.
  23. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Kat= Lives in Ireland now,used to live in France,married to another Boarder...?Name??? Don't believe her husband is a boarder, but may be proven wrong. NO not on the board. Just some random sod Kat picked up, probably while eating snails or frogs legs. This cause her to leave england for France and become a Frenchie... The jokes got too much so she went to Ireland without knowing that the Irish jokes are worse. Nope, moved to France when 12 with parents, hubby had enough of the terrible food and lousy climate too so decided to move to Ireland early 2008... Is of quick wit, creative, a really cool person to know, and was once the newbit on this board who quickly outwrote all of the oldbies. By now, she's become regular board bunny. Has the worlds coolest lunch room.

    Rinso= Either Irish or very not Irish. Works in the music industry?? Lurks a lot. Lives close to or in London. Was going to go to the Muse concert at Wembley in June last year. Name?? Rinso works in TV and used to work on a music show as far as I could tell but may not be doing that anymore. Best known for his ability to run for trains and an uncanny resemblance to a certain cowardly wizzard. Also he smells of pee. Or poo. Or both. Studied philosophy. In some posts, it shows, especially after massive controversies. Dyslexic, a word that I, on the other hand, can't spell. Inoffensible. Responsible for all the dubious stuff that ends up on Channel 4 (UK). ALL OF IT. Even if he has since changed jobs.

    Garner= Hm...very senior Boarder.............Ex-pat American living in England and married to Buzzfloyd. Also a great god. Known for a beard that you could lose a badger in, or it is a badger. This has never been determined and Buzz isn't telling either. Beard must be a badger because it disappears sometimes. Its absence is actually more scary than its presence, as you no longer know if it is not behind you ready to pounce. Used to post much more. Is said to be a good cook. Is attracted to video games like a moth to a flame - doesn't actually play 95% of what he buys, and until recently didn't finish the few games he actually started playing, either. Also likes D&D-style roleplaying.

    Spiky= Lives in the world down under and is working on her PhD. Should admit the my PhD is on Discworld fans. SO you are all my guinea pigs. MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!! Also, is mildly insane, even by board standards. Has a husband, a house, and a dog. Has seen a lot of the globe, and met quite a few Boardanians live despite living on such an isolated continent. Has proved that her memory is a sieve with getting info wrong about Kapten and Chris all at the same time. Will attempt to better next time.

    Buzzfloyd=.........Married to the Great God Garner and is now the Great Goddess Garner. The one responsible for Garner being in England. The Grammar Nazi, mind your apostrophes around her. Should post much more. There is no known stupid post by her, and only one or two typos in about seven years. She is the most English person in existence. Can sing old English ditties. Honestly I have it recorded.

    KaptainKaries= Swedish.Erm.... Has hooked up with saccharissa. This may explain his absence or it could be that he has taken up the life of an anchorite. Err, dudes, wrong girl... His love bird is Lipi, and it's all HER fault his Swedishness is no longer around Musician. Travelled around a lot the past year. Has been around for an incredibly long time, but took a quasi hiatus of several years.

    ChrisJordan=...not a clue... I think he works in a book shop but like Red I honestly drew a blank when it came to personal info. Maybe he doesn't really exist. Um... is a boy and has a facebook account. Yeah, he's completely imaginary. And, possibly because of this, he's never worked in a book shop. Spiky is probably thinking of Nester. Co-writer of some of the most popular Board fics with Delphine aka Snails and with Plaid. Maybe Spiky got confused by his author activities. ChrisJordan is not Nester. Recently finished his first year at uni, studying English and falling flat on his face. Was once sick on Doors' arm, and has brought this up in every conversation with him since (the fact, not the sick). Has been portrayed as a pirate in more than one boardfic.

    Electric_Man=...a man?Works in consumer services (or something like that). Yes he is a man, or that's what he tells people. He works in a call centre but I think he'e really an actor. Man? Boy, rather. He has Hair. Infamous carrot avatar. Has two greatest loves: football and political metaphors. Is known as quite the party animal in the Wycombe social scene. (Wycombe is in fact dead.) Has in fact progressed somewhat in his call-centre career. Believes in running around London and then taking very long and complicated trips home, which he blames on British Rail but I think it's just the universe out to get him.

    Gypsy= Lost her/his avatar... Returning / New depending how long you've been here. Don't know too much either, but she is a she... Longest ended hiatus the community seems to recall. Is suitably abashed at her long absence and will make sure it doesn't happen again. Moved from Australia to Japan this year and teaches english. Is slightly unstable, and quite enjoys it. Also believes spiders are the spawn of satan. Occasionally has trouble spelling the word 'occassionally'. Has 3 passports and therefore trouble answering the question 'where are you from?'

    Hex=..."feed the hex on the country you run....."No,a student?? Lives in the US. Is not a computer. Was moved from the UK to the USA, the original home country of her family. Has been around practically since her childhood days. Is a writer and co-creator of webcomics (sadly no longer updated). Same age range as ChrisJordan - i.e. a year older than him. Is in her third year of university majoring in British Literature and minoring in History and Political Science. Is a frequent player of Dungeons and Dragons, and has indeed been lurking on these boards for the last five or six years.

    Hsing= Female.Is German, has a significant other, and a little girl. Used to live in Muenster and had the coolest thai beach bar on an industrial german canal. Now is somewhere in the East and needs to move again. Is a very very good photographer and a lovely person. It has been noted that the one responsible for humor in her marriage is her husband. Can draw.

    Redneck= Not quite an old fart, but heading in that direction. Lives in Mississippi, USA. Cuts trees for a living. And raises wild animals as a part time hobby. Has magical powers to reanimating dead pets by burying someone elses. Has racoons, anyone who knows of a cure please send him a PM...

    Sunna= Lives in Iceland but doesn't like it much (strange). Is a nurse or some similar medical profession... Takes beautiful pictures, but on the other hand has the advantage of having a landscape like that in front of your door.Also deathly afraid of spiders. Rammstein fan (and MUSE),LOVES Tolkien and the Scottish,not a good combo with Doors.

    Mazekin= Actual Irishperson of the female persuasion. Deathly afraid of spiders. Odd sense of humour. Will laugh at practically anything. Tends to ramble in conversations, both written and spoken. Has a house, and a brother with a strange sense of humour.

    Joculator = works as a part time agent for CU JIMY (Central Unit for Joint Infiltration into groups of Mulltination Yobbos. Apart from that I stick by my profile entry. Quickly established himself as the quiz master after joining the community. Is probably one of the oldest (as in age) members of the board. Might have to fight for that honour with Pixel. Is a musician and/or morris dancer?

    Orrdos: aka Doors, one third off what in Board lore is referred to as the Holy Tripod. Last seen with Delphine. Scottish. Creator (one of the?) Board comic, the Tripod. Returnee? We'll see. Hates old people, hates Tolkien, hates the English, hates customers. Likes Irn Bru. (Hates old people? Doesn't he hate people in general, and makes exceptions?) Also creator of the senseless webcomic "Ducks". Has a hate/hate relationship with his internet provider

    Delphine: aka Snails. Last seen with Orrdos. Recently returned, at least for a brief visit. Co-created some really cool Board fiction. Has been filmes trying a Hershey bar. Once had a reputation for being rather slow, or something like that. Has since spawned at least half a dozen board personas and reputations.

    Ba: Ba. Third third of the Holy Tripod in Board intern Lore, albeit with the lengthy absences of them, entrance tests for newbies about them and other in jokes have been put on hiatus. Has a mustache, or maybe he hasn't anymore, because he's now an airman, and I imagine they must occasionally wear helmets, which might not be possible with that thing I saw on some of the photos. Sorry, Ba. Also, Ba is the only person who has the privilege to post in third person on this board. Is currently studying Arabic.

    Saccharissa: Greek, Doctor, Globetrotter. Also one of the persons who has met many Boardanians in real life. Current internet issues and workload prevent her from posting more often. Fights crime on Sundays. Rumour has it she can be quite a workaholic. She has at least one sister.

    Maljonic, aka Mal. Set up this Board and runs it after the old regulars decided to emigrate from another Board that went downhill due to absent moderation and massive trolling. Throwing hissy fits is for other people. Earns his living with internet related things, lives in England, is married to Marcia. Is the smiliest person in existence. Has a brilliant dream archive on his other webpage.

    Marcia: long time Boardanian, left the USA (NY) and her cat behind to live in England. Married to Mal. Has a degree in political science. Once called chrisjordan a slut, and will never live it down.

    Mynona: martial artist, writer, Rammstein fan. Lives in a snowy place. Studies English. Sweden (as in, lives in). Likes horses. Is studying to become a teacher.

    Sampanna: lives in Bangalore. His job is something computery. Was repeatedly mistaken for a female when he first joined. Rinso still refuses to think of him as anything other but a girl. Married.

    Tephlon: a very talented artist. Should publish a graphic novel or something. Dutchuguese - that is, a Dutchman living in Portugal. Same age as Hsing. Attendee of the Utrecht con, so he's known to exist in reality. Has an adopted sister who arrived in the family right on one of his birthdays. Official job: (Web)designer. Would like to be a webcomic artist and even convinced Ba to write for him. Put this on hiatus because of being sold into slavery getting a busy job.

    Roman_K: one of those rare people who use full capitalisation and punctuation in instant messaging. Seems to be attracted to geeky things like a geekmoth to a geekbulb. Earns his living in the army right now. RPGamer. Same age range as Doors. Israeli. Works as a Communication Systems Engineer - essentially ruling vast networks. Does not actually earn a living of any kind, a fact which will not change for the next two years of obligatory army service - but still receives food, clothes, internet, and the possibility of a bed, along with a small sum that can, at most, buy him a daily meal of schawarma. Will receive actual wages, along with niftier uniform, rank, and a few army-related perks, in two years' time. Is an avid gamer, roleplayer, and reader of many books.

    Om_Kranti: the one to get the party started, dude. Still around? Recently moved to the mountains with an elf. Intermittent internet access. Mail yes, the board not so much.

    Plaid: an alien. Has gone on an interplanetary voyage with her fellow aliens for a period of eighteen months, but will return. Draws during church services, but not only. Is a member of what seems to be a very creative family, judging from their wall decorations. Another major Board fiction author in the past. (See The Plaid Identity and The New Plaid Identity -among others). Eats small children.

    Bradthewonderllama: lives in Philadelphia. Is a medic in the US Army. He and mowgli are one of the many board couples, though they didn't meet here--Brad introduced Mowgli to the old HC board. Is, in fact, a medic for the National Guard, and was stationed in Iraq for a time - currently back to civilian life.

    Mowgli: Born in Ukraine, but now American. Introduced the wonderllama to Pratchett.

    TamyraMcG: Lives in Minnesota. Moondance jams, according to her recent news.

    Jaccairn: another regular attender of 'cons. Is a chemical analyst who lives in Kent.

    Pixel: Not around much. Englishman? Lives in Belgium. Might have to share "oldest (as in age) member" honorific with Joculator.
  24. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Wow,great response to my thread and I feel a lot happier knowing all these wonderful details about you guys. Yes,spiders are the spawn of Satan!!Let's hope the "Spaced" hypotheses regarding spiders and mice doesn't come to light.

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