Members' News

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Silmaril, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Why would french people want to know about my t-shirt?
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    There would be royalties if we sold the movie rights... Maybe the next Board Movie could be based around the zombie bunny and cat. We could then do a snakes on a plane and Nate could be played by Samuel L. Jackson.

    I have no news, still.
  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I have news! This is a momentous occassion... I got into the best conference in my field in San Fransisco on October. I'm so happy :)
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Spiky that's brilliant, both getting into the conference and being able to go to SF! :)
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, go Spiky!!
  7. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I just spent the last couple of hours reaffirming the belief/knowledge that I am afraid of spiders.
    And that I will never listen to my fathers suggestions again.
    He said a few months ago, and I quote "Use that big bag that we were given with the bins instead of a skip to store the tiles and when we get that wall built at the bottom of the garden it will be easier to move the rubble from your house to my house to fill in the base."
    Easier my pink shiny butt. 1. I have to do all the shoveling. Not that I mind. What I mind is fact number 2. Number 2 is that if you leave a huge bag of rubble in the garden it will become infested with spiders. I don't like spiders. I hate spiders. I've just spent half a day standing in the middle of my back garden with a spade trying to put the broken tiles into plastic bags. Half of that time was spent screaching like a baby and whacking big spiders. Another quarter was spent standing stock still with the spade in my hand wondering if the shadow behind a particular tile was a spider or not. It usually was.
    Big black spiders with huge bodies and spindly legs that go at mach 5 towards you.
  8. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I'm bored.

    Certain people should stop watching Big Brother and get on MSN.

    In other news, people who post 'I'm bored' on message boards are really annoying.
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well if you're not bored often then it is news that you are bored now.

    Still waiting for people i work with to pull their finger out to confirm I'm going to San fran. Stupid bureaucracy.
  10. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I hope everything works out Spiky.

    My news is that after a 3 day reunion with some other teachers (read-excuse to eat unhealthy food and drink copious amounts of alcohol), I have caught an air-conditioner cold and feel absolutely bollocks. Perfect timing as my boyfriend arrives on Sat and is staying for 3 weeks. Bugger sightseeing...nurse me back to health!
  11. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Mazekin that’s probably what I would do in that situation.

    Well another long week over. Going to boyfriends tomorrow night and I have to get up early to go see my great grandmother who is not very well. We want to go see her just in case. She’s 98 years old and if she kicks the bucket now than she’s had good innings.

    I'm off work for a week and 2 day in September, which is quite a good thing as that is our major busy period as we start the Academic year again. Only problem with having the extra 2 days is that its the start of the football season in America and my boyfriend love it so I’m going to be tortured over those 2 days as I took them off to spend with him.

    Sent off an appellation form for a job in Edinburgh yesterday and finishing one tonight.

    Well that’s it. I wont have my laptop this weekend as I’m leaving it up in Fife as I wont have time to go on it this weekend.

    Well done spiky hope everything works out ok.
  12. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    New news...have just made a reservation for one night in a capsule hotel! Just as well i'm not claustrophobic!
  13. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    capsule hotel??
    Well,today I gave notice at my job. I've had it with it,I will focus on school this winter and by it improve my job prospects and salary.
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Capsule hôtels are the coolest things ever and therefore only found in Japan like all the other coolest things ever. Except for me of course. Gypsy you have just increased my Jealousy Points, that is not a good thing, please refrain from doing cool things in the near future.

    Sunna, congrats, leaving a job you hate is probably one of the most gratifying things one can do with ones clothes on. Good on ya.
  15. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Venturing to New Hampshire in a little over a week to visit family. Very excited about it, I'm a geologist-in-training, they have mountains. A few days after I get back from that trip I'm heading back to school and won't be home for 2 years. Well I'll come home on holidays but I have to spend most of my summer up there taking field classes. If all goes according to plan, I'm graduating at the end of those 2 years and then who knows where I'll be or what I'll be doing.
  16. redneck

    redneck New Member

    We cut a tree today that was over five feet across. Even though that's a big tree it's not the biggest nor was that the most interesting thing about the tree. As my dad was grinding the stump I got him to stop because I saw something. I reached into a little hollow spot in the middle of the tree trunk and pulled out a piece of bottle. The bottle was well over half way through the trunk. When I counted the rings on the tree it was around 125 years old. That means that the bottle was set beside the tree at least seventy some odd years ago, if not more, and the tree grew around it. Some things just make you stop and go, "Hmm".
  17. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Ooh,just noticed I'm a Senior Member now.How did that happen?
  18. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Well, it looks like I'm actually going to be able to pick my motorcycle up from the shop today. It will be nice to ride again. It used to be a very pretty bike, but I didn't take care of it like I should have. It still looks good, but not like it used to. It's a 1985 V-65 Honda Magna. It was the fastest stock bike made from 1984 to 1987. 170 MPH design speed. I've had my bike to 135, but decided to back off after a few seconds. Without a wind screen it feels like you're a bobble-head on speed.
  19. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Now you've posted enough you get to join the elite group of oldies. I don't know if theres anythin better.
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Red, you sure have a strange and interesting life at the moment... :shock:
  21. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    That's amazing, I didn't even know trees could do that. There could be thousands of trees out there with treasure inside!
  22. redneck

    redneck New Member

    You would be surprised at what we find in the middle of trees. I found a window weight while grinding a stump one day. Almost took my damn leg off finding it. This is the same kind of grinder that we have. The cutter wheel spins very fast and it just takes chunks out of the trunk as it goes. The window weight was buried in the stump, and when the cutter wheel caught it, it came flying back at me and clonked me on the shin. Had a knot the size of a goose egg pop up. I was just glad it didn't break anything.
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    See, whoever said you worked in a bookshop wasn't that wrong...
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    That would be me confusing having your leg decapitated with sorting by the Dewe system... The parallels are simply amazing...
  25. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hoot! Redneck, did the bottle have a label of any kind? If it were only a decade or so older, odds are it would read something like: "Coca-cola: now with MORE cocaine! Great for migraines, spleen and female complaints!"
  26. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Nope. It only had a "17" stamped on the bottom of it. It was only the bottom of the bottle that was left anyway. Plus it was a brownish bottle. Not too sure what bottles were brown at that time.
  27. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench


    I'm booked in for San Francisco and to have a festival of a birthday over this weekend. if your gonna get old the best way to do it is usin alcohol to forget your getting old.
  28. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Oops sorry guys - after me promise to do better I haven't:redface:

    Just been catching up on some of your news - mine well...

    I've been a tad under the weather for quite a while, hormones raging, could sleep for the whole of Britain... I'm pregnant!:surprised: :shock: :D

    Bit of an oops but a very welcome one. Tis definitely an oops cause I would not plan on anything interfering with Hogmany - yup the wee baby's due on New Year's Eve.

    I would like my energy levels to pick up, as the DWcon is only a fortnight away - twill be the last holiday on my own for a long while! Well I'll probably be skint for the next two decades, but it will be worth it. Good news on the con - I can order two lunches! One for later if I get the munchies. (What do I mean - if?!)

    Anyway thats my big news - I'm going to continue catching up on me internet stuff...
  29. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Congrats Rewr!!! You now get to claim hormones for nine months and being a mother forever...
  30. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Congratulations on the good news.

    A few words from the aged; make that four decades... grandchildren have a habit of appearing around the twenty year mark :D
  31. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Congratulations Rewr!
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Congrats Rewr !

    I'm currently feeling a little queezy myself. I got sent one of those face book things "compare your friends", it picks random pairs of your friends and asks you "who has the better sense of humour" and so-on... I just had to choose between my own brother and Rinso, the question being "who would you rather sleep with?". Thank Gods for the Skip button... :bunny:
  33. randywine

    randywine Member

    Hey everybody - I'm still alive; sorry I've not posted for ages I've just been gone a long time.

    Congrats Rewr - Another Discworld fan on the way!:)

    Loved the bottle in the treetrunk stuff Red - cool stuff indeed...

    I am going to see MORT (the play) at the Edinburgh Fringe today so i'll try and get some photos and post them.

    Thats about it really...


  34. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I am currently sitting in a traffic jam the size of Ireland because of big rain and even bigger floods. We have just driven throught pools that came a good way up the wheels, both cool and scary... Thought we'd try the big main roads but turns out it wasn't such a good idea. Mazekin, hope you're ok and smart enough to stay inside. The most infuriating thing is that we really didn't need to go out, we just wanted to test the itinerary for Reg's new offices. Duh.
  35. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Aside from the fact I had to wade to my car on Thursday, and am now suffering from a monumental head-cold and chest infection, thus missing a day-long hike through the Burren (very picturesque part of Clare...lots of stone) and a banquet in a nearby Castle - which is really the only quality time I was going to get to spend with my brother from England this year -I'm doing just fine, thank you for asking Katcal. Just sitting looking out the window coughing, sneezing, doped up on antibiotics and decongestants and generally feeling like crap....:):sad: But at least I'm dry! I swear I haven't seen rain that bad here ever! And we get a lot of rain!

    ...I wasn't going to moan, but you did ask! : )....

    Congrats Rewr!
  36. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Congratulations Rewr!

    My news...

    My boyfriend is visiting me here in Japan for 3 weeks, and we decided to go on a lovely 4km hike to see 48 waterfalls (ranging from 5-20 metres).

    It was beautiful, though I did whinge -especially when the 4km hike turned into a 12 km one when we took a wrong turn to get back to town....therefore missing the massive fireworks festival we had planned to go to that evening....still slightly bitter about it, but the foot massage last night helped a bit.

    *mumble grumble &%$^* waterfalls!* :D
  37. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Aww, poor old Maze, that sucks :( Although I am slightly reassured by the fact that no-one seemed to be all that used to rain and floods like this, so I'm guessing it's quite a rare occurrence... Today, it's sunny and hot, they must have moved the Island... :D
  38. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know about Ireland, but in England no one seems to be used to any kind of weather, no matter what it is. People in England talk about the weather all the time, and 90% of the time it seems to be from a standpoint of shock or mild surprise.
  39. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Talking about the weather is all part of being English.
    However, I was mildly surprised after reading an article in a lesser known publication called 'Scientific Manxman'.
    The internationally famous meteo-biologist, Dwight St. John-Klankenheim, claims that the recent rise in sea levels is due not to polar melting but to the fact that there has been a drastic decline in the deep sea sponge population in the mid-atlantic.
    Because of this decline, less water is being absorbed by the sponges and so the water level is increasing....

    Hey, it made perfect sense last night after a few whiskey shandies. :lol:
  40. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Many thanks for your congratulations.

    We've been busy - me, oh, and maw and paw too!

    The spare room has been emptied and new wallpaper put up - plain paintable stuff. I am now severely lacking space for my books - I am having to be ruthless and clear out :sad:. I had thought of putting a lot up the loft, but the roof needs work and I suspect there is a wee leak or two. Of course all the children's/teenage books I can put into the wee ones room! At least the Tiffany books will be near to hand! (Bit early me thinks).

    we are clearing out a lot of things not just the library! Tis a bit heart breaking - we are both hoarders, and we are both trying to be ruthless. I tackled my wardrobe yesterday - a lot of clothes are going in a suitcase(s) as I am unlikely to be able to wear them again this year - hopefully I'll get back into them next year without too much trouble. The useful things (aka junk) drawer had a good clean - not much was disposed of, as the things in there are needed once in a while, and trying to replace them would be a bit of a problem.

    Dad is kindly helping to lay a driveway, as the parking is getting a bit ridiculous. I have some neighbours that believe they should be able to park all their vehicles outside their front door - I was amazed that I knew how to lip read!

    The weather has not been kind - I have clay soil, so even when there is a break in the weather the ground is still water logged in places. It has however given us plenty of time to change the design of the driveway oh about 50 million times.

    The dog has been tired out with all the running up and down stairs to keep track of everyone - muddy paw prints everywhere, there is a plus side he doesn't want long walks.

    Cant blame all the mud on the dog though - OH has a habit of running in without taking his work boots off!

    Gives me something else to grumble about, apart from his choice of names! If you have any suggestions please don't be shy!
  41. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Just ordered "Wintersmith", "Making Money" and "Thud!" in paperback (I already own "Thud!" in hardback, but I like reading on the train.)

    They should arrive wednesday/friday at the least. Yay!:D
  42. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Congrats Rewr. Well I would give you the one my partner wants to call our first if we have kids that are ginger. (He has a thing about gingers) he said that if the child is ginger then we should call it 'Spider-pig' from the Simpson’s movie I convinced him that it would be good as a middle name as my parents would kill me if one of there grand kids was called 'spider-pig' instead of William which is the family tradition. (To call your first son William not spider-pig).

    Well my news is that I didn’t have internet at all last week :( up point was that I got a lot of reading done so I went through one book didn’t have another so I had to get another book from the book shop as I was on my way back to digs from work so I got 'The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents' and 'Moving Pictures' I've red 'Amazing Maurice' and it was good haven’t started 'Moving Pictures' yet as I'm reading a non Pratchett at the minute. But that means I have 'Moving Pictures' for the train home on Friday

    I'm off on Friday as I had to much time on the flexi time scheme so I thought I would take Friday off and that means I can go round Edinburgh looking for jobs.

    Work go flooded over the weekend due to the weather and the corridor outside the office smells of dead fish it’s horrid. Hopefully estates will have it sorted by the morning.

    That’s it from the wet kingdom of Fife.
  43. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Struggling with sinusitis and can't get to the doctor to get the medication because of all this damn teaching... Face feels like its about to fall off.

    Birthday weekend finished on a high note, after Friday with food poisoning, Saturday I went to Dave's work ball and somehow got so pissed on not much wine that I can't remember 2 hours, including falling over and bruising my tail bone, the taxi home, throwing up and getting to bed, so I woke up Sunday with a dirty hangover and the first thought of 'how did i get here and why is my butt so sore?'. On Sunday trying to recover from the hangover I baked up a storm (not the best while feeling nautious but I got through it) the girls cam over and I had myself a birthday high tea. It was very civilised, at least compared to the shenanigans of the rest of the weekend.
  44. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    My bottom half got soaked during a walk at lunchtime (top half stayed dry thanks to a waterproof jacket, but water from this ran off onto my jeans as well). So I'm sitting in my lab coat with some strategically placed safety pins whilst my jeans dry in the drying cabinet.
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    ooh, good luck with that Jacqui !
  46. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Hooray for Rewr and the little Rewr :smile:

    Maze, get better soon! (and sorry to hear about the missed hike through the Burren, but it sounds like it was all soaked into oblivion anyway... All that rain probably chased the wild Burren donkeys into hiding, and you GOT to see the wild donkeys, it's just not the same otherwise!)

    Hope everyone else is recovering nicely from weather/hangovers/weather-inflicted injuries/weather-inflicted hangovers!
  47. randywine

    randywine Member

    Today I am going to finish off my work so that tomorrow I may take Mrs R. to see WYRD SISTERS at the Edinburgh fringe...

    Must do work...Must do work...Must do infinitum...and so on.


  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    So, I'm off to Toulouse for a long weekend of friends, madness and No Bloody In-laws. Joy!
  49. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Have just introduced my boyfriend to PTerry's world! He started reading Guards! Guards! on our epic train journey(s) today....with me reading over his shoulder...and i think he'll be hooked. Hooray!
  50. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Last weekend I spent with my dear Adam we went on a natural foods hike at a Forest History Center in Grand Rapids, after we got pasties at the Pastie Hut, very nice. I went to work on Monday but felt pretty awful and since they weren't doing the work I had volunteered for I asked to go home and they let me, which was a good thing as I wasn't just coming down with a cold but with cellulitis, it isn't quite as bad as the last time I had it but it isn't fun at all, I'm suposed to be keeping my leg elevated which means it is hard to do anything except read, thankfully I do like that and have plenty of reading materials.

    Adam is bringing Chicken soup tomorrow, I'll be very happy to see him. But the strangest thing happened today, I was hoping I could get Cyndy to pick up a bottle of Acetominiphen for me and left a message on her machine and to my amazement Jon and Cyndy came right over with some Motrin and some other cold medicine stuff.

    Did I mention she and I have gone out for dinner a couple of times and seem to be getting along well, poor Jon, he hasn't a clue why that might not be good for him.

    I'm to see a doctor on Friday to be cleared to go back to work but so far I'm not very sure that is going to happen, but maybe the antibiotics need a little more time. The last time I was on at least three kinds but they were different then the kind I'm on now.
  51. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Hope you're feeling better soon Tamyra, & Spiky.

    Names relating to the Simpsons have already been banned, as have all material things.

    Jealous to all who have things planned...

    :sad: On doctors advise I have had to cancel my trip to DWcon. Nothing serious (I hope) Baby was looking good at the 20 week scan. Just a general feeling of ugh, and over tiredness. (Doc is a big fan of PTerry, and knows what the con is like).

    OH wants to cancel viking trip - I'm being stubborn saying we're going. Tis a case of wait and see.

    Have managed to clear out my DVD collection (6 are going!).

    The books are next... can you guess which ones are going straight back on the bookshelf?
  52. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Tamyra, take care of yourself hun. Make sure your leg is ok before you go back to work!

    Not such good news from me. My dad isn't doing so well. For the last 2 years he's been having trouble with one of his kidneys. He's had to have a stent put into it every six months to relieve an obstruction. We found out during the week that not only does he have that, now both of his kidneys are trying to pack it in. There's a pretty big chance he might have to go on dialysis. Which sucks. Big time. He has now been taken off basically everything he likes. He is a diabetic like me, so his sweet tooth has been pretty upset with him for the past few years. He has never drunk alcohol, and he is allergic to a lot of citrus drinks, so his tipple of choice was always coke, and then diet coke. Now he can drink any diet drink except for diet coke. He can't eat peas, beans, potato's have to be boiled 3 times, which means eating out is, well, out.'s a list as long as your arm. It's like God is slowly trying to cut away everything he enjoys one by one.

    It. Sucks.
  53. Rewr

    Rewr New Member

    Oh Mazekin, my thoughts are with you and your family. This happened to my cousin who is also diabetic, she was fortunate enough to receive a kidney through organ donation. Hoping something comes through for your dad.

    Hugs to all.
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh crap Mazekin, that does indeed suck, as does anything diabetes and diet related, it always seems to deprive you of the best things first. :( I wasn't even aware Irishmen could physically survive without a minimum potato intake, give him an extra big hug from me...
  55. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    I hope you all and the families get better. Boy,the forum seems to be in a general declining health status,Tam,me,Maz's dad.
  56. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member


    Well, as it is through you guys that we originally got together, I am announcing the engagement of Missy & I.
    Wedding bells are still a while away, but I guess the time will pass quite quickly...

    Mental note: we must try to spend more board time...

    Have fun!

    Hope everyone who isn't having fun will soon be doing so...
  57. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Congratulations missy and Victimov.

    Well I got a thank you and well done from one of the tutors today. I scanned some pictures in for his student packs and he e-mailed me to say thank you and copied my line manager into it so I now have a gold star on my name badge. Yay for me. Only problem is that I now have a pile of typing to do and 2 training courses to do by the end of the week.

    A week and 2 days until I go on holiday.

    Hope everyone is felling better. Hugs to everyone.
  58. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Nice work peapod, and congratulations Missy and Victimov8! :)
  59. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Congrats Dave and Missy. The big question now is will Missy turn into Bridezilla and eat Tokyo? It's good to hear that you've come so far and are ready to go the rest.

    No news really. I finally get to see the doctor today about the sinusitis thats been eating up my nasal passage so that will be good to get the peice of paper to say I can get the drugs I needed weeks ago.
  60. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    A bit of sad news from me today.

    I have recently found out that my dad is suffering from paranoid depression. My parents came to visit me for a week and mum told me all about it. Is seems that stress of work and many other factors pushed him to breaking point and he was hospitalised for a while and kept under observation (for very important reasons - 2 suicide attempts, luckily unsuccessful).

    I know I sound quite detached, but i'm still coming to terms with it. He's on medication, and i have trust in my mum and hope for him, but I don't really know what to do. She says everything is going to be fine, and i'm going home for christmas, so hopefully everything will turn out alright. A friend of mine just suggested being supportive as much as I can...but he doesn't know that I know. He did tell me that he's been stressed out recently and has medication for it, but I don't think he's ready to talk about it with me just yet.

    I'm doing okay, I just get a bit sad now and then. I've never been in a situation like this so it's hard to know how to cope. I just really hope he can find his way out of it. Mum thinks that coming to visit was good therapy for him, because he sees that i'm doing alright and have a support network and friends here, so it's one less worry on his mind you know?

    Take care
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