A Shiny New Camera For Me!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    In return for returning a number of DVD's i have borrowed my older brother has agreed to lend me the money to buy a digital camera! Which will be great for my [s:0a80ce98cd]stalking[/s:0a80ce98cd] birdwatching. I've got betweem £200-£400 (at a push) to spend. Any advice on what type of camera i should be looking at, I'd like a digital SLR, but don't really know all that much about them.

  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    If you're looking at just doing pictures for your computer, you wouldn't really need much more than 2 Megapixels (MP), as 2MP is bigger than most people's screens.

    If you want to print out normal photos, I'm told that after about 4MP you won't notice the difference in print quality between that and a 8MP picture, unless you're printing on something bigger than A4.

    The thing to look at investing your money in is Optical Zoom (ignore digital zoom, pretty much every computer, no matter how retarded, can do that), this is always handy at enhancing pictures.

    Also look at how much it eats batteries and memory cards. Remember to leave some money to purchase a decent size memory card, as they normally only put in a card of miniscule size *insert rinso joke*. Other things to consider are the physical size and weight of the camera, if you've got a big mo-fo, you won't want to cart it around with you - in fact you won't be able to without snapping your arms.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Now I'm not a good source for prices in britain, but I have a Canon EOS 350D which is quite a fantastic little (ok, not so little) camera, and cost me around 700€.

    My first two questions would be What are you going to be using it for, and How much do you know about non digital SLRs ? If you want to do a lot of messing around, discovering what an SLR can do and just having fun and you're only used to compacts, then you'll be looking at a smaller budget than if you know more and will be using it for a semi-professional standard of use.

    Also do you have a digital camera already ? If not, you will have to take into account the additional price of the storage card whatever, if not, you may be able to work around it and use one you already have.

    In a lot of places you will find starter packs, with the Camera body, plus for example one or two lenses, a storage card, a battery, a pouch/bag, etc. These are worth it if you just want to start out (sounds like you do) but if you want a specific lense, shop around a bit and compare prices. Try internet AND highstreet shops, good surprises do happen...

    I have had a look around, and I must say there aren't many digital SLRs around for under £400, so good luck to you !! Here's one that looks pretty good : Nikon D50 with 18/55 lense that's the same range as my lense on the Canon EOS 350D and it's pretty good, especially for wide angle, but you get hungry for a decent zoom quite fast (although this may be because my previous camera had a kick-ass zoom and I got used to it...)

    Now one thing about SLRs is that you don't usually get a preview on the screen as you would on a digital compact, unless you're aiming for a big budget one, and also they're quite heavy and bulky to carry. I would say if you're totally starting out with digital cams, start with a good but much cheaper compact, unless you're really used to using a non-digital SLR, because the extra cost isn't really worth it for just messing around taking pictures of weasles no matter how sexy they are.

    Edit to respond to Ben (+ spelling) : Yes, if you do go for a compact, do be carefull the zoom is optical, digital zoom is just messing about with pixels and he doesn't like it (do you pixel ?). Batteries is also a big point, if you can find one with a lithium battery rather than inserting normal batteries, you'll save yourself a lot of money in the long run, and a lot of torn out hair... Especially when around fish. And I would say decent print-out resolution starts around 3.2 pixels, that's fine for doing medium sized blow-ups... but yes, over 4-5Mp there's no point unless your shooting for large printouts or professional standards.
  4. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    I've got a sony cyber-shot 6mp camera.

    It's very nice, and wasn't all that expensive. About £120 i think
  5. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    My camera is 5 megapixels, has all the zoom stuff, takes videos as well, really big display screen, apocalyptic flash. i don't know how much it was, it was a present, i just wanted to brag.
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well I just want to admit my secret shame...

    My camera I won when I was 12 (16 years ago now, OH THE SHAME), it is film based, fixed lense and manual everything. Hence you can't zoom, check photos and its up to you to decide whether you need the flash. Oh and its bright red, so its not as if I can surrepticiously use the thing either.

    I need a new camera. All donations to the save spiky from old technology fund are gratefully appreciated.

    Edit: cos yet again won and one are not the same.
  7. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Cool! If you don't need an SLR, then check out the Canon S2 IS - its got a 12x optical zoom with pretty decent stabilization .. 5 mega pixels etc. Good for not-very-serious photography! Also, the 12x is good for [s:82203b0654]stalking[/s:82203b0654] birdwatching.
    Also, even if Doors is happy with his camera, I suggest sticking to a company that makes cameras, not music systems :)

    Edit: Spiky, boo!
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I have a casio ex-z500. I got a great bargain at Singapore airport though I can't for the life of me remember the price.

    It's a great little thing that has a massive display screen. It's brilliant for what I use it for - playing around with silly photos mostly. It's 5 mega pixels as well.

    The only trouble I have had is if you press a lot of buttons really fast it'll freeze up (which I have an annoying tendancy to do).

    I think the things that make cameras so much easier to use are the quick start up time (if your looking for quick passing shots) and something generally easy to carry around.

    Oh and the less buttons, generally speaking, the easier it is to use and thus...for the most pasrt...idiot proof
  9. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Oh and the less buttons, generally speaking, the easier it is to use and thus...for the most pasrt...idiot proof[/quote:6014772a7e]

    Good point, good point. Very apt.
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  11. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Thats a good one too .. but dpreview also has a review of the canon s2 is .. they test under the same circumstances, so you can even compare the photos sometimes. This one:

    That said, one of my friends has the same camera and he likes it a lot.
  12. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Cool. I was looking for a dpreview for it. ;)
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooh, nice ! A 12x zoom is just what you'll need for some serious birdwatching. Whatever the meaning of "bird" may be :D
  14. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I know this is a zombie thread...but it's the same issue really.

    I have a bunch of money to spend...

    ¥130,000 | $1,200 (USD) | $1,500 (AUD) | £700 | ₩ 1,337,000

    ...and i'm looking to get a Digital SLR.
    I am pretty much hooked on Nikon...and I can be stubborn.

    I've been trying to decide whether to save my money and get a D60 or just go ahead with the D80. My budget won't stretch to the new D90...

    Does anyone have experience with these cameras or other Digital SLR's?
    Even though it is my transition from 'point and shoot' to 'SLR' , I don't want a camera that I'll grow out of really quickly, and many reviews say that's what happens with the D60.

  15. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Which camera will allow Gypsy to photograph the souls of the damned?
  16. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Errm...I haven't figured out how to ask that in Japanese....yet.
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, she lives in Japan so surely any old camera will do that if Japanese films are anything to go by. Try the old curiosity shops with wizened old men with crazy eyes. I'm sure they do SLRs...

    Although I haven't used it myself I have a couple of friends who got the D80 and are certainly not tired of it yet. when I get a mo' I'll have a better look and give you a post-breakfast expert opinion*. :bunny:

    *Approximate value 0.001€, no refunds available, Terms and Conditions apply.

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