Who Could Play Ridcully in a Movie?

Discussion in 'THE WIZARD BOOKS' started by ArthurDent, Sep 3, 2005.

  1. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    John Cleese.
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Not sure about this one. Steven Fry is too posh; John Cleese is quite a good character but a bit too skinny and tall, not robust enough; Brian Blessed has exactly the right presence, but I think he is too large and not athletic enough; Robbie is too large too, but I don't think he's right anyway; Billy is a bit too down to earth... have to think about this one. :)
  3. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Again, being an ignorant american, I have no idea who these people are.
  4. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    John Clesse obviously. Basil Fawlty is just like Ridcully.
  5. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    What about Jim Broadbent?
  6. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    I think Tony Robinson (Baldrick in Blackadder) would make a good Rincewind.John Cleese and Billy Connelly are both good choices, but i've always seen Rincewind as shorter than average.
    I,m not quite sure why as I can't recall any references to height in the books.
  7. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    This is about Ridcully, not Rincewind.
  8. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Curse my simple brain!
    sorry guys,
    In that case Brian Blessed gets my vote. He was the first person that came to mind when his character appeared.
  9. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:5176cee634="Maljonic"]Not sure about this one. Steven Fry is too posh; John Cleese is quite a good character but a bit too skinny and tall, not robust enough; Brian Blessed has exactly the right presence, but I think he is too large and not athletic enough; Robbie is too large too, but I don't think he's right anyway; Billy is a bit too down to earth... have to think about this one. :)[/quote:5176cee634]
    It has to be Brian Blessed - for [i:5176cee634]both[/i:5176cee634] the Ridcully brothers - how can you say he is not athletic enough - he climbs mountains, for gods' sake!
  10. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I'd go for John Cleese if we put him on a strictly pie diet. :)

    Although I do think the late great John Candy would have done a good job.
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    John Rhys-Davies? I mean, don't forget he is [i:576a7f8685]not [/i:576a7f8685]small.
  12. SunshineDaydream

    SunshineDaydream New Member

    I voted for someone else, but that's a very generic someone else. The people on the list are either all-too-clearly someone else, or I have absolutely no idea who they are and if they'd be suitable. Based on previous responses, I may have to check out this Brian Blessed character.
  13. JetsConnor

    JetsConnor New Member

    Graham Crowden. if you've ever seen Waiting for God, you'll know he's got the bellow needed for "BURSAAAR!"
    And I think with the beard and all he's look the part.
  14. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    [quote:b398953766="JetsConnor"]Graham Crowden. if you've ever seen Waiting for God, you'll know he's got the bellow needed for "BURSAAAR!"
    And I think with the beard and all he's look the part.[/quote:b398953766]

    I am inclinded to agree!!!!
  15. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:c360866d53="Cynth"][quote:c360866d53="JetsConnor"]Graham Crowden. if you've ever seen Waiting for God, you'll know he's got the bellow needed for "BURSAAAR!"
    And I think with the beard and all he's look the part.[/quote:c360866d53]

    I am inclinded to agree!!!![/quote:c360866d53]

    Although I am still convinced that only Brian Blessed could do the part justice, casting Graham Crowden could prove interesting if the film was Lords and Ladies and the casting I suggested on the old board for Granny Weatherwax was used - I suggested Stephanie Cole (his co-star in Waiting for God, for those who haven't seen it) and some people agreed with me. (Having checked back on the old board, I see someone called Silencer had made the same suggestion back in 2001, before I joined - I did not know about that at the time)
  16. JetsConnor

    JetsConnor New Member

    I'm afraid I've never seen her in anything apart from Waiting for God.
  17. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Brian Blessed looks like a good candidate.
  18. BadAnnie

    BadAnnie New Member

    Oh Come on people! Stephen Fry would be brilliant. Hasnt anyone seen Gormenghast? He's perfect.

    An even better question to ask is who would play the Bursar. Chuckle.
  19. mikeedee

    mikeedee New Member

    Graham Crowden I like as a suggestion.

    What about Simon Callow? He's got that natural Ridcully pomp and gusto.
  20. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Yes! I'll go for Simon Callow! Although I did put John Cleese in the poll. John Cleese is a little bit too tall and manic.
  21. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    I'd vote robin williams...
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:ee1d4a8a45="tanatie"]I'd vote robin williams...[/quote:ee1d4a8a45]
    Please, anyone but Robin Williams ! :shock:
  23. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    actually I meant him for the bursar...I think he'd be great:) but that's just my opinion...ever seen any of his stand-ups? robin williams live on broadway?
  24. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I thought of Brian Blessed too - Mostly from his role in Flash Gordon. He has such a hearty voice.
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:87997967eb="Victimov8"]I thought of Brian Blessed too - Mostly from his role in Flash Gordon. He has such a hearty voice.[/quote:87997967eb]

    He's now the official voice of the breakfast show on Virgin Radio UK, it's really weird to hear his voice every morning at work !

    As for Robin Williams... I think I've just seen him in too many crappy movies, a bit like Jim Carey, as much as I know he can be a good actor, I'm just allergic to the idea... you would have to sneak him into the film and not tell me so it would be a surprise and I wouldn't see it coming... :D
  26. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Dammit! I was thinking of Rincewind and thus voted other. . . .now I want John Cleese. . . . he would be perfect!!
  27. Silvermoth

    Silvermoth New Member

    I like the idea of Bill Hunter as Ridcully. Heres a pic...
    LadyPerfection live
  28. mr_scrub

    mr_scrub New Member

    I still think John Cleese would be a good choice. He might be tall and skinny but movie people can do something about that like theyre doing in harry potter. He is a really great actor
  29. mr_scrub

    mr_scrub New Member

    Tho Bill Hunter looks like a good choice if he can pull off the manner.
  30. NannyOgg

    NannyOgg New Member

    I think Brian Blessed would be a good choice. :)
  31. Mike Sallows

    Mike Sallows New Member

    Brian Blessed i reckon would make a good A - C
  32. havelock_uk

    havelock_uk New Member

    Who could play Ridcully!!

    I think that the recent portrail of Mustrum Ridully in The Hogfather was expertly portaid by Joss Ackland. Having been an avid reader of the Discworld book for a long time, he is how I would imagine him and whenever re-reading books with him in, I now clearly see Joss Ackland!!!
  33. JetsConnor

    JetsConnor New Member


    Three years on, I discover Graham Crowden WAS Ridcully, in the cartoon adaptation of Soul Music. Hah!
  34. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I do like him. I was trying to explain to someone about Waiting for God the other day when the 5th movement of Schubert's Trout Quintet (the theme tune) was on the radio but I couldn't remember the name of the show, or any of the actors or characters in it.

    It was like:

    "You must have seen it, it was really funny. About these two people in an old people's home who were always kanoodling and getting up to larks while the stuffy young manager of the place was always trying to stop them..."

    "what was it called?"


    "who was in it?"


  35. JetsConnor

    JetsConnor New Member


    Canoodling?! Tom and Diana??!

    Either we've just tripped over the language barrier, as low as it is between our two countries, or we were not watching the same television show!!!

  36. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    To me it means this kind of thing, perhaps it didn't get that far in Australia?:
  37. JetsConnor

    JetsConnor New Member

    Good grief, perhaps it didn't! Or perhaps I just didn't see it through myself. I certainly remember no senior hanky panky! What a dent in my perception of reality...
  38. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I didn't know at the time that the woman who plays Diana was actually not an old person at all and is famous for playing characters much older than she actually is. I was thinking that she must be really old by now if she's still alive, but discovered she's only like 64 so must have only been in her 40s in Waiting for God.
  39. July

    July New Member

    I think the actor who played Ridcully in Hogfather was very good (although i can't remember his name) and I can imagine him playing also in a new discworld movie.
  40. Mithras-Kosmokrator

    Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    Joss Ackland? I felt he lacked the necessary oomph (and I understand he was a nightmare to work with!)

    I think Graham Crowdon could pull it off; he certainly did a good job of vocalising Ridcully. Brian Blessed is still my first choice, though.
  41. Actyerage

    Actyerage New Member

    He's probably dead, But Wilfred Hyde White of the Ealing Comedies would have been brilliant.
    I've been given the Unseen Academicals for my 60th birthday present and read it in 3 sittings.
    Spent half the time trying to cast people for the roles.
    Rowan Atkinson has to be Vetinari, but he must not allow Mr bean to infiltrate.

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