Monthly Thing Fling

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Nov 6, 2008.


Monthly Thing Fling ?

  1. Nope, not interested

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, I like the idea but I wouldn't join in

  3. Yes, I'm in, and will faithfully participate every month, and on time

  4. Maybe, I'll probably only join in if it becomes a really cool thing and all my friends are doing it

  5. This is the best idea ever and I would like to give Katcal a huge pot of money and a pie

  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    In the light of the success (in terms of likability rather than punctuality) of our Photo competitions, and the many talents of our members, I was thinking of maybe branching out on this and extending it to a wider form - not necessarily replacing the photo comps, eh, we could still do both.

    Basically, the idea is that every month (hem, well, whenever we remember to, I guess) we would set a theme and then people can choose whatever medium they like to express themselves on the subject: writing, drawing, painting, photography, video, music... Hell, Mowgli could even do some scrapbooking :D And again, the winner of the previous month's would pick the next theme, and so-on. Same rules as the photo comp re: using only ones own produce, no stealing of images or re-using of old creations.

    With the results being that much more varied, we could easily choose more specific themes, like, say, the US Elections, or the latest Pterry novel, or the effect of a werewolf bite on a small fluffy rabbit at midnight on the third Tuesday after Brad's birthday, whereas the photo comp is a lot fairer if we keep the themes nice and wide...

    So, what d'ya think? :bunny:
  2. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Sounds like.. Party Time [​IMG]

    Cheque is in the post, Kat!

    Now who's gonna be first to pinch me smiley?
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I would steal it Joc but I'm not sure what it's eating...

    Good idea Kat, although seeming as how I have no creative talent, as my lack of entries into the photo comp signify (Ican't even hold a camera) I'd have to think what contribution I could make but it does let us branch out, like a tree, with really good mulch, in Spring.
  4. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I like the idea, it sounds like we could get some interesting results...

    I mean, natural disasters are 'interesting' as well as being horribly devastating aren't they?

    note: not so sure about the 'on time' part...
  5. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    What have you broken on your computer now? :)

    Mulch? Is that a polite term for [-]bullshi[/-] manure? :D

    PS. Spiky... I think the smiley's mystery food object is a sausage, washed down with beer. But feel free to form your own opinion.
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    No mulch isn't manure. Manure would be fertaliser. Mulch is the ground cover that you put around plants (that may fertilise) intended to stop weeds and keep the moisture in for longer, it can be bark chips, forrest litter, pebbles or stones.

    And that is the end of todays gardening lesson. Tomorrow I will teach you about Hebes.

    Sausage is OK. Just.
  7. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Aha! you can't get me there, I know this... it was a city in ancient Egypt! :D

    I think we might have an idea for a rather irritating word game going here.
  8. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ... I might have to stay on the sidelines fo the time being and just watch the action (between the job, the badly-neglected freelancing, the sporadic housework and the prenatal laziness ) But I'll jump in whenever the spirit moves me! :smile:
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Wrong again.

    Hebes are a small bushy plant that seems to survive whatever I throw at them. Which seems to include a lot of neglect. I've got a couple of the verigated varieties which have purple accents on a light or dark green foliage base...

    For me hebe infor see here.
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    How about we have the first one about the return of the prodigal Plaid?

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