Things learned today...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mazekin, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    The 'quiff' or 'pompadour' hairstyle I decided to wear today (bad hair day = must put hair UP), was in fact named after Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV.

    What? You asked. And it's the most interesting thing that has happened to me today, learning that.

  2. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Kari is also a boys name. Note to self, stop calling Kari 'her/she'

    Sam is also a girls name. Note to self, stop boss from calling Sam 'she' as she is making me confused...

    Who's Who on our intranet is very helpful when dealing with people you have never lets you know if they are a he or a she...Or in the case of the person who I won't name, we still don't know if it is a he/she - even with the photo :shock::D
  3. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    There are Discworld Chat rooms on these boards.
    Seriously, I just found out today...probably would have taken at least 2 more years if Joc hadn't told me!
  4. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    If I move... my brain hurts.
    If I cough... my brain hurts.
    If I sneeze... my brain hurts.

    I've learned never trust my friends to organize another pre "sell-by date" party again.

    Thinks (with hurting brain)... I'm not going to get another one, am I? :redface:
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learned today:
    - 5€ kites are really worth 5€.
    - If you ever buy a 5€ kite, remember to take Duck tape with you when you use it.
    - Kite flying rocks. I can't believe I reached 30 before even trying it. well, unless you count kites made of paper and lollipop sticks held together with sellotape.
    - I am not as sucky at kite flying as I thought I might be. I sometimes didn't crash it at all.
    - A nice flat compact beach is the perfect place for kite flying. If it happens to be a nice sunny afternoon with just enough wind, it can make the most lovely time of all.

    Remembered today:
    Living right by the beach ROCKS
  6. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    NCT's suck (that's the Irish version of the MOT to make sure your car is actually road-worthy.) They are expensive, and make your happiness levels plummet when you see your car up on the lift and the guy doing the exam is shaking his head while hitting the bodywork with his hand...

    ...corrosion on cars sucks. Especially when it rusts away the bottom (where you can't see it) and also chews away at your brake lines :shock:... car does not know the meaning of the word pass...

    ...I need a new car...

    It took me 40 minutes to remember how to knit.

    I have no willpower. I lasted six whole hours without a cigarette. But I shall endeavour to try again tomorrow.

    I am envious of Katcal. I have never gotten a kite to fly. And I don't live right by a beach as she does.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well mazekin, you are welcome to borrow both beach and kite whenever you like. I do agree that NCTs or whatever the equivalent suck. Last time we were told that the regulation had changed and the tyres we had changed 2 months before were no longer valid. We had changed them at the same place that did the test, at which time the legislation had already changed, so we yelled at them until we got our tyres changed for just the difference in price. Bastards.
  8. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I might just take you up on that offer :smile: - let me know when it suits you:D
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Anytime, hon, just let us know beforehand to make sure we're around...
  10. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    When are we going to get the photographs of the Irish
    record for a high altitude bunny? :bunny:
  11. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Oooh, bad mental picture of Thumper tied to a a thunderstorm...
  12. redneck

    redneck New Member

    That's not a bad mental picture, that's freakin' hilarious.
  13. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I am a really sad individual. Not really learned, but more reinforced this evening. I've just spent close on 3 hours trawling through my posts on an old board looking for a post / skit on vegetable wars. I can vaguely remember what I wrote, and I know it happened! It wasn't just something my mind has made up in the last couple of days. I know it has to be in there somewhere, but I cannot for the life of me find it. I did find a reference to it in another post, but no War of the Vegetables...goddamnit! I've searched and searched and searched. I've searched on veg, I've searched on Potato, Potatoe, Pot, tat, war, my user number...sigh, I think I'm just going to head to bed now and dream of Potato kings...

  14. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    If you were looking on the old TP boards, they have been effectively scrubbed.
  15. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Indeed they have. A lot of old stuff has been deleted. It wasn't just in your head.

    I have learnt that my knowledge of the German language is not sufficient.
    Honestly, you'd think people would believe a more or less literal and educated native speaker when one tells them -on request or in a discussion on the matter- which is the correct German grammar/ spelling. But no, I am wrong, or at least theirs is a correct possible alternative and not at all wrong... and could it be I am speaking some sort of dialect that isn't standard German (apparently without ever realizing)? This annoys me more than it should.(1)

    I at least know my English is far, far from perfect.

    (1)One pet issue this arises over is English speakers accusing Kennedy of having himself called a jelly donut during his famous speech in Berlin. ("Ich bin ein Berliner.") A native speaker pointing out that (A) is sounds perfectly right to them and (B) that the German masses at the time cheered enthusiastically instead of breaking into a laugh does not irritate those people who are too fond of the joke to let go of it. Cue in people who start lecturing me on the standards of German grammar.
  16. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    You can say that again! I was very sleep deprived when I wrote that post anyhow. I can only vaguely remember writing it.

    Anyhoo, today I learned that Karma does exist. The bad kind, anyhow. And it's rather nice when it hits someone else...
  17. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Today, I discovered the plotline for Prison Break season 5: Michael Schofield and friends spend 25 episodes attempting to break into a small portion of raspberry jam that has an easy opening.
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learned yesterday:

    - no matter how many times you tell them not to keep fiddling with that half-broken thing because they'll just end up wrecking it completely, husbands will fiddle.
    - husbands should not be allowed to play with fire or sharp things
    - shoving the sharp rough corner of a metal blind-rail under your thumbnail into the flesh of your thumb (while mending the mess aforesaid husband made) is a thouroughly unpleasant experience and should not be repeated.
    - thumbs bleed a lot more than one would expect.
    - also, I now know how to take apart and reassemble sliding blinds, having had to take them apart and reassemble them 6 times to get everything working.

    Learned today:
    - inflatable parrots are larger than inflatable palmtrees. Where's the logic in that?
  19. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Sometimes long video clips on the internet are well worth it...see below link...:) All hail Scagata...

    YesButNoButYes: Ascension
  20. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Great video Mazekin. It was worth almost being late for work to watch it.

    Just learnt: Japanese word order is hard!

    The sentence : 'Mr. Tanaka is going to the Department store with Mr Miller.'
    becomes : 'Mr. Tanaka is Mr. Miller and the Department store to going.'

    Waaaa! :sad: I'm never going to get it right! :confused:
  21. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    The official medical term for getting up to pee in the middle of the night is Nocturia
  22. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    It is possible to cough so hard that you strain a rib. And it hurts a lot too!
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor thing, get well soon, eh, and I'll get that kite ready to tie it to the big spike...
  24. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Thanks Kat, feeling better already, just wouldn't be able to run with the string right now...:) Or run to the front door...
  25. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Yikes - get well soon, Mazekin!
  26. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Thanks M - feeling much better. Antibiotics and painkillers rule!
  27. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Relearned today that Multivariable Calculus is evil. The only thing saving my grade is the prof is giving us a free quiz if we take this survey about the new book they are getting next year(probably much better than the one we have and I probably won't get anything for selling this one back) and he's dropping the two lowest quizzes.
  28. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    For the second time this fall, learned that supermarket-bought seaweed salad contains jellyfish! Gah! I love seaweed, but without its original inhabitants, please!
  29. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Today I learned that you can buy seaweed a supermarket of all places! :smile:

    Also learned:

    My brother who lives on an island has now declared himself president, as all of the cattle and horses have been moved back onto the mainland for the winter. He is also denying that he is a dictator...even though he voted himself into office.

    People are idiots.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learned yesterday: those new blister-plasters do more bad than good. They mean you don't feel it as the blister becomes a double or triple-layer blister and when you peel off the plaster that is by now coming unstuck, a few layers of skin come with it and you are left with a gaping raw hole in your heel.

    Trying to put shoes back on after learning the previous item is not a good idea.

    Also, I think I may just have experienced a true CMOT sausage. Although I'm not quite sure it contained any pig. Do not buy Tesco budget sausages.
  31. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    "Budget" and "sausage" should not EVER feature together in a product name! Gaaaah!

    Today I learned the following:

    - if you REALLY want to know the limits of your patience and civility, just call Verizon customer service

    - Verizon is an evil, evil EVIL overgrown, oversprawling beast of a corporation with "help" centers scattered all over the globe, to the point where there's no central policy other than "if the customer's problem gives you a moment's pause, just punt them off to someone else, preferably someone on a different continent"

    - those Verizonians with the strongest accent tend to be the most courteous and, in the end, helpful

    I also learned that, when I get agitated, the kid gets agitated too! Good to know.
  32. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Were they the ones in the bag? Something like 30 for 2 euro? yeach! Mom buys them all the time, and wonders why I don't stick around for a fry-up.

    Learned today and over a period of several months: My cable providers are idiots. 8 letters of 'I want to cancel' later, they finally get the message and stop billing me - and forget to cut me off :D I still have the channels, so that means I can still watch TV in bed. Heh heh heh.
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yup, those are the ones. The dangers of having your groceries delivered when the website has no illustrations or information on the products aside from the name ! Never again, ewwww.
  34. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Kat, you're a brave, brave woman!
  35. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Well Kat, you have lived and learned!


    Just a work related rant:

    The left hand does not know what the right hand does. The right hand does not know what the left hand does. The head does not know what either hand does. And the arse in charge does not know what any portion of the anatomy does...standard in all multi-national businesses, I know, but try explaining that to an idiot who isn't even on the same continent as you...

    ...and then he treats you like an idiot, because he heard through the grapevine that you are 'new' to the job. It doesn't seem to get through his thick head that you have actually been in the company for 7 years, which is, oh, let me see, 6 years longer than him! and have been assisting someone who used to do the job (does anyone remember the Weeble story?) for almost as long. It's an easy enough job, just time consuming. Sheesh, let him try my old job for 5 days and see how he gets on....

    Ok, that was more a rant than 'things learned'. Forgive me. I'm tired. So, so tired.:sad:

    Oh, and I hate Finance....
  36. randywine

    randywine Member

    Y'Know I actually like cheap sausages - I think I was trained by my mum to like them.
    Mind you I like the expensive ones too...

    Something a bit personal that I learned a couple of weeks ago which I would like the opportunity to share my thoughts on:
    I have been diagnosed again as having very low Serotonin levels which leads to bouts of depression (not the "That's it!!! I have had enough and am now going to jump off the nearest Munro" type but rather the 'unable to move my arse and do any-f*cking-thing ' type).

    It sucks, but at least I can understand it a bit, I've been here before. I know a lot about this now through research and question-asking and know that I would hate to be the type of person who was too scared or embarrassed (that they might be going nuts)to find out what the problem is and not get it treated. Depression is still a very maligned and misunderstood condition, in my case its a lack of bloody chemicals.

    Never mind SSRI's are pretty good and I'm going back to work on Monday.

    Apologies for the down beat post guys, just wanted to vent a bit.

  37. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::hugs randywine::

    Sooo... does serotonin come in pill form? Or, better yet, gummy cartoon characters with different fruit flavors?
  38. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    Today I learned that no matter how badly you want to get a craft project finished never let a 3 year old play with scissors and feathers. Unless you enjoy teeny tiny feather bits all over the house and eventually up your nose. Also learned teeny tiny feather bits are almost impossible to pick up with only a broom and dust pan.
  39. randywine

    randywine Member

    Thanks :)

    No gummy fruity happy chews on the NHS (will not complain about the NHS though), still I'll take the pills and buy all those Christmas Haribo gummy bear buckets that one can discreetly buy at ASDA Wall-Mart.

  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    tday I learned that it is very annying when the O letter n yur keybard stps wrking, nly typing when yu really whack it. S many words with an o in them...
  41. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Today I learned I am woefully ignorant of other peoples religion. Not in a bad way - just in a slightly confused 'which ones do that again?' way. Which could be a bad way I suppose...

    Oh, and according to the Financial Regulator lady who spoke at our place of work today, how not to get into debt is to make sure that your spending does not exceed your income. ::smacks forehead with palm of hand:: How did I not think of that!
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Geez, wish someone had told me that before I bought that extra gold plated grand piano... I mean I already have 20, I could have done without...
  43. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, was that the one with the platinum plated harp? That was a good deal!
  44. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Try lo ing an ' '. No more plural , you can ay he but not he, no more i or hi , you can't ay certain tongue twi ter , uch a ' he ell ea hell by the ea hore', It' o di appointing...
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    L L :lol:
  46. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I am becoming the guy that I've always disliked. Don't know what to think about it.
  47. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Redneck. You could get a second opinion, you could be mistaken.:)

    Today I found out that what seems like relatively minor bodywork repair is really expensive.

    A guy ran in to the back of me on Saturday damaging the bumper (will need a new one) and the tailgate and the repair cost even if I can get a second hand bumper is likely to be about £500. This is if we do it without involving the insurance companies. If they get involved then there's a possibility they may declare it a write-off (It's old enough that they might not think it worth repairing) and I'm left without a car at Christmas. I shall see what the guy says tonight.
  48. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    At least you didn't get hurt Jaccairn! - I hope -

    Today I learned:

    Frost is pretty. So is Ice.

    Driving on Ice - not so good.

    Taking out my neighbour's bin while skidding on ice - Priceless. (they never put it in)
  49. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    yeah, I nearly took out my neighbours' bin too, but on foot, much less funny...

    Today I learned that working from 2 to 9 am on a Monday morning, after a sleepless "night", finally making it to bed at the hotel next door to the office at 9:30 and then getting woken up by a first fire alarm at 9:45 (no-one around, went down 6 floors on foot and finally found a cleaner who answered "oh, yes, thassa hexercise, haha, you scared, huh ?"), and then a second at 10:15, is not good for my general wellbeing.
  50. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Nathan, I'm curious now! Who is this guy you're turning into and why do you dislike him? :smile:

    Jaccairn, sorry about the bumper, but good to know you're okay! Otherwise that would have been a sucky Christmas indeed!

    Maze, maybe your neighbors will now learn to put in the trash bin. (Then again, that logic doesn't always follow through... I assumed my neighbor would stop illegally parking his BMW - his freaking BMW!!! - right behind me after I backed into its passenger door. When I went over to 'fess up, his sister told me not to worry about it "Oh, the beamer? It's okay, my brother's got another one!")

    Gah, Katcal, I would have probably burnt the place down after the second fire alarm :tongue:

    Lesson learned today:
    Time it takes to get out of bed on the first post-holiday Monday = number of days taken off X 20 minutes, at least! (And I was STILL the first one in the animation shop!!!) :lol:
  51. TheLuggage

    TheLuggage New Member

    Expensive and fancy christmas decorations look cheap poxy if you just throw them around the place without any effort or thought.

    That's pretty deep stuff ha!?
  52. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Hate to tell ya, Cheap and Poxy decorations look fab if you place them very carefully around the place. Not that I'd know. I'm with the 'just throw them around the place' camp on that one.

    Although, as a side note, this is the first time since moving into this place that I've actually wanted to decorate for Christmas. Not bad after 5 years. Turns out all I had to do was get rid of my brother:shock:. So, more decs than just the tree go up this year:)
  53. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Free entertainement that comes at the expense of other's silliness and ranting is AWESOME.

    Go -->Here<-- for details.
  54. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Triboelectrification of quartz on a brass surface takes around 5-10 seconds or there about to attain a effective saturation charge and is independent of the amplitude of the shaker apparatus.


    It was done more dodgy than you would think to... Soup tins, string and chicken wire featured prominently.
  55. randywine

    randywine Member

    Thanks Pepster...I looked up Triboelectrification and my lif is now complete.:razz:

  56. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Today I have achieved a superior level of consciousness. I must now be only microns away from ascending to the status of pure spiritual energy. But I am generous, so I shall share.

    If you press Alt and then PrintScreen, you get a screenshot of just the active window rather than the whole screen!
  57. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Just one more shot of vodka is never, ever just one more shot of vodka...especially at 3am at a Christmas Dinner...and never trust Tom. Or Anto.:D
  58. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learned today, at about 1am: if you get your hair done by a hairdresser and she spends a good hour and a half pulling your hair and coating it in thick layers of spray gunk and gel gunk, you can expect to spend roughly the same amount of time, a large amount of pain and quite a lot of shampoo trying to get your hair back to a bearable state. And no amount of compliments on the night will make up for knowing you spent good money paying someone to do that to you.
  59. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Katcal, now I wanna see a picture !!! :smile:

    edited to add: Today I've learned that there's a thing that's worse-tasting than my old prenatal vitamins, and that's my NEW prenatal vitamins!

    (they taste like boiled chicken fat. Yuck!!!!)
  60. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Do not read a cook book just before going to bed. You will get hungry, have to get up and eat something.

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