The Theme: 'Flight' The Rules: - Photographs must be taken by you - no nicking them off the Web - Photos must be taken specifically for the contest - get out there and get snapping! - One picture per person. - No excessive digital manipulation (i.e. adding a more dramatic sky from another photo to your picture, or creating negative images etc.). Cropping, and adjusting levels, contrast, saturation etc. is ok though. - Equipment: Anything goes as long as the results can be seen from here. - Voting takes place when the contest closes. - The winner of the contest gets to choose the next subject. - The entire community is allowed to vote for one picture in the voting thread And for information and review, here are the past competitions and their themes: I "Beginning": Photo Competition Thread II "Connection": Photo Competition II, November 2006 III "Faith": Photo Competition III, January 2007 IV "Colour": Photo Competition IV, Feb 2007. V "Time": Photo Competition V, March 2007 VI "Love": Photo competition VI VII "Landscape": Photo competition VII VIII "Moment": Photo Competition VIII IX "Roots": Photo Competition IX X "Surfaces": Photo Competition X XI "Joy": Photo Competition XI XII "Magic": Photo Competition XII XIII Shadow and Light": Photo Competition XIII XIV "Decay": Photo Competition XIV XV "Water": Photo Competition XV - Water XVI "Fire & Ice" Photo Competition XVI XVII "Dreams": Photo Competition XVII XVIII: "Bad Hair Day" Photo Competition XVIII XIX: "Ghosts" http:// Starting Date: Wednesday Aug 12th Last Entries by: Sunday Sept 13th (...why not start rightaway?) Sorry this is late and also sorry if I did this wrong. I'm not as computer savy as I try to convince myself I am.
Flight. Oo, that's going to produce some intersting results. The big question is which definition to use before I start snapping away... Hmmm!
Aghhhh. Eleven days left and not a thought has entered my head. Sorry, I tell a lie. Several have passed through but I'm damned if I can get hold of two inner tubes, four bedsprings and a thousand metres of clothes line. Betcha that's got you all thinking now....
"Mommy I'm scared!!!" :shock: I do have one picture I might post, but I'm hoping for a better shot. I'll try a few more times and post the best one.
We have lift off.... I hate the delay on digital cameras. There were 70 other attempts before this one
It's not really all digital cameras, just some of them. I once made Marcia hang around Jessops in Islington for an hour while I tested for shutter delay on all their instant cameras... all because we were going to The Colour of Magic screening with Terry and I forgot to bring my camera.
That act of cruelty should have warranted a trip round Harrods on your card AND a slap up meal at the Savoy Thankfully we still have a couple of privately owned camera shops in the area where you can play all day and get a cuppa at half time :smile:
When I first saw your punishment it didn't sound that bad, until I realized you said Harrods and not Halfords.
I read about the competition one day before leaving to Dublin. So I had the idea of taking photos from the sky out of the plain. I took it on the flight back home because on the flight to Dublin it was night and so there was no chance of taking pictures.