Im new here

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Wizard Socks, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Wizard Socks

    Wizard Socks New Member

    Hi everyone,im Dave,im from Bristol,a very lovely City,but not a lot happening here as far as ive seen on the subject of Terry Pratchett,we had one play last year,and that was only advertised localy.
    So was hoping to get in contact with anyone in Bristol who loves reading Terrys Books.
    Ive always wanted to go to one of the conventions,especialythe one at Wincanton,but as i dont drive its pretty much very hard to get there,ive been there once,visited the Emporeum and a few local Pubs,it was a great day.
    Im retired now,have a great collection of most of Sir Terry Pratchetts Book,and retired from any work whatsoever! my other Hobbies are Photography,so,if your in Bristol please get in touch.
    Ok,how do i get an avatar,i try but cant seem to do it,Dave
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi there, sorry for the slow reply. It's a bit quiet here these days. I visited Bristol last year for the first time. Well, actually I drove through it and went to Bath, then headed back that way to see my friend in Keynsham. It's a nice part of the country. :)
  3. Wizard Socks

    Wizard Socks New Member

    Hi,thanks for reply,i had almost given up with this site,im very surprised more people dont use it.
    Bath is a great place,i live nort west Bristol near to severn bridge,so have some lovely views across to Wales.
    Thanks for saying hello,all the best,Dave
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Strangely enough, I'm still in touch with most of the people that used to post on here on Facebook and I've met quite a lot of them a few times. We'd been discussing Terry Pratchett on here since 2005, and a few years before that on the .com version, then we all just started using Facebook as friends a few years ago. I leave this here though because it has all our memories in it, and because maybe, just maybe, some new people like you might come along one day.
  5. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Hi. I'm getting back into reading more so will have to make time to re-read or read more Pratchett. I actually recently introduced someone to Pratchett via some film adaptations that were on TV recently.
  6. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    LOL, forgot about this place completely.

    Well, fond memories always linger, but I haven't been able to read much because of not using public transport much anymore. :)

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