100 things I want to do before I die

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, May 15, 2006.

  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I must either be boring, or have already done a lot of those which would have made it onto my original list...

    I never get a hundred.

    I come up with things like...

    1. Plant a few trees...
    2. Run a marathon
    3. Meet [xxx] before he/she dies (there are quite a few)
    4. Find a few of my missing relatives
    5. learn how to install a water tap on my own
    6. make a bronze sculpture
    7. get rid of my fear of driving
    8. have another child
    9. get a degree
    10. write a really good poem
    11. see [enter various famous sights and museums]
    12. see the polar lights again
    13. tame a bird
    14. learn how to dance
    15. spend at least a year abroad

    ....and that's it. Well, not quite, but...

    How about you? How long is your list, after a first barinstorming?
  2. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Funny you brought this up, I made a list of things I wanted to do before I died a couple weeks ago. Now it hangs in my closet and I plan to carry it with me and cross off things as I get to them -- and add more things as I think of them.
    Here are thirty things I want to do before I die -- in no particular order:

    1. Get Married
    2. Go to Australia
    3. Run a marathon
    4. See Muse in concert
    5. Get my novel published
    6. See a musical on Broadway
    7. Get Arrested for Civil Disobedience
    8. Go to a rock festival
    9. See the Northern Lights
    10. Write an Oscar-Nominated Screenplay
    11. Dye my hair bright purple
    12. Get my ears pierced again
    13. Get a perfect score on a test
    14. Have kids
    15. Visit Egypt -- see the pyramids and the Sphinx
    16. Go sailing on the Ocean at night so I can lie out on deck and look up at the stars
    17. meet Bono
    18. Get a tattoo
    19. Go to Japan
    20. Ride my bike across America (or Europe - I'm not that picky)
    21. Go skinny dipping
    22. Go on a road trip with my girlfriends (hopefully should happen this summer)
    23. Live in a house by the ocean
    24. learn a second language
    25. Join a human rights group like the ACLU
    26. Participate in a protest in Washington DC or similar political hub
    27. Finish a sudoku puzzle in less than 2 minutes (I'm down to 2 minutes 27 seconds)
    28. Never ever self-harm again
    29. Meet Nelson Mandela
    30. Visit the Whitwell Middle school holocaust paperclip memorial in Tennessee
    (see what I'm talking about here: The Paper Clips Project )

    Considering my age, I know that this list will change a lot in my lifetime. But a lot of those I want to do and have wanted to do for a long time. Some are whimsical, others are just plain nuts.
    But I like things that are just plain nuts to be honest.

    I only recently added the last one after I watched the documentary 'Paperclips'. Watch it if you can. Its amazing. :)
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    - change a tire by myself (under supervision okay!)
    - learn to rig a 3D animated character, preferably someone with more than one limb :p
    - finish a story
    - learn to troubleshoot my PC
    - cook at least one really good dinner from scratch
    - translate a book from Russian to English, or the other way around
    - write something worthwhile about the Children's Crusade
    - do more character animation, now that I'm on the "can actually find her arse!" skill level
    - create English subtitles for "The Man from Boulevard de'Capucines" (rough translation).
    - show my Russian grandma around Philadelphia

    - aaand this is going to sound really pathetic, but if I were to go tomorrow, I'd file a formal complaint about not having seen my family in ages, due to their living/serving all over the globe at this point :p

    btw, fear of driving disappears in a hurry once it becomes a necessity! At least my fear disappeared, can't vouch for my passengers')

    edited to add
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member


    - aaand this is going to sound really pathetic, [...]
    edited to add[/quote:b417a39d06]

    Not at all.

    btw, fear of driving disappears in a hurry once it becomes a necessity! At least my fear disappeared, can't vouch for my passengers')


    It has already. That's the problem - its not something i can avoid anymore. So i do it, but its stress, and I don't have the nerves for more than one hour drives.

    Hex, I think I'll steal several of those points from you. :D Especially number 7....
    Some paralleled anyway. And you even had some I just forgot to copy down.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'd really love to be able to invent a cure for death, or be around when someone else does.

    Right now I'd like to see a Space Shuttle launch, then I'd like it in the future if I could overcome my fear of enclosed spaces and situations and fly in a space shuttle (or whatever they call it in the future) myself.
  6. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    A lot of things I would like to do before I die will never happen - or it's already too late - but I can dream!

    1/ Be head of the computer programming department on Moonbase - see what I mean about dreaming? This is an ambition I have had for at least 40 years.

    2/ Be cast as Dr Who

    3/ Play [i:3ac2782aea]anybody[/i:3ac2782aea] in any Star Trek series - I wouldn't even mind wearing a red jersey and going behind the big rock - otherwise defined as "certain death"!

    4/ Have money beyond even the dreams of the Dibbler clan/clones

    5/ Be awarded a peerage - or failing that a knighthood (which would keep my ears warm in bedde - that's number 302 in the official list of the Guild of Fools and Joculators)

    6/ Write and sell the science fiction space trader computer game that has always been buzzing about my mind since my very simplistic version (Trader Jones) was the best-seller game on the Commodore Pet (many years ago) for Bytest Ltd - much to the annoyance of the other directors of the company who were all established games designers - I was just brought in for my computer knowledge!)

    7/ Direct a production of "Equus" - this could actually happen as the current committee of the English Comedy Club of Brussels have agreed to it - it is just a matter of getting the right venue and the right slot in the joint programme of all the groups - and, of course, being able to cast it with two amateurs prepared to do the nude scene.

    8/ Get awarded a prize at the annual FEATS Festival (Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies) - I've been part of winning teams many times - it would me nice to have one which is just for me!

    9/ Visit Hong Kong - but only if it is realised that somebody made a mistake and handed the leased bit back to the wrong people, and this got corrected - I'm sure the lease could have been renegotiated with the [i:3ac2782aea]real[/i:3ac2782aea] Chinese government on Taiwan, rather than kowtowing to the rebels on the mainland.

    That's about it as far as I can think at the moment - there may be other things, but these will do for a start.
  7. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:79442da677="Maljonic"]I'd really love to be able to invent a cure for death, or be around when someone else does.

    Right now I'd like to see a Space Shuttle launch, then I'd like it in the future if I could overcome my fear of enclosed spaces and situations and fly in a space shuttle (or whatever they call it in the future) myself.[/quote:79442da677]

    OK, a "Cure for Death" - fine if it's optional but available to all - some of whom may not want it - but human nature being what it is, I can see this either being made compulsory - with the necessary corollary of really serious birth-control regulations - or being something reserved for an elite, with all the likely revolutionary results!

    With the Shuttle, you obviously share with me the dream of space - I say death to all Proxmires, and a sainthood for John Kennedy, who promised the "man on the moon" but didn't live to see it!
  8. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    I want to :

    learn to animate.
    create a website.
    write a really good (or at least tolerable) book.
    learn as many languages as possible.
    campaign for more stuff to make Irish not dead.

    and loads of other stuff, which I'll think of as soon as I finish this :)
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oooh, let's think...

    - I'll steal Pixel's idea and play in at least one star trek episode, and I'll go for a Star gate one too, just to meet Richard Dean Anderson, the idol of my teens :D

    - Writing a book is another one I'll steal, although that was my idea first ! Finish a whole book instead of just short stories for people who already know the context.

    - Have at the very least one child, that's one we've been working on for a long time, naturally or by adoption, whatever...

    - Go back to Martinique, the island in the carribean where we spent our idyllic honeymoon.

    - Buy a house and redecorate it, at least once in my life.

    - Have a good long chat with at least one of the people I look up to, not only but including PTerry...

    - Finish the illustrated children's book I started ages ago and maybe even get it printed for the kids I know.

    - Get a raise so I finally earn what I should...

    - Have my talent recognized internationally, and get offered a swish job in a company on a warm coast with a company pool and a sea view, and of course a matching house that someone else would clean (but be well paid for it, no oppressing cleaning persons for me !)

    - Magically loose all extra pounds/kilos/tons over night with no side effects.

    Hang on, I got mixed up with my "30 wishes for a genie" list...
  10. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Yes I know what you mean.

    Last night I dreamt I brought my dog to work.

    I work in a really stuffy office - the kind were even regular typing on your keyboard echos throughout the office.

    I think I'd like to bring her just to lighten things up a bit. (and possibly lick people to death)

    This is a really good topic - I'm surprised what people want to do I'm also surprised by the number of things on some peoples list I've done already, and the amount, of totally fictional ideas that may never be achieved

    Keep up imagination!!
  11. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Go to...Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Cambodia, Vietnam, some counties in South America (particularly Brazil), Kenya, Egypt, and various other countries over the world...Not hard considering the ones I've ticked of in the past 5 years

    Get more than 35 point in IB

    Learn to drive.

    Learn the cosine rule (this is completely unrealistic)

    Write something that gets published

    Meet Pterry (I'm never in the right country)

    Go and help in a third world country in an orphanage or school or something else (I plan on doing this next year for project week with my school)

    Take a year out to help in something as above

    Go to university

    Live in more countries (i.e. don't stay in the UK for the rest of my life)

    Finish the disworld series and own a copy of all the books

    meet the Queen

    Learn a second language fluently

    and probably tons more things...
  12. Dane

    Dane New Member

    this looks like fun.

    1) I'd like to get married

    2) I'd like to have children

    3) I'd like to take an active part in raiseing those children

    4) I'd like to finish at least one of my stories (possibly get them published but thats not too likely)

    5) I'd like to meet and possibly work with Pterry

    6) I'd like to be in a film, not nessicerily a leading role but something

    7) I'd like to learn to drive

    8) I'd like to get into the college and Uni of my choice

    9) I'd like to move into a house of my own with my partner

    10) I'd like to write a song

    11) I'd like to go to one of my favourite bands gig's

    12) I'd like to make a huge scientific discover (or even get someone to listen to some of the idea's I've had)

    13) I'd like to be a succesful business man

    14) I'd like to be a dependable husband yet modern man (not leaving all the house work to my wife etc etc.)

    15) I'd like to raise money for a special needs children's fund

    16) I'd like to see the northern lights (everyone else seems to, they sound interesting)

    17) I'd like to kick the bastard chav's heads in that attacked me

    18) I'd like to see an end to the recent fad of chavs

    19) I would like to (or rather look forward to the day that) never see my family again

    20) I'd like to get knighted

    21) I'd like to see all my friends become succesful

    22) I'd like to kick some crappy boy bands in the face several times

    23) I'd like to be able to rely on someone the way a lot of my friends can rely on me

    24) I'd really like to learn to play an instrament

    25) I'd like to find everything I've lost

    26) I'd like to meet several people (5 friends from the internet and my ex-step-mum and her daughters again)

    27) I'd like to co-write an episode of family guy

    28) I'd like to feel confortable in my body (damn my 32" waist)

    29) I'd like to continue rock climbing

    30) I'd like to get to a hundred things I'd like to do before i die
  13. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That's a lot of cool ideas. I'll keep stealing.
    To specify one of my points, the marathon I'd like to start with is either the Berlin Marathon, or the Gutenberg-Marathon Mainz - Mainz is the city I was born in.
    They seem more realistic to me than, say, New York... or London.
  14. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I'd rather be surprised.
  15. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    By what? :)

    Edit: Okay, got it... I think.
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Boy does that cool smiley like to butt in !! 8)

    Yeah, travel more, I'll buy that one ! I'll add Visiting my half-brother and his family in Sydney to my list.

    And maybe "get drunk", I haven't tried it yet, I wonder what it feels like...
  17. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I'd like to learn to spell
  18. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Now that I've read everyone elses I can steal their ideas for my own list. Now thats thinking...

    1. Finish my PhD
    2. Become a gun academic that gets paid lots of money to research the stuff I like (Discworld for instance :))
    3. Spend more time overseas, living and traveling
    4. Own a dog
    5. Buy a house
    6. Learn to play one instrument decently
    7. Learn to ballroom dance
    8. Lose 5kgs
    9. Raise non-dysfunctional children
    10. Meet more people from the board
    11. Grow up
  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:bc28716d05="spiky"]11. Grow up[/quote:bc28716d05]

    You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding !
  20. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:6cb73ac037="spiky"]Now that I've read everyone elses I can steal their ideas for my own list. Now thats thinking...

    1. Finish my PhD
    2. Become a gun academic that gets paid lots of money to research the stuff I like (Discworld for instance :))
    3. Spend more time overseas, living and traveling
    4. Own a dog
    5. Buy a house
    6. Learn to play one instrument decently
    7. Learn to ballroom dance
    8. Lose 5kgs
    9. Raise non-dysfunctional children
    10. Meet more people from the board
    11. Grow up[/quote:6cb73ac037]

    Two questions:

    Item 2 - what is a "gun academic"? Does that mean you threaten your research sources with death (or even Death) if you don't get the answers you like? :)

    Item 8 - unless you have been overeating since the Doormanless Doormencon in London last year - WHY?
  21. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    ;) Because it's the standard resolution of the modern young woman?
    Dunno either.
  22. Delphine

    Delphine New Member


    - Learn sign language
    - Try my hand at fencing
    - See the Northern Lights
    - Jump off a waterfall
    - See several bands live
    - Go scuba diving
    - Teach myself how to play the piano again
    - Make my own clothing
    - Go to Egypt, Nigeria, Tibet and Australia
    - Decorate my own house
    - Get a HUGE piece of paper and draw all over it with a BIG PEN!
    - Milk a cow.

    Things that would be on here had i not already done them would be:

    - Eat shark
    - Get an electric shock
    - Get a tattoo
    - Write a song
    - Fall in love (aww)
    - Go to uni (this would be "get a degree" but thats still got a few weeks to go before I've officially done it)
    - Work with animals and children
    - Have a decent teenage experimental phase, doing the things it would be irresponsible to put on a list like the one above as a responsible adult. ;)

    Edited to add
  23. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ooooh, yes, sign language, that's another thing I have always wanted to learn !
    The northern lights too, although that's part of my "travel more" thing... More specifically go to Iceland, I've dreamed of that for years and years.

    There are a few things that could be on a list (and are on some people's) that I have already done :

    - Bathe under a waterfall in a tropical rainforest with the love of my life
    - Live in another country (although it wasn't my choice to start with, it's pretty cool)
    - Learn and speak another language fluently (consequence of the previous point)
    - Find and marry a man I love and who actually loves me too...
    - Be someone important in an organisation (that's happened twice, so far, excluding current job, where I'm not important, just irreplacable :D )
    - Learn to do something I enjoy and make money from that.
    - Stroke a dolphin (that was amazing)
    - Make my own clothes
    - Go to Disneyland Resort Paris (done that twice) and ride a roller coaster (thought I'd never convince myself to do that, but SpaceMountain was awesome ! )
  24. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I used to be able to understand american sign language. When I was 6 my parents sent me to a sign language class. In the insuing 10 years, I have forgotten all of it.
  25. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I seem to have a simple list, i'm not happy at all now. I spose if you aim low you don't get dissapointed.

    1 rally driving.
    2 drive (not own) a Porche 911
    3 keep all my friends happy all of the time
    4 not end up old and alone
    5 go abroad, anywhere would be nice
    6 go on a plane, again anywhere would be nice
    7 to foster/adopt children
    8 to get the job of my dreams
    9 to finish all of the discworld series
    10 to stop putting myself down

    obviously not in that order. I do have one dream thats been fulfilled...... to be loved by someone for no reason and not what they can get out of it!
  26. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:df80553fa2="Pixel"]Two questions:

    Item 2 - what is a "gun academic"? Does that mean you threaten your research sources with death (or even Death) if you don't get the answers you like? :) [/quote:df80553fa2]

    A 'gun academic' is an academic that gets really good publications, and lots of money to research... Its kind of like being a superstar of your profession

    [quote:df80553fa2]Item 8 - unless you have been overeating since the Doormanless Doormencon in London last year - WHY?[/quote:df80553fa2]

    You did see I only wanted to lose 5kgs? This is for the express purpose of fitting into all of my pants, not just the pants I've bought since I put a little weight on... I've no huge problem with my weight but I have some very nice pants I can't get my arse in any more and it would be nice to wear them again before I die...

    [quote:df80553fa2="katkal"]You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding ![/quote:df80553fa2]

    Well it'd probably be good to do it before I die, not right now mind you but eventually it'd be a good idea to at least try. If I don't like being a grown up I can always revert to being childish :cooler:
  27. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Do you know this list is actually quite inspiring apart from anything else.

    I can't drive -I'm mucho scared of it plus lessons are very expensive ( I know I’d need a lot!). I’ve been putting it off for over ten years!

    On my way home from work yesterday I called into a book shop and bought a copy of the highway code and one of those learn to drive practice theory books.

    I’m thinking that at least if I do the theory test I’ll have a while (one/two years?) grace before I start into lessons

    So congratulations folks on inspiring me to do one of the things on my ‘to do’ list – or at least start it!

    Anybody else feel the urge to actually start working towards something on your list?
  28. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, I started running again. I actually started a while ago, but was interrupted by the consequences of a minor car crash (whiplash injury). This week was the first one going so well that I revived my marathon dream.

    I'm usually never quite out of breath, but in the beginning - in March, paused April, re-started first of may- my shins went on strike after 100 m. (They cramped, a common problem with people who start running again after a long time, especially as its a group of muscles that has to carry a lot of weight during running, but is extremely hard to stretch actively.)

    I'm now back at running an hour in one go, without pausing, and feeling good at it. Even the day after, I'm fine. It's just that I make only 6-7 km in that 60 minutes. But its good progress for six weeks training only.

    In the long run, so to say: Marathon, here I come!
  29. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Go You!!! :D
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Learn to drive is kind of on my list, but it's not just a case of getting scared, although I am, like hell. I have an inner ear problem that bring on totally random and sometimes violent dizzy spells, during which I can do nothing except close my eyes and roll up into a ball... It's scary enough when doing normal things like walking or climbing up or down stairs, it's even scary sitting down, so imagine that while driving... However, as it may just be useful some day, my husband has been giving me lessons on deserted car parks, on sundays, but the cost of the actual official licence considering the use I will make of it is quite prohibitive for now...

    On a better note, I have been working on some illustrations, although not for my book, but they are still going pretty well, by my standards, and it's quite encouraging...
  31. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Can we see them?
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    :shock: Hsing, you should talk about these things, you know, not let them get this bad... I mean even adding "Commit visual suicide by looking at lame illustrations" to your list would have helped us notice something was wrong...

    Oh, ok, sure, as soon as they're finished, I'll post them... :D
  33. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    - Fall in love (aww)

  34. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Has anyone else read "Miss Rumphius"? That's where I get my first few:

    1. "to go to faraway places
    2. and to live in a house by the sea" (well, a river would be lovely too.)
    3. do something to make the world more beautiful. Don't know what, yet.
    4. do something exciting with my life- at the moment I'm thinking PeaceCorps for a year or so, or else try teaching English in Kenya
    5. make enough money to be independent
    6. marry and raise a family
    7. hanglide
    8. get a master's degree
    9. visit places associated with King Arthur
    10. find my faith again
    11. grow a rose garden
    12. learn to ride a bike (I can already drive, but cycling is the single scariest thing I have ever done- but I remember feeling like I could fly for the one summer I managed it, so briefly)
    13. write a book
    14. learn to really dance
    15. become a really [i:bf849647fc]good[/i:bf849647fc] fencer
    16. donate my hair to charity
    17. make myself healthy and keep me that way
    18. write a sonnet that actually rhymes
    19. attain fluency in Italian (I already take it in college, so I should be closer to this goal than I am)
    20. learn Irish (get all my native languages covered. Hmm...what would Vikings have spoken?)
    21. go to the Western wall in Israel
    22. learn to draw
    23. be silly and spontaneous, like my instincts tell me too
    24. Learn to walk in high heels
    25. learn to play the violin, cello, or piano
  35. Dane

    Dane New Member

    OKay, after today's school finishing fun (of which I'm still drunk from), I think I'd like to add smoke a cuban cigar to my list. I bought some cigars along with plenty of alchol and i gotta say they are good. I dont like cigarets or weed but god i like cigars!

    now I think I need to sobre up (sorry for any spelling mistakes)
  36. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Well that one shouldn't be hard to achieve, unless you live in the USA you can just go to a shop and buy one. :)
  37. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:dc89e41831="Maljonic"]Well that one shouldn't be hard to achieve, unless you live in the USA you can just go to a shop and buy one. :)[/quote:dc89e41831]

    Stupid Cuban Missile Crisis.
  38. Human

    Human New Member

    Has anyone put down "Kidnap and forcibly clone T.P." yet? No? All right, that one's mine.
  39. Dane

    Dane New Member

    [quote:973cba7d47="Maljonic"]Well that one shouldn't be hard to achieve, unless you live in the USA you can just go to a shop and buy one. :)[/quote:973cba7d47]

    yeah, now just to do it without my girlfriend finding out, she wasn't too pleased. I think it was the being drunk on MSN wile she was feeling shitty bit that pissed her off the most :oops:

    aww well, it was fun wile it lasted, but i should probably take that one off the list.
  40. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Pft. I smoked one at my wedding. Not too grand. Well, actually I left one half over. It's still in my keepsakes box. Now all my wedding letters smell like cigar...
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Another 2 to add :

    - Fit out a volkswagen transporter to be a good quality camping car with a decent matteress, and go on a full tour of England, see everything worth seeing.

    - Learn to finish what I start...
  42. Dane

    Dane New Member


    Fit out a volkswagen transporter to be a good quality camping car with a decent matteress, and go on a full tour of England, see everything worth seeing.

    everything worth seeing? shouldn't take too long ;)

    I'm almost glad that I'm not the only one daunted by the idea of driveing, all my friends can't wait to start driveing yet I can't shake the idea that I'm going to kill everyone :?
  43. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:560aca54c9="Katcal"]Another 2 to add :

    - Fit out a volkswagen transporter to be a good quality camping car with a decent matteress, and go on a full tour of England, see everything worth seeing.

    - Learn to finish what I start...[/quote:560aca54c9]

    Can I join?
    On both quests?
  44. BlueBlue

    BlueBlue New Member

    Before I die I would like to...

    ...eat something weird like insects.
    ...fly a fighter jet.
    ...host the perfect party.
    ...win a large amount of money.
    ...bungee jump.
    ...live in the Lake District (Cumbria).
    ...see a ghost.
    ...perform in a rock band.
    ...meet TPratchett (obviously).
    ...write a letter to Mr. Blair.
    ...start a charity.
    ...own a pet cat.
    ...grow a plant (I have not yet suceeded).
    ...watch the entire Dr. Who series.
    ...learn to dance.
    ...sit down in a chair and read the HPotter series from beginning to end.
    ...not turn up to a party because I don't want to go and tell them that.
    ...find my inner peace.
    ...keep my inner peace.
    ...love being bored.

    I think thats all.
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d009e04f43="Hsing"][quote:d009e04f43="Katcal"]Another 2 to add :

    - Fit out a volkswagen transporter to be a good quality camping car with a decent matteress, and go on a full tour of England, see everything worth seeing.

    - Learn to finish what I start...[/quote:d009e04f43]

    Can I join?
    On both quests?[/quote:d009e04f43]
    SUre, I'll have to redesign the inside of the van, though, there are only 2 adult sleeping-places so far :D
    Any help with either of them is welcome... and honestly ? Yes, there are plenty of interesting things to see in England, even more so when you have been away for so long and get homesick watching movies like "love actually" or "keeping mum", or "saving grace"...
  46. Dane

    Dane New Member

    OK, sorry, your right there is actually a lot to do in England and plenty to see.

    But Keeping Mum? I didn't that film, there wasn't much Rowen and not much comedy either. it was a nice little film but nothing I'd want to watch again. Plus it didn't rain much in that film, was can't have been very accurate.
  47. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    [quote:04fbf28e98="BlueBlue"]Before I die I would like to...

    ...love being bored.


    Why in the world would you want to love being bored? :) Especially with such a long list of cool things to do!

    P.S. ::pokes Dane::
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:118c1e658e="Dane"]But Keeping Mum? I didn't that film, there wasn't much Rowen and not much comedy either. it was a nice little film but nothing I'd want to watch again. Plus it didn't rain much in that film, was can't have been very accurate.[/quote:118c1e658e]
    Surely you haven't missed the fact that England is in the middle of a heatwave ??? :shock: :D I never said it was a great film, it was ok, but nothing special as films go... but on the homesick-meter, it was right up the top, in the red bit just before the boiler explodes... small villages, volvos you could camp in, vicars and country churches, old biddies and flower arranging, and Rowan Atkinson... basically everything I remember from my youngest years, before we moved to the trendy mega-city that is Swindon :D
  49. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:30f54bf0fb="Katcal"]Surely you haven't missed the fact that England is in the middle of a heatwave ??? :shock: :D [/quote:30f54bf0fb]

    No no, a drought isn't the same as a heatwave. England remains cold despite lack of rain.

    Having said that, since I made that thread last week it has rained almost every day since. Whether that's enough to fill the reservoirs to a decent level is another matter.
  50. Dane

    Dane New Member

    [quote:93fbcc35e4="Katcal"][quote:93fbcc35e4="Dane"]But Keeping Mum? I didn't that film, there wasn't much Rowen and not much comedy either. it was a nice little film but nothing I'd want to watch again. Plus it didn't rain much in that film, was can't have been very accurate.[/quote:93fbcc35e4]
    Surely you haven't missed the fact that England is in the middle of a heatwave ??? :shock: :D I never said it was a great film, it was ok, but nothing special as films go... but on the homesick-meter, it was right up the top, in the red bit just before the boiler explodes... small villages, volvos you could camp in, vicars and country churches, old biddies and flower arranging, and Rowan Atkinson... basically everything I remember from my youngest years, before we moved to the trendy mega-city that is Swindon :D[/quote:93fbcc35e4]

    Ahh, I see what you mean now. Does anyone know where that was shot? Looked like a nice little village, I think I've only ever been to one like it. All the towns and villages I've been to have been nothing like that, its looked like a traditional old English town.

    The rain has been continouse for the past week or so, it's been qute dismal, typical England :D

    Why the poke Mowgli?
  51. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:5b59526d4e="Electric_Man"][quote:5b59526d4e="Katcal"]Surely you haven't missed the fact that England is in the middle of a heatwave ??? :shock: :D [/quote:5b59526d4e]

    No no, a drought isn't the same as a heatwave. England remains cold despite lack of rain.[/quote:5b59526d4e]
    It seems to be a kind of running joke on the breakfast show of the radio I listen to, that there's a heatwave at the moment, sudden rise of temperature in spring and then back to rain and cold, sounds kind of normal to me :D

    Keepimg Mum was shot in St Michael Penkevil, near Truro, with shots of the isle of man for the countryside shots.

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