
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Tephlon, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    So tomorrow is 06/06/06... or 6/6/6.

    It's also the date that my girlfriend and I celebrate our 8th aniversary...

    I'm afraid she might turn into a giant demon from hell or something. Any tips on how to handle giant shedemons?
    A succubus I wouldn't mind... :)

    Anyway, if I get devoured: Nice knowing you all.
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Pretend Christianity doesn't exist.
  3. missy

    missy New Member

    tomorrow is also the date that the new Omen movie is being released......how origional!
  4. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Tephlon, enjoy :)

    The new and most probably anything else but improved.. What is it with remakes lately? Doesn't anyone have any ideas of their own anymore?
  5. missy

    missy New Member

    I just spent the last however long watching the remake of The Amityville Horror, how crap is that. No real special effects and wooden acting! give me the origionals any day!

    I can'tthink of a single remake that was better than the origional!
  6. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I've just realised that no-one who is in tuesday (i.e. anyone now east of the UK, plus miscellaneous others) has posted since they've been in tuesday.

  7. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well its Tuesday here and I'm still alive and kicking, no shedemon or Tephlon's girlfriend has attacked yet. AND we haven't all been devoured by the banality of a movie remake either.

    All in all, 6/6/6 is a good day :cooler:
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:d3b78e59de="Electric_Man"]I've just realised that no-one who is in tuesday (i.e. anyone now east of the UK, plus miscellaneous others) has posted since they've been in tuesday.


    We were sleeping dodo.

    I am going to have to stop myself divulging this lovely piece of info to my supersticious religious friend until after the English exam today.... it's a bit cruel.
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I always thought it was a bit stupid planning to release a movie worldwide on the day the world's supposed to end...

    Oh, well, bye all, nice knowing (nearly all of) you...
  10. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    well im still here and im in scotland (just finshed my exams last week so ha ha ha to all you GCSE people) i dont know what is going to happen today but i fell ok and i haven had any bad exprences (not including cleaning all the floors in my house for my mum and dad) im going to wach tv for the rest of the day lets just hope nothing like 7/7 is going to happen
  11. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I am happy to report that my girlfriend did not in fact turn into a demon.

    Also, I was not devoured and the world seems to have kept on spinning.
  12. Dane

    Dane New Member

    well so far today seems to have been a very good day for me.

    I saw a chainletter on myspace that said if you didn't repost it then the kid from the omen would stab you to death in the night.
    more precisley at 12:03 but i was still online at 12:20 so i was safe :D
  13. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Ah well, I have survived...eve if you lot in the western hemisphere are doomed.

    The only thing worth noting about the 'devil' day is we had a thunderstorm...which we have almost everyday.
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, I spent the day playing with radioactive donuts and cosmic rays, and I'm still here, in no worse health than when I started out this morning, which is a change in my recent history of medical examinations (i.e. going in for a test and coming out covered in bruises and still shaking from the electric shocks.) so all in all, today was pretty successful.
  15. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    There is a bill board advertizing The Omen near my father's house. It does not say anything about the Omen on it though, It just says: [quote='creepy billboard] 6/6/06: The signs are all around you.[/quote] For a while, my dad thought it was paid for by some doomsday cult, but then I told him that it refured to a movie.
  16. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It's all very silly really, I mean it is actually 2006 - the 06 is just an abbreviation and, even so, the dates and years are just made up by people anyway so they don't mean anything at all.
  17. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:79b835b61b="Maljonic"]It's all very silly really, I mean it is actually 2006 - the 06 is just an abbreviation and, even so, the dates and years are just made up by people anyway so they don't mean anything at all.[/quote:79b835b61b]

    kill joy.

    You won't let the devil have any fun :evil:
  18. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    If it helps at all, on the day in question, Ba participated in democracy.
  19. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    What did you do Ba?
  20. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:abed369551="OmKranti"]What did you do Ba?[/quote:abed369551]

    He voted himself the all supreme ruler of the universe and the kingdoms thereof. One man, one vote. Democracy Ba style.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a481eb7166="spiky"][quote:a481eb7166="OmKranti"]What did you do Ba?[/quote:a481eb7166]

    He voted himself the all supreme ruler of the universe and the kingdoms thereof. One man, one vote. Democracy Ba style.[/quote:a481eb7166]
    You mean... he wasn't already supreme grand ruler of Allthatstuff ?
  22. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:a248d9ba54="Katcal"][quote:a248d9ba54="spiky"][quote:a248d9ba54="OmKranti"]What did you do Ba?[/quote:a248d9ba54]

    He voted himself the all supreme ruler of the universe and the kingdoms thereof. One man, one vote. Democracy Ba style.[/quote:a248d9ba54]
    You mean... he wasn't already supreme grand ruler of Allthatstuff ?[/quote:a248d9ba54]
    He was, but now he is the [b:a248d9ba54]Democraticly elected[/b:a248d9ba54]Leader of Allthatstuff.[/i]
  23. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:d5bad5849f="QuothTheRaven"][quote:d5bad5849f="Katcal"][quote:d5bad5849f="spiky"][quote:d5bad5849f="OmKranti"]What did you do Ba?[/quote:d5bad5849f]

    He voted himself the all supreme ruler of the universe and the kingdoms thereof. One man, one vote. Democracy Ba style.[/quote:d5bad5849f]
    You mean... he wasn't already supreme grand ruler of Allthatstuff ?[/quote:d5bad5849f]
    He was, but now he is the [b:d5bad5849f]Democraticly elected[/b:d5bad5849f]Leader of Allthatstuff.[/i][/quote:d5bad5849f]

    And now he can say that he is a freedom fighter against communist oppression, cos he's democratic, and America will give him lots of guns. Because that just what the world needs. A power mad Ba with a bazooka.
  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    You mean he hasn't already got a bazooka ? Ba, you loooooser !
  25. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba has a bazooka.

    What he wants is a new grenade launcher.
  26. missy

    missy New Member

    I now have this pic in my mind of a little 8 year old boy (thanks to Ben and "to kill a mockingboard") with firey ginger hair, jumping up and down, stamping his feet and shouting "Ba wanna Grenade launcher, Ba wanna Grenade launcher"
  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Which is better than a Bikkit but less handy in close combat...
  28. missy

    missy New Member

    Depends on what type of Bikkit, I'm sure a jammie dodger could maim in the right situation........
  29. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    What does Missy think Ba is planning on firing out of the grenade launcher? Grenades? How gauche.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm more of a custard cream person myself. Although McVities Caramels are pretty lethal too, especially if left in the fridge for long enough...
  31. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba is god of unspeakable culinary acts and pie. [i:2a66223341]Any[/i:2a66223341] food is lethal in his hands.
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, and of course coffee beans coated in chocolate :D (I prefer the raisins myself, but hey, whatever...)
  33. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Obviously that is why it is called a 'Ba'zooka...

    Grenade launchers - Quite good with various forms of weaponry I would think - Cadbury's Roses for instance - Multiple trajectories...

    Perhaps Ba would like a Blunderbuss too? Just for convenience you understand?

    HobNobs would be the ultimate in Bikkit warfare - they are the marines of the Bikkit world - I am reliably informed they want to be dunked
  34. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Just let me get my hands on some dwarf bread, you suckers :D

    Oh, and Dave, you deserve to be Jaffa-caked for that joke...
  35. missy

    missy New Member

    Kat, believe me he was well and truely bourbon'd for it!!!

    i don't believe Jaffa Cakes are biscuits!

    oooooh theres a thread in its self.

    *EDIT spelling, i knoiw i know it makes a change for me to notice!
  36. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Ba will need to come to Australia to find the ultimate in weaponry - the Tim Tam. Chocolate coated biscuit goodness that the japanese tourists take home by the bag full...

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