A letter from Terry Pratchett

Discussion in 'THE WIZARD BOOKS' started by bazmoclack, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. bazmoclack

    bazmoclack New Member


    I'm working on the promotion of The Colour of Magic, the new discworld movie made by Mob Films for Sky One

    below is a letter Terry recently sent us regarding the film

    It wasn't too difficult to turn the Colour of Magic and Light Fantastic into one movie. The project was helped by the fact that the Colour of Magic, being a kind of road movie, had no perceptible plot whatsoever other than people kept moving. Once we realised that, it was just a matter of cutting things out and splicing things together and I'm pretty happy with the result.

    Keen fans will say "Yes, but isn't Sean Astin not really very, you know, Oriental enough?" Observant fans, though, will know that Twoflower was merely exotically foreign until Interesting Times and Sean told me years ago that he wanted to be in a Discworld movie and so we decided that West Coast American is exotic enough!

    I am very pleased with it, I hope you will be too.

    Terry Pratchett


    for more info, have a look at the website http://www.sky.com/magic
    we also have a myspace profile, join up to stay in the loop http://www.myspace.com/magiconskyone
  2. kasyx

    kasyx New Member

    well if the great man says that Twoflower is to be played by Astin then who are we to argue? :wink:
  3. cameronP

    cameronP New Member

    if the authors want to tweek the story characters on a different medium they are allowed that.
    kind of like with the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy film, Douglas Adams wrote and tweeked a few things before he sadly died because he can.

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