A town in Pennsylvania?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by OmKranti, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Check it out, the King of Prussia is a town in Pennsylvania. How dude.

    King of Prussia

    I thought it might be fun to see what other towns in other countries have bizzare names and such.
  2. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    There is a place just outside Brussels called Erps Kwerps - I've been there, it exists - but look at the last update date - it is obviously a boring place!
  3. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    There is also a town in Pennsylvania called Intercourse.
  4. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Don't forget Blue Ball, PA. :D
  5. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Well, I guess Pennsylvania has got some issues then. I wonder if they are puritan decendants. Humm...
  6. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    No, they're Pennsylvania Dutch.
  7. Kat_in_the_Hat

    Kat_in_the_Hat New Member

    I've been to King of Prussia. There's a really big mall there.

    I guess when you've grown up with something, it doesnt seem too strange. It just is. Growing up in New Jersey, where everything is named after Native American names, it doesn't seem strange until you stop and think, who would actually name a city Hackensack?
  8. SunshineDaydream

    SunshineDaydream New Member

    Boring, OR.

    Not so much bizarre as, well, boring. (It's a very small town.)
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I live in Australia... where do a I start...

    Innaloo, Dunnydoo or possibly Beveridge...

    And I've barely scratched the surface...
  10. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Kat_in_the_Hat, somebody named another town Hackensack, its maybe thirty miles from me. We have quite a few Native American names around here, too. Nay-tah-waush, Bemidji , Mahnomen,but my favorite name for a town has got to be Debs, after the Socialist Party's perpetual Presidential candidate, Eugene Debs.
  11. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    There's a town called "[i:77c7071a0f]Amerika[/i:77c7071a0f]" in Eastern Germany, of all. We've got [i:77c7071a0f]Wixhausen [/i:77c7071a0f]("Wankershome), "[i:77c7071a0f]Fickmühlen[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Fuckmill), "[i:77c7071a0f]Leichendorf[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Corpse Village), "[i:77c7071a0f]Ekel[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Disgust), "[i:77c7071a0f]Rom[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Rome), "[i:77c7071a0f]Rußland[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Russia), "[i:77c7071a0f]Drogen[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Drugs), "[i:77c7071a0f]Mückenloch[/i:77c7071a0f]" (Mosquitohole)... It seems there's a general tendency to story telling cityx names....
  13. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Ok so I copied these off the net but they are pretty funny...

    Arsoli (Lazio, Italy)
    Bastard (Norway)
    Beaver (Oklahoma, USA)
    Beaver Head (Idaho, USA)
    Brown Willy (Cornwall,UK)
    Chinaman's Knob (Australia)
    Climax (Colorado, USA)
    Cunt (Spain)
    Cunter (Switzerland)
    Dikshit (India)
    Dildo (Newfoundland, Canada)
    Dong Rack (Thailand-Cambodia border)
    Dongo (Congo - Democratic Republic)
    Effin (Limerick, Ireland)
    Fuku (Shensi, China)
    Fukue (Honshu, Japan)
    Fukui (Honshu, Japan)
    Fukum (Yemen)
    Hold With Hope (Greenland)
    Intercourse (Pennsylvania, USA)
    Lickey End (West Midlands, UK)
    Little Dix Village (West Indies)
    Lord Berkeley's Knob (Sutherland, Scotland)
    Middle Intercourse Island (Australia)
    Muff (Northern Ireland)
    Nobber (Donegal, Ireland)
    Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)
    Sexmoan (Luzon, Philippines)
    Seymen (Turkey)
    Shafter (California, USA)
    Shag Island (Indian Ocean)
    Shitlingthorpe (Yorkshire, UK)
    Tittybong (Australia)
    Tong Fuk (Japan)
    Turdo (Romania)
    Twatt (Orkney, UK)
    Wank (Germany)
    Wankendorf (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
    Wankener (India)
    Wankie (Zimbabwe)
    Wankie Colliery (Zimbabwe)
    Wanks River (Nicaragua)
    Wankum (Germany)
    Wet Beaver Creek (Australia)

    Or even the longest place names:


    In North America, they say that the length award for places goes to the Indian name of Lake Webster in Massachusetts. It was once referred to as


    Itmight be translated as something like, 'You fish on your side, I'll fish on mine, and nobody will fish in the middle.'

    The reasoning behind some of the Penn place names (I hope this link works)http://users.etown.edu/d/DOWNINDC/places.htm

    First names can be just as bad- I found on my travels that my name (it's gaelige) [i:f67d8d9ae3]sounds[/i:f67d8d9ae3] like a really rude word in sweedish :shock:
  14. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I've been to Intercourse. Its full of Amish people.
    There's also a Horsehead, NY
  15. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    The longest place name in thw world (or just britain...different places are saying different things) is in wales


    it means

    The church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave

    it goes a bit further on this site if you happen to be interested.

    edit to add this site
  16. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:a190c75f39="Ba"]No, they're Pennsylvania Dutch.[/quote:a190c75f39]

    Ahh, well that explains it. Thank you Ba, you are wise and all knowing. *bows in reverent respect for the knowledge of Ba*
  17. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:1a5fd93c3d="fairyliquid"]The longest place name in thw world (or just britain...different places are saying different things) is in wales


    it means

    The church of St. Mary in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St. Tysilio's of the red cave

    it goes a bit further on this site if you happen to be interested.

    edit to add this site[/quote:1a5fd93c3d]

    I've been there with a school trip when I was child, or more of a child anyway. There was a lot of spitting going on when we were attempting to pronounce the name, thats for sure. :)
  18. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    emmm *blushes* well I've been to Muff and Nobber.
  19. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    That must have bee quite an experience! :D :lol:
  20. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Some of my friends used to go to a diving school based in the first town.

    I kid you not.
  21. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    There was an article on these in my newspaper a few days ago:


    Can't remember the states, but they are both real places in the US. Don't you just love commercialism?
  22. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    More Australian ones:

    Bob's Farm
    Hat Head
    Rooty Hill

    And thats not counting the Aboriginal ones which sound silly to all but those who have grown up with them. Like Wagga Wagga.

    I love this country.
  23. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    There's a little place in Minnesota called Nowthen, and apparently there is also a town called Hell.
  24. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Mississippi has several funny townships and communities. My dad is from Possum Neck. I went to college a few miles from Hot Coffee. Coffeeville is a few miles up the road. Just looking in the MS atlas and found a few more.

    Cairo (pronounced Kayro, only a few minutes ride from my house)
    Bear Garden
    Beaver Dam
    Bent Oak

    Coonshuck Creek
    Cotton Plant
    Devils Elbow

    These are only a very few of the different names here.

    Here is a website of many of the more interesting names in the states.
  25. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    These Americans are crazy. I live in a much nicer named place. Bangalore was originally christened "Benda Kalu Ooru" by some king, which translated means "Place of baked beans".

    Much better :)

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