Aardvark attack!

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by donna_troy, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. donna_troy

    donna_troy New Member

    Hello and good day. I will spend a few lines attempting to make this post meaningful. I like baby pigs and the look on people's faces when they just got smacked in the face and they know they deserved it. I like shiny boots and watches. I don't like Hawthorne Heights.

    Now make me feel cool and welcome.
  2. Human

    Human New Member

    Hello. I dissected a pig uterus in Science today. There were lots of baby pigs in it. You probably would have enjoyed it.

    Welcome, and post in the really long thread at top if you wanna do it right.
  3. donna_troy

    donna_troy New Member

    First post and I've already broken a protocol? I have a vaguely negative feeling about my ability to read the rules before posting. Duly noted.
  4. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Yo Donna. I like your list of things you like, even though i don't know what Hawthorne Heights is. A book? A place? A person? Nevermind. Welcome :)
  5. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Hawthorne Heights is a band.

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