Abnormal Eating Habits

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by QuothTheRaven, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Does anyone have any eating habits which defy cultural norms (prefurably your own)?

    I will start. I am in the habit of eating canned food directly out of the can. Some people think this is uncivilized. I personally do not see why I should bother to put food in a bowl when it already has a perfectly good can.
  2. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I'm not sure if this defies a cultural norm, but I normally (unless it is some sort of formal meal) cut up all my food beforehand and then use a spoon or a fork in my right hand. There are two reasons for this - the first is that I broke my left elbow about 11 years ago, and with my arm in a cast from knuckles to armpit, I was rather limited in my movement - I tried the technique that I had observed being used by an earlier American girlfriend of using the knife in my right hand to cut, the fork in my left hand to hold down whatever I was cutting, and then put down the knife, transfer the fork to my right hand to pick up the piece just cut off and put it in my mouth (with the cast on, I couldn't get my left hand anywhere near my mouth). This finally struck me as involving too much wasted motion, so I went for the "cutting it all up beforehand" option.

    Even when the cast was off, I still kept the habit, especially more recently when my eyesight deteriorated beyond the scope of the glasses I could afford, so I needed to take the glasses off and hold the book in my left hand ( I always read when eating - except when it is a formal meal) fairly close to my eyes - new glasses are the first priority once my brother gets our parents' wills through probate.
  3. Nester

    Nester New Member

    Not sure if this really counts either, but I moved to a new apartment in October and neither me or my roommate owns a can opener and of course, neither of us has gone out to buy one yet. So what do we do when we want to make soup?

    The usual tools are my pocket knife and a hammer. It's loud and messy and sometimes you get a bit of metal in your soup, but it gets the job done. :)
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I have cooked food in a can before without taking it out of the can, just removing the lid.
  5. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I do something similar to Pixel with my fork...or I eat with chop sticks - the chopsticks make my life so much easier.

    The only other thing I do is refuse to eat pizza with my hands...I need a knife or fork.
  6. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I'll eat some dry spaghetti noodles while waiting for the water to boil. And bakes beans were meant to be eaten out of the can (-:
  7. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    If I eat an apple, I usually eat it core, seeds and all. There's probably a little apple orchard in my stomach by now.
  8. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:85747504db="fairyliquid"]The only other thing I do is refuse to eat pizza with my hands...I need a knife or fork.[/quote:85747504db]

    I eat pizza with a pair of scissors and my left hand.
  9. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:169a0a6807="KaptenKaries"][quote:169a0a6807="fairyliquid"]The only other thing I do is refuse to eat pizza with my hands...I need a knife or fork.[/quote:169a0a6807]

    I eat pizza with a pair of scissors and my left hand.[/quote:169a0a6807]

    That's cos you are too lazy or broke to get a pizza cutter .. at least, that was the reason I used a pair of scissors to eat pizza :)
  10. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Oh, scissors are the only way to deal with pizza.......admittedly you end up with tomato sauce on your work, but you're well-fed, what do you care?

    Personally I find that food eaten from the pan/tin/other people's plates (preferably eaten standing up) is INFINITALLY more satisfying then anything placed tamely on your own plate in front of you. Does that count as defying a cultural norm? Or just being revolting? :oops:
  11. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    knife and fork / knife or fork

    whose to know the difference.

    I did mean both knife and fork though

    edit to make sense
  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:5bccaa0788="Darth_Bemblebee"]Personally I find that food eaten from >snip< other people's plates >snip2< Does that count as defying a cultural norm? Or just being revolting? :oops:[/quote:5bccaa0788]

    I thought that counted as stealing!

    As for me, I have no weird food habits at all. No siree, absolutely zilch, nadda, none. My lips are sealed.
  13. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I eat with my tentacles.
  14. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I hope you wash them first.
  15. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    *slaps Ben with tentacles*
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I hope you washed them first!
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I always have to have something covering my clothes when eating, even though i have a big gob (no comment there please Mr Jordan!!!) i always manage to spill something down me! even when there is nothing spillable on my plate. :D

    I have just been advised that its not the case i have a big gob but just that the area of catchment is too big to miss! i don't think this is an eating habbit as such but at least i can save the dribbles and crumbs til later if i need to!!!
  18. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

  19. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    That smiley, like, totally defines you.
  20. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

  21. Guest

    Guest Guest

    OH MY GOD, you so must be psychic, we just said the only thing that last post was missing was the dude on the end!!!! WOW, i never imagined you had a brain, let alone used more than the 10% normal people use!!!
  22. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Aw, thanks Whippy. :p
  23. Guest

    Guest Guest

    AND DON'T CALL ME WHIPPY! *sets Chris on fire and cordons off the area so he can't be put out*
  24. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Sorry, Whippy.
  25. Guest

    Guest Guest

    If you are going to insist on calling me that god awful nickname, the least you can do is call me Ms Whippy, you cheeky little upstart!
  26. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    [quote:87b220b164="Electric_Man"][quote:87b220b164="Darth_Bemblebee"]Personally I find that food eaten from >snip< other people's plates >snip2< Does that count as defying a cultural norm? Or just being revolting? :oops:[/quote:87b220b164]

    I thought that counted as stealing!

    As for me, I have no weird food habits at all. No siree, absolutely zilch, nadda, none. My lips are sealed.[/quote:87b220b164]

    Oooh yep, thanks for reminding me: stolen food tastes best of all.......there's no garnish better than guilt, no sir. :D

    Personally I'd definately call eating with your lips sealed defying a cultural norm......possibly even a species one. In fact, I'm quite impressed. Do you use your ears or what?

    Also: Chrisjordan and Misswhiplash, don't make me have to send you to bed without dinner again :x
  27. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Don't forget the Great Dieters' Myth - "Food taken from someone else's plate contains no calories!"

    I too use chopsticks when eating Oriental.

    Mention of scissors reminded me of one trick which definitely got me disapproved of - many years ago while eating onion soup in a restaurant here, late at night after one of our productions, I had trouble with the liberal amounts of half-melted cheese floating in the soup - the strings of cheese were running from the spoon at my mouth right down to the bowl (and getting in my beard) so I got out a pair of nail-scissors I happened to have in my pocket to cut the cheese - this was not a popular move!
  28. Twoflower

    Twoflower New Member

    Well, lets see... My abnormal eating habits are:

    1) Food always tastes better if eaten with fingers.
    2) Food always tastes better if it has such a high ammount of salt that you can get heart disease just by [i:eb14ec0905]looking[/i:eb14ec0905] at it.
    3) Bread tastes very nice with vinegar
    4) If in doubt, smell the food before eating (by bending right over the plate)

    And thats all I can think of at the moment. Now back to my finger-eaten-deadly-salty-food, lol.
  29. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    I think nearly anything can be dipped in tea. Salt and Vinegar McCoys are particularly tasty.

    As a student, I have, over the years, come up with some very interesting recipies of which the main purpose isn't taste, or nutrience, but merely the staving off of death by starvation. Because the loan doesnt last very long, neither does the nice food. Rice with gravy then becomes and option.

    Wagon wheels must be eaten by carefully levering off the top biscuit, and then peeling off the marshmallow. Points are given if you can get the marshmallow off in one piece.
  30. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ... wondering if Pixel knows the other meaning of "cutting the cheese"

    ... wondering if I should tell him

    ... definitely agreeing that it would have been perceived as a bad move in a crowded restaurant!
  31. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:60de495946="Maljonic"]I have cooked food in a can before without taking it out of the can, just removing the lid.[/quote:60de495946]
    But you heat it up first. I generally just take a can out of the cuppard, remove the lid, and enjoy.
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Eating out of the can is OK, there are some nasties in the metal if you leave food in an open can and then eat it later, but if you eat it straight away you'll be fine.

    Mowgli, I hate to break it to you but you should worry less about the apple trees growing in your stomach and more about the arsenic content of the seeds. Not good. And its why Scrumpy makes cider drunks numb, wet themselves and get streaky veins all over them...

    My food weirdness involves 2-minute noodles. When I feel that 2 minutes is too long to wait for a meal, I crush up the noodles, open the pack, add the salty flavour sachet and snack away... mmmmmm-MSG.
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I love english food. Everyone in this country thinks that is not only abnormal but freaky and suicidal. Damn frogs.
  34. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:aa0ac9d06f="mowgli"]... wondering if Pixel knows the other meaning of "cutting the cheese"

    ... wondering if I should tell him

    ... definitely agreeing that it would have been perceived as a bad move in a crowded restaurant![/quote:aa0ac9d06f]

    I didn't know it, but Wikipedia is a wonderful source of information!
  35. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:a772bde890="spiky"]Mowgli, I hate to break it to you but you should worry less about the apple trees growing in your stomach and more about the arsenic content of the seeds. Not good. And its why Scrumpy makes cider drunks numb, wet themselves and get streaky veins all over them...[/quote:a772bde890]
    I tend to eat every part of the apple too and I have heard about this so I looked it up:


    Apparently, it's cyanide and in such small amounts that it's harmless. It's not even necessarily released into the body.
  36. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Awww... and here I was all excited about possible building a cyanide tolerance :)
  37. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:22a882e3fd="mowgli"]Awww... and here I was all excited about possible building a cyanide tolerance :)[/quote:22a882e3fd]

    I've heard it's possible to build up a tolerance to arsenic. Apparantely high society ladies a couple of hundred years ago took small doses of arsenic to get that oh-so-chic white skin. After a while they had such a tolerance that they could murder people with arsenic in the food, and still safely eat the same meal.
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    *doesn't reveal that chris told me about it first*
  40. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Cyanide.....cider......ooh, aren't words shnoody that way.
  41. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:971b4e800a="KaptenKaries"][quote:971b4e800a="mowgli"]Awww... and here I was all excited about possible building a cyanide tolerance :)[/quote:971b4e800a]

    I've heard it's possible to build up a tolerance to arsenic. Apparantely high society ladies a couple of hundred years ago took small doses of arsenic to get that oh-so-chic white skin. After a while they had such a tolerance that they could murder people with arsenic in the food, and still safely eat the same meal.[/quote:971b4e800a]

    I once red an entire report about people even getting addicted to arsenic, like they would on heroine - only that arsenic withdrawal would kill you much more likely. I'm not sure that's true, but suddenly the fact that heroine is sometimes stretched with arsenic in small doses made more sense, in a way.

    Arsenic was given relatively liberally in form of many medications, and the report say the withdrawal symptoms may have led to a lot of wives being accused of poisoning husbands that had actually become addicted to their cough mixture.

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