Abomination unto nuggan

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by fairyliquid, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    We all need a good moan every now and again...

    This was on the old board and was very popular untill it was heaped under a bunch of trollness
    for those who dont know what this is, follow the examples. Its pretty simple.

    Coursework on the first week back at school (why did I take I.T., why? why?) is an abomination unto nuggan.
  2. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Constant sinus pain is an abomination unto Nuggan!
  3. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    Mothers with no sympathy for selfinflicted pain are abominations unto nuggan.
  4. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Colleagues who go for coffee and return without a cup for me are abominations unto Nuggan

    Edit: Colleagues who empty the coffee machine (and therefore don't bring you a cup) and let you walk along there without telling you are an [i:a746577de0][b:a746577de0]even greater[/b:a746577de0][/i:a746577de0] abomination unto Nuggan

    (but I'm better now....slurrrrp)
  5. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    my departments abysmal organizational skills are an abomination unto Nuggan.
    I'm supposed to repeat all my exams after failing one. The one I failed isn't on the schedule, and they've given me two other subjects in the same timeslot.
    And the director keeps telling me to go look at the noticeboard...which would be difficult, as it is in Dublin and I in New York.

    Heck, having to repeat exams at all is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  6. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Holiday homework is an abomination unto Nuggan. (??)

    GSCEs are a very large abomination unto Nuggan.

    Friends who get you stressed out over GCSEs are an abomination unto Nuggan... they abominise him/her/it good!! 8)
  7. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    Haemmahoids are ambominations unto Nuggan.
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:812a3ec212="fudgecake"]Holiday homework is an abomination unto Nuggan. (??)

    GSCEs are a very large abomination unto Nuggan.

    Friends who get you stressed out over GCSEs are an abomination unto Nuggan... they abominise him/her/it good!! 8)[/quote:812a3ec212]

    I second that...except add an I to the start of GCSE and teachers stressing you out more, not students :eek:

    first weeks of school are an abomination unto nuggan, we should let all new students go to school for a week so they don't get lost when the oldies turn up :D
  9. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Vertical forms (i.e. 2 people from each year making up a form) are an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Damn school. :x
  10. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Ow ow ow, anaesthetic (sp?) injections are an abomination unto Nuggan!! THEY SAID IT WOULDN'T HURT!!! :x

    Owie. :(
  11. Splang

    Splang New Member

    Drawers with handles that constantly fall off are abominations unto Nuggan, and so is working on Sundays
  12. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    PeoplePC online is an abomination unto nuggen.
  13. danny

    danny New Member

    [quote:dd7871a267="Splang"]Drawers with handles that constantly fall off are abominations unto Nuggan, and so is working on Sundays[/quote:dd7871a267]

    My drawers don't have handles -- just an elastic wasteband. :)

    Pizza stains on my new white shirt are an abomination unto Nuggan.
  14. Splang

    Splang New Member

    :lol: I just spent about five minutes wondering why you had attached an elastic waistband to your... um, drawers. Curse my slow of mindness!

    Anyway, all the good books being out of the library two weeks before the assignment is even due, is an abomination unto nuggan.
  15. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Deadlines are an abomination unto Nuggan.
  16. Freya

    Freya New Member

    [quote:13375184d9="Buzzfloyd"]Deadlines are an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:13375184d9]

    One of my favourite quotes is...
    "I love deadlines; I especially like the whooshing noise they make as they go flying by."

    Yucca plants and their sharp pointy leaves that poke you in the eye (resulting in a trip to A&E) are an Abomination unto Nuggan.
  17. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    The fact that I can't think of great sig lines like Freya can is an abomination unto Nuggan
  18. Nadnerb

    Nadnerb New Member

    Summer projects are an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Summer projects that involve reading more than 100 pages on the history of the Americas are even larger abominations unto Nuggan.
  19. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Damn ovens that get hot and burn people are an abomination unto Nuggan. :( (poor bob)
  20. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Moving countries is an abomination unto nuggan :( I think i shall join bob, even if it does mean taking my teeth out
  21. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Bob's evil plan to make everyone pull out their teeth in sympathy is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  22. Freya

    Freya New Member

    [quote:c16cf1d40d="Electric_Man"]Bob's evil plan to make everyone pull out their teeth in sympathy is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:c16cf1d40d]

    In my bid for the crown of "Queen of Quotes".....

    [i:c16cf1d40d]"I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them. - Dana Snyder.[/i:c16cf1d40d]

    In other news......

    Hunting Barn Owls and banging garden gates at 3am are an abomination unto Nuggan. Don't believe me? Listen to the Owl here!
  23. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    People who leave their mobile phones at home so I have to answer their calls all day are an abomination unto Nuggan.
  24. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Sore buttocks are an abomination unto Nuggan (from exercising, not the wham cupboard) :(
  25. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    the flu is an abomination unto Nuggan, especially when you have to teach from 9am to 6pm...my voice my beautiful voice!
  26. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Doctors' receptionists are an abomination unto Nuggan.
  27. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Sssssloooooow internet connections are............. an........... .abomination...... [LOADING, PLEASE WAIT].......... unto........ [ERROR: REBOOTING COMPUTER]..........

    Damn!! :x
  28. Mooseman

    Mooseman New Member

    :x strangely chinese emotes are an abomination unto Nuggan
  29. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:2ea19de734="Mooseman"]:x strangely chinese emotes are an abomination unto Nuggan[/quote:2ea19de734] LOL :D

    Only having two cans of lager left and there being a footie game on TV tonight is an abomination unto Nuggan :( (you tell em Bob)
  30. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

  31. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:d088d17750="Buzzfloyd"]<u>Strangely Chinese Emotes?</u>[/quote:d088d17750]

    LMAO - Bob's oriental cousin

  32. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Having woken up at 5 o'clock in the morning because of work and dream all day about getting some shuteye only to be rudely ripped from your much deserved afternoon nap by an old geezer who has dyspnoea for a WEEK and demands the syrup he was given in Athens last year, no can't remember the name but it was thick and in a brown bottle and doesn't believe that the lungs are fine and he should see a cardiologist...

    *pant pant*

    ...is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  33. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Having to walk to school with no music because my discman's batteries died is an abomination unto Nuggan :x

    Being too lazy to change said batteries the night before is abomination unto anyone with foresight and intelligence.
  34. Mooseman

    Mooseman New Member


    Is a terrible abomination!!
  35. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Eek! He's scary! :shock:
  36. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    going to the non-abominations thread, clicking 'reply' then not being able to think of anything in your life that is not an abomination is an abomination. Now it is an abomination that I have another abomination on my list. Gah to the abomination of abominations in general.

    In other news...people asking endlessly if you are going to a certain concert thing* is an abomination unto nuggan when they know full well you think it will be a binge drinking/smoking/headachie party full of people who add way to many 'likes' like into their like wow sentences. Which is like so, um, like immature man.**

    I would go if it wasn't for them, but then again...no one else would be there.

    :( Life's a bitch, as are they.

    *I say thing because it sounds so bad i don't even think it deserves to be considered a concert
    **please say in a ditsy, high, american cheerleader voice.
  37. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Aww, cheer up Fairyliquid! You've got us lot, after all...

    Actually, yeah, I see where you're coming from. ;)
  38. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Hiccups are a [HIC] abomination unto [HIC] Nuggan... Eurghhh...
  39. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Having to pay lots of cash for Holiday to Barcelona *

    hmm, it's a bit like the wheel of Morality from Animaniacs which I remember discussing with someone on the old boards before.- It's the whole good/ idea bad idea thing.

    Good Idea: Throw a penny in a well.

    Bad Idea: Throw a small child called Penny in a well.

    Well OK, it was funny at the time...

    *see also good things or non abominations thread
  40. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Heh, I remember that!

    Good idea: Playing catch with your little brother.

    Bad idea: Playing catch [i:e193ce1436]with[/i:e193ce1436] your little brother.
  41. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Pollin is a fuking abomination unto everything.
    So are dust and dander for that matter.
  42. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:c81d26a740="Perdita"]Having to pay lots of cash for Holiday to Barcelona *[/quote:c81d26a740]

    Barcelona's an amazing city, probably my favourite on earth, apart from the 'pool of course. :)

    Finding out a good friend is handing in his notice at work is an abomination unto Nuggan. :( (exactly Bob)
  43. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    moving is an abomination unto nuggan

    as is staying in one place...
  44. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    [quote:c84edd3d1d="fairyliquid"]moving is an abomination unto nuggan

    as is staying in one place...[/quote:c84edd3d1d]

    I agree! :(
  45. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Inflammatory reactions to stitches are an abomination unto Nuggan.
  46. Mimiru

    Mimiru New Member

    American football is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Being in band and having to play during the halftime show of an american football game is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Watching your schools team lose by more than twenty points, again, is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Physics, too, is an abomination unto Nuggan. Especially when said physics point in the direction of homework.
  47. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:9c23fc01b6="Mimiru"]American football is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  48. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:5410bc59e5="Mimiru"]American football is an abomination unto Nuggan.


    Treason is also an abomination to Nuggan ;-)
  49. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Croydon is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    5am is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  50. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Adult Learning as an english paper topic is an abbomination. Why can't we pick our own topics, my first paper was on [u:f199cd8ca0]The Color of Magic[/u:f199cd8ca0], and the only thing better than picking your own topic is not having to do a paper at all!
  51. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Not being able to shake a sore throat for almost a year is an abomination unto Nuggan!
  52. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:6a16f4b884="Buzzfloyd"]5am is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:6a16f4b884]

    missing 5am is an abomination unto nuggan (not that I wanted to see it, I just wanted to sleep throught it :) )
  53. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    My ability to procrastinate is an Abomi

    (to be continued)
  54. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    [quote:ce8a9b9678="Buzzfloyd"]Croydon is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    5am is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:ce8a9b9678]

    What is this 5am you speak of? :?
  55. Bob

    Bob New Member

    Chavs are an abomination unto Nuggan..

    Milton Keynes is an abomination unto Nuggan..

    Anything made by Apple is an abomination unto Nuggan..

    Being an insomniac is an abomination, being an insomniac for 18 years is an abomination of an abomination!

    People walking on MY bike track is also an abomination unto Nuggan, obviously they don't teach what the bike sign means in York primary schools. :(

    5am? pfft tea time for me.. :rolleyes:

  56. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:ebb84a525b="Bob"]Anything made by Apple is an abomination unto Nuggan..
    Anything made by Microsoft is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  57. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Dialup is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  58. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    [quote:a2764c7fd9="QuothTheRaven"][quote:a2764c7fd9="Bob"]Anything made by Apple is an abomination unto Nuggan..
    Anything made by Microsoft is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:a2764c7fd9]

    Microsoft is the bigger Abomination, agreed. Has anyone [i:a2764c7fd9]seen[/i:a2764c7fd9] the new iPod Nano? :shock: AND I think Apple had made a cellphone too. Apple rules!
  59. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    [quote:654463653c="QuothTheRaven"]Anything made by Microsoft is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:654463653c]

    [quote:654463653c="Saccharissa"]Dialup is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:654463653c]

    I agree with both of these wholeheartedly. MSN, for example, is an abomination, because it keeps breaking.

    Before Grace jumps in to gloat, AIM is also an abomination! Because yesterday, it also broke!

    I think there may be a problem with my computer. Which is an abomination.

    Dial up, is, of course, the biggest abomination going.
  60. Bob

    Bob New Member

    [quote:73247ac292="Toaf"][quote:73247ac292="QuothTheRaven"][quote:73247ac292="Bob"]Anything made by Apple is an abomination unto Nuggan..
    Anything made by Microsoft is an abomination unto Nuggan.[/quote:73247ac292]

    Microsoft is the bigger Abomination, agreed. Has anyone [i:73247ac292]seen[/i:73247ac292] the new iPod Nano? :shock: AND I think Apple had made a cellphone too. Apple rules![/quote:73247ac292]

    You obviously haven't had to send 3 corrupt iPods back to Apple.
    The new one is a bit dodgy too.. :(

    I agree Microsoft is an abomination also, but quietly enough so that windows doesn't crash in defence.


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