All New deathmatch: Fight 3

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Orrdos, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    So, after a lenghty abscence, we're back!

    To remind you all, deathmatch is a popularity contest. Vote for your favourite book to try and get it into the next round :)

    So, next fight. Lets bring on:

    Colour Of Magic Vs Light Fantastic

    Neither of these books got past round one last time out, being eliminated by Men At Arms and Theif Of Time respectively.

    Who do I want to win?

    Light Fantastic. Hands down, no questions asked. Why?

    Cause, whisper it, I really, really don't like CoM. Infact, I had to give up on reading it halfway through. It's a poor shadow of the later novels, really.

    Light fantastic is no great shakes either, but it is a fair bit better than it's predecessor
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I'm not harsh like Doors, I liked COM and TLF, they were pretty much equals in terms of writing style and such, both enjoyable for me to read.

    But TLF edges by dint of having an actual plotted story. COM was more a sequence of events only connected by who they were happening too. TLF actually started with the aim of going somewhere and got there well.

    edit: because i wasn't concentrating
  3. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    COTM, ben? What's that supposed to mean?

  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    In a very lonely vote I said COM because it made me want to read TLF, and I see TLF as just finishing the story. If COM had sucked none of us would ever have got to TLF... SO it deserves kudos for that.
  5. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Mmph, you may have a point Spiky, but I didn't read the series in order, so COM is one of those which just traumatises me every time I flick through (as is equal rights, but that's purely because GRANNY ISN'T GRANNY!!). It's not that it's a bad book.......of course not, it's Discworld.....just in comparison to what Pterry later achieves it's a little painful. As the man himself has agreed.

    LF is a slight improvement. And has Counting Pines.
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I voted for The Colour of Magic. I liked them both, I read all the books in order (as they were published mostly) so COM was my first and, as Spiky says, I wouldn't have read any more if I didn't like it.
  7. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Same here. I started out with Mort, but then read COM and TLF in that order.

    TLF doesn't work as well without COM.
  8. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba voted The Light Fantastic.

    His whim is law!
  9. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I voted for LF - these two books are the weakest of the Discworld series, probably because the Marthter was still feeling his way through standard parodying of regular fantasy - but LF introduced both the Librarian and Cohen the Barbarian (and the Luggage, of course) - signs of things to come.
  10. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I read CoM then meant to take TLF out of the library - but someone else took it first and I got distracted by the others in the series.

    I still haven't gotten back to get it... :?
  11. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:6d04290495="Pixel"]...but LF introduced both the Librarian and Cohen the Barbarian (and the Luggage, of course) - signs of things to come.[/quote:6d04290495]
    The Luggage first showed up in COM, not TLF
  12. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:644adfb131="QuothTheRaven"][quote:644adfb131="Pixel"]...but LF introduced both the Librarian and Cohen the Barbarian (and the Luggage, of course) - signs of things to come.[/quote:644adfb131]
    The Luggage first showed up in COM, not TLF[/quote:644adfb131]

    Yes, I realised that after I had posted and was away from my computer and couldn't edit - I think I must have been thinking about Cohen's determination to get the Luggage to open in later books.
  13. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Voted for COM. Simply because I liked it more than TLF, which was largely due to me recognizing just about every parody there.
  14. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    I voted for CoM, because it was the first I ever read. I read it roughly a googlelex of times, and I still like it.

    I'll admit it's not the best, but to be honest I feel completely inadequate to the task of judging the books any more harshly than simply putting them on a ROUGH sliding scale anyway.

    In which case it comes near the bottom. Roughly. :)
  15. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    Reaper Man was the first one I bought (and I loved it).

    I liked LF better than CoM, because of its excellent ending (the dungeon dimensions were presented brilliantly), and its first nice look at Death. Cohen was great too.
  16. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    It would have to be TLF for me simply because it finished off a decent story and didn't seem to have as many 'dragging' parts in it as the COM. Although it did still have some. :)
  17. davobanavo

    davobanavo New Member

    The first flight across the Atlantic may not have been the best, the quickest or the most comfortable, but it was the first. As it is for transatlantic flight, so it is for Colour of Magic.

    It's the only one in the whole of the Discworld series that did something no one had ever really done before.

    And it's dead funny. Granny may have been odd, but Rincewind was at his best!
  18. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Colour of Magic. I loved it when I first read it, and despite its flaws, I still do. Light Fantastic was just the rest of the story.

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