Australia under threat

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ecksian, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    Prime Minister John Howard announced today that an immenent terrorist threat against Australia has been identified, no details have yet been released.

    More info as it comes.
  2. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    We think of you!!!!Hope it comes to nothing.
  3. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    you wouldn't happen to have a web link so l can read up on it?

    my sis-in-law is living out there. :cry:

    hope it doesn't happen.
  4. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

  5. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    It was always going to happen eventually. Thats what happens when you help to bomb a country that already hates you, then lock up all their refugees in prison in the desert. Genius move.

    *hides from terrorists under her bed*
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I thought governments received intelligence reports on terror threat all the time, seems like a silly thing to publish in my opinion, just make everyone paranoid and worried.
  7. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:0d23995115="Maljonic"]I thought governments received intelligence reports on terror threat all the time, seems like a silly thing to publish in my opinion, just make everyone paranoid and worried.[/quote:0d23995115]

    Is it close to election time in Australia, by any chance?
  8. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Pft, little John has been announcing an imminent terrorist threat against Australia for four years.

    Its a political maneuver to get public support for his new hardline anti-terror laws. These laws were presented to parliament today, the same day this threat was announced. Again.

    What timing :roll:
  9. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:4761d3b574="Pepster"]Pft, little John has been announcing an imminent terrorist threat against Australia for four years.

    Its a political maneuver to get public support for his new hardline anti-terror laws. These laws were presented to parliament today, the same day this threat was announced. Again.

    What timing :roll:[/quote:4761d3b574]

    Hehe, close enough. I thought it might be election time, I just meant the reason is probably political.
  10. toadinnahole

    toadinnahole New Member

    I'm watching CNN with my (halloween candy) breakfast this morning (the sick nausea from the news keeps me from overeating) and they keep repeating the same tiny bit of info and showing the same picture (of what I ASSUME is the PM and company, since they don't tell us), just that "Australia is under a terror warning today" and nothing else. Garsh, thanks, good thing most of us don't give a rats arse about what is going on in the rest of the world.
  11. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    [quote:f8964e0ca7="Pepster"]Pft, little John has been announcing an imminent terrorist threat against Australia for four years.

    Its a political maneuver to get public support for his new hardline anti-terror laws. These laws were presented to parliament today, the same day this threat was announced. Again.

    What timing :roll:[/quote:f8964e0ca7]

    That was my first thought, but it seems like an extremely risky way of getting the new laws pushed through. It would only take one little press leak to completely ruin his political career.
  12. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:94e06fc41d="Ecksian"][quote:94e06fc41d="Pepster"]Pft, little John has been announcing an imminent terrorist threat against Australia for four years.

    Its a political maneuver to get public support for his new hardline anti-terror laws. These laws were presented to parliament today, the same day this threat was announced. Again.

    What timing :roll:[/quote:94e06fc41d]

    That was my first thought, but it seems like an extremely risky way of getting the new laws pushed through. It would only take one little press leak to completely ruin his political career.[/quote:94e06fc41d]

    But there really is WMD in Iraq. Honestly.
  13. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    [quote:18c245aa43="Ecksian"][quote:18c245aa43="Pepster"]Pft, little John has been announcing an imminent terrorist threat against Australia for four years.

    Its a political maneuver to get public support for his new hardline anti-terror laws. These laws were presented to parliament today, the same day this threat was announced. Again.

    What timing :roll:[/quote:18c245aa43]

    That was my first thought, but it seems like an extremely risky way of getting the new laws pushed through. It would only take one little press leak to completely ruin his political career.[/quote:18c245aa43]

    Not really, just a populace that won't vote the opposition in due to a little past instability in the leadership and the fact the the opposition party leader is fat* will keep the horrible little man in office.

    He basically is just trying to push as far as he can go. A press leak wouldn't really do much as his public image which isn't very high right most of the time. Except around elections, which happen straight after a $600 per child family rebate.

    *[i:18c245aa43]Surprising reason but it sadly is true that many people won't vote for beazley despite hating howard simply because beazley is fat.[/i:18c245aa43]

    More on the [b:18c245aa43]imminent [/b:18c245aa43]terror threat, it was announced today as a non-specific general threat.... Funny how fast a lie can travel the globe.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Ahhh but if we can be more afraid [because of terror] and more insecure [because of employment changes] then we can be molded to do what they want us to... I think the whole world is waiting for the other shoe to drop but in the mean time the freedoms and democracies are regressing to a time (the good ol' days) where there was more control, less opposition and more chance of going to war over petty 'who you lookin' at' reasons...

    Howard just wants his eyebrows to take over the world


    Scary huh?
  15. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    [quote:9a8ea1fee5="spiky"]Ahhh but if we can be more afraid [because of terror] and more insecure [because of employment changes] then we can be molded to do what they want us to... I think the whole world is waiting for the other shoe to drop but in the mean time the freedoms and democracies are regressing to a time (the good ol' days) where there was more control, less opposition and more chance of going to war over petty 'who you lookin' at' reasons...

    Howard just wants his eyebrows to take over the world


    Scary huh?[/quote:9a8ea1fee5]

    I'm sorry but it seems everybody has the same problems the world over with goverments. It's actually very funny
  16. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    I just got some more info from the news, apparently the threat is still in the early stages of planning. Authorities are supposedly monitoring 2 people in Sydney, and 2 people in Melbourne that have been discussing possible targets.
  17. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:3f6740a870="Ecksian"]I just got some more info from the news, apparently the threat is still in the early stages of planning. Authorities are supposedly monitoring 2 people in Sydney, and 2 people in Melbourne that have been discussing possible targets.[/quote:3f6740a870]

    You mean they have a list of the potential terrorists? Not much of a threat then, is there?
  18. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    [quote:156125d114]I just got some more info from the news, apparently the threat is still in the early stages of planning. Authorities are supposedly monitoring 2 people in Sydney, and 2 people in Melbourne that have been discussing possible targets.[/quote:156125d114]

    This says alot about our country, we are already giving the terrorists what the want before they strike, publicity.

    [i:156125d114]Or the cynical thought in my head...[/i:156125d114]

    Maybe even before they have a presence here if we were to assume Howard was a lying little git with only political reasons in mind (a given).

    Terrorists want the media coverage after the evident. We have given it to them before*.

    * [i:156125d114]If they actually exist mind, no the opposition doesn't count Mr Howard. [/i:156125d114]
  19. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:74be929ada="Andalusian"]It was always going to happen eventually. Thats what happens when you help to bomb a country that already hates you, then lock up all their refugees in prison in the desert. Genius move.

    *hides from terrorists under her bed*[/quote:74be929ada]

    You're going to blame Iraq for terrorist attacks in your country too? I mean, Bush at least blamed Saddam Hussein ;-) Or did I miss news about Ozzie military manuvers?

    as far as the threat warnings and such, in the US the PATRIOT act was passed after a terror scare...
  20. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Today, Tony Blair tried to push through new legislation that would outlaw 'glorifying terrorism'; basically, a law that would allow anyone to be arrested if they disagree with the government. I am proud and relieved to say that the Labour Party rebelled and parliament did not vote in this travesty of a law.
  21. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    You're going to blame Iraq for terrorist attacks in your country too? I mean, Bush at least blamed Saddam Hussein ;-) Or did I miss news about Ozzie military manuvers?[/quote:11a0e28df7]

    Im going to blame the fact that the whole war on terror thing has inspired such hatred among all people. We haven't managed to stop terrorist attacks, and have attracted even more attention from the people who don't like america in indonesia and such. So yes, it is because we sided with the USA that we have become a target. And its not only foreigners that hate this country, most of the Muslim community (that I know) is not too pleased either, as they have essentially been blamed for the terrorism. We should be trying to make friends with our neighbours, not enemies.
  22. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member


    Im going to blame the fact that the whole war on terror thing has inspired such hatred among all people. We haven't managed to stop terrorist attacks, and have attracted even more attention from the people who don't like america in indonesia and such. So yes, it is because we sided with the USA that we have become a target. And its not only foreigners that hate this country, most of the Muslim community (that I know) is not too pleased either, as they have essentially been blamed for the terrorism. We should be trying to make friends with our neighbours, not enemies.[/quote:e7daf22da7]

    I think that Australia has become a 'larger' target due to involvment in Iraq.
    But earlier engagements in Afghanistan, politics in your local region (probably a large factor), and being a member of the 'enemy' culture have earmarked Australia long before. Taking part in the war in Iraq is just bringing things to a head earlier.
  23. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Well I did say the whole war thing, not just Iraq. Didn't I?
  24. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    How Oz has used it's political clout probably has more to do with it than Afghanistan. And more than Iraq.
  25. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:74bc37e275="Buzzfloyd"]Today, Tony Blair tried to push through new legislation that would outlaw 'glorifying terrorism'; basically, a law that would allow anyone to be arrested if they disagree with the government. I am proud and relieved to say that the Labour Party rebelled and parliament did not vote in this travesty of a law.[/quote:74bc37e275]

    You can't arrest people for having an opinion you don't like, that's for certain. You arrest them when they put their actions where their mouth is. So, damnfools can say all they please about how justified terrorrism is, but you arrest them if they actively support it.

    Mind, in my opinion this includes saying said damnfool opinion loudly to those who suffered from terrorrism. That's Breach of the Peace, that is, and Conspiracy to Cause an Affray.

    Or, as I see it, just going around looking for trouble.
  26. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Cynical flags were raised around the country today after the foraign minister said that the new anti-terror laws may never be used despite the Prime Minister insisting they be passed by Christmas and him saying theres a credible imminent threat... Kind of contradicts the point really...

    BTW Australia's target factor was pretty much solidified when we got around to supporting the East Timorese in getting independence from Indonesia... Many hardline muslims in Indon considered this intereference/invasion of Indonesian territory so we weren't popular with the world's largest Muslim country as our neighbour before the Afganistan and Iraq things started. Thats just put the christmas lights on our target status.

    However, I still think the anti-terror laws that they are trying to bring in are a total wank. Now they want to add that they can put armed troops on the streets following an attack. What the hell is a soldier going to do afterwards???
  27. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:e66310c164="spiky"]However, I still think the anti-terror laws that they are trying to bring in are a total wank. Now they want to add that they can put armed troops on the streets following an attack. What the hell is a soldier going to do afterwards???[/quote:e66310c164]

    Be seen. Show that they are pro-active. This is just moral support, nothing more. This is what all soldiers do, both before and after. The best a soldier can do is either prevent the threat at the source, or guard the border. Once a terrorist gets inside a city, the soldier's role is irrelevant, unless you want soldiers chasing terrorists inside the cities.

    When [i:e66310c164]that[/i:e66310c164] happens, your country's waaaaay in the hole.
  28. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    [quote:865c87a7b9="spiky"]Now they want to add that they can put armed troops on the streets following an attack. [/quote:865c87a7b9]

    With the authority to shoot-to-kill.
  29. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:6b71cbbeb0="Ecksian"][quote:6b71cbbeb0="spiky"]Now they want to add that they can put armed troops on the streets following an attack. [/quote:6b71cbbeb0]

    With the authority to shoot-to-kill.[/quote:6b71cbbeb0]

    Fogot that bit....

    And didn't it turn out great for the British :roll: They stopped that Brazillian non-terrorist in his tracks. He won't be thinking of getting on a train looking like the wrong nationality ever again.
  30. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I heard on the radio that people were arrested in Sydney and Melbourne today in response to the possible threat, although it didn't say what the group was supposedly targeting..
  31. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    Yeah, 15 people were arrested in raids conducted at around 2:30 this morning, 9 in Melbourne and 6 in Sydney. The suspects have been under surveilance for about 18 months, have been recorded discussing targets, and were caught with chemicals and other bomb making materials. Exactly who or what they were targeting has not been released.
    Another suspect was arrested shortly after while trying to flee from the police, apparently he pulled a gun and fired on them, he was subsiquently shot in the neck and is in a critical condition.

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