Based on a True Story

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Panel 1: Bathroom wall, three urinals available, garner at the far right one, back to viewer. stranger entering from the door at left.

    Panel 2: stranger approaches urinal adjacent to garner, garner has thought bubble displaying exclaimation mark.

    Panel 3:
    Stranger: Nice day today.
    Garner: Um... yeah. It is.
    Stranger: Good one for our manager, eh?
    Garner: Um?
    Stranger: Not a football man, eh?
    Garner: Um... no.
    Stranger: Ah, well he's up for four million today. Nice work if you can get it, yeah?
    Garner: Um... yeah.
    Stranger: Rightio, well have a good day, Mate.
    Garner: Um... you too...

    Panel 4: Stranger exiting, garner with thought bubble containing schulzian snarl

    panel 5: garner, on his own at the urinal.

    panel 6: as 5.

    panel 7: as 6.

    panel 8: Doors, sticking his head into the bathroom from the door
    Doors: Ach, what's takin' so long? If ya shake it more than twice-
    Garner: Shut up! I have a shy bladder.
    Doors: So what's kept ya? Yer' tha only one here.
    Garner: *whimpers*
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    You know, I was going to say "that's one thing we girls do't have to put up with", but the other day, I was having a quick pee before the movie at our local cinema and I heard a woman in the next cubicle giving her bladder a prep talk. It was so funny it took me about 5 minutes after she had finished and left to be able to do a thing.

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