Best insult in your language (or someone else's language)...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mowgli, Feb 5, 2006.

  1. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    otherwise known as the Evil Twin of Trollmother's "I Love You" thread! :)

    Hi y'all!

    I'm part-Russian. And there are aspects of the Russian culture about which I tend to brag obnoxiously. Like the opera "Yunona i Avos". And ancient Kievan architecture. And kvas (basically Russia's answer to scumble). And curse words. I loooooooove our curse words. I think they're the best, most creative and most derisive that I've ever heard! Granted, I've only heard so many :p

    And I don't mean your basic vulgarity - every language has its own version of the f-word, the a-word etc., no big deal here! - I mean actual INSULTS that you can say in a mostly-polite company, like say, a theater lobby. The high class stuff! The kind Shakespeare would and did use - my favorite one so far is "thou base football player!", from King Lear.

    Below are some Russian ones, along with translation. Judge for yourself! And if you have something comparable or better, I definitely want to hear it! :) Keep in mind, btw - while these aren't exactly X-rated, they're still VERY offensive - don't go slinging them around, unless you mean it and can dodge a brick to the face.

    [b:e9119937a8]Basic meaning - " you bad person you":[/b:e9119937a8]

    PODONOK: "something scraped from the bottom of the barrel"

    PARSHIVETS: "mangy animal"

    MERZAVETS: "vile scum"

    ZARAZA: "contagious disease"

    SVOLOCH: "still-contagious corpse of a rabid animal that had to be dragged off the road by a long hook"

    [b:e9119937a8]Basic meaning: "you weak person you"[/b:e9119937a8]

    SLIUNTIAY: "spit-oozer"

    SOPLIAK: "snot-oozer"

    GLISTA V OBMOROKE: "tapeworm in a faint" (I've only heard this one from my Mom, so I'm starting to suspect she made it up)
  2. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    This one is very offensive, and it should only be used to describe the worst people in the world. Do not scroll down if pregnant or of a nervous disposition.

  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !


    Oh Ba, you really shouldn't !! :shock: But then, it's always better than the XXX-rated [color=white:8aa87a25b7]Rinso's beard[/color:8aa87a25b7]... (select to view, but only if you think you can stand it...)
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Okay, German cursing, then...
    The fact that, unlike surrounding cultures, we often curse, well, a-orientated instead of f-orientated produced the stereotype of the anally fixated German culture. I can't speak for all my landsmen, but I can offer a historical explanation that somehow excuses this...shit.
    In the late middle ages, being a citizen of a town was a valuable state to be in, and loosing it had dire consequences, from simply loosing your business to being thrown out of the city after having been publicly humiliated. Now, if someone told you to "[i:4331d1250c]go fuck your mom[/i:4331d1250c]", which was just as usual as in any other surrounding culture, or otherwise insulted someone via his or his wife's or mother's sexuality, that person was not only [i:4331d1250c]allowed [/i:4331d1250c]by law to take his sword, from a certain number of offenses exchanged on, and chop you to pieces - there were actually cities where the law [i:4331d1250c]forced [/i:4331d1250c]him to do so.
    To avoid this when starting an ordinary quarrel, people resorted to fecal curses.

    Here a few from all areas of language:
    [b:4331d1250c]"Dorfmatratze"[/b:4331d1250c] - literally "village matress". Go figure.
    [b:4331d1250c]"Warmduscher"[/b:4331d1250c] - weakling, coward, literally someone who takes only "warm showers"
    [b:4331d1250c]"Achselgrind"[/b:4331d1250c] - local dialect, the stuff a person with no sense of hygiene might scratch out from under his armpits
    [b:4331d1250c]"Autobahnüberquerer"[/b:4331d1250c] - "motorway-crosser" - you have to be very stupid to do that
    [b:4331d1250c]"Dreckschleuder"[/b:4331d1250c] - "dirt hurler", someone spreading mean gossip
    [b:4331d1250c]"Arschmade"[/b:4331d1250c] - "arse-maggot"
    [b:4331d1250c]"Hackfresse"[/b:4331d1250c] - "hash knob/face"
    [b:4331d1250c]"Hühnerwämmser"[/b:4331d1250c] - "chicken-buggerer"
    [b:4331d1250c]"Gesichtsbrötchen"[/b:4331d1250c] - "bagle-face"
    [b:4331d1250c]"Heulsuse"[/b:4331d1250c] - "Howling Susy", whiner

    Or were you thinking more along the line of quotes like these, Mowgli:
    "We all live under the same sky, but we do [i:4331d1250c]not [/i:4331d1250c]always have the same horizon." (Adenauer)
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow... that's adding a lot to my German vocabulary ! :D

    Ok, so here are a few nice French ones...

    [b:57ae262ff0]"Enculé/e (de sa mère)"[/b:57ae262ff0] = He/she who is sodomized (by his/her mother) - no one is really sure if the mother is the one doing the sodomizing or the other way round, I think it loosley translates as "motherfucker", which is probably where they got it in the first place...
    [b:57ae262ff0]"(Putain de) sa race"[/b:57ae262ff0] = (The whore of) his race. humm... I've never really undestood this one...
    [b:57ae262ff0]"Pédé"[/b:57ae262ff0] [Payday] = Faggot. Short for pederast, which is wrongly used here, French slang uses it as an insult for (presumed) homosexuals, whereas technically, it means an adult male who has sexual intercourse with young boys, sorry about the details.
    [b:57ae262ff0]"Couille molle"[/b:57ae262ff0] [Cooey moll] = squishy testicle. This is one of my favourites. :lol:
    "Bite molle" = squish cock. this one is good too :D
    [b:57ae262ff0]"Putain !"[/b:57ae262ff0] = Litterally means whore or prostitute, but is used as a general exclamation, and can be liberally added to sentences in the same way as "fuck"... (see the first scene of 4 weddings... )
    [b:57ae262ff0]"Trouduc' "[/b:57ae262ff0] [Trueduke]= Litterally "arse hole". But a lot less offensive in French.
    [b:57ae262ff0]"Parigot !" [/b:57ae262ff0][Parrygo] = Parisian. This is the worst insult for anyone who doesn't actually live in Paris.
  6. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    The most common insult in Hebrew as it is today was stolen from Arabic. [i:896bc4af36]K'us Em'mek[/i:896bc4af36], which literally means [i:896bc4af36]Your mother's vagina[/i:896bc4af36].
  7. Human

    Human New Member

    I know that the literal translation of the German word for "coward" is literally, "One who throws snowballs with gloves on."

    Quite an insight into German culture. :lol:
  8. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Er... not quite. :) There is a huge collection of expressions like "[i:8470074d60]Warmduscher[/i:8470074d60]" (someone who takes only warm showers), "[i:8470074d60]Wechselgeldzähler[/i:8470074d60]" (change counter), [i:8470074d60]"Schneeball-mit-Handschuh-werfer"[/i:8470074d60] (the snowball-gloves-thing) for the softie-coward-type of people. That's because it is a sport to invent them over here.

    The word for "coward" is "[i:8470074d60]Feigling[/i:8470074d60]", which has no literal translation; it's a form of "[i:8470074d60]Feigheit[/i:8470074d60]" [i:8470074d60](f)[/i:8470074d60](cowardice). And to derive some literal insight: Until the 1500's, someone was a "Feigling" when he backed away from the enemy in battle or fight and appeared honourless. ;)
  9. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:4779fea36b="Hsing"]The word for "coward" is "[i:4779fea36b]Feigling[/i:4779fea36b]", which has no literal translation; it's a form of "[i:4779fea36b]Feigheit[/i:4779fea36b]" [i:4779fea36b](f)[/i:4779fea36b](cowardice).[/quote:4779fea36b]

    In swedish the root of cowardice and coward is also [i:4779fea36b]feg[/i:4779fea36b].
  10. Ivan_the_terrible

    Ivan_the_terrible New Member

    Mowgli, you forgot

    ZASRANETS - shit-oozer :badgrin:
    ZHERTVA ABORTA - victim of abortion
    and many, many other.

    If you just want to put somebody down, you can say something like "Ulybaysa, ulybaysa, shef lubit idiotov"("Keep smiling, boss loves idiots").

    And for sure those words are not really obscene. Just slightly rude. :)

    P.S. Nope, your mother didnt. "Glista v obmoroke" is rarely used - mostly by parents - if somebody is tooooo skinny. :)
  11. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I am sad to say that greek cuss words have no place in a PG-13 board. I feel left out :(
  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hm... Well.... Mowgli could edit the title and add a warning. Or you could put them up in your journal and put a warning header on top of it.

    See, I want to learn! :) :D

    Plus, here's more German material - the site's in English.
    I wouldn't agree to all the translations 100%, but slang is often very precise and a little vague at the same time.

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