Blogs. Your Blogs.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Does anyone still do it around here? Where? And why?

    My dilemma is this: I used to find a few people on livejournal, decided that maybe having a livejournal would be nice to have to keep some contact with, well, my contacts as well as friends and relatives overseas, and whatnot. But I neglected it.
    My sister then contacted me and for her, I opened up an account at another site. (We don't see each other often and it seemed a nice way...) But i never wrote anything else but a few pms to her, and she mainly uses her account to make funny comments in my guestbook...
    Then a cultural organisation I worked with turned out to organize via myspace and so, I created an account. Then I decided that all this was, as long as I didn't really do anything with it, just confusing cyberjunk and deleted most of it, also reducing the amount of data about me in the net. (I can not be found via google, by the way, and I am relatively glad about it.)

    (The only thing I still use is flickr, but mainly for picture hosting and showing. My family gets to see us more often that way, but not only them, although the private pictures get private, non-public setting.)

    I do have a few projects though that I'd actually make kind of public, for example a rip off of various "100 abandoned buildings"- projects for our town, and other stuff which isn't always photo related. Now I don't know what to do...:neutral: Where would I met most of you? Maybe it happens to fit my family's blogging patterns...

    Well, sorry for rambling.

    And you?:D
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I still have my old French-language blog, and I still update it for friends and family... I have my facebook account in English, and use that, and I'm actually quite enjoying using Twitter now I've got the hang of it. I still have a MySpace account somewhere but have not really ever used it, and haven't been back for ages. I opened a bebo account way back when, but have lost the password, and Pterry is my only friend on there. In fact I think he was pretty much the only reason for me signing up in the first place.

    As I was saying, I am now beginning to enjoy Twitter, and the constraint of fitting my thoughts into 140 character chunks is quite fun. I've been toying with several ideas for writing projects using Twitter, but haven't really had that flash of inspiration yet...
  3. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I have a blog on an online church website, because several of my family are on there. I have an account on Twitter and I think I might even have had a Myspace account once. I have a Livejournal account for reading other people's blogs. I also have Facebook. But I am very poor at using any of them and at keeping up communications in general.
  4. plaid

    plaid New Member

    i've got a blog, which i love. the livejournal is pretty much dead...
    facebook i tolerate with mixed feelings. my mother has joined. that automatically lessens its coolness by about a thousand degrees.
  5. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I haven't been blogging much, but what I have written is mostly on Myspace, I'm often on Facebook but the Livejournal blog has been very neglected. I opened a twitter account but I'm not sure if I can access it. So far on Facebook I've mostly just done those lists, plus the games. I was going to copy some of the Myspace stuff to Facebook and Livejournal so my friends who abhor Myspace can see what I've written. Maybe that will happen. My mom is also on Facebook, and my sister, and a bunch of other relatives, I guess I'm uncool enough not to mind that, much. :) Actually being able to see peoples pictures on Facebook is one of the best things, you never have to worry about getting them mixed up or fingerprinty, you don't have to stick them on your refrigerator for everyone to see, and you hardly have to wait until the kid is dried off to see a baby picture. Sometimes you even get to see the ultrasound pics.
  6. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I have a blog because I love myself. I also have a Facebook account, staple of my uni existence that it is, and I recently got myself a Twitter to which I am addicted.

    I used to update a LiveJournal, along with a few other people here, but that died long ago.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Fellow twitterers, if you want to follow me, and be followed, my name is unsurprisingly katcal. :D
  8. randywine

    randywine Member

    I write my company's blog when I have time. I did try and do a personal blog ages ago but I just couldn't see the point of cataloguing the minutia of my day.

    My company does a free mobile twitter client for anyone that is very addicted to Twittering.
  9. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I'm on Facebook, Bebo (though I never visit my page any more) and I had a blog page on some blog site which I set up, maybe posted twice on it and can no longer remember exactly which site it was on, let alone my username and password. I'm always on Facebook though - mainly for the chat function because half my family are also on it :smile:
  10. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I closed my MySpace account about a year ago and although some of my friends keep trying to persuade me to join some of the others, I haven't really considered it. I also have the same problem as one or two of you guys; I've set up many boards over the years and they seem to become neglected after a few months. Even the blog on my own website hasn't had an entry for nerarly a year.
  11. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Lets see:

    Twitter: @bschildt and @tephlondesign.
    I can update my Facebook via Twitter, so that's good.

    Hi5 for my portuguese friends.
    Hyves for the dutchies.
    I haven't updated these two in AGES...

    I had a personal blog on my site. Too much trouble.

    I am however, currently working on my own site and trying to integrate Twitter in it so it has some updated content once in a while.
  12. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Did someone try to add me as a friend on Facebook - if you did, PM me your real name - I declined before I realised it could be someone from here... I tend not to accept people I can't place.
  13. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I do use my real name on Facebook, it isn't my legal name but it is more real than that one. I "analyzed" my name there today, boy was that a miss! the funniest thing that happened with one of those silly apps was when I got my cowboy name, it came out Dale "Pink hat" Steele. Adam was consternated when I told him, Steele is his last name:)
  14. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    Like most of you I have a myspace account which I neglect. I do log on and check to see if my friends are still alive and well, then I log out.
    I have a facebook account that, like Tamyra, I mostly play games on. Oddly enough because of the silly game "farmtown" my sister now talks to me almost every day, where as before I'd talk to her about every other month. And even then she would only talk for a few mins.
    I also have several other accounts that I sort of lost. I'm sure if I look hard enough I could find at least some of them.
    I'll probably never get Twitter I don't have enough to say most of the time to bother. Case in point the number of posts I have made on this site.:D
  15. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    I've actively worked to make it so I cannot be found online either. Maybe I'm just a crackpot after all my firewall is set to paranoid mode.
  16. willbaforce

    willbaforce New Member

    I have a blog. I quite enjoy doing it too, so there's high hopes for it continuing in the long run. I started it in January just because I've always had the romantic notion that I could write a book and a blog seemed like a good starting point for practice.

    I have a twitter too, @willbaforce, which I completely agree with chrisjordan in that its very addictive!

    I deleted a bebo account, and diminished my myspace account because I never used them. Facebook I use mainly to keep in touch with long distance friends that don't IM.

    Are there any others? I remember signing up to friends reunited when I was younger, but I haven't been on it since then. Ha, what about WAYN?! I think I looked at it and thought "no thanks!"
  17. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    How much data do you have to enter for a Facebook account?

    I was currently tending to go and get a blogspot account... as it happens, a freind of mine has a blog there... the ususal thing. *eyeroll*
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    As much or as little as you like. The minimum is your name and email and a password I guess... You can also restrict access to your profile so only your friends or a selection of your friends can see it.
  19. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    So I have a facebook account now, under my two given names, sans family name. Sell that, facebook! I'm unsearchable too except for those already added as friends, paranoid little thing that I am, but I'd delighted if I could send/ would get you facebook names - via pm if you prefer - so I could add you. :smile: Am I too cautious with my data? My problem is just, not only have I discovered countless old friends are on facebook by now, but countless old nerve-saws are also.:shock:
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Be as cautious as you like with your data, it is yours! It did take me a couple of minutes and a good stare at that pic to work out who was adding me! I think I have suggested everyone else I have from the board, although I may have missed one or two...
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Speaking of facebook, I have just discovered the bestest thing in the whole world. You can change your facebook language to English (Pirate). It is just the best! YARRRRR!!!
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, you're not that recognizable either. :razz:
  23. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

  24. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, you are, and you look great on it!
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, as I'm on my selfwhoring promo tour right now I may as well post it here: a new receptacle for my drivel is born: Kat tales
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Oh, I like your writing style. I'll have a close look. :)

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