Board Balderdash

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Gypsy, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member


    My family has been playing this game via e-mail, and I thought i'd try to start a board version.
    It's a little bit different from the actual board game, in that we don't use people or years or movies...just nouns, verbs, adjectives etc.

    This is how it would run:

    1.One person chooses an obscure word and posts it.

    2. Interested People (who do not know the actual meaning of the word) make themselves known.

    3. These Interested People PM made up definitions to the Word Poster.

    4. The Word Poster posts all definitions plus the true definition in the thread.

    5. Interested Peoples guess which is the true definition, and who wrote each of the other ones.

    6. Points are awarded as follows:

    2 points for guessing the true definition
    1 point for a correct author and defintion match
    1 point each time your definition is selected as the 'true' one.


    Each game would run for a week or two....with cattle prodding.
    Either the winner could go next, or the Word Provider could nominate someone to lead the next round.

    For those who are interested, the first word is: YEX
  2. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I'd be in but i know the meaning of vex. I'll have to wait till next round.
  3. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Now now, don't be vexed, but the word is yex...can you play now? :D
  4. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Ooh, I'm interested. PM on the way...
  5. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I'd be in...but the minute I saw the word I had to google it...interesting choice! If I can manage not to do it next time, I'll join in :smile:
  6. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Will ah hev tae lorn propper English instead of me local Mackem accent?

    I'm in... sending you a PM. Dammit, I can't think of any other uses for Gordon Brown.
  7. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Ok, for those of you who want in, i'll leave it open until Sunday. PM me anytime.
    And for those of you who already have - nice definitions! I had a nice little chuckle.

  8. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Sunday's ages far away! Boo!
  9. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Does Friday work for everyone? I'd like to have more than 3 entries if possible...
  10. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Friday's okay by me. Start charging up the cattle prod to persuade the latecomers :D
  11. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    In the interests of seeing some new posts on the board, (and not having to think about this anymore), I'm posting the replies now.

    Below are the definitions from

    and the TRUE definition.


    2 points for selecting the TRUE definition.
    1 point for each correct author and definition pairing
    1 point each time your own definition is selected as the TRUE one.

    (I, of course, will not receive points for guessing).

    You can either post your guesses here or PM me (this way no one will be able to see which definition you named as your own...o_O)

    I can post all the guesses later if you want.

    Also, do we want to open guessing to other Boardanians?
    Or just those who participated?


    a. - (verb) To blame someone for something that is your own fault.

    b. - (v) [C19] to insult or heckle.

    c. - (noun) plural of yek. A word found predominantly in the southern counties of England. Means a collection of large shaggy cattle found in Tibet and other mountainous regions.
    -as in the sentence, "H'ai saw a herd of Yex eating some grass."

    d. - How a pirate pronounces the letter X.

    e. - (v.) To hiccough. (also YOX, YUX).
    He yexeth and speaketh through the nose.

    Guess away!
  12. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Why not 'score' the participants and just have open posts for anyone else wanting to 'have a guess'.?
    I'm curious to know who posted what.
  13. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Great idea.

    I'm still waiting on PMs though, then this round can end.

    I'm currently receiving e-mails from family in regards to our current word, 'cwm'.
  14. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Alright, the votes are in and the scores have been calculated.

    Comming in 3rd is Joculator with O points!
    (I can give you a complimentary one for getting your own definition correct if you like)

    Coming in 2nd is TheJackal with 3 points!

    and 1st place goes to Spiky with 5 points!


    True definition - To cough or hiccough. 'yexeth and speaketh' came from Chaucer.

    Spiky - To blame someone else

    Joculator - H'ai saw a herd of yex eating some grass

    TheJackal - Pirate X

    Gypsy - insult/heckle

    Spiky, it's on to you if you so wish it, or if we go alphabeltically, Joc, reverse alphabetically, really - anyone.

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