Board XMas Chain Story; 100 Words Each

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I was thinking up what Christmas themed fictional event we could partake in here on the board, and came up with this:

    Members write part of a story, each part being exactly 100 words. The next person has to continue where the last person left off.
    It's helpful to leave the story open at the end so that the next person can use their withiest prose.

    Anyone interested in writing a part can sign up now. We can limit it to a certain number, depending on interest.

    I'll post up the first part now so people know what the story's beginning is about.

    Don't forget: It has to be exactly 100 words only.
  2. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    It’s 2am on Christmas Eve. I’m eight. My mission: Kidnap Santa Clause. This has to be done; I’ve a serious complaint to make over what presents I received over the years. You know what it is like: you’re only given toys similar to the one you asked for.
    Contrary to opinions of some, I don’t make do. So I wrote a letter to the Customer Complaints Department, c/o The North Pole. After no reply, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Actually, in my hands right now I’ve a black sack especially to nick St. Nic’s fat ass…
  3. Dane

    Dane New Member

    lol. Sounds good, count me in. I'm likeing that beggining, are we going to decide an order for people to post their installments or just post away?
  4. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:bf326f903d="Dane"]are we going to decide an order for people to post their installments or just post away?[/quote:bf326f903d]

    I'd say we should go in order (you're second I guess), so that we avoid cross-posting. It'd be very annoying to spend time working out a 100 word entry, only to find someone else already did the next part.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'll be in. :)
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

  7. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Right so, the order so far can be:

    1. Myself; already up
    2. Dane; up next. Hint, hint!
    3. Maljonic
    4. Spiky

    We can add more people along the way if needs be.
    I realise each person cannot write their part until they see what the last member before them has written, so if ye could put up your entries within a day or two of your go, that'd be great :)
  8. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    So what happened here then with the story? Is Dane around? If not, then we can skip on to Maljonic's turn I suppose
  9. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    The main hurdle of the operation is figuring out how to be asleep and capture Santa at the same time. If there is one thing I’m sure about it’s that he knows if you’re awake or not, he wont make an appearance if I’m awake. Obviously there has to be two sides to this plan; first I have to be able to sleep, no matter how excited I may become at the prospect of capturing Father Christmas; secondly I have to rig up some kind of automated trap that with detain him and wake me up at the same time.

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