Boardanian Mailgroup: Kosher Butchers in Nuclear Winter

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Saccharissa, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]I'm currently reading an article about the possible fate of the ten
    tribes of Israel that were exiled by the Babylonians. One ended up in

    Also, there are a few tribes in Afganistan which have surprisingly
    Jewish customs, such as the words Shma Yisrael inscribed on a scroll
    in Hebrew letters. The scroll is then put in a small leather bag,
    which is worn on the arm as a sort of talisman.

    This is too much like a set of teffilin to be a coincidence.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]i think the only people to doubt the etheopian claim to tribal status are older hardline elements within the israeli government and folks who've never examined the situation in the first place.

    the afganistani bit is very very interesting though. hadn't heard that one before.[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]The only problem is that there are, or were, three tribal groups in
    Ethyopia that have Jewish roots.

    There is no doubt about the first one, with anyone at all. With the
    second, there were problems of inter-marriage with the original
    population of Ethyopia, but it wasn't too big of a problem.

    The third is much like the Jews of Portugal, who became ingrained in
    the local population but kept a smattering of the old customs. The
    third group's the problematic one, Jewish-wise. They need a giyur.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Buzzfloyd said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]I find it weird to think that you have to pass a test to belong to a
    certain nation. I suppose it's like immigrants to the US being quizzed
    on american culture ("just say slavery!"). to become a british citizen,
    you just have to live here for a while, not relying on benefits and
    without committing crimes.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]america's always been self delusional and isolationist. we've also become an imperialist power over the past century, which is a bit at odds with the xenophobic isolationism. unfortunately, it's entirely plausible when you consider that the average (self delusional) american doesn't know or care what the foreign policy is.

    'don't try to learn what really caused the civil war. slavery is a convenient answer that justifies Reconstruction and keeps the blacks quiet for a bit longer'



    racial isolationism/xenophobia...

    i dunno man. s'not very PC.


    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]My opinions on PC are so low that dog crapy on my shoe, if it's there,
    recieves kinder thoughts.

    Plus, it's not so much xenophobia as marrying Jews so that more Jews
    will come along. Tried and tested method, that.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Buzzfloyd said[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]what, breeding a pure race? ;-)[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]gotta perpetuate the master race, eh?[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]Who else is going to keep you gentile slaves in check?[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]don't make me shoe you in the head again[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Saccharissa said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]There is only one master race and that's us olive niggas. We eat anything that doesn't crawl out of a bucket, we make wine and preserves out of the rest, so, we are more adaptable to change and thus more able to survive.

    Try finding kosher restaurants in nuclear winter, see where it gets you ;-p

    In other news, morning everyone. :)

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]i was once told, when i was about 14, that my complexion was closest to 'olive'.

    i must have been getting a lot more sun back then. or my computer monitor was putting out more radiation than the usual models.

    i think my complexion these days is 'pre-goth pale' below the neck, and 'burst capilary red' above.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]Ah, but you forget that wise Jewish elders planned for every
    contingency! If I can eat people during a siege, as long as they're
    dead people, then nuclear winter is not an issue.

    And a good morning to you, too. :)

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]

    dear god roman, PLEASE tell me that's not actually provided for in the kosher butcher's manual?


    then again, why the heck not.

    "'ere, Sarge, the goy are catapulting dead animals over the wall again!"
    "Tsk, silly goy. we have hops in our beer to ward off the plauge. Let's just see if the rabbutcher can make the animals clean."
    "Err.. I think they goy are learning, sir-"
    "BAD SOLDIER!!! We keep the learning and wisdom of the ancient world alive. Not the goy."
    "But what about the Arabs sir, they've preserved Aristotle and discovered astrology and-"
    "BAD SOLDIER!!!! Anyway, what was that you were saying about the goy not learning?"
    "Well, Sarge, they've started to catapult pigs over the wall instead of cows."
    "DAMNy! That's a clever trick. Oh well. How many dead have we got today?"
    "Three sir... Abemilech, Mathias, and Zebidiah."
    "Right... call the rabbi to commend their souls to god, and the rabbutcher to commend their thighs to stew."

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]Can't... stop... laughing...:-D

    On a serious note, if one has a choice between eating non-kosher food
    and dying, then one damn well eats up. Same with dead people, really.
    Laws of food consumption are very good, but you don't risk your life
    for 'em.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]human tastes bad. it's one of our only survival features. plenty of animals will try to KILL us, but not many ever want to eat us. we have no natural predators (none larger than a single cell, anyway)[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Saccharissa said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]No problem eating humans here, as lond as they are cooked with garlic, lemon and olive oil.[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Roman said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]Yes, but you lot cook everything with that. Even yoghurt?[/quote:a0ac0247ab]

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Saccharissa said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]No, tzatziki is a yoghurt dip with garlic, oilve oil and vinegar instead of lemon.

    In out defence, it's vine vinegar

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Garner said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]vine vinegar?

    gosh. the rest of the world just used the grapes and left the vines rooted in the ground.

    [b:a0ac0247ab]Saccharissa said:[/b:a0ac0247ab]
    [quote:a0ac0247ab]Gah! I meant wine vinegar![/quote:a0ac0247ab]
  2. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    [b:3599ecba43]Garner said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]in the high cathedrals of PCdom, a 'person of color' cannot be 'racist', he can only be 'biggoted' while a 'white' person who espoused the same opinions of other races (eg, persons of color), is racist AND biggoted.[/quote:3599ecba43]

    [b:3599ecba43]Saccharissa said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]There was this website with derogatory terms for evey race and 'olive nigga' was used for the Mediterraneans for the olive oil consumption, if I am not mistaken.

    I'll look the site up


    Sorry about that, maybe I had too much coffee this morning

    Greeks are described as Homocrats, Tufts, Greaseballs, Guppies,
    Pendos, Fleases, Bubbles,Goatbangers, Gobblers, Highboots, Olive
    Niggahs, Olive-Pickers, Uni-brows, Wogs, Yannis, and Zorbas[/quote:3599ecba43]

    [b:3599ecba43]Garner said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]hehehehe... 'yanni'


    *shrug* i don't doubt it. i remember during the first invasion of iraq, back when shrub sr was in office, the term 'sand n*gg*r' was being ballied about by a certain class of american. (think Eta to get an idea of what class.)

    these days, it seems like the diet is the prefered method of slur derivation. 'beaner' for mexican, 'ricer' for asian. i wonder what we'd call the indians if there was a significant population of em in the states? 'courrier'? :p


    [b:3599ecba43]Saccharissa said:[/b:3599ecba43]

    [b:3599ecba43]Garner said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]the 'untouchables' in the japanese caste system. feudal japan used the confuscian model for class society. emperor was above the class system. eta were below it. also consider that japan used a blend of shinto, tao, and buddhism, along with philosophical elements of hinduism (notably karma and fate, and a persistant, undestructable soul that'd reincarnate in new lives). to the feudal japanese, nothing was more offensive than death and decay. the smell of a dead body is bad to anybody, but in a country where human maneur was precious fertilizer and most of the country was one big rice paddy, it takes a special significance to really get worked up over odors.

    the Eta were butchers, tanners, executioners. anyone who worked with dead bodies or did the REALLY mucky chores.

    [b:3599ecba43]Buzzfloyd said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]I think a lot of the words on that site are not actually racial *slurs*
    - that is, they're not insulting. for example, it lists tommy, limey and
    redcoat for brits. although those are words for british people, I don't
    think they're used as insults (unless there's a whole morasse of hatred
    being directed at me that I've blithely failed to notice).

    [b:3599ecba43]Saccharissa said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]What was that Vimes is always saying (along with "how did they make Nobby a watchman" and "always act stupid")? Just because you are an enthic minority doesn't mean you can't be a conceited little prickly.

    I saw this when Albanian, Serbs, Bulgarians etc flooded the country after the iron Curtain collapsed and they were hard put to survive in their own countries. In spite of the fact that Greeks had migrated all over the world and were treated like scum (see the Chicago riots about a century ago for instance), Greeks treated immigrants in a most shameful manner.

    [b:3599ecba43]Buzzfloyd said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    I don't think ben thinks the censor is gay for banning the word 'niggay' (hehe, niggay!). he thinks it's gay for banning one niggay but not two niggas.

    also, our cultural conditioning evidently allows us to use the word gay in a pejorative way, but not any of the ethnic words detailed below.

    [b:3599ecba43]Garner said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    cultural conditioning, ben. i don't like saying the 'n' word.

    kike, yid, hebie? no worries there.

    wop, dago, eyetie? no worries there.

    chink, mong, ricer, gook? fine.

    spic, wetback, beaner? bring em on.

    'african american' is about all i can manage for b... bl... gimme a sec. i can say this one...

    [b:3599ecba43]Electric Man said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    True, I barely think about the meaning of the word, it's just a generic
    insult, which I generally use as a joke. I don't really insult people
    seriously at all and if I wanted to, I'd think of something worse...

    The N word is on a par or possibly even above the C word in the
    offensiveness stakes, therefore it very rarely gets used. There is a bit of
    a ranking of cursewords when you think about it...

    [b:3599ecba43]Buzzfloyd said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]yes, we've discussed that on the boards a couple of times.[/quote:3599ecba43]

    [b:3599ecba43]Garner said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]oh absolutely. i've known some women who could happily use any profaniy, including the N word, but balk at the C one. or the GD word. i've always found it offensive when someone bandies about 'n' without a care in the world but gets pissed off if you say 'gd'

    [b:3599ecba43]Buzzfloyd said:[/b:3599ecba43]

    [b:3599ecba43]Garner said[/b:3599ecba43]
    [quote:3599ecba43]gosh darn[/quote:3599ecba43]

    [b:3599ecba43]Buzzfloyd said:[/b:3599ecba43]
    oh, I see. there are people who say niggery but object to goddamny? yes, I can see why that would offend you.
  3. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I saw quite an interesting documentary the other day, all about "the N word". There was one black rapper (I'm sure he's famous, but I've never heard of him and I can't remember his name) who frequently uses the word, and justifies doing so by saying that the black people are trying to reclaim it and therefore take the power out of the insult.

    This guy went around and spoke to a number of different people, all of whom disagreed vehemently with his reasoning.

    I wonder how, when there are so many insults out there in the world, this one has become such a bone of contention?
  4. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I think because in the US at least, race became very tricky due to slavery. Not only were we superior to other culture because we were self important, but we held slaves of only a single race (mostly). And this race is very distinguishable from the majority race. And from there, it spread to the rest of the West. But, that's why I think that it has a much more negative connotation than other ethnic slurs. Too much history. It may be similar with Jewsish slurs to Germans.
  5. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    About being conditioned against specific words...

    A friend of mine was trying to describe a Japanese curse word: "It's the worst in the language - same as f**k, or gd in English!"

    Me: "You did NOT just use f**k and gd in the same sentence!"

    (George Carlin's [b:8ad236b063]Seven Words You Can't Say on Television [/b:8ad236b063]spiel:
    "...The reason that
    Piss and C**t are on the list is because a long time ago, there were
    certain ladies that said "Those are the 2 I am not going to say. I
    don't mind F**k and Shit but 'P' and 'C' are out.", which led to such
    stupid sentences as "Okay you f*ckers, I'm going to tinckle now.")
  6. pmsurrey

    pmsurrey New Member

    WOW! this is one of the most interesting Boards I have ever read. It is so great to see people talking about a subject that could very easily get out of hand or in this case mouth and do it in a way that was both informative and funny. Thanks again.
  7. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Actually, the leopard is a natural predator of humanity. Not that humans are a first choice meal for them, but they'll still go after them when given a chance. Back in the ol' rift valley, leopards were at the top, whilc humans were scrabbling about trying to survive. Many human and proto-human skulls have been found that were nibbled on by leopards. There were also wild dogs and hyenas to contend with. This is why humans developed such astounding vision and upright stance, to give them a better chance of avoiding these predators. To help escape some of the long-running predators, like wild dogs and hyenas, who were beginning to learn pack behavior, they developed sweating, and a ring of arteries around the base of the brain, to help cool things down. Then they became omnivorous, with a slightly carnivorous bent.

    Once they developed the intelligence and pack hunting behavior of today, well, it's not coincidence that humans spread out so rapidly thereafter.
  8. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ...And when they (humans) ran out of things to eat, they could always turn to the "long pig"...
  9. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    2 odd points this reminded me of;
    first, for some reason there was a debate among my jewish friends about humans being Kosher...can't remember teh conclusion.
    Second, one of my friends is in the marines and when he came back from his first tour, he wouldn't eat hot dogs for a good while. Apparently the smell had new associations for him. Which gave a new aspect to the old debate; we hypothesized that God didn't want us to get to like that taste...
  10. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:ed86917488="roisindubh211"]2 odd points this reminded me of;
    first, for some reason there was a debate among my jewish friends about humans being Kosher...can't remember teh conclusion.[/quote:ed86917488]

    Unless Man grows hooves and starts masticulating, he won't be Kosher.

    On the other hand, when one's starving, anything's Kosher. ;)
  11. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Actually, humans masticate quite often, hence the paucity of choking accidents. It's cud they lack.
  12. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Well said Ba.

    When I was growing up in the cult, they didn't eat un-kosher (is that a word) foods. So I never ate pork and such, but the thing that really stuck with me is the seafood. It has to have BOTH fins and scales to be kosher to eat. Anything else is unclean. So, even now, I can't abide the smell of most seafood, especially any kind of shellfish. I've never eaten lobster or crab, it smells unclean to me. I heard it was really, really good though.

    I think it's odd that even though I don't believe in the kosher thing, the memories associated with the smell of un-kosher food is enough to make me stay away. It's interesting, because I'd like to try some lobster sometime, seeing as people always tell me how good it is.

    The thing that suprised me so much about the way I grew up is the contradictory nature of it. Like the whole kosher thing. For christians, the kosher thing was absolved when St. Peter had that dream on the roof. An angel came down with a big sheet full of unclean animals and the angel told him to eat

    "But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common." Acts 10:14,15.

    I knew this growing up as we studied the bible fastidiously, but we didn't live by it because we were strictly kosher, I think that one of the most earliest memories I have of 'doubting' what I knew. I knew the passages in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 where God gives us a list of animals that are not to be eaten as food. And I knew thats what we did, and we abided by, but why would God (in the form of an angel that apeared to Peter) tell us that it was ok to eat those things now. Did God change his mind? Did kosher laws only apply to whoever wants to apply them?

    When I was a kid, I would rack my brain with these questions.
  13. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    We were taught that this passage meant that Peter was supposed to bring christianity to all the nations, thus making the world God's chosen people.

    As for the food thing...Greece is not that rich a place, there are places where only pigs are worth rearing, the Cyclades are sun scorched but with great fishing waters, so, I don't think the kashrut rules would have ever caught, if only for home economics reasons.

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