Boardonwealth Games: Mis-spellathon

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Teh Blur Gibbon Evnet!

    The aim of the game is to write a paragraph of a maximum of 100 words that contains no correctly spelt words!

    You gain a point for every word (within the limit) that does not correspond to a correct spelling of an english word

    You lose a point:[list:065fafb8b2][*:065fafb8b2]if I cannot comprehend what word a mis-spelling is supposed to correspond to
    [*:065fafb8b2]if you repeat a mis-spelling
    [*:065fafb8b2]for every part of a sentence that, when translated*, doesn't make grammatical sense
    [*:065fafb8b2]for every word over the 100 word limit[/list:u:065fafb8b2]

    I hope that's clear and I haven't forgotten anything. Have fun!

    *i.e. converted from mis-spelt to correctly spelt
  2. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:6dc12656aa="Electric_Man"]Teh Blur Gibbon Evnet!

    The aim of the game is to write a paragraph of a maximum of 100 words that contains no correctly spelt words!


    Are we talking spellings that are completely wrong (ie. rong) or words that are spelt correctly in a different context (spelt rite)?
  3. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:23b738160e="Electric_Man"]You gain a point for every word (within the limit) that does not correspond to a correct spelling of an english word[/quote:23b738160e]

    So 'rite', even though you mean 'right', would not gain a point. 'rong' would

    further example: "I know you." written as "Eye no ewe." would gain zero points also.
  4. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Buh dozent thinck tipeing inkorrektly iz harde. Et's eezy wen sumwun nowes wut thair dooeng. Jsut keyping unword iz teh impartunt parte. Dunt loze mumintum, whutever wun duz. Buh myte bey gitting gude aht thes, ackchully. Fakt iz, thes iz wun ghod hoo knoze hiz stuph. Dorz myte bey abul tu du thiz. Rinzo culd, uf corse, bhut thuh fayk Irushmin haz u natcheral advantache, beying dislexik. Extreym competents thair. Noe, thiz iz nowt u klosed kontest bie anny menes. Thair's alawys teh chanse thet u drak hores culd tayk teh kontest. Btu whu knoze? Buh culd alwyas bey rong.
  5. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    dufficilt tgoguh tihs smees - hamun barins hvae scuh ecsexvise cicitapy taht tehy sohuld wrok tihs grabled mses itno rabedale wrods. tehrotecaltly eevn tgohuh lteters hvae atlered tehir odrer, tehy slitl hvae crocert strat nad fishninig ponits, wichh mekas tehm ligelbe. Deos tihs tehory wrok? yol'ul jduge yorsulef. wrost tnihg - wehn teher's sleplnig erorrs. tlotlay beguergd.

    Enywey, wot elektrick maan plobabry meens iz mour liek thiz, wich iz rekwiring neerly az mutch thort, ephen iv yoo ar slepping arl ov teh wurds rong. teh dufficilty semes tuh reer itz ughlee hed az yur brane taeks ofer cuntrol ov yur figners. Taht iz reelly aukward.

    Yuh myte af notised taht thare waz prat ov teh passidge abuv taht duzn't kwite wurk, wich iz wy nad wos ewsed insted ov teh norml ewsidge ov 'And'

    Edit to remove exessive verbiage!
  6. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member


    Edit to remove exessive verbiage![/quote:22b4e4c44f]
    But still about 120 words...
  7. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Teh Egnlhis langwidj hahs un intresting speling systum. Fohr wel ovur foahr centjuries itt haz remaind relatiffly untsjangd. Thiz eksplanes weye wea ah stil capaibul ov reedin uh plai oare sonut beye Sjaikspeare. Thuh divikultees whee ruhn intoo whail reedung hiz wurk ahr lardjly ohf sumantik oridjin. Foar instuns, tuh wurd "reaks" dit notte haf negatiff connotashonz throoout Sjakespear's ritsj uvruh. Iht simplee mehnt "smels," laik wuhn modurn Dutsj vurb offe simlur lingwistik, Gumanik, oaridjinns. Meny zea thuz az indikatiff ohv uhn outdaitud sistum staunshlee impurvius tooh kultjural tsjange, buht tuh preservaishon ovh histuree maihd posubul iss sjurlee wuth saivuring.
  8. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    thsi drvie orf pwoer lneds tislef ot pepal ebing ttoal nawkers. wohosefer trise rof het ultamite ogal wlil oson fnid demsleves ni awl srots ov tourbal. Bcos moset pipal noe taht trieing mackes atemtnig semme ahe yuesles indeva. altho meni min haf tride, powre remanes alusori nad onlie toshe hwo kan nod eprishiate ture geratenis kums ferm direvishen f sekrit secyetis wiche cambyne thare rispektif perspaktifs wan komband tegotha thay wonte wereld demonashun. Dispit thez, zekrit sesyetas lak ditermenasyun vithowt noelege undamynin efots edvansing ther plns fer werd supperimesi throuw uzang speshal menes entend'd az goude ubt offan eval owtkomes
  9. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Hmm, forgot to put a time limit on this - I'll give everyone another 24 hours to get their entries in, then I'll complete marking and declare the winner.
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    The results are in, and the winner of the third Boardonwealth Gold medal is...

    [size=18:ecbe491b4d]Cynical Youth[/size:ecbe491b4d]

    [b:ecbe491b4d]Spiky[/b:ecbe491b4d] takes the silver and

    [b:ecbe491b4d]Ba Witda[/b:ecbe491b4d] takes the bronze.
  11. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Go on - embarrass me! Post the scores
  12. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Yay! I am proud of my ability to mangle the English language. :)
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Congratulations ! Ayme farr too goud att speelng tou partissapate...
  14. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    As requested:

    Cynical_Youth: 95 points
    Spiky: 91 points
    Ba: 64 points
    Victimov: 27 points

    And to slightly spare your blushes Vic...

    Katcal: 7 points [size=7:0dcdc53848]not that it would've counted if she'd made a proper attempt[/size:0dcdc53848]
  15. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:c69cf1dbeb="Electric_Man"]As requested:

    Cynical_Youth: 95 points
    Spiky: 91 points
    Ba: 64 points
    Victimov: 27 points

    And to slightly spare your blushes Vic...

    Katcal: 7 points [size=7:c69cf1dbeb]not that it would've counted if she'd made a proper attempt[/size:c69cf1dbeb][/quote:c69cf1dbeb]
    I have to wonder how far into the negative I would have gone, had I not deleted off the final paragraph!

    Should have read the rules properly methinks :oops:
  16. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    *Kills CY and Spiky and takes their medals*
  17. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Thank you tahnk you... my boyfried just pointed out that I spent way to long putting together my entry but pffft, I'm proud of my silver. It still shows talent but does suggest that at least I have more of a life than CY :) Thats an important outcome...

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