Boardonwealth Games: The Cunning Linguist Game

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Cynical_Youth, Mar 27, 2006.

  1. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [b:5504c8c407]The Rules[/b:5504c8c407]
    These are the original rules:
    [quote:5504c8c407="Chimaera"]Here’s how it works: I have chosen five English words, and for each of those five words, three languages. I have then chosen five words from each language, one of which is the correct translation of the original English word.

    The other four words are arbitrary; however, for each set of three languages, I have the same five words in their respective languages. As an example, in the first one, the word to look for is ‘beautiful’ but the word ‘metal’ appears in all three languages as well (metal, metaal, metallo). Thus, the word beautiful appears in each language (for this set of three languages), as does the word metal, and three others. This could either help or hinder you, depending on whether or not you are fluent in one of the languages.

    Basically, all you need to do is find the correct translation of the English word stated in each language. You have to attempt all the questions, and not only the ones in which you speak a language, meaning you will have 15 answers, and get a mark out of 15.

    Please PM me with your answers set out as follows. First the number of the English word (1 through 5). Then the letter of the language (a, b, c), and then the roman numeral (i, ii, iii, iv, v) which represents your choice. For example, if you think that the answer for the Portuguese translation of beautiful is ‘metal’ then you would write: 1 a v. Please write them underneath each other to avoid confusion. In this way, you won’t have to actually copy out any of the words.

    Good Luck! I’m giving this competition 24 hours, and I ask you all not to use any translators, even though it’s been pointed out that’s what’ll happen. Hopefully you’re all honest. No one is fluent in all these languages. [/quote:5504c8c407]
    This version will largely follow these rules, although I give four options instead of five and six questions instead of five. It is also not as difficult as the last one I personally think. You have 48 hours instead of 24, btw. :)
  2. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [b:89ce484fae]The Game[/b:89ce484fae]

    1. Breathe

    a) Italian: respirare, vomitare, soplare, ridere
    b) German: lachen, erbrechen, atmen, blasen
    c) French: souffler, rire, respirer, vomir

    2. Old

    a) Spanish: viejo, nuevo, sucio, podrido
    b) Swedish: ny, rutten, gammal, smutsig
    c) Esperanto: putra, nova, malpura, maljuna

    3. Forest

    a) Swedish: löv, skog, rot, frö
    b) German: Samen, Blatt, Wurzel, Wald
    c) Italian: foglia, foresta, radice, seme

    4. Bone

    a) French: sang, viande, os, peau
    b) Spanish: hueso, piel, sangre, carne
    c) Dutch: vlees, bloed, been, huid

    5. Black

    a) Esperanto: cindro, varma, monto, nigra
    b) Dutch: berg, as, zwart, warm
    c) Latin: cineres, mons, calidus, ater

    6. Sleep

    a) Hindi: ghutna, haathi, neend, maloom nahin
    b) Swedish: sova, knä, jag vet inte, elefant
    c) Dutch: olifant, slaap, weet niet, knie

    [b:89ce484fae]I look forward to your PMs the coming 48 hours. Good luck![/b:89ce484fae]
  3. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I've just had a stab at it, my brain hurts now.
  4. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    CY check your clacks, sent you a correction on one of the swedish words.
  5. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Corrected, thanks. :)
    Stupid umlauts...

    I have prepared a tiebreaker. It will be posted after the deadline if necessary. Btw, Kapten, where are your answers? ;)
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    PM sent, I am right in thinking we aren't allowed to google this am I ? otherwise I'm dead stupid 'cos I just guessed the ones I didn't know, and I don't see it written anywhere...
  7. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    The last paragraph of the rules does mention this, but in case it's not clear:

    [b:61b651a103]I ask participants not to use translators or anything other than their individual knowledge (no asking friends, relatives etc..).[/b:61b651a103]
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, yeah, got it... Bunnies can't read, everyone knows that...
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I've also pm'ed my guesses (though not all of them were guesses, I had some basic lessons in four of those languages, German wasn't a problem either, and remembered a key word from a fifth. Then again, I have a brain like a sieve).
  10. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I'm just dim...
    But I gave it a go
  11. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    PMd my answers. I did French for years, so that was ok. Italian is very similar to french in my opinion & I've been to Spain a lot.

    As for the rest, apart from German which I did for 3 years in school, I hadn't a clue; educated guesses all round.
  12. aegron

    aegron New Member

    Pm'ed you. Lets see how useful that comparative linguistics course was. Dutch was not a problem, neither was german. About the rest I'm not so sure.
  13. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:029e1523c9="Katcal"]Oh, yeah, got it... Bunnies can't read, everyone knows that...[/quote:029e1523c9]
    Well, it wasn't really clear and I should have repeated it anyway. :)
  14. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:e1b9558684="Cynical_Youth"]Btw, Kapten, where are your answers? ;)[/quote:e1b9558684]

    I've sent you the answers now.
  15. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Aren't the 48 hours due by now?
  16. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    They are. The results are coming up, I'll post the tiebreaker first. :)


    1. Flower

    a) Finnish: ruoho, kaarna, kukka, puu
    b) Estonian: koor, lill, rohi, puu
    c) Irish: crann, bláth, coirt, féar

    2. Tail

    a) Polish: pióro, ogon, róg, jajko
    b) Catalan: cua, ploma, ou, banya
    c) Manx: arbyl, eairk, ooh, clooie

    [b:ed3d4b61c0]I am going to have to ask Hsing, Tephlon, Electric_Man and aegron to take it, although everyone is free to take a shot at it if they want.[/b:ed3d4b61c0]
  17. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [b:20bef67a20]And KaptenKaries as well. Sorry.[/b:20bef67a20]

    Edit to add: Although the same rules still apply, there will be no deadline on the tiebreaker entries for now.
  18. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [color=orange:fa6aebb640]Lipi 18[/color:fa6aebb640]
    Hsing 16
    Tephlon 16
    KaptenKaries 15
    Aegron 15
    Electric_Man 15
    Katcal 14
    TheJackal 10
    Victimov8 10
    Spiky 8
    somethingclever 5
  19. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Can I get a gold for being top natural english speaker?
  20. aegron

    aegron New Member

    submitted. This was evil. I hope I'm still good at guessing random answers! ;)
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay, another spoon ! :D

    Well done everone !
  22. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Shouldn't you only get a wooden spoon if you come last? You'll have to really unimprove if you want them spoons!
  23. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Well, the tiebreaker was designed to be evil. :)

    First scores in:
    Electric_Man 15 - 1
    aegron 15 - 2
    KaptenKaries 15 - 2

    Yep, we need another tiebreaker for aegron and KaptenKaries.
  24. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Okay, aegron and KaptenKaries. The ULTIMATE tie breaker.

    The Manx word for "eye" is:

    a) sooill
    b) stroin

    First to post with a choice gets to answer.
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:0e1b1560ba="Electric_Man"]Shouldn't you only get a wooden spoon if you come last? You'll have to really unimprove if you want them spoons![/quote:0e1b1560ba]
    nah, everyone who doesn't get a medal gets a spoon, I'm a generous bunny... :D
  26. :lol: I came in dead last! I cant say I'm shocked. The only ones where I was not just hazarding a guess were the spanish ones and it occured to me that your spanish might be different from the spanish here. (Spanish vs. Mexican)
    Sigh...I still get a spoon though?
  27. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I've sent you my guesses... this time, they really were guesses, mostly.
    Well, I will at least get bronze if I failed this time.
  28. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:1d3c806b52="somethingclever"]:lol: I came in dead last! I cant say I'm shocked. The only ones where I was not just hazarding a guess were the spanish ones and it occured to me that your spanish might be different from the spanish here. (Spanish vs. Mexican)
    Sigh...I still get a spoon though?[/quote:1d3c806b52]
    sure ! have a spoon, eat your heart out ! Well... not literally of course, that would be messy.
  29. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

  30. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Also: what the hell is Manx?
  31. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    That is correct!

    That means:
    KaptenKaries - 15 - 2 - 1
    aegron - 15 - 2 - 0

    Manx is the Gaelic language that is spoken on the Isle of Man. Not a lot of people speak it, it was even without native speakers for some time.
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well I think I should get a silver spoon for coming second-last, somethingclever can have the golden spoon and Dave and Jackal get to share the bronze spoon. Katkal stop hogging the spoons... or you can have the straight wooden spoon.
  33. [quote:f2c02bd92b="Katcal"][quote:f2c02bd92b="somethingclever"]Sigh...I still get a spoon though?[/quote:f2c02bd92b]
    sure ! have a spoon, eat your heart out ! Well... not literally of course, that would be messy.[/quote:f2c02bd92b]

    and painfull :shock:

    Whats this about a golden spoon? For coming in last?! :prayer: :lol:
    (thanks spiky)
  34. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Damn, I'm way too late, ain't I?

    Wooden spoon it is then....
  35. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    There was no deadline, Tephlon. And your entry was still in pretty quickly.

    Tiebreaker results:
    Hsing - 16 - 4
    Tephlon - 16 - 0

    [b:2b7ef51642]Final Scoreboard:[/b:2b7ef51642]
    [color=orange:2b7ef51642]Lipi 18[/color:2b7ef51642]
    Hsing 16
    Tephlon 16
    KaptenKaries 15
    Aegron 15
    Electric_Man 15
    Katcal 14
    TheJackal 10
    Victimov8 10
    Spiky 8
    somethingclever 5
  36. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    So I finish fourth then, do I? Just outside of a medal. Damn.
  37. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hey, I'm not hogging the spoons ! Anyone can have one, and gold, silver and bronze spoons sound great... I'll stick with the wooden ones myself...
  38. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:1b3ba48195="KaptenKaries"]So I finish fourth then, do I? Just outside of a medal. Damn.[/quote:1b3ba48195]

    Hands KK a cheap tin medal in compensation for being gipped.
  39. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yay! A silver medal! :D
  40. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member


    [b:d6b71af3bc]Breathe: respirare, atmen, respirer[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Laugh: ridere, lachen, rire
    Blow: soplar, blasen, souffler
    Vomit: vomitare, erbrechen, vomit

    Rotten: podrido, rutten, putra
    Dirty: sucio, smutsig, malpura
    New: nuevo, ny, nova
    [b:d6b71af3bc]Old: viejo, gammal, maljuna[/b:d6b71af3bc]

    [b:d6b71af3bc]Forest: skog, Wald, foresta[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Root: rot, Wurzel, radice
    Leaf: löv, Blatt, foglia
    Seed: frö, Samen, seme

    [b:d6b71af3bc]Bone: os, hueso, been[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Blood: sang, sangre, bloed
    Meat: viande, carne, vlees
    Skin: peau, piel, huid

    Mountain: monto, berg, mons
    [b:d6b71af3bc]Black: nigra, zwart, ater[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Ashes: cindro, as, cineres
    Warm: varma, warm, calidus

    Dunno: maloom nahin, jag vet inte, weet niet
    [b:d6b71af3bc]Slaap: neend, sova, slaap[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Knee: ghutna, knä, knee
    Elephant: haathi, elefant, olifant


    [b:d6b71af3bc]Flower: kukka, lill, bláth[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Bark: kaarna, koor, coirt
    Grass: ruoho, rohi, féar
    Tree: puu, puu, crann

    [b:d6b71af3bc]Tail: ogon, cua, arbyl[/b:d6b71af3bc]
    Horn: róg, banya, eairk
    Egg: jajko, ou, ooh
    Feather: pióro, ploma, clooie
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Damn skog, I KNEW that one !!! My cat's a Norse Skogskat (or something like that) or a Norwegian forest cat, how stupid AM I ??? **thumps herself with her 2 wooden spoons**
  42. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:40192a2c0a="Katcal"]Damn skog, I KNEW that one !!! My cat's a Norse Skogskat (or something like that) or a Norwegian forest cat, how stupid AM I ??? **thumps herself with her 2 wooden spoons**[/quote:40192a2c0a]

    Norwegian (and Swedish) spelling is Norsk Skogskatt.

    Edit: Norska skogskatter are damn cool.
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Humm, well, yeah, cool maybe, but not when they decide to jump on your sleeping figure at 3am and pee on you through your duvet, or squeaking all night because they get bored... He has taken an early retirement to my parent's place in the country, a 5th floor flat was too cruel on him, and on us.
  44. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Woooo, Bronze!

    Check out the bling!
  45. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:5844f5b1b4="Katcal"]Humm, well, yeah, cool maybe, but not when they decide to jump on your sleeping figure at 3am and pee on you through your duvet, or squeaking all night because they get bored... He has taken an early retirement to my parent's place in the country, a 5th floor flat was too cruel on him, and on us.[/quote:5844f5b1b4]

    Yes, my cat also nowadays lives at my parents', ever since she took to sharpening her claws on the wallpapers of my apartment.
  46. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:e6d66b7a21="Tephlon"]Woooo, Bronze!

    Check out the bling![/quote:e6d66b7a21]

    I'd get out a magnifying glass to look at it, but I'm at work and it would look a bit suspicious...
  47. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:05d3194094="Electric_Man"][quote:05d3194094="Tephlon"]Woooo, Bronze!

    Check out the bling![/quote:05d3194094]

    I'd get out a magnifying glass to look at it, but I'm at work and it would look a bit suspicious...[/quote:05d3194094]

    Jealous, jealous I say!

    Can I help it you're giving out tiny, tiny medals?
  48. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Sorry it has taken so long, but it is now time to hand out medals. Lipi told me she thought she was allowed to use a dictionary, so sadly she had to be disqualified.

    This means:

    [size=18:b179c0b604]Hsing[/size:b179c0b604] wins the Gold.

    [b:b179c0b604]Tephlon[/b:b179c0b604] wins the Silver.

    [b:b179c0b604]KaptenKaries[/b:b179c0b604] wins the Bronze.

    Congratulations! :)
  49. lipi

    lipi New Member

    [b:1ee89d693d]A change in the results![/b:1ee89d693d]

    I am disqualified due to not reading the rule about absolutely NO help. :( Stupid me, not thinking and all. I can only apologuise with the fact that I have moved this week and have not been following up on the posts, bow my head in shame and pass on the medal to the one who really deserves it. I have already notified CY. So:

    [b:1ee89d693d]Final Scoreboard:[/b:1ee89d693d]
    [color=orange:1ee89d693d]Hsing[/color:1ee89d693d] 16
    Tephlon 16
    KaptenKaries 15
    Aegron 15
    Electric_Man 15
    Katcal 14
    TheJackal 10
    Victimov8 10
    Spiky 8
    somethingclever 5

    Congratulations everyone! :)

    I'll be in the corner trying to make up for it... karma and stuff like that.. ;)
  50. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Amazing simulpost there, I really just got back from uni. :)
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Aaahhhhhhh! :D
    Lookatit! Goldformegoldformegoldforme!
  52. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Will somebody please sedate the excitable German?
  53. lipi

    lipi New Member

    [quote:1d1807c816]Aaahhhhhhh! Very Happy
    Lookatit! Goldformegoldformegoldforme![/quote:1d1807c816]

    And I really polished and buffed it up for you ;)

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