Book Lovers in the UK

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Perdita, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    There was an article in one of my Local Newspapers about an Irish guy who had started a book swap web-site for people in the UK. - I haven't used it myself yet but it got great reviews!

    I thought some folks here might be interested as it may work out cheaper than using the likes of Amazon for buying books.

    Anyway, here it is:
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Woah, not for me (obvious geographical questions set aside) if I read a book and don't want to keep it, then I borrowed it from someone, and all I have to do is give it back :D So far, apart from Catcher in the rye (10 cents at Emmaus) I have liked all the books I have bought, and also, considering my budget and the number of missing books in my collection, the only ones I'll be buying for some time will be Pterry novels and so-on, so no way I'll ever give them away !!!

    That said, it's still a great idea for those who would find it useful. my Dad would love it if it was available in France, my parents' bungalow is filled chokablock with his books, mostly second hand...

    Edited to add : Damn you and your sig Perdita, now that song's in my head and no amount of penguins will get it out again !
  3. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    That would not work for me as a book lover - I had enough when I had to take them back to the library...

    That was nasty - especially a few years later when I wanted to re-read them
  4. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Nice idea but not for me either, love that new book smell and I could never take the chance a member of my beloved collection might vanish into the ether and be returned in less than pristine condition or worse, never be returned at all :roll:
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm more of a keeper of books myself, in fact I hoard pretty much every kind of collectable item.

    It's a good idea though, I know a few people who do get rid of their books from time to time. It would be useful if you had a few books you hate that other people might like, then you could swap and make everyone happy.

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