Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Blaydon, May 9, 2009.

  1. Blaydon

    Blaydon New Member

    I have a box set of The colour of magic, the light fantastic and equal rights and have been trying to find another but have failed miserably.

    Are they uncommon?

    Am I going to spend many more years standing in the rain on the cobbles in boots with soles so thin I can tell where I am by the feel of the cobbles through them before I find one?

    The set I have is signed (all three books plus the box) and I want to put it away safe but something needs to replace it and I would rather have the same set there.

    Are there any out there or are they just not being sold?

    Certainly when I asked Sir Terry to sign it he said he hadn't seen another but I tought he was having a bit of a Jape (as he is known to do on occasion).

    Any clues as to the scarcity or otherwise would be welcome.
  2. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I have never seen a DW boxed set. Did Kenny have some, or was that just the fancy leatherbound ones?
  3. Blaydon

    Blaydon New Member

    box set

    this box set is a hard card sleeve with the three paperbacks inside.

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