Chance To Be An Extra For Hogfather

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Just received a special email from Discworld monthly regarding the need for extras in Sky One's filming of Hogather in May. I've pasted the email below:

    Bernard Pearson: Gathering nuts in May!

    Now hear this ... or read it if you will, I have an important

    The film company 'The Mob' are as I'm sure you are aware making the
    Hogfather film for Sky Television. They have asked me to cast my
    net in the sea of Discworld and come up with 70 or 80 good folk,
    silly enough to want to appear in a crowd scene.

    It will be the Great Hall of the UU and we need Wizards, Students,
    and a few serving wenches. Obviously there are more students than
    wizards, and serving wenches can be of all ages.

    Now you must understand, there is no money, it will be a very early
    start in London about or on the 1st May, you'll be hanging around
    for hours, told to keep quiet, and most importantly YOU MUST HAVE

    If a beard is part of your character then it has to be a good one,
    really good, and all the chains, baubles and sashes as described in
    the DW Companion.

    If you are a student then the costume has to be 'right' from late
    medieval to 19th century, again let the DWC be your guide. Wenches
    and Maids. A mop cap, black garments, large apron.

    What you have to do is this. Send me a picture full face, like a
    passport photo of you unadorned, then another this one full length
    of you in costume. These can be sent through the post or e-mailed.

    If posted I cannot guarantee they will be returned, and they must be
    very clearly labelled. E-mail to

    I will then send all the information to the casting director at The
    Mob who will make the decision of who he can use. I need your
    pictures in by no later than the 5th April, and I must reiterate I
    am not doing the casting; it's the professionals at The Mob studio
    that make all the decisions. However it should be huge fun, and
    something to remember when we all get old.

    Bernard Pearson
  2. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Damn you all in ENgland... I wanted to be a serving wench. I had the stiens all ready to go as well :(
  3. The_Poker

    The_Poker New Member

    Almost makes me wish I lived in the UK! Sounds like great fun. I could have been a good maid.
  4. Hex

    Hex New Member

    *curses loudly*

    I AM a serving wench! I was made for this job and have been since I began my stint as barmaid in the church of Orrdos! Why oh why could this not have happened a year ago?!?! *mutters* All that pee and nobody paying their tabs. And for what? ...

    Okay, enough of the requisite melodrama. Seriously, that is the coolest and I automatically hate anyone who gets to do it. you lucky british buggers you.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Aw Crap. Damn that channel and my lack of money...
  6. Bonsai

    Bonsai New Member

    dunno wot you lot are moaning about i live in the UK and i cant go :cry:
  7. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hmm, no money and a very early start - sounds like my idea of something really awful as punishment, you'd have to be mad. I wonder what I could put together that looks like a student wizard's outfit?
  8. The_Red_Avenger

    The_Red_Avenger New Member

    Thanks to a few idiots on A.F.P (who still refuse to apologise) the offer has been withdrawn as a few "unsavory, nasty and downright rude" things were said about the Producion company and their methods of inviting fans to be extra's.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  9. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:c76492c2b5="Bonsai"]dunno wot you lot are moaning about i live in the UK and i cant go :cry:[/quote:c76492c2b5]

    Could you please repeat that in English?

    This is not a frivolous comment - many of our members do not have English as a first language, so we try to maintain proper standards of grammar, spelling and punctuation for their benefit - we are tolerant of genuine mistakes due to unfamiliarity or dyslexia, but we do like to see an effort made to get it right.
  10. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

  11. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:cfac99395c="KaptenKaries"][quote:cfac99395c="Pixel"]we try to maintain proper standards of grammar, spelling and punctuation[/quote:cfac99395c]

    On that note, I'm sure some of you have seen these:

    There's several comics in the same theme from Penny Arcade.

    Edit: found another one and added that link.

    Edit again: And another one.[/quote:cfac99395c]

  12. Stubbsy

    Stubbsy New Member

    Damn exams! I'd love to be a wench!!

    *Wonders if exam board would accept "Had strong desire to become a wench" as mitigating circumstances* :lol:
  13. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:c0956232d2="The_Red_Avenger"]Thanks to a few idiots on A.F.P (who still refuse to apologise) the offer has been withdrawn as a few "unsavory, nasty and downright rude" things were said about the Producion company and their methods of inviting fans to be extra's.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    Does anyone know what those things were, and whom they were said by?
    Or did I just not get something?
  14. I kinda scanned thru the thread they had and it seemed the major gripe was that the extras had to provide their own costumes and would not be paid. Personally I would have done it, just like that, if I lived close enough and had a costume. (I've always wanted to be a wench..)
    I'll have to see if I can locate the link and I can clack it you if you want.
  15. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:0d319329c4="somethingclever"]I kinda scanned thru the thread they had and it seemed the major gripe was that the extras had to provide their own costumes and would not be paid. Personally I would have done it, just like that, if I lived close enough and had a costume. (I've always wanted to be a wench..)[/quote:0d319329c4]

    Yes, if I could do it I would, even with the requirement for you to own a costume & not getting paid.

    I really believe they would have gotten enough volunteers if those people hadn't complained. A lot of disappointed people today I'd say.
  16. Bonsai

    Bonsai New Member

    [quote:aa5c0618f4="Pixel"][quote:aa5c0618f4="Bonsai"]dunno wot you lot are moaning about i live in the UK and i cant go :cry:[/quote:aa5c0618f4]

    Could you please repeat that in English?

    This is not a frivolous comment - many of our members do not have English as a first language, so we try to maintain proper standards of grammar, spelling and punctuation for their benefit - we are tolerant of genuine mistakes due to unfamiliarity or dyslexia, but we do like to see an effort made to get it right.[/quote:aa5c0618f4].

    It means. I can not go to the film shoot as an extra and i live in the United Kingdom :D

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