
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Has this person joined the community here?
  2. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Ah, how foolish of me... so THAT's where the 'memberlist' link lives...

    Right, ChrisPenyCate, if you wish to be a part of this community, that imposes certain expectations and restrictions upon you. Principly, we expect that you have the sense not to go and post on a restricted board, namely the one you agreed to leave by coming here.

    Those guys have already created two or three 'introduce yourself' posts on the front page. Going to bump our old one will do nothing but cause trouble.
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Mrrr... We're not allowed to post on the old Board?
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    There is not much point. We're all here now. All posting on the other board will do is angatongise the trolls who live there. It's time we moved on.

    On another note: this was disscussed in the temple, i made the announcment saying we should look there becuase this is an important time for the new board when deicisions get made, it is important that people keep checking it and would be better if people got involved.
  5. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I check the old board most days to see exactly whats going on but it doesn't seem like an awful lot. In fact when I checked it last it had a make money fast scheme as the newest post in every single topic, not something i'm missing at all. :)
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I check it to see who red the pm's I've sent.
    And to have a laugh.
  7. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I made this thread here because not everyone checks the temple.

    ChrisPenyCate's bump definately attracted attention of the new inhabintants of the old site, as has this thread here.

    *waves* Hi sociopathic obessives who worship me as a god!

    Now, the thing is, we should NOT make comments like I just did, because it will encourage those sociopathic goons who follow my every thought and dream as a guiding light to their own purpose of existance, because then they might stop just lurking here and start trying to save THESE boards from "the bullies"

    That is just a *reason* why we should not post on those boards any longer.

    The reason supports a rule. The rule is that we fucking MOVED to a new site, and were going to do so whole hog. No 'i'll post on the new site for a bit and see if i like it', no 'we might move back to the old site after a while if the new one isn't any good', no 'i'll post on both so that i can rub myself with twice the forum goodness'... just "Addressee has moved, left no forwarding address."

    Officially, we shouldn't even be checking the old boards to count the spam posts. We definately shouldn't be antagonizing the trolls there. Most importantly of all, we fucking agreed, as a group, to leave them and never return.

    That means if you go back to post there, you're breaking a rule.
  8. chrispenycate

    chrispenycate New Member

    Oh look, a thread dedicated to me- how nice, a sort of generalised PM (this time I suspect that's a post mortem)
    Yes, I was one of the founders. Yes, I did whatever I could to help get this board started, even if that was, far too often, recognising my lacunes and shutting up. Yes, previous to that I went looking for threads buried in trollish excretia, trying to keep the old board floating, and would, in many ways, have preferred not to have had to move.
    I was, however, not aware that I had agreed, on joining this board to any actions outside this board. Perhaps to some it was obvious that joining the unseen network we were vowing ourselves to universal invisibility, but not to me (and, since it was never stated outright, probably there are others in my situation, and I'm merely the example, the pioneer in some form) And finally, yes, I don't post as much on the new board as I did on the old, partly because numerous of the people I enjoyed interreacting with aren't there, but also because I don't see many threads that inspire me, a situation that could change at any moment.
    I went back to the old board to collect a PM that either I had not previously downloaded (or had misfiled, though I can't think how) and noticed in passing the massive wave of spam that had hit them. (I certainly hope that was not the responsability of any of us. Yes, I could understand someone getting mad enough at the situation to respond so, but it would be excessively juvenile. Still, the spam waves had hit previously, so innocence is assumed lacking proof of guilt) Now, I was under the impression that moving to the new site was for our convenience, not to punish those who decided not to move, or those who arrived after the move and had no idea what had happened. (I don't see punishing trolls like that. Having kicked down the sandcastle they're playing "king of the castle" on the mound of sand, until it becomes obvious no-one else is trying to take it away from them, at which point they'll go and look for something else to break )
    You'll notice I bumped the newbies thread in my own identity, neither hiding under an alias or "invisibumping"-I wasn't attempting to hide anything, indeed didn't consider I had any thing to hide. Straightforward provocation then? But I'm not a confrontational personality- why, then challenge authority, even auto-proclaimed authority. If the situation had been clear, perhaps I would have argued about it before, perhaps not- but since it wasn't, evidently, I didn't .
    And, while I might like to see the old board rise from its ashes as a viable, vibrant alternative to the new, it's not going to happen-it is moribund, requiring a total blood replacement to raise it from its sickbed, and it's not the present team who're going to change that, nor me.
  9. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member


    I have to agree with Rincewind and Garner

    I wouldn't say we forbid posting there, just that the Unseen board is a replacement board for this community, not a new/extra board like the Stamps forum.

    We went here to get away from the trolls, not to nudge them from a safe distance. The introduction thread that you bumped has nothing to do with people on that board now.

    So please everyone: Do NOT post on the other board. This community has moved. Maybe not everyone, maybe some people are "missing" but they are surely not hanging around the old board.
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    There where a lot more posts of this nature Ben, Doors, Garner, Myself, but I can't be arsed to find them. Needless to say this was a point that was raised before.

    There is no post from you raising any objections to moving or to not posting on the other board. You did sign the list saying that you would move though I assume this means that you'd read the thread therefore were aware of this issue. (Though others *did* raise concerns the majority was for a complete move). So by lack of objection, it has support.

    Posted my Marica in the Temple in regards to posting on the other site:
    Posted By Sleepy Sarge in regards to posting on the HC site (and quoting Saccrissa win regards to posting on the other site)

    Posted by Buzzfloyd in regards to moving too the other site:
    Both I and Garner have made similar statements numerous times.

    Too be honest I think that this is pretty Obvious. Or it's at least obvious that it's an issue and if you had any objections you should of raised them. You can't use ignorance as an excuse. And it's not about condemning ourselves to invisibility it's about freeing ourselves from the trolls. We moved here to get away from them. We want them to forget about us so we can get on with having a proper board, all any of us posting does there is remind the trolls of where we are.

    We'll any people you enjoyed interacting with, if not here, are defiantly not there!

    As discussed in the Temple any Trolling of that site is Trolling, once we have the rules up I'm sure this will be in it. Trolling is trolling, we do not want any trolls here.

    Everyone who was part of this community decided to move. They only people left there are trolls or people who prefer the company of trolls. As for new people we've left links in are sigs so they can find us if they like. We can't go back there and try to steal people because all that will do is raise problems with the trolls. We seem to be getting enough new people (which I don't think our coming from the old site) let the new people build there own community there, they don’t need us trying to influence it.

    I have issue with this. One Garner is not or was not acting as an 'auto-proclaimed authority' One, he is a mod, so I guess pointing out the communitys rules falls (perhaps) into his responsibility. Also he was voicing the will of the community not imposing his will.

    You said "if the situation had been clear" Now the communities views on this may not be clear, but they where raised on numerous occasions. In threads that you'd signed- which I presume means you'd read. I'd asked if anyone was any objections to raise them. You chose not to raise any.

    I made a post here directing people to the temple because important issues would be raised there. This issue was raised there by numerous people. You either chose not to read them or you chose not to raise any issues you had.

    By lack of objection you support it. You cannot say 'I did not know' because you did know. Or you had the power to gain that knowledge but you chose not to access it.
  11. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    (Sorry if I am repeating anything said in other threads, but last week and this week I have/have had very limited internet time, being in Cornwall (UK) looking after my elderly parents while my brother is away)

    To me this was absolutely clear - the clue is in the word MOVE! Tempting as it is to reply to some of the posts (I have been reading on the old board - generally takes about two minutes to read everything that isn't spam, but it can be good for a laugh - especially when someone suggests that the trolls there were the real bullies, so one of the trolls immediately assumes that it must be Garner under a new name - after all, it couldn't possibly be anyone other than one of us 'Evil Ones' disagreeing with them, could it?) that temptation should be resisted (I am fairly sure I didn't succumb in the early days here!) - the community has moved, not spread out - one cannot have a foot in both camps!
  12. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    riding roman... both feet in the stirups, but the stirups are on two horses...

    what happens when the horses run in two different directions is best not thought of.
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    You get a Roman banana split!

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