Clerical errors

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by QuothTheRaven, May 3, 2006.

  1. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Has Anyone been the victim of any funny/humiliating clerical errors.

    I will start: The Napa Vally Unified School District thinks I am Female (which, to avoid confusion, I am not). On the first day, my class schedual said Sex: F. Repeatedly I have seen that on official documents concerning me. I have been trying to get the Office to change it to my correct gender, but for some reason I keep seeing Sex: F everywhere I go.

    Your turn.
  2. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    My name gets spelt wrong, first and last names... both names make a mere 9 letters, but the weird combos that come back are just amazing.

    This is a family issue. I was the first member of my family to graduate high school with the right name on their certificate (for the record 8 of us went to the same high school). You'd figure they'd learn...
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    My name only has 4 letters... two of them repeat! Still, people manage to carve things out of it that I never thought possible!

    Still, it's kinda easy to tell when someone gets to my name while reading a list out loud. When the reader suddenly does a double take and squints at the paper while going "ee...", "ai...", "er...", I might as well just raise my hand at that point! :)
  4. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    For the longest time when I was younger at school, I was officially Kenny Bradley, instead of Bradley Kenny.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Mine's not so much of an error but a weird unknown thingy : in France, your health service ID number (basically the thing that identifies your for everything) starts with a 1 for males and a 2 for females. And for many years, I was an 8. And therefore not only did I cock up a lot of small-minded computer programs which only dealt with 1s and 2s but a lot of people also wondered what I was... In fact, the 7 and 8 are the equivalent of the 1 and 2 but for temporary numbers for immigrants. Of course, everyone else knew that you could go and get a proper number after about 6 months, except me, and so I had the damn thing for 6 years... :roll: This country and its stupid paperwork, I could write a book on it but no-one would believe me...
  6. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    At school I was accidentally classified as female for a "sports day" (Due to my name being close to a known female name... Male: Bauke, Female: Baukje)

    I was then placed with the guys, but as you have to take part in all the events, I had to explain EVERY TIME that I was not on the list because someone messed up, they would write in my name and my scores were noted.

    Then, a few weeks later my parents got a letter asking to explain why I wasn't present at sports day...
  7. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Katcal - I live in Belgium - I would believe you! Maybe it's something about the Francophone mentality.
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I had a friend called chris who phoned up to book something and when asked for his name said - obviously - chris.

    Upon arrival they could not find a Chris, but there was a Christ.
  9. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I don't think I've met anyone who can say my last name properly without me having to say it first. They want to insert an I and say Jessica and then there is confusion about if that is really my last name because Jessica is usually a first name and I have to pronounce it and spell it and assure them that I do know my own last name.
  10. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I got the parents of a boy called Chris Jones on the official info part of my last school report, despite my name being everywhere else on it.

    Oh, and Brad, I sympathise. I've been called Jordan on a number of occasions.
  11. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Oh, the tales I can tell about name typos.
    My first name (Taelor) is spelled abnormally (it is usually spelled with a y instead of an e). Also, I have a hyphenated last name, so in addition to having to explain to people that My firstname is supposed to be spelled like that, I have to tell people: "that is not my middle name, is is my other last name."
  12. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Oh I forgot about the sex thing (my name being the female version of a common male name)...

    When I turned up to uni in Malaysia, I'd been travelling for 18 hours or something stupid but when I got there they said I didn't have a room because they'd put me in the guys dorms... This being Muslim Malaysia I wasn't allowed to go anywhere near there, so instead of getting much needed rest I got a tour of the campus, a meet and greet session and a lunch with about 10 people. Just what I needed.

    After about 6 hours they found me somewhere to sleep in the girls dorms.
  13. redneck

    redneck New Member

    My last name is quite simple- Dodd. However, most of the mail that comes to the house is to Dono, Dood, Dodo, Dott, and other various spellings and deviations. I still haven't understood how they mess it up so much. I could understand once or twice, but man. My mom called a company to tell them that they had misspelled it as Dott and the next letter came addressed to Dood. Some people are just plain stupid.
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I too have a four letter last... no, wait. This is not happening to me again. :p
    ...I too have a very short and actually nice and easy last name... which people get always wrong. Again and again and agin.

    My maiden name was the German version of "Smith", which made it easy for people, but I kept getting other people's mail and phone calls, while they kept getting my newspaper.
    There was another girl, also a student, of exactly the same name as I had... and she had a very old grandmother, which kept looking after her granddaughter's phonenumber in the phone book instead of writing it down all and for once. Unfortunately for her, her granddaughter wasn't even in the phone book; only I was. And the poor woman kept wondering who that young woman was who wouldn't pass on the telephone to her granddaughter whenever she called.

    I suppose people are capable of remembering names that they already know. No matter how short and easy your name is, if its a [i:4b3f40d5a5]new [/i:4b3f40d5a5]word to them, and they're not exactly the lingual types, they will get it wrong.
    A friend of mine has a last name consisting of three letters, two of them vocals. Some people just can't remember it.
  15. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:8e88233cc6="QuothTheRaven"]Oh, the tales I can tell about name typos.
    My first name (Taelor) is spelled abnormally (it is usually spelled with a y instead of an e). Also, I have a hyphenated last name, so in addition to having to explain to people that My firstname is supposed to be spelled like that, I have to tell people: "that is not my middle name, is is my other last name."[/quote:8e88233cc6]

    Well, in fairness, I've never seen your name spelled with an e before, instead of a y. Never knew you could spell it Taelor!
  16. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    My dad maintains that he chose to spell it that way so I can get in touch with my Irish Haritage (apaerently there are a lot of Gaelic words -including Gaelic Itself - which use ae).
    Never mind the fact that my mother is the one who is Irish.
  17. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:172651b532="QuothTheRaven"]My dad maintains that he chose to spell it that way so I can get in touch with my Irish Haritage (apaerently there are a lot of Gaelic words -including Gaelic Itself - which use ae).
    Never mind the fact that my mother is the one who is Irish.[/quote:172651b532]

    So does it actually make you feel all warm and fuzzy Gaelic?

    Hang on I got that wrong. Does it make you feel like a perpetually depressed and constantly hanging for a fight Gaelic?
  18. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I like how you spelled apparently, Quoth! If ptyping words with an extra "p" at pthe pbeginning is a Djeli accent, then aedding aen ae to aeverything would make a cool faeke Gaelic! :)

    (I'm going to get something thrown at me now, won't I?)
  19. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:1fcb41b1d7="mowgli"]I like how you spelled apparently, Quoth! If ptyping words with an extra "p" at pthe pbeginning is a Djeli accent, then aedding aen ae to aeverything would make a cool faeke Gaelic! :)

    (I'm going to get something thrown at me now, won't I?)[/quote:1fcb41b1d7]

    Hmmm So Rinso would really be Rinsaeo?
  20. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    #Throws large fish at Mowgli#

    Happae Daes. . .
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    If we're gaeing tae gae daen that road, before opening this post, I was wondering what priests had done wrong [b:0d1734b866]again[/b:0d1734b866]... :D
  22. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    So did I!
  23. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:9d4ffe20ff="QuothTheRaven"]My dad maintains that he chose to spell it that way so I can get in touch with my Irish Haritage (apaerently there are a lot of Gaelic words -including Gaelic Itself - which use ae).
    Never mind the fact that my mother is the one who is Irish.[/quote:9d4ffe20ff]

    Be thankful that you're not named Patrick then.
  24. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    *Sets everyone on fire, especially Quoth's father*
  25. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    #Runs around screaming "Help, I'm on fire" in a panicked but boringly predictable kind of way#
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **Yawns, reaches for a handy fire bucket and tips over own head.**
  27. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    #Wishes she had thought of that#
  28. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    My surname has been spelt wrong many times - although it can be funny when people mispronounce it!

    I get nervous of some of the cock ups at around 5th November...The most extreme boo-boo occured a few years ago, where my Dad recieved a letter adressed to Mr F*cks (contains three of the same letters, but is the wrong length!) Also had Fuchs in the past :?

    How difficult can it be? I spell it phonetically now, and people still get it wrong - Stay away from the Dork side Luke...
  29. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:a2596c018e="Victimov8"]Stay away from the Dork side Luke...[/quote:a2596c018e]

    This reminds me of a t-shirt I saw today: "Talk nerdy to me"

    It made me smile. But Dave I'm not going to talk nerdy to you, no matter how you spell your name and quote sci-fi movies...
  30. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ...It's all Geek to me :p !

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